Library tactics

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype.

A slightly extended version of done using eassumption and rewriting logical connectives
Ltac done := trivial; hnf in |- *; intros;
  solve [
    (do !
      [ solve [ trivial | apply : sym_equal; trivial ]
        | discriminate
        | contradiction
        | eassumption
        | split
        | rewrite ?andbT ?andbF ?orbT ?orbF
    | case not_locked_false_eq_true; assumption
    | match goal with
        | H:~ _ |- _ => solve [ case H; trivial ]

Ltac bcase :=
  match goal with
    | [ |- context[ ?b || _ ] ] => case b ; simpl ; try done ; bcase
    | [ |- context[ ?b && _ ] ] => case b ; simpl ; try done ; bcase
    | [ |- context[ ?b ==> _ ] ] => case b ; simpl ; try done ; bcase

Ltac bcaseHyps :=
  (repeat match goal with
            | [ H : is_true ?b |- _ ] => move : H ; apply/implyP

Ltac bcaseH := bcaseHyps ; bcase.

Ltac rightb := apply/orP ; right.
Ltac leftb := apply/orP ; left.
Ltac splitb := apply/andP; split.

Hint Rewrite orTb orbT andTb andbT : bool.
Ltac simplb := repeat first [progress simpl; progress autorewrite with bool].

Ltac exists_ H := exists H => //=.

Ltac tsubst := move/eqP => ?; subst.