Saarland University
Computer Science
Programming Systems
ICL 2007

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Introduction to Computational Logic: Exams and Grade

  1. There will be two regular exams and a re-exam:
  2. In order to get credit points for the course, you will have to pass two of the three exams.
  3. To take part in the mid-term exam, you must achieve at least 50% of the points in the tests preceding it. We plan to write 5 tests before the mid-term exam, out of which your 3 best results will be counted. In each test you can achieve 15 points, which gives a total of 45 points that you can achieve before the mid-term exam, and 22 points that you need to achieve in order to be admitted to the exam.
  4. To take part in the end-term exam, you must achieve at least 50% of the points in the tests following the mid-term exam. This year we plan to write 6 tests after the mid-term exam, out of which the best 4 will be counted. Thus you need to achieve 30 points out of 60.
    In addition, you must achieve at least one third of the points in the mid-term exam.
  5. To take part in the re-exam, you must achieve at least one third of the points in each of the two regular exams and passed exactly one of them.
  6. In each exam, you can achieve a maximum of 150 points. You pass if you achieve at least 75 points.
  7. In case you cannot participate in the mid-term or in the end-term exam due to illness, you are expected to present us with a medical certificate within one week after the exam. If you do so and pass the respective other regular exam, you will be admitted to the re-exam.
    If you participate in a regular exam and do not achieve one third of the points you will not be admitted to the re-exam regardless of your state of health during the exam.
  8. Your final grade will be determined from the sum of the points from the two exams you passed. The tests do not count for your grade.
  9. Please acquaint yourself with our exam rules.

Grading Scheme

GradePoints (Mid-term + Final)
267 - 300
254 - 266
241 - 253
228 - 240
215 - 227
202 - 214
189 - 201
176 - 188
163 - 175
150 - 162
Last Change: Thu 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC