From L Require Export L.

Automation for equivalences and reductions

Tactics for closedness and abstractions

Lemma proc_closed p : proc p closed p.
  firstorder intuition.

Lemma proc_lam p : proc p lam p.
  firstorder intuition.

Hint Resolve proc_closed proc_lam : cbv.

Ltac value_context := try now
  match goal with
  | |- bound _ ?t = true
    eapply bound_ge with (k := 0); [ change (closed t); auto 3 with cbv | omega ]

Ltac dvalue' :=
  match goal with
  (* | |- rClosed ?phi _ => now (apply rClosed_decb_correct;assumption|vm_compute;reflexivity) *)
    | |- closed _ cbn; unfold closed
    | |- bound _ (if ?c then _ else _) = true destruct c
    | |- bound _ (L.var _) = true now constructor;omega
    | |- bound _ ( _ _) = true constructor
    | |- bound _ (L.lambda _) = true constructor
    | |- bound ?s _ = true value_context || (unfold s;simpl)
    | |- context [ andb _ _ ] rewrite Bool.andb_true_r; dvalue'
    | |- andb _ _ = _ eapply Bool.andb_true_iff; split; dvalue'
Ltac dvalue := (try (progress unfold convert;cbv -[bound]; cbn)); repeat dvalue'; try (cbn; repeat dvalue').

Ltac value' :=
  match goal with
    | [ |- proc _ ] (try eassumption; auto 3 with cbv; split; value')
    | [ |- lam _ ] (try eassumption; auto 3 with cbv; eexists; reflexivity)
    | [ |- lam (if ?c then _ else _) ] destruct c;(try eassumption; auto 3 with cbv; eexists; reflexivity)

    | [ |- closed _ ] (try eassumption; auto 3 with cbv; value_context); dvalue
    | [ |- _ ] idtac
  end (*|| value*).

Tactic Notation "value" := value'.

Lemma s t u : lam u subst s 0 u = t ( s) u t.
  intros. destruct H. subst. econstructor.

Tactic Notation "rewrite_cls" open_constr(t) :=
      let H := fresh "H" in
      enough (H : closed t); [rewrite (closed_subst _ _ H) | value]; clear H.

Ltac rewrite_closed := repeat match goal with
  | [ |- context [subst ?s _ _] ] rewrite_cls s

Tactics to solve equivalences and reductions

Lemma rho_correct s t : proc s proc t s t ≻* s ( s) t.
  intros. econstructor. eapply . value. cbn. rewrite_closed. reflexivity.
  repeat (do 3 econstructor ; eapply ; value; try now reflexivity).

Hint Resolve rho_lam rho_closed : cbv.

Ltac recStep id :=
  unfold id; rewrite rho_correct;[fold id;simpl|(split;[vm_compute;reflexivity|value])|now value].

Lemma equiv_R_trans s s' t : s s' s' t s t.
Proof. intros . etransitivity. econstructor; eassumption. eassumption. Qed.

Ltac dobeta := match goal with
               | [ |- _ _ ] eapply equiv_R_trans; [ eapply ; value; cbn; now rewrite_closed | ]
               | [ |- _ ≻* _ ] eapply star_step; [ eapply ; value; cbn; now rewrite_closed | ]
               | [ |- _ _ ] eapply ; value; cbn; now rewrite_closed

Lemma star_trans_l s s' t : s ≻* s' s t ≻* s' t.
Proof. intros H. now rewrite H. Qed.

Lemma star_trans_r (s t t' : term) : t ≻* t' s t ≻* s t'.
Proof. intros H. now rewrite H. Qed.

Lemma equiv_trans_l s s' t : s s' s t s' t.
Proof. intros H. now rewrite H. Qed.

Lemma equiv_trans_r (s t t' : term) : t t' s t s t'.
Proof. intros H. now rewrite H. Qed.

Ltac doleft := match goal with
               | [ |- _ _ ] etransitivity; [ (eapply equiv_trans_l) |]
               | [ |- _ ≻* _ ] etransitivity; [ (eapply star_trans_l) | ]
               | [ |- _ _ ] eapply stepAppL

Ltac doright := match goal with
               | [ |- _ _ ] etransitivity; [ (eapply equiv_trans_r) |]
               | [ |- _ ≻* _ ] etransitivity; [ (eapply star_trans_r) | ]
               | [ |- _ _ ] eapply stepAppR

Ltac redL := let H := fresh "H" in unfold closed;
             match goal with
             | _ etransitivity; [ eassumption | ]
             | [ |- ?G] tryif has_evar G then fail else reflexivity
             | [ |- _ (app ?s ?t) _ ] tryif (assert (H : lam s) by value; clear H) then (tryif (assert (H : lam t) by value; clear H) then
               else doleft (* TODO: Check wether the _ as first match parameter is slow *)
             | _ reflexivity

Ltac simplify_goal := try repeat match goal with
                           | [ |- _ _ ] eapply evaluates_equiv; split; value
                           | [ H : _ _ |- _ ] eapply evaluates_equiv in H as []
Ltac solveeq := simplify_goal; now repeat redL.
Ltac solvered := solveeq.

Definition Y : term := Eval cbn in .\ "f"; (.\ "x"; "f" ("x" "x")) (.\ "x"; "f" ("x" "x")).

Lemma Y_spec u : proc u Y u u (Y u).
  assert (Y u ( (u (O 0))) ( (u (O 0)))) as by solveeq.