6.9.3 FS Selection Constraint

The selection constraint exists also in a version where the sequence contains only FS variables. It is exported on feature fs of module Select:

X={Select.fs [X1 ... Xn] I}

Again the information about X can be improved by propagation. The upper bound of X is at most the union of the upper bounds of the Xis for i in the domain of I. The lower bound of X is at least the intersection of the lower bounds of the Xis for i in the domain of I. In other words, if I\in D and D_i\subseteq X_i\subseteq D_i', then:

\bigcap\limits_{i\in D} D_i\subseteq X\subseteq
\bigcup\limits_{i\in D} D_i'

Denys Duchier
Version 1.2.0 (20010221)