Publication details
Using Oz for College Time Tabling
Martin Henz, Jörg Würtz
The Practice and Theory of Automated Time Tabling: The Selected Proceedings of the 1st International Conference
on the Practice and Theory of Automated Time Tabling, Edinburgh 1995, pp. 162--177, 1996
In this paper, we concentrate on a typical scheduling problem: the computation of a time table for a German college. Like many other
scheduling problems, this problem contains a variety of complex
constraints and necessitates special-purpose search strategies.
Techniques from Operations Research and traditional constraint logic
programming are not able to express these constraints and search
strategies on a sufficiently high level of abstraction. We show that
the higher-order concurrent constraint language Oz provides this
high-level expressivity, and can serve as a useful programming tool
for college time tabling.
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title = {Using Oz for College Time Tabling},
author = {Martin Henz and Jörg Würtz},
year = {1996},
editor = {{E.K.Burke and P.Ross}},
booktitle = {The Practice and Theory of Automated Time Tabling: The Selected Proceedings of the 1st International Conference
on the Practice and Theory of Automated Time Tabling, Edinburgh 1995},
series = {{Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1153}},
pages = {{162--177}},
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