Saarland University
Programming Systems
Semantics 2007

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Lecture Notes
Exams and Grade

Semantics: Services

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes 2007

Lecture notes from the 2005 edition of this course


The weekly assignments help you to practise the methods and concepts presented in the lectures.

A new assignment sheet will be published every Thursday (the first one will appear on October 25). It will neither be corrected nor graded. After one week, we will publish a sample solution that you can compare your own solutions to. If you have further questions, you can discuss them in your tutorial group, during the office hours of any of the tutors, and in the forum discussion board.


In the tutorials, you can

A tutorial usually takes about 60 minutes.


Tests allow you to practise your skills in an exam-like situation.

Tests will be offered at the beginning of each tutorial. They are written and closed-book, and examine the contents of the current assignment sheet. Tests will take 15 minutes. To prepare for the tests, you should work through the assignments, and use the office hours of any of the tutors and the discussion board of the forum to ask about anything that is unclear to you.

Tests will be graded by your tutor. In each test you can gather up to 15 points. Missing a test gets you 0 points for that test.

You need to gather a certain minimum of points from your tests to be admitted to the exams. Moreover, the points you achieve in the test contribute to your final grade. See the exams page for details.

Your test scores can be found on your personal data page.

Office Hours

During the office hours, tutors can give you direct support. You may, for example, want to

Please see the Timetable to find out about the time slots for the office hours.


We offer a discussion board which should be used to ask any questions you might have about the course. Subscribing to the forum is highly recommended.

We will use the forum to make important announcements, and expect you to check for news on a regular basis.

Last Change: Thu 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC |