Given bills and coins of different denominations and an amount,
select a minimal number of bill and coins to pay . One instance of the
problem assumes that we want to pay the amount of 1.42, and that we have
6 one dollar bills, 8 quarters (25 cents), 10 dimes (10 cents), 1 nickel
(5 cents), and 5 pennies (1 cent).
To avoid conversions, we assume that the amount to be paid and all
denominations are specified in the same currency unit (e.g., cents).
The data is specified by variables
a1,..., ak specifying
the available denominations di and the number ai of available
respective coins or bills.
The viewpoint has a variable for ever available denomination saying how many
of the corresponding bills or coins we will use to pay the amount. For all i,
we must have
ai. Moreover, we must satisfy the constraint
d1*C1 + d2*C2 +...+ dk*Ck = amount
We branch on the variables
C1, C2,..., where we give precedence
to larger denominations
and, with second priority, to larger values.
In Listing 10
The procedure changeMoney takes three parameters. Besides the standard
argument space, it needs a vector of records - billsandcoins
where each field specifies a denomination's value in cents and how many
coints of that denomination are available. The second argument
amount specifies the result of the linear equation mentioned above.
It is assumed that the
bills and coins are specified in denomination decreasing order.
(* billsandcoins is a vector of pairs where the first component
specifies the value of a coin in cents and the second the
the amount of available coins *)
val billsandcoins = #[{incents=100,avail=6},
(* amount specifies the amount of money you have to pay*)
val amount = 142;
fun changeMoney(bac:{avail:int,incents:int}vector) amount space =
val denoms = x =>
(fn x =>(#incents(x)))bac,denoms),
Andreas Rossberg