Definition enumerable p := exists u, proc u /\ (forall n, u(enc n) ≡ none \/ exists s, u (enc n) ≡ oenc (Some s) /\ p s) /\ forall s, p s -> exists n, u (enc n) ≡ oenc (Some s).
Definition Eq := rho (.\ "Eq", "s", "t"; "s" (.\"n"; "t" (.\"m"; !EqN "n" "m") !(lambda (lambda F)) !(lambda F))
(.\"s1", "s2"; "t" !(lambda F) (.\"t1","t2"; ("Eq" "s1" "t1") ("Eq" "s2" "t2") !F) !(lambda F))
(.\"s1"; "t" !(lambda F) !(lambda (lambda F)) (.\"t1"; "Eq" "s1" "t1")) ).
Hint Unfold Eq : cbv.
Definition term_eq_bool s t := if decision (s = t) then true else false.
Lemma Eq_correct' s t :
Eq (tenc s) (tenc t) ≡ benc (term_eq_bool s t).
Proof with try solveeq.
revert t; induction s; intros.
+ destruct t; [ | solveeq..].
transitivity (EqN (enc n) (enc n0)). solveeq. rewrite EqN_correct.
unfold term_eq_bool. destruct _. inv e.
now rewrite <- beq_nat_refl. assert (n <> n0) by firstorder congruence.
rewrite <- Nat.eqb_neq in H. now rewrite H.
+ destruct t; [ solveeq | | solveeq].
transitivity ((Eq (tenc s1) (tenc t1)) (Eq (tenc s2) (tenc t2)) F). solveeq.
rewrite IHs1, IHs2.
unfold term_eq_bool. destruct *; try congruence; solveeq.
+ destruct t; [ solveeq.. | ].
transitivity (Eq (tenc s) (tenc t)). solveeq.
rewrite IHs.
unfold term_eq_bool. destruct *; try congruence; solveeq.
Lemma Eq_correct s t :
(s = t -> Eq (tenc s) (tenc t) ≡ T )
/\ ( s <> t -> Eq (tenc s) (tenc t) ≡ F ).
intuition; rewrite Eq_correct';
unfold term_eq_bool; destruct _; now try congruence.
Section Fix_f.
Variable u : term.
Hypothesis proc_u : proc u.
Hypothesis total_u : forall n, u (enc n) ≡ none \/ exists s, u (enc n) ≡ oenc (Some s).
Definition Re : term := Eval cbv in
.\ "s"; !C (.\ "n"; !u "n" (.\ "t"; !Eq "s" "t") !F).
Lemma Re_proc :
proc Re.
Lemma H_rec n s : ((lambda (((u 0) (lambda ((Eq (tenc s)) 0))) F)) (enc n) ≡ u (enc n) (lambda (Eq (tenc s) 0)) F).
Lemma H_proc s : proc (.\ "n"; !u "n" (.\ "t"; !Eq !(tenc s) "t") !F).
Lemma H_test s : test (.\ "n"; !u "n" (.\ "t"; !Eq !(tenc s) "t") !F).
intros n. cbn. rewrite H_rec.
destruct (total_u n) as [ | [] ].
+ rewrite H. right. solveeq.
+ rewrite H, some_correct_r; value.
assert (lambda (Eq (tenc s) 0) (tenc x) ≡ Eq (tenc s) (tenc x)) by solveeq.
rewrite H0. decide (s = x).
* eapply Eq_correct in e. rewrite e. left. econstructor.
* eapply Eq_correct in n0. rewrite n0. right. econstructor.
Lemma Re_sound s : eva (Re (tenc s)) -> exists n, u (enc n) ≡ oenc (Some s).
assert (Re (tenc s) ≡ C (lambda (u 0 (lambda (Eq (tenc s) 0)) F))) by solveeq.
rewrite H0 in H. eapply C_sound in H as [n H]; value.
- exists n. unfold satis in H. destruct (total_u n) as [ | []].
+ cbn. rewrite H_rec, H1, none_correct in H; value. inv H.
+ rewrite H_rec, H1, some_correct_r in H; value.
assert (lambda (Eq (tenc s) 0) (tenc x) ≡ Eq (tenc s) (tenc x)) by (clear; solveeq).
rewrite H2 in H.
decide (s = x).
* now subst.
* eapply Eq_correct in n0. rewrite n0 in H. inv H.
- intros n. rewrite H_rec. destruct (total_u n) as [ | [] ].
+ rewrite H1. right. solveeq.
+ rewrite H1, some_correct_r; value.
assert (lambda (Eq (tenc s) 0) (tenc x) ≡ Eq (tenc s) (tenc x)) by solveeq.
rewrite H2. decide (s = x).
* eapply Eq_correct in e. rewrite e. left. econstructor.
* eapply Eq_correct in n0. rewrite n0. right. econstructor.
Lemma Re_complete n s : u (enc n) ≡ oenc (Some s) -> eva (Re (tenc s)).
intros. assert (Re (tenc s) ≡ C (lambda (u 0 (lambda (Eq (tenc s) 0)) F))) by solveeq.
rewrite H0. edestruct (C_complete (n := n) (H_proc s) (H_test s)).
- unfold satis. cbn. rewrite H_rec, H. eapply evaluates_equiv; split; value.
transitivity (Eq (tenc s) (tenc s)). solveeq.
edestruct (Eq_correct). now rewrite H1.
- destruct H1; eauto.
End Fix_f.
Lemma enumerable_recognisable p : enumerable p -> recognisable p.
intros [v [f_cls [f_total f_enum]]].
pose (u := (lambda (Re v 0))).
assert (Hu : forall s, u (tenc s) ≡ Re v (tenc s)) by (intros; solveeq).
exists u.
split. value. intuition.
- rewrite Hu. eapply f_enum in H as []. eapply Re_complete.
+ value.
+ firstorder.
+ eauto.
- rewrite Hu in H. eapply Re_sound in H as [n H].
destruct (f_total n).
+ rewrite H in H0. replace none with (oenc None) in H0. eapply oenc_inj in H0. inv H0.
+ destruct H0 as [? [? ?]]. rewrite H0 in H. eapply oenc_inj in H. inv H. eassumption.
+ value.
+ firstorder.
Lemma R_enumerates (R : nat -> option term) (u : term) :
proc u -> (forall s, exists n, R n = Some s) -> (forall n, u (enc n) ▷ oenc (R n)) ->
enumerable (fun s => True).
intros Hp HR Hu. exists u. repeat split; eauto; value.
- intros . destruct (R n) eqn:E.
+ right. exists t. rewrite Hu, E. eauto.
+ left. rewrite Hu, E. reflexivity.
- intros. destruct (HR s) as [n H0].
exists n. rewrite (Hu n), H0. eauto.
Fixpoint L n :=
match n with
| 0 => [ ]
| S n => L n ++ var n :: map_pro app (L n) (L n) ++ map lambda (L n)
Lemma length_L n : |L n| >= n.
induction n; cbn.
- omega.
- rewrite app_length. cbn. omega.
Lemma L_exists n : exists s, nth n (L (S n)) = Some s.
edestruct nth_length with (A := L (S n)) (n := n).
+ eapply length_L.
+ eauto.
Lemma L_cum m n : m <= n -> exists A, L n = L m ++ A.
induction 1.
- exists []. now simpl_list.
- cbn. destruct IHle as [A ->].
rewrite <- app_assoc. eauto.
Lemma nth_app_l X (x : X) n A B :
nth n A = Some x -> nth n (A ++ B) = Some x.
revert n.
induction A as [|y A IH]; cbn; intros k H.
- destruct k; discriminate H.
- destruct k as [|k]; cbn in *. exact H.
apply IH, H.
Lemma L_inv m n k s t :
nth k (L m) = Some s -> nth k (L n) = Some t -> s = t.
intros H1 H2.
assert (m <= n \/ n <= m) as [H3|H3] by omega.
- destruct (L_cum H3) as [A ?]. rewrite H in *.
eapply nth_app_l in H1. rewrite H1 in H2. now inv H2.
- destruct (L_cum H3) as [A ?]. rewrite H in *.
eapply nth_app_l in H2. rewrite H2 in H1. now inv H1.
Definition R n := nth n (L (S n)).
Fixpoint beta s :=
match s with
| var n => S n
| app s t => S (beta s + beta t)
| lambda s => S (beta s)
Lemma L_el s m n : s el L m -> m <= n -> s el L n.
intros. induction H0.
- eauto.
- cbn. eauto.
Lemma L_beta s : s el L (beta s).
induction s; cbn.
- eauto.
- rewrite !in_app_iff. cbn. rewrite in_app_iff.
do 2 right. left. eapply map_pro_in. repeat eexists; eauto.
+ eapply L_el; eauto. omega.
+ eapply L_el; eauto. omega.
- rewrite !in_app_iff. cbn. rewrite in_app_iff.
do 3 right. eapply in_map_iff. eauto.
Lemma R_surjective s : exists n, R n = Some s.
destruct (el_pos _ (L_beta s)) as [n ? % pos_nth].
unfold R. exists n. destruct (L_exists n) as [? ?].
rewrite H0. f_equal. eapply L_inv; eauto.
Section Fix_X.
Variable X : Type.
Variable enc : X -> term.
Hypothesis enc_proc : (forall x, proc (enc x)).
Fixpoint lenc (A : list X) :=
match A with
| nil => lambda (lambda 1)
| a::A => lambda(lambda (0 (enc a) (lenc A)))
Definition Nil : term := .\ "n", "c"; "n".
Definition Cons: term := .\ "a", "A", "n", "c"; "c" "a" "A".
Lemma lenc_proc A : proc (lenc A).
induction A; value.
Hint Resolve lenc_proc : cbv.
Lemma Cons_correct a A : Cons (enc a) (lenc A) ≡ lenc(a::A).
Definition Append := rho (.\ "app", "A", "B";
"A" "B" (.\"a", "A"; !Cons "a" ("app" "A" "B"))).
Hint Unfold Append : cbv.
Lemma Append_correct A B : Append (lenc A) (lenc B) ≡ lenc(A ++ B).
induction A; solveeq.
Definition sim (F : term) f := proc F /\ forall x, F (enc x) ≡ (enc (f x)).
Definition Map := rho (.\ "map", "F", "A";
"A" !Nil (.\"a", "A"; !Cons ("F" "a") ("map" "F" "A"))).
Hint Unfold sim Map : cbv.
Lemma Map_correct f A F : sim F f ->
Map F (lenc A) ≡ lenc(map f A).
intros [[? ?] ?].
induction A.
- solveeq.
- specialize (H1 a). solveeq.
Definition sim2 (F : term) f := proc F /\ forall x y, F (enc x) (enc y) ≡ (enc (f x y)).
Definition Map_pro := rho (.\ "map_pro", "f", "A", "B";
"A" !Nil (.\"a", "A"; !Append ("map_pro" "f" "A" "B") (!Map (.\"y" ; "f" "a" "y") "B"))).
Goal proc Map_pro.
Hint Unfold sim2 Map_pro : cbv.
Lemma Map_pro_correct f A B F : sim2 F f ->
Map_pro F (lenc A) (lenc B) ≡ lenc(map_pro f A B).
intros [[? ?] ?].
induction A.
- solveeq.
- transitivity (Append (Map_pro F (lenc A) (lenc B)) (Map (lambda (F (enc a) 0)) (lenc B))). solvered.
rewrite IHA, Map_correct with (f := f a), Append_correct. reflexivity.
split; value. intros. specialize (H1 a x). solveeq.
Definition Nth := rho (.\ "nth", "n", "A";
"n" ("A" !none (.\ "a", "A"; !some "a"))
(.\"n"; ("A" !none (.\"a", "A"; "nth" "n" "A"))) ).
Definition onatenc x := match x with None => none | Some x => (lambda(lambda(1 (enc x)))) end.
Lemma Nth_correct A n : Nth (Encodings.enc n) (lenc A) ≡ onatenc(nth n A).
revert A; induction n; intros A.
- destruct A; solveeq.
- destruct A.
+ solveeq.
+ cbn. rewrite <- IHn. solveeq.
End Fix_X.
Definition L_term := rho (.\ "L", "n";
"n" !Nil (.\ "n"; !Append ("L" "n") (!Cons (!Var "n") (!Append (!Map_pro !App ("L" "n") ("L" "n")) (!Map !Lam ("L" "n")))))).
Lemma L_term_correct n : L_term (enc n) ≡ lenc tenc (L n).
induction n.
- solvered.
- transitivity (Append (L_term (enc n)) (Cons (Var (enc n)) (Append (Map_pro App (L_term (enc n)) (L_term (enc n))) (Map Lam (L_term (enc n)))))). solvered.
rewrite IHn, Map_correct with (f := lambda), Map_pro_correct with (f := app), Append_correct, Var_correct, Cons_correct, Append_correct;
intros; value.
+ reflexivity.
+ split. value. exact App_correct.
+ split. value. exact Lam_correct.
Definition OfNat : term := .\ "n" ; !Nth "n" (!L_term (!Succ ("n"))).
Lemma OfNat_correct n : OfNat (enc n) ≡ oenc (R n).
transitivity (Nth (enc n) (L_term (Succ (enc n)))). solveeq.
rewrite Succ_correct, L_term_correct, Nth_correct. reflexivity.
intros; value.
Lemma enumerable_all : enumerable (fun s => True).
eapply R_enumerates with (u := OfNat).
- value.
- eapply R_surjective.
- intros. rewrite OfNat_correct. eapply evaluates_equiv; split; now value.
Theorem recognisable_enumerable p : recognisable p -> enumerable p.
destruct enumerable_all as (Enum & pE & TE & HE).
intros [u [proc_u Hu]].
pose (v := (.\ "n"; !Enum "n" (.\ "u"; "u" !(lambda none) (.\ "t", "s"; "t" (.\ "n"; !E "n" (!App !(tenc u) (!Q "s")) (.\ "_"; !some "s") !none) !(lambda (lambda none)) !(lambda none)) !(lambda none)) !none) : term).
cbn -[none App Q some] in v.
assert (Hv : forall n, v (enc n) ≡ Enum (enc n) (.\ "u"; "u" !(lambda none) (.\ "t", "s"; "t" (.\ "n"; !E "n" (!App !(tenc u) (!Q "s")) (.\ "_"; !some "s") !none) !(lambda (lambda none)) !(lambda none)) !(lambda none)) !none) by (intros; solvered).
exists v.
repeat split; value.
- intros n. destruct (TE n) as [ | H]; try destruct H as ([ | t1 s | ] & H & _).
+ left. rewrite Hv, H. solveeq.
+ left. rewrite Hv, H. solveeq.
+ destruct t1 as [ m | |].
* destruct (eval m (u (tenc s))) eqn:He.
-- right. exists s. rewrite Hv, H, some_correct_r. split.
transitivity (E (enc m) (App (tenc u) (Q (tenc s))) (lambda (some (tenc s))) none). solveeq.
rewrite Q_correct, App_correct, E_correct, He. transitivity (some (tenc s)). solveeq.
now rewrite some_correct.
eapply Hu. eapply eval_evaluates in He. firstorder. value. now value.
-- left. rewrite Hv, H, some_correct_r.
transitivity (E (enc m) (App (tenc u) (Q (tenc s))) (lambda (some (tenc s))) none). solveeq.
rewrite Q_correct, App_correct, E_correct, He. solveeq. value. now value.
* left. rewrite Hv, H. solveeq.
* left. rewrite Hv, H. solveeq.
+ left. rewrite Hv, H. solveeq.
- intros s [s' [n H] % evaluates_eval] % Hu.
destruct (HE (n s)). eauto. exists x.
rewrite Hv, H0.
transitivity (E (enc n) (App (tenc u) (Q (tenc s))) (lambda (some (tenc s))) none). solveeq.
rewrite Q_correct, App_correct, E_correct, H. solveeq.
Lemma recognisable_range_total f u : proc u -> (forall n, u (enc n) ▷ tenc (f n)) -> recognisable (fun t => exists n, f n = t).
intros. eapply enumerable_recognisable.
exists (lambda (some (u 0))). repeat split; value.
- intros n. right. exists (f n); split; eauto.
specialize (H0 n). solveeq.
- intros s [n]. exists n. specialize (H0 n). subst. solveeq.