fun mapColoring space = let val nbColors = FD.range(space,(1,10)) val countries as #[au,ge,ne,sw,be,ita,po,fr,lu,sp] = FD.rangeVec(space,10,(1,10)) (* borderTo gets a country and its neighbours and ensures they do not have the same color *) fun borderTo(space,c,nvec)= x => FD.rel(space,c,FD.NQ,x))nvec in FD.branch(space,#[nbColors],FD.B_NONE,FD.B_MIN); x => FD.rel(space,x,FD.LQ,nbColors))countries; borderTo(space,au,#[ita,sw,ge]); borderTo(space,be,#[fr,ne,ge,lu]); borderTo(space,fr,#[sp,lu,ita]); borderTo(space,ge,#[au,fr,lu,ne]); borderTo(space,sp,#[po]); borderTo(space,sw,#[ita,fr,ge,au]); FD.branch(space,countries,FD.B_SIZE_MIN,FD.B_MIN); { netherlands = ne, belgium = be, france = fr, spain = sp, portugal = po, germany = ge, luxemburg = lu, italy = ita, switzerland = sw, austria = au, nbColors} end
The search tree of mapColoring is interesting.First, colorings with 1, 2 and 3 colors are searched and not found. Then a coloring with 4 colors is searched. Now a solution is found quickly, without going through further failure nodes. There are many solutions using 4 colors since the particular color given to a country does not matter.
The statement
Explorer.exploreOne(mapColoring);results in the following solution:
{austria = intvar{|1 |}, belgium = intvar{|2 |}, france = intvar{|1 |},
germany = intvar{|3 |}, italy = intvar{|3 |}, luxemburg = intvar{|4 |},
nbColors = intvar{|4 |}, netherlands = intvar{|1 |}, portugal = intvar{|1 |},
spain = intvar{|2 |}, switzerland = intvar{|2 |}}
Andreas Rossberg 2006-08-28