Tutor Activities
- "Grundzüge von Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen" (WS 07/08), Saarland University, Instructor: Raimund Seidel
- "Security" (SS 08), Saarland University, Instructor: Werner Stephan
- "Introduction to Computational Logic" (SS 09), Saarland University, Instructors: Gert Smolka, Chad E. Brown
Master's Thesis
I'm currently working on my
Master's thesis "Tableaux for Higher-Order Logic with If-Then-Else, Description and Choice" under the advision of
Chad E. Brown.
Bachelor's Thesis
In April of 2009, I finished my
Bachelor's thesis. The title is "A Database for Higher-Order Problems".
Email Contact
- Email: julian (at) ps (dot) uni-sb (dot) de