The XDG Development Kit (XDK) is a grammar development environment for the meta grammar formalism of Extensible Dependency Grammar (XDG). It includes a constraint-based parser, a graphical user interface, lots of example grammars, and extensive documentation.
The XDK is available in source form (for all operating systems) or in binary form (currently only for Windows). All versions require an installation of the Mozart/Oz programming system (i.e. its runtime engine) to run. The manual of the XDK is available in various formats.
The current version is 1.7.0.
In source form, you can download the XDK as an ozmake
package: debusmann-xdk.pkg.
Windows users can download the XDK in binary form as a
archive: This
version is compiled for Mozart 1.3.2.
You can either have a look at the online manual in HTML, or you can download the manual of the XDK either as:
archive containing the online manual in HTML
format: debusmann-xdk-manual_html.tgz
archive containing the manual in info format: