Require Export PropL.

Assignments and Satisfaction

Definition assn := varbool.

Fixpoint satis (f : assn) (s : form) : Prop :=
  match s with
    | Var xf x = true
    | Imp s1 s2satis f s1satis f s2
    | FalFalse

Instance eq_bool_dec (x y : bool) : dec (x = y).

Instance satis_dec f s : dec (satis f s).

Definition sem (A : context) (s : form) : Prop :=
   f, ( t, t Asatis f t) → satis f s.

Lemma ndc_sem A s :
  ndc A ssem A s.

Lemma contra_ndc_sem A s :
  ¬ sem A s¬ ndc A s.

Lemma ndc_consistent : ¬ ndc nil Fal.

Lemma satis_pos_imp f s t :
  satis f (Imp s t) ¬ satis f s satis f t.

Lemma satis_neg_imp f s t :
  ¬ satis f (Imp s t) satis f s ¬ satis f t.

Clauses and Satisfiability

Inductive sform : Type :=
| Pos : formsform
| Neg : formsform.

Definition clause := list sform.

Notation "+ s" := (Pos s) (at level 35).
Notation "- s" := (Neg s).

Definition uns (S : sform) : form :=
  match S with +ss | -sNot s end.

Fixpoint satis' (f : assn) (C : clause) : Prop :=
  match C with
    | nilTrue
    | T::C'satis f (uns T) satis' f C'

Definition sat (C : clause) := f, satis' f C.

Lemma satis_iff f C :
  satis' f C S, S Csatis f (uns S).

Lemma satis_in f C S :
  satis' f CS Csatis f (uns S).

Lemma satis_uns f C :
  satis' f C s, s map uns Csatis f s.

Lemma satis_Pos f A :
  satis' f (map Pos A) s, s Asatis f s.

Lemma sem_iff_unsat A s :
  sem A s ¬ sat (-s :: map Pos A).

Lemma satis_weak f C C' :
  C C'satis' f C'satis' f C.

Lemma sat_weak C C' :
  C C'sat C'sat C.

Lemma uns_Pos A :
  map uns (map Pos A) = A.

Instance sform_eq_dec (S T : sform) : dec (S = T).

Main Results

Section MainResults.
  Variable main : C, {sat C} + {ndc (map uns C) Fal}.

  Lemma ndc_dec A s :
    dec (ndc A s).

  Lemma ndc_iff_sem A s :
    ndc A s sem A s.

End MainResults.

Solved Clauses

Inductive sol : clauseProp :=
| solNil : sol nil
| solPV C x : ¬ -Var x Csol Csol (+Var x :: C)
| solNV C x : ¬ +Var x Csol Csol (-Var x :: C).

Lemma sol_clash C x :
  sol C+Var x C-Var x CFalse.

Lemma sol_satis' f C :
  sol C
  ( x, +Var x Cf x = true) →
  ( x, -Var x Cf x = false) →
  satis' f C.

Lemma sol_sat C :
  sol Csat C.

Decision Trees for Tableau Procedure

Inductive rec (C : clause) : clauseType :=
| recNil : rec C nil
| recPF D : rec C (+Fal :: D)
| recNF D : rec C Drec C (-Fal ::D)
| recPV D x : -Var x Crec C (+Var x :: D)
| recPV' D x : ¬ -Var x Crec (+Var x :: C) Drec C (+Var x :: D)
| recNV D x : +Var x Crec C (-Var x :: D)
| recNV' D x : ¬ +Var x Crec (-Var x :: C) Drec C (-Var x :: D)
| recPI D s t : rec C (-s :: D) → rec C (+t :: D) → rec C (+Imp s t :: D)
| recNI D s t : rec C (+s :: -t :: D) → rec C (-Imp s t :: D).

Fixpoint sizeF (s : form) : nat :=
  match s with
    | Imp s1 s2 ⇒ 1 + sizeF s1 + sizeF s2
    | _ ⇒ 1

Fixpoint size (C : clause) : nat :=
  match C with
    | nil ⇒ 0
    | +s::C'sizeF s + size C'
    | -s::C'sizeF s + size C'

Lemma size_recursion X (f : Xnat) (t : XType) :
  ( x, ( y, f y < f xt y) → t x) → x, t x.

Lemma rec_total C D : rec C D.

Certifying Tableau Procedure

Section GCTP.
  Variable ref : clauseProp.
  Variable ref_Fal : C, +Fal Cref C.
  Variable ref_weak : C C', C C'ref Cref C'.
  Variable ref_clash : x C, +Var x C-Var x Cref C.
  Variable ref_pos_imp : s t C, ref (-s::C) → ref (+t::C) → ref (+Imp s t::C).
  Variable ref_neg_imp : s t C, ref (+s::-t::C) → ref (-Imp s t::C).

Lemma rec_sat_ref C D :
  rec C Dsol C{sat (D++C)} + {ref (D++C)}.

Lemma sat_plus_ref C :
  {sat C} + {ref C}.

Variable ref_sound : C, ref C¬ sat C.

Lemma ref_iff_unsat C :
  ref C ¬ sat C.

Lemma ref_dec C :
  dec (ref C).


Certifying Decision Procedure for Satisfiability

Lemma sat_dec C :
  dec (sat C).

Proof of the Main Lemma

Lemma main C :
  {sat C} + {ndc (map uns C) Fal}.