
Functions, Notations and Tactics that are useful, but not limited to substitutions.
Annotate "a" with additional information.
Definition annot {A B} (a : A) (b : B) : A := a.

A variant of type of that is stable under import of ssreflect.
Ltac typeof s := let T := type of s in T.

Apply a tactic T in all assumptions.
Tactic Notation "in_all" tactic(T) :=
  repeat match goal with
  | [H : _ |- _] first[T H; try revert H | revert H]
  end; intros.

Shorthand for functional extensionality.
Ltac f_ext := apply functional_extensionality.

A variant of the Coq fold tactic that works with open terms. For example, repeat open_fold (f _). tries to undo unfold f for a defined function f with a single argument.
Tactic Notation "open_fold" open_constr(s) :=
  let s' := (eval red in s) in
  replace s' with s by reflexivity.

Tactic Notation "open_fold" open_constr(s) "in" hyp(H) :=
  let s' := (eval red in s) in
  replace s' with s in H by reflexivity.

Wrapper for deriving type class instances.
Ltac derive := trivial with derive; fail.

Assert that type class instance exists.
Ltac require_instance s :=
  try (first[
              assert s;[exact _|idtac]
            | fail 10 "The instance" s "is missing"
            ]; fail).

General automation tactics.
  • "autorew": Tries to rewrite with any equation in the context.
  • "autorevert h": Reverts the assumption h along with all of its dependencies.
  • "inv h": Does an inversion on h and cleans up the goal.
  • "ainv": Inverts any assumptions where inv produces only a single non-trivial subgoal. Takes a tactic as an optional arguments which is used to solve trivial subgoals. Defaults to "ainv trivial". Subgoals
  • "ren H: T": Search the context for an assumption which matches the pattern T and renames it to H.
  • "renc H: T": Same as above, but tries to match a subterm against T.

Ltac autorew :=
  repeat match goal with
    | [H : _ = _ |- _] rewrite H
    | [H : _, _ |- _] progress rewrite H by now trivial

Ltac autorevert x :=
  try (match goal with
    | [y : ?Y |- ?claim]
      try (match x with y idtac end; fail 1);
        match goal with [z : _ |- _]
          match claim with appcontext[z]
              [ match Y with appcontext[z] revert y; autorevert x end
              | match y with z revert y; autorevert x end]

A variant of the do tactical that behaves like a limit to repeat
Ltac do_try n t :=
  match n with 0 idtac | S ?n' try (progress t; do_try n' t) end.
Tactic Notation (at level 3) "do?" constr(n) (t) := do_try n t.

Ltac clear_all := repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ clear H end.
Ltac is_trivial s :=
  try (assert s; [clear_all; (now idtac || fail 1) | fail]).

Ltac clean :=
  (let T H := let s := typeof H in is_trivial s; clear H in
   in_all T); clear_dups.

Ltac inv H := inversion H; try clear H; try subst.

Ltac ainv t :=
  do? 10 (idtac; match goal with
    | H : ?s |- _
      progress((cut True; [inv H; t|]);
        [(intros _ || trivial) | now idtac ..]; clean)

Tactic Notation "ainv" tactic(t) := ainv t.
Tactic Notation "ainv" := ainv trivial.

rename an assumption identified by its type

Tactic Notation "ren" ident(H) ":" open_constr(T) :=
  match goal with
    | [G : T |- _] let T' := typeof G in unify T T'; rename G into H

Tactic Notation "renc" ident(H) ":" open_constr(T) :=
  match goal with
    | [G : appcontext C [T] |- _]
        let TG := typeof G in
        let CT := context C [T] in
          unify TG CT;
          rename G into H

Tactic Notation "eassert" open_constr(T) := assert(T).
Tactic Notation "epose" open_constr(T) := eassert _;[refine T | idtac].

The identity function, and tactics for replacing functions which are convertible to id with id. This is important for rewriting, where we can only match against terms syntactically. Using the tactic "fold_id" ensures that we do not miss functions which are merely convertible to "id".

Definition id {A} (x : A) := x.
Arguments id {A} x /.
Hint Unfold id.

Ltac fold_id :=
  repeat match goal with
    | [|- context [?s]]
      match s with (fun _ : ?T _) progress (change s with (@id T)) end

Ltac fold_idH H :=
  repeat match typeof H with
    | context[?s]
      match s with
        (fun _ : ?T _) progress (change s with (@id T) in H)

Tactic Notation "fold_id" "in" ident(H) := fold_idH H.
Tactic Notation "fold_id" "in" "*" := (in_all fold_idH); fold_id.

A type synonym for natural numbers used as de Bruijn indices
Definition var := .

Definition iterate := fix iterate {A} (f : A A) n a :=
  match n with
    | 0 a
    | S n' f(iterate f n' a)
Arguments iterate {A} f n a : simpl never.

ordinary function composition ...

Definition funcomp {A B C : Type} (f : A B) (g : B C) x := g(f(x)).
Arguments funcomp {A B C} f g x /.

... with reversed notation

Delimit Scope subst_scope with subst.
Open Scope subst_scope.

Reserved Notation "sigma >> tau" (at level 56, left associativity).
Notation "f >>> g" := (funcomp f g)
  (at level 56, left associativity) : subst_scope.

The cons operation on streams represented as functions from natural numbers
Definition scons {X : Type} (s : X) ( : var X) (x : var) : X :=
  match x with S y y | _ s end.
Notation "s .: sigma" := (scons s ) (at level 55, at level 56, right associativity) : subst_scope.

A test and demonstration of the precedence rules, which effectively declare scons and funcomp at the same level, with scons being right associative and funcomp being left associative
Check fun (f : var var) ( : var list var)
        nil .: nil .: f >>> f >>> nil .: nil .: f >>> f >>> nil .: nil .: .

(* plus with different simplification behaviour *)
Definition lift (x y : var) : var := plus x y.
Arguments lift x y/.
Notation "( + x )" := (lift x) (format "( + x )").

  WIP: It is currently not clear what the right primitives for binders with
  variable arity should be. The two functions below may be useful.

(** append a list to a stream *)
Fixpoint sapp {X : Type} (l : list X) (sigma : nat -> X) : nat -> X :=
  match l with nil => sigma | cons s l' => s .: sapp l' sigma end.
Infix ".++" := sapp (at level 55, right associativity) : subst_scope.
Arguments sapp {_} !l sigma / _.

(** take a prefix from a stream *)
Fixpoint take {X : Type} n (sigma : nat -> X) : list X :=
  match n with 0 => nil | S n' => sigma 0 :: take n' ((+1) >>> sigma) end.

Lemmas for working with the above primitives.

Lemma id_comp {A B} (f : A B) : id >>> f = f. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma comp_id {A B} (f : A B) : f >>> id = f. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma compA {A B C D} (f : A B) (g : B C) (h : C D) :
  (f >>> g) >>> h = f >>> (g >>> h).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Section LemmasForFun.

Context {A B : Type}.
Implicit Types (x : A) (f : var A) (g : A B) (n m : var).

Lemma scons_comp x f g : (x .: f) >>> g = (g x) .: f >>> g.
Proof. f_ext; now destruct 0. Qed.

Lemma plusSn n m : S n + m = S (n + m). reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma plusnS n m : n + S m = S (n + m). symmetry. apply plus_n_Sm. Qed.
Lemma plusOn n : O + n = n. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma plusnO n : n + O = n. symmetry. apply plus_n_O. Qed.
Lemma plusA n m k : n + (m + k) = (n + m) + k. apply plus_assoc. Qed.

Lemma scons_eta f n : f n .: (+S n) >>> f = (+n) >>> f.
  f_ext; intros [|m]; simpl; [now rewrite plusnO|now rewrite plusnS].

Lemma lift0 : (+0) = id. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma lift_scons x f n : (+S n) >>> (x .: f) = (+n) >>> f.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma lift_comp n m : (+n) >>> (+m) = (+m+n).
Proof. f_ext; intros x; simpl. now rewrite plusA. Qed.

Lemma lift_compR n m f : (+n) >>> ((+m) >>> f) = (+m+n) >>> f.
Proof. now rewrite lift_comp. Qed.

End LemmasForFun.

Lemma lift_eta n : n .: (+S n) = (+ n).
Proof. apply (scons_eta id). Qed.

Automation for the above

Ltac fsimpl :=
  repeat match goal with
    | [|- context[id >>> ?f]] change (id >>> f) with f
    | [|- context[?f >>> id]] change (f >>> id) with f
    | [|- context[(?f >>> ?g) >>> ?h]]
        change ((f >>> g) >>> h) with (f >>> (g >>> h))
    | [|- context[(+0)]] change (+0) with (@id var)
    | [|- context[0 + ?m]] change (0 + m) with m
    | [|- appcontext[?s S]] change (s S) with (s (+1))
    | [|- context[S ?n + ?m]] change (S n + m) with (S (n + m))
    | [|- context[(+S ?n) >>> (?x .: ?xr)]]
        change ((+S n) >>> (x .: xr)) with ((+n) >>> xr)
    | [|- appcontext[?x .: (+ S ?n) >>> ?f]]
        change x with (f n); rewrite (@scons_eta _ f n)
    | _ progress (rewrite ?scons_comp, ?plusnS, ?plusnO, ?plusA,
                             ?lift_comp, ?lift_compR, ?lift_eta)

Ltac fsimplH H :=
  repeat match typeof H with
    | context[id >>> ?f] change (id >>> f) with f in H
    | context[?f >>> id] change (f >>> id) with f in H
    | context[(?f >>> ?g) >>> ?h]
        change ((f >>> g) >>> h) with (f >>> (g >>> h)) in H
    | context[(+0)] change (+0) with (@id var) in H
    | context[0 + ?m] change (0 + m) with m in H
    | appcontext[?s S] change (s S) with (s (+1)) in H
    | context[S ?n + ?m] change (S n + m) with (S (n + m)) in H
    | context[(+S ?n) >>> (?x .: ?xr)]
        change ((+S n) >>> (x .: xr)) with ((+n) >>> xr) in H
    | appcontext[?x .: (+ S ?n) >>> ?f]
        change x with (f n) in H; rewrite (@scons_eta _ f n) in H
    | _ progress (rewrite ?scons_comp, ?plusnS, ?plusnO, ?plusA,
                             ?lift_comp, ?lift_compR, ?lift_eta in H)

Tactic Notation "fsimpl" "in" ident(H) := fsimplH H.
Tactic Notation "fsimpl" "in" "*" := (in_all fsimplH); fsimpl.

Misc Lemmas

Lemma iterate_S {A} (f : A A) n a : iterate f (S n) a = f (iterate f n a).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma iterate_0 {A} (f : A A) a : iterate f 0 a = a.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma iterate_Sr {A} (f : A A) n a : iterate f (S n) a = iterate f n (f a).
  revert a; induction n. reflexivity. intros a.
  rewrite !iterate_S, IHn. reflexivity.

Lemma equal_f {X Y} {f g : X Y} a : f = g f a = g a.
Proof. intros. now subst. Qed.

(* Local Variables: *)
(* coq-load-path: (("." "Autosubst")) *)
(* End: *)