Section Palindrome.
Variable Sigma : list symbol.
Notation StartG := (fresh Sigma).
Definition palin_G : cfg :=
(StartG, (StartG, []) ::
flat_map (fun g => [ (StartG, [g]); (StartG, [g; StartG; g]) ]) Sigma).
Lemma notInZero (x: nat) A :
not (x el A) <-> count A x = 0.
split; induction A.
- reflexivity.
- intros H. cbn in *. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec x a).
+ exfalso. apply H. left. congruence.
+ apply IHA. intros F. apply H. now right.
- tauto.
- cbn. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec x a).
+ subst a. omega.
+ intros H [E | E].
* now symmetry in E.
* tauto.
Lemma G_left x :
rewt palin_G [StartG] x -> rev x = x /\ count x StartG <= 1.
induction 1.
- cbn. rewrite (Nat.eqb_refl StartG). intuition.
- destruct IHrewt as [IH Eq].
+ inv H0. cbn in H1. destruct H1.
* inv H0. rewrite <- !countSplit in *. autorewrite with list in *. cbn in *. split; try omega.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in *.
assert (count x StartG = 0) as H1 % notInZero by omega.
assert (count y0 StartG = 0) as H2 % notInZero by omega.
eapply list_prefix_inv in IH as [<- _]; try rewrite <- in_rev; eauto.
now rewrite rev_involutive.
* eapply in_flat_map in H0 as (? & ? & [ | [ | [] ]]).
-- inv H1. rewrite <- !countSplit in *. autorewrite with list in *. cbn in *.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in *. split; try omega.
assert (count x StartG = 0) as H1 % notInZero by omega.
assert (count y0 StartG = 0) as H2 % notInZero by omega.
eapply list_prefix_inv in IH as [ <- _]; try rewrite <- in_rev; eauto.
now rewrite rev_involutive.
destruct _; omega.
-- inv H1. rewrite <- !countSplit in *. autorewrite with list in *. cbn in *.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in *. split; try omega.
assert (count x StartG = 0) as H1 % notInZero by omega.
assert (count y0 StartG = 0) as H2 % notInZero by omega.
eapply list_prefix_inv in IH as [<- _]; try rewrite <- in_rev; eauto.
now rewrite rev_involutive.
destruct (Nat.eqb_spec StartG x0). subst. edestruct fresh_spec; eauto.
Lemma listI : forall (A : Type) (P : list A -> Prop), P [] -> (forall x, P [x]) -> (forall (x : A) (y : A) (l : list A), P l -> P (x :: l ++ [y])) -> forall l : list A, P l.
intros. pattern l. revert l. apply size_induction with (f := @length _). intros.
destruct x.
- auto.
- revert H2. pattern x. revert x. apply rev_ind. auto.
intros. apply H1. apply H3. cbn. rewrite app_length. omega.
Lemma rev_palin x : x <<= StartG :: Sigma ->
x = rev x -> count x StartG <= 1 -> rewt palin_G [StartG] x.
pattern x. revert x. apply listI; intros.
- rewrite rewrite_sing. reflexivity. now left.
- destruct (Nat.eqb_spec x StartG).
subst. reflexivity. rewrite rewrite_sing. reflexivity. right. eapply in_flat_map.
exists x. split. assert (x el StartG :: Sigma) by firstorder. destruct H2; eauto. congruence.
now left.
- cbn in H1. autorewrite with list in *. inv H1.
cbn in H2. rewrite <- countSplit in H2.
destruct (Nat.eqb_spec StartG y); subst.
+ cbn in *. rewrite (Nat.eqb_refl) in *. omega.
+ rewrite rewrite_sing with (x := [y] ++ [StartG] ++ [y]).
rewrite H.
* cbn. reflexivity.
* eauto.
* now eapply app_inv_tail in H5.
* cbn in *; omega.
* right. eapply in_flat_map. cbn. firstorder.
Lemma Start_fresh x :
x <<= Sigma -> ~ StartG el x.
intros ? ?. edestruct fresh_spec with (l := Sigma); eauto.
Lemma G_char x : x <<= Sigma ->
x = rev x <-> L palin_G x.
intros Hx. split.
- intros H. split.
+ eapply rev_palin in H; eauto.
enough (count x StartG = 0) by omega.
eapply notInZero. eauto using Start_fresh.
+ intros [y Hy].
inv Hy. destruct H0. inv H0.
eapply Start_fresh. eauto. eauto.
eapply in_flat_map in H0 as (? & ? & [ | [ | [] ]]).
* inv H1. eapply Start_fresh. eauto. rewrite H. simpl_list. cbn. eauto.
* inv H1. eapply Start_fresh. eauto. rewrite H. simpl_list. cbn. eauto.
- intros [[] % G_left Ht]. eauto.
End Palindrome.
Theorem CFP_CFI :
CFP' ⪯ CFI'.
exists (fun G => (palin_G (sym_G G), G)). intros G. split; intros (? & ? & ?).
- exists x. rewrite <- G_char. intuition. destruct H. eapply sym_G_rewt; try eassumption.
destruct G. unfold sym_G; cbn; eauto.
- destruct H. eapply G_left in H.
exists x. intuition.