(* Mostly taken form https://github.com/sigurdschneider/lvc/blob/23b7fa8cd0640503ff370144fb407192632f9cc6/Infra/AutoIndTac.v *)
(* fail 1 will break from the 'match H with', and indicate to
the outer match that it should consider finding another
hypothesis, see documentation on match goal and fail
This tactic is a variation of Tobias Tebbi's revert_except_until *)
Ltac revert_all :=
repeat match goal with [ H : _ |- _ ] => revert H end.
Tactic Notation "revert" "all" := revert_all.
Ltac revert_except i :=
repeat match goal with [ H : _ |- _ ] => tryif unify H i then fail else revert H end.
Tactic Notation "revert" "all" "except" ident(i) := revert_except i.
Ltac clear_except i :=
repeat match goal with [ H : _ |- _ ] => tryif unify H i then fail else clear H end.
Tactic Notation "clear" "all" "except" ident(i) := clear_except i.
Ltac clear_all :=
repeat match goal with
[H : _ |- _] => clear H
(* succeed if H has a function type, fail otherwise *)
Ltac is_ftype H :=
let t := type of H in
let t' := eval cbv in t in
match t' with
| _ -> _ => idtac
(* match on the type of E and remember each of it's arguments
that is not a variable by calling tac.
tac needs to do a remember exactly if x is not a var, and
fail otherwise. (We need to fail, otherwise the repeat will
stop prematurely)
try will silently ignore a fail 0, but will fail if a fail 1 or
above occurs. Sequentialization makes sure fail 1 is executed
if is_var is successful, hence try (is_var x; fail 1) will
fail exactly when x is a var. *)
Ltac remember_arguments E :=
let tac x := (try (is_var x; fail 1); (*try (is_ftype x; fail 1);*) remember (x)) in
repeat (match type of E with
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ _ => tac x
| ?t ?x _ => tac x
| ?t ?x => tac x
(* from Coq.Program.Tactics *)
Ltac clear_dup :=
match goal with
| [ H : ?X |- _ ] =>
match goal with
| [ H' : ?Y |- _ ] =>
match H with
| H' => fail 2
| _ => unify X Y ; (clear H' || clear H)
Ltac inv_eqs :=
repeat (match goal with
| [ H : @eq _ ?x ?x |- _ ] => fail (* nothing to do on x = x *)
| [ H : @eq _ ?x ?y |- _ ] => progress (inversion H; subst; try clear_dup)
(* this is a standard tactic *)
Ltac clear_trivial_eqs :=
repeat (progress (match goal with
| [ H : @eq _ ?x ?x |- _ ] => clear H
Tactic Notation "general" "induction" hyp(H) :=
remember_arguments H; revert_except H;
induction H; intros; (try inv_eqs); (try clear_trivial_eqs).
(* Module Test. *)
(* Require Import List. *)
(* Inductive decreasing : list nat -> Prop := *)
(* | base : decreasing nil *)
(* | step m n L : decreasing (n::L) -> n <= m -> decreasing (m :: n :: L). *)
(* Lemma all_zero_by_hand L *)
(* : decreasing (0::L) -> forall x, In x L -> x = 0. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* intros. remember (0::L). *)
(* revert dependent L. revert x. induction H; intros. *)
(* inversion Heql. *)
(* inversion Heql. subst. inversion H0; subst; firstorder. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Lemma all_zero L *)
(* : decreasing (0::L) -> forall x, In x L -> x = 0. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* intros. general induction H. *)
(* inversion H0; subst; firstorder. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* End Test. *)