So far we have not specified in which order search trees
are explored. Although this order
has no impact on the shape and size of a search tree,
it does have an impact on the time and
memory resources needed to find one or all solutions:
- If we are only interested in one solution, there is no
need to explore the entire search tree.
Ideally, we would just explore the path leading from the
root to the solution.
- If we are interested in all solutions, we need to explore
the entire search tree. However,
whether we explore the tree in depth-first or breadth-first
manner will make a big difference
in the memory needed. The memory requirements of breadth-first
exploration are typically
exponentially larger than those of depth-first exploration.
We will assume that the search engine explores the search trees always
in a depth-first fashion. Moreover, when the branching strategy
results in n branches for some node, the search engine will explore
those branches from left to right (i.e. from branch number one to
number n).
The above assumptions ensure that the exploration of a search tree is
a deterministic process, provided the branching strategy generating
the constraints to branch with is deterministic.
Andreas Rossberg