Saarland University
Computer Science
Programming Systems
Advanced Topics in Semantics
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Advanced Topics in Semantics: Literature
Basic reading
Further reading
On presentations
Possible topics for presentations
Substructural type systems and resources, effect type systems
Models of types, logical relations, and reasoning about programs
An indexed model of recursive types for foundational proof-carrying code by Andrew Appel and David McAllester, ACM Toplas, 23(5):657-683, 2001.
Semantic types: a fresh look at the ideal models for types by Jérôme Vouillon and Paul-André Melliès, Proc. POPL'04.
Kripke-style models for typed lambda calculus by John Mitchell and Eugenio Moggi, Journal Of Pure And Applied Algebra, 51, 1991.
Typed operational reasoning by Andrew Pitts, Chap. 7 of ATTPL.
Operational reasoning for functions with local state by Andrew Pitts and Ian Stark, pp. 227-273 in Higher-order Operational Techniques in Semantics, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Type dependency and module systems
Dependent types by David Aspinall and Martin Hofmann, Chap. 2 of ATTPL.
Type definitions by Christopher Stone, Chap. 9 of ATTPL.
Types and logics for low-level languages
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