Getting Cubint

There are to separate packages for Windows and Linux available on the web page. To start the interpreter on your Linux machine you have to install mosml. To recompile the system you need make. For Windows users I suggest cygwin in this case.

To start the interpreter, use:

./cubint [-lw n] [-s|-f|-fw|-cc|-r|-rg|-u|-ud] [files]
For windows users:
 cubint.exe [-lw n] [-s|-f|-fw|-cc|-r|-rg|-u|-ud] [files]

Parameter Meaning
-s simply typed $\lambda$-calculus with iso-recursive types, integers, boolean, records, variants
-f System F, i.e. terms depending on types, with the same extensions as S
-fw F$_\omega$, i.e. in addition to F this mode provides type operators
-cc Calculus of Construction, i.e. types may depend on terms
-r ML type reconstruction, i.e. you can leave out type annotations in $\lambda$-abstractions
-rg same as R, but realized with cyclic graphs, so this mode provides equi-recursive type
-u untyped $\lambda$-calculus; expressions are not type checked
-ud user defined mode
-lw n set line width to n characters, default is 80
files arbitrary number of files

All arguments are optional, but the order is significant. If you do not choose a typing mode, then s will be chosen by default.

Christian Müller 2004-11-09