Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Utils.
Require Import Strings.
Require Import Sequences.

Nondeterminisic Finite Automata (NFAs)

We define NFAs, finite and infinite runs of NFAs and show basic properties for this runs. We conclude with the relations ===> and =!=>, show both decidable, and that for both we have constructive choice for the corresponding run.

Structure NFA (Sigma:finType) := mknfa
   { state: finType;
     transition : state -> Sigma -> state -> Prop;
     transition_dec : forall p a q, dec(transition p a q);
     initial_state : state -> Prop;
     initial_state_dec : forall p, dec(initial_state p);
     accepting_state: state -> Prop;
     accepting_state_dec: forall p, dec(accepting_state p)

Arguments mknfa [Sigma] [state] transition {transition_dec} initial_state {initial_state_dec} accepting_state {accepting_state_dec}.

Arguments transition [Sigma] [aut] _ _ _ : rename.
Arguments initial_state [Sigma] [aut] _ : rename.
Arguments accepting_state [Sigma] [aut] _ : rename.
Arguments transition_dec [Sigma] [aut] _ _ _ : rename.
Arguments initial_state_dec [Sigma] [aut] _ : rename.
Arguments accepting_state_dec [Sigma] [aut] _ : rename.

Instance transition_dec_public (Sigma:finType)(aut:NFA Sigma): forall p a q , dec (transition (aut:=aut) p a q).
Proof. apply transition_dec. Defined.
Instance initial_dec_public (Sigma:finType)(aut:NFA Sigma): forall p, dec (initial_state (aut:=aut) p).
Proof. apply initial_state_dec. Defined.
Instance accepting_dec_public (Sigma:finType)(aut:NFA Sigma): forall p, dec (accepting_state (aut:=aut) p).
Proof. apply accepting_state_dec. Defined.

NFA with one state allowing all transitions
Definition univ_aut {Sigma:finType} := mknfa (fun (p:finType_unit) (a:Sigma) (q:finType_unit) => True) (fun _ => True) (fun _ => True).

Facts for Runs on Strings and Sequences

Section TransitionGraph.

  Context {Sigma : finType}.
  Context {aut: NFA Sigma}.

  Definition Run := Seq (state aut).
  Identity Coercion run_to_seq: Run >-> Seq.

  Implicit Types (rho : Run ) (sigma: Seq Sigma) (x: Str Sigma) (r: NStr (state aut)) (q: state aut) (a b:Sigma).

  Definition valid_run rho sigma:= forall n, transition (rho n) (sigma n) (rho (S n)).
  Inductive valid_path : NStr (state aut) -> Str Sigma -> Prop :=
    | valid_path_base q : valid_path (sing q) []
    | valid_path_step q r a (x: Str Sigma) : transition q a (r 0) -> valid_path r x -> valid_path (ncons q r) (a::x).

  Definition naligned (r: NStr (state aut)) (x:NStr Sigma) := delta r = delta x /\ forall n, n < delta r -> transition (r n) (x n) (r (S n)).
  Definition nlst_step (r: NStr (state aut)) (x:NStr Sigma) q := transition (r (delta r)) (x (delta x)) q.

  Lemma valid_path_nth {DSigma: Dummy Sigma}{DS:Dummy (state aut)} r x:
         valid_path r x <-> (|x| = delta r /\ forall n, n < |x| -> transition (r n) (str_nth x n) (r (S n))).
    - intros V. induction V; simpl; split; auto.
      + intros n L. now exfalso.
      + intros n L. destruct n; auto. apply IHV. omega.
    - intros [L E]. revert x L E. induction r as [q | q r]; intros x L E.
      + destruct x as [| a x].
        * apply valid_path_base.
        * exfalso. simpl in L. omega.
      + destruct x as [|a x].
        * simpl in L. now exfalso.
        * apply valid_path_step.
          -- apply (E 0). comega.
          -- apply IHr.
             ++ simpl in *. omega.
             ++ intros n G. apply (E (S n)). comega.

  Lemma valid_path_length r x : valid_path r x -> delta r = | x|.
    intros V. induction V; cbn; auto.

  Global Instance dec_valid_path r x: dec(valid_path r x).
    (* Need to destruct x because valid_path_nth needs a Dummy value *)
    destruct x as [| a x].
    - destruct r as [q | q r].
      + left. apply valid_path_base.
      + right. intros V. inversion V.
    - pose proof (valid_path_nth r (a::x)). symmetry in H.
      apply (dec_trans _ H).

Extensionality facts

  Lemma valid_run_extensional rho rho' sigma sigma': valid_run rho sigma -> rho == rho' -> sigma == sigma' -> valid_run rho' sigma'.
    intros V R W n. now rewrite <- W, <-R.

  Global Instance valid_run_proper : Proper (@seq_equiv _ (state aut) ==> @seq_equiv _ Sigma ==> iff) valid_run.
    intros rho rho' EqR sigma sigma' EqW. split; intros V; now eapply valid_run_extensional.

Manipulations of valid paths and runs

  Lemma valid_run_tl rho sigma: valid_run rho sigma -> valid_run (tl rho) (tl sigma ).
    intros V m. rewrite <-!nth_step_tl. apply V.

  Lemma valid_run_drop rho sigma n: valid_run rho sigma -> valid_run (drop rho n) (drop sigma n).
    intros V m. rewrite !drop_nth'. simpl. apply V.

  Lemma valid_run_cons rho sigma p a : transition p a (rho 0) -> valid_run rho sigma -> valid_run (p ::: rho)( a::: sigma).
    intros T V [|n].
    - now rewrite nth_step, !nth_first.
    - now rewrite !nth_step.

  Lemma valid_run_is_path_everywhere rho sigma: valid_run rho sigma -> forall n m, valid_path (closed_substr rho n m) (substr sigma n m).
    intros V n m. apply valid_path_nth. split.
    - now rewrite substr_length, closed_substr_delta.
    - intros k L. rewrite substr_length in L.
      rewrite 2closed_substr_nth, substr_nth by omega. simpl. apply V.

  Lemma flatten_valid (rho: Seq (NStr (state aut))) (tau: Seq (NStr Sigma)):
       (forall n, naligned (rho n) (tau n) /\
                  nlst_step (rho n) (tau n) (rho (S n) 0) )
       -> valid_run (flatten rho) (flatten tau).
    intros H n. revert rho tau H. induction n; intros rho tau H.
    - rewrite (flatten_step rho), (flatten_step tau).
      specialize ( H 0). rewrite nth_step_tl,!nth_first_hd in H.
      destruct hd as [q | q r]; destruct hd as [a | a x].
      + rewrite nth_step, !nth_first. simpl in H.
        rewrite flatten_correct, prepend_nstr_nth_first by omega. now apply H.
      + exfalso. destruct H as [[H _] _]. now simpl in H.
      + exfalso. destruct H as [[H _] _]. now simpl in H.
      + rewrite !nth_first, nth_step.
        destruct H as [[_ H] _]. specialize (H 0). simpl in H.
        rewrite flatten_correct, hd_correct.
        rewrite prepend_nstr_nth_first by omega. apply H. omega.
    - rewrite (flatten_step rho), (flatten_step tau).
      pose proof (H 0) as H0. destruct H0 as [[H01 H02] H03].
      rewrite nth_step_tl in H03. rewrite <-!nth_first_hd.
      destruct (rho 0) as [q | q r]; destruct (tau 0) as [a | a x]; simpl; rewrite !nth_step; simpl in H03, H01; try (now exfalso).
      + apply IHn. intros m. repeat split; apply (H (S m)).
      + apply IHn. intros [|m].
        * rewrite nth_step, !nth_first. repeat split; simpl.
          -- omega.
          -- intros k L. apply (H02 (S k)). comega.
          -- apply H03.
        * rewrite !nth_step. repeat split; apply (H (S m)).

End TransitionGraph.

Arguments Run [Sigma] _ .

Relations ===> and =!=>

In Coq the relations are called transforms resp. transforms_accepting.
Section TransformsRelations.

  Context {Sigma:finType}.
  Variable (aut:NFA Sigma).
  Implicit Types (x y z: NStr Sigma)(p q : state aut).

We use an inductive definition of the follwing predicates instead of quantifying over a finite run.
  Inductive transforms : state aut -> state aut -> NStr Sigma -> Prop :=
     | trans_base p q a: transition p a q -> transforms p q (sing a)
     | trans_step p p' q a x : transition p a p' -> transforms p' q x -> transforms p q (ncons a x) .
  Inductive transforms_accepting : state aut -> state aut -> NStr Sigma -> Prop :=
     | trans_accepting_base p q x: accepting_state p -> transforms p q x -> transforms_accepting p q x
     | trans_accepting_step p p' q a x: transition p a p' -> transforms_accepting p' q x -> transforms_accepting p q (ncons a x).

  Notation " p '===>' q 'on' x" := (transforms p q x) (at level 10).
  Notation " p '=!=>' q 'on' x" := (transforms_accepting p q x) (at level 10).

Facts about ===> and =!=> for concatenation

  Lemma transforms_accepting_implies_transform x p q: p =!=> q on x -> p ===> q on x.
    intros TF. induction TF as [p q x _ T| p p' q a x T TF]; auto.
    now apply (trans_step T).

  Lemma transforms_inv p q a x : p ===> q on (ncons a x) -> exists p', transition p a p' /\ p' ===> q on x.
    intros H. inversion H. subst p q a x.
    now exists p'.

  Lemma transforms_accepting_inv p q a x : p =!=> q on (ncons a x) -> exists p', transition p a p' /\ (accepting_state p /\ p' ===> q on x \/ p' =!=> q on x).
    intros H. inversion H.
    - subst p q x0. apply transforms_inv in H1. destruct H1 as [p [T1 T2]].
      exists p. split; auto.
    - subst p q a x. exists p'. split; auto.

  Lemma split_transforms x y p q: p ===> q on (nstr_concat' x y) -> exists p', p ===> p' on x /\ p' ===> q on y.
    revert p. induction x; intros p T.
    - simpl in T. apply transforms_inv in T. destruct T as [p' [T Ts]].
      exists p'. split; auto. now apply trans_base.
    - simpl in T. apply transforms_inv in T. destruct T as [p' [T1 T2]].
      destruct (IHx p' T2) as [p'' [T3 T]]. exists p''. split.
      + now apply (trans_step T1).
      + assumption.

  Lemma combine_transforms x y p p' q : p ===> p' on x -> p' ===> q on y -> p ===> q on (nstr_concat' x y).
    intros T1 T2.
    induction T1 as [p a q' T|p p' q' a x T]; simpl.
    - now apply (trans_step T).
    - apply (trans_step T). auto.

  Lemma transforms_concat x y p q : p ===> q on (nstr_concat' x y) <-> exists p', p ===> p' on x /\ p' ===> q on y.
    split. apply split_transforms. intros [p' H]. now apply combine_transforms with (p':=p').

  Lemma split_transforms_accepting x y p q: p =!=> q on (nstr_concat' x y) -> exists p',
         (p=!=> p' on x /\ p' ===> q on y) \/ (p ===> p' on x /\ p' =!=> q on y).
    revert p. induction x; intros p TF.
    - simpl in TF. apply transforms_accepting_inv in TF. destruct TF as [p' [T [[F TF]|TF]]];
      exists p'.
      + left. split; auto using trans_base, trans_accepting_base.
      + right. split; auto using trans_base.
    - simpl in TF. apply transforms_accepting_inv in TF.
      destruct TF as [p' [T1 [[F T2]|T2]]].
      + apply split_transforms in T2. destruct T2 as [p'' [T3 T4]].
        exists p''. left. split; auto.
        apply trans_accepting_base; auto. now apply (trans_step T1).
      + destruct (IHx p' T2) as [p'' [[T3 T4]|[T3 T4]]].
        * exists p''. left. split; auto. now apply (trans_accepting_step T1).
        * exists p''. right. split; auto. now apply (trans_step T1).

  Lemma combine_transforms_accepting_left x y p p' q : p =!=> p' on x -> p' ===> q on y -> p =!=> q on (nstr_concat' x y).
    intros TF T. induction TF as [p q' x F T1| p p' q' a x T1 TF].
    - apply trans_accepting_base; auto.
      eapply combine_transforms. now apply T1. apply T.
    - simpl. apply (trans_accepting_step T1). now apply IHTF.

  Lemma combine_transforms_accepting_right x y p p' q : p ===> p' on x -> p' =!=> q on y -> p =!=> q on (nstr_concat' x y).
    intros T TF. induction T as [p q' a T | p p' q' a x T1 T2]; auto.
    - simpl. now apply (trans_accepting_step T).
    - simpl. apply (trans_accepting_step T1). auto.

  Lemma transforms_accepting_concat x y p q: p =!=> q on (nstr_concat' x y) <-> exists p',
         (p=!=> p' on x /\ p' ===> q on y) \/ (p ===> p' on x /\ p' =!=> q on y).
    split. apply split_transforms_accepting.
    intros [s [H|H]]. now apply combine_transforms_accepting_left with (p':=s).
    now apply combine_transforms_accepting_right with (p':=s).

Equivalent formulations to the relations. Sometimes the other ones are more useful.

  Lemma transforms_accepting_iff x p q : p =!=>q on x <-> ((accepting_state p /\ p ===>q on x) \/ exists y z q', accepting_state q' /\ x = nstr_concat' y z /\ p ===> q' on y /\ q' ===> q on z).
    - intros T. induction T.
      + now left.
      + destruct IHT as [[F Tr]| [y [z [q' [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]]]]]].
        * right. exists (sing a), x, p'. repeat split; auto.
          now apply trans_base.
        * right. exists (ncons a y), z, q'. repeat split; auto.
          -- now rewrite H2.
          -- now apply trans_step with (p' := p').
    - intros [[F T]| [y [z [q' [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]]]]]].
      + now apply trans_accepting_base.
      + subst x. revert p H3. induction y; intros p H3.
        * cbn. apply trans_accepting_step with (p':=q').
          -- now inversion H3.
          -- now apply trans_accepting_base.
        * cbn. apply transforms_inv in H3. destruct H3 as [p' [T H3]].
          apply trans_accepting_step with (p' := p'); auto.

  Lemma transforms_equiv p q x: p ===> q on x <-> (exists r, naligned r x /\ r 0 = p /\ nlst_step r x q).
    - intros T. induction T as [p q' a T | p p' q' a x T1 T2].
      + exists (sing p). repeat split; auto.
        simpl. intros n F. now exfalso.
      + destruct IHT2 as [r [[L Ts] [B E]]].
        exists (ncons p r). repeat split; auto.
        * simpl. now rewrite L.
        * intros [|n]; simpl; intros L'; auto.
          now rewrite B.
    - intros [r [[L Ts] [B E]]]. revert r p B L E Ts. induction x; intros r p B L E Ts.
      + apply trans_base. rewrite <-B.
        destruct r.
        * apply E.
        * simpl in L. now exfalso.
      + destruct r.
        * simpl in L. now exfalso.
        * simpl in B. subst p.
          apply trans_step with (p' := r 0).
          -- apply (Ts 0). comega.
          -- apply IHx with (r:=r); simpl; auto.
             intros n L'. apply (Ts (S n)). comega.

  Lemma transforms_iff_valid_path p q x: p ===> q on x <-> (exists r, valid_path r x /\ r 0 = p /\ nstr_last r = q).
    - intros T. induction T as [p q' a T | p p' q' a x T1 T2].
      + exists (ncons p (sing q')). repeat split; auto.
        apply valid_path_step; auto. apply valid_path_base.
      + destruct IHT2 as [r [V [B E]]].
        exists (ncons p r). repeat split; auto.
        apply valid_path_step; auto. now rewrite B.
    - intros [r [V [B E]]]. revert r p V B E . induction x; intros r p V B E.
      + apply trans_base. rewrite <-B.
        destruct r.
        * exfalso. inversion V.
        * cbn in *. inversion V. inversion H4. now subst.
      + destruct r.
        * cbn in *. exfalso. now inversion V.
        * cbn in *. inversion V. subst. apply trans_step with (p':= r 0); auto.
          now apply IHx with (r0 := r).

  Lemma transforms_accepting_equiv p q x: p =!=> q on x <-> (exists r, naligned r x /\ r 0 = p /\ nlst_step r x q /\ once (@accepting_state _ _ ) r).
    - intros T. induction T as [p q x T |p p' q a x T1 T2].
      + apply transforms_equiv in H. destruct H as [r [[L Ts] [B E]]].
        exists r. repeat split; simpl; auto. exists 0. repeat split; auto. now rewrite B.
      + destruct IHT2 as [r [[L Ts] [B [E F]]]]. exists (ncons p r). repeat split; auto.
        * comega.
        * intros [|n]; simpl; intros L'; auto. now rewrite B.
        * destruct F as [m [P Q]]. exists (S m). split; simpl; auto.
    - intros [r [[L Ts] [B [E F]]]]. revert r p E F L B Ts. induction x; intros r p E F L B Ts.
      + destruct r.
        * apply trans_accepting_base.
          -- destruct F as [m [P Q]]. simpl in Q, B. now subst p.
          -- apply trans_base. simpl in *. subst p. apply E.
        * simpl in L. now exfalso.
      + destruct r.
        * simpl in L. now exfalso.
        * destruct F as [m [P Q]]. rewrite <-B. destruct m.
          -- apply trans_accepting_base; auto.
             apply transforms_equiv. exists (ncons a0 r); repeat split; auto.
          -- apply trans_accepting_step with (p' := r 0).
             ++ apply (Ts 0). comega.
             ++ apply IHx with (r:=r); auto.
                ** exists m. simpl in P. split; auto.
                ** intros n L'. apply (Ts (S n)). comega.

Decidability and Constructive Choice
We first show that the relations are decidable for a given strings and later that we can decide whether there is one string making the relations hold for two given states.

  Global Instance dec_transforms : forall p q x, dec (p ===> q on x).
    intros p q x.
    pose proof (transforms_equiv p q x) as H. symmetry in H. unfold naligned in H.
    apply (@dec_trans _ _ _ H).

  Global Instance dec_transforms_accepting : forall p q x, dec(p =!=> q on x).
    intros p q x.
    pose proof (transforms_accepting_equiv p q x) as H. symmetry in H.
    apply (@dec_trans _ _ _ H).

  Lemma transforms_run_cc p q (x: NStr Sigma) : p ===> q on x -> {r : NStr (state aut)| naligned r x /\ r 0 = p /\ nlst_step r x q}.
    unfold naligned. intros H % transforms_equiv. apply string_fixed_length_cc'; auto.

  Lemma transforms_accepting_run_cc p q (x:NStr Sigma) : p =!=> q on x -> {r | naligned r x /\ r 0 = p /\ nlst_step r x q /\ (once (@accepting_state _ _) r)}.
    unfold naligned. intros H % transforms_accepting_equiv. apply string_fixed_length_cc'; auto.

  Lemma valid_run_transforms_everywhere rho sigma: valid_run rho sigma -> forall n m, n <= m -> (rho n) ===> (rho (S m)) on (closed_substr sigma n m).
    intros V n m L. apply transforms_iff_valid_path.
    exists (closed_substr rho n (S m)). repeat split.
    - rewrite <-nonempty_substr_is_closed by assumption.
      now apply valid_run_is_path_everywhere.
    - rewrite closed_substr_nth; auto.
    - rewrite nstr_last_delta, closed_substr_nth; rewrite closed_substr_delta; auto.

It suffices to decide exists x, p ===> q on x for all x to decide exists x, p =!=> q on x due to lemma transforms_accepting_iff. Deciding ===> is just deciding reachability in graphs which is possible since the length of a path connecting to states is bounded by the number of states.
  Section Decidability.
    Implicit Types (t: (NStr (state aut) * NStr Sigma)).
    Implicit Types (r: NStr (state aut)).

    Lemma valid_path_remove (x: Str Sigma) (r1 : Str (state aut)) r2 : valid_path (nstr_concat r1 r2) x -> exists (x: Str Sigma), valid_path r2 x.
      intros V. revert x V. induction r1; intros x V.
      - now exists x.
      - inversion V; subst.
        now apply IHr1 with (x:=x0).

    Lemma remove_loop (x: Str Sigma) r (H: valid_path r x) : exists (x': Str Sigma) r', valid_path r' x' /\ r' 0 = r 0 /\ nstr_last r' = nstr_last r /\ (dupfree r' /\ r = r' \/ delta r' < delta r).
      induction H as [q | q r a].
      - exists [], (sing q). repeat split; auto.
        * constructor.
        * left. cbn. split; auto. constructor; auto. constructor.
      - destruct IHvalid_path as [x' [r' [Q1 [Q2 [Q3 [[Q4 Q5]|Q4]]]]]].
        + subst r'. decide (q el r) as [D'|D'].
          * destruct (in_nstr D') as [l1 [l2 [E F]]]. rewrite E in Q1.
            destruct (valid_path_remove Q1) as [y V].
            exists y, l2. repeat split; auto.
            -- cbn. rewrite E. now rewrite nstr_concat_last.
            -- right. rewrite E. cbn. rewrite nstr_concat_delta. omega.
          * exists (a :: x'), (ncons q r). repeat split; auto.
            -- apply valid_path_step; auto.
            -- left. cbn. split; auto. constructor; auto.
        + exists (a :: x'), (ncons q r'). repeat split; auto.
          * apply valid_path_step; auto. now rewrite Q2.
          * right. cbn. omega.

   Lemma remove_loops (x: Str Sigma) r (H: valid_path r x) : exists (x': Str Sigma) r', valid_path r' x' /\ r' 0 = r 0 /\ nstr_last r' = nstr_last r /\ dupfree r'.
     revert x H.
     apply nstr_size_induction with (y := r). clear r. intros r IHr x H.
     destruct (remove_loop H) as [x' [r' [Q1 [Q2 [Q3 [Q4|Q4]]]]]].
     - now exists x', r'.
     - destruct (IHr r' Q4 x' Q1) as [x''[ r'' [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]]]].
       exists x'', r''. repeat split; auto; congruence.

   Lemma remove_loops_nstr (x: NStr Sigma) r (H: valid_path r x) : exists (x': NStr Sigma) r', valid_path r' x' /\ r' 0 = r 0 /\ nstr_last r' = nstr_last r /\ delta r' <= Cardinality (state aut).
     assert (| x| > 0) as L. { rewrite <-nstr_to_str_length. omega. }
     destruct H.
     - exfalso. now cbn in L.
     - apply remove_loops in H0. destruct H0 as [x' [r' [V [H1 [H2 H3]]]]].
       destruct x'.
       + exists (sing a), (ncons q (sing (r 0))). repeat split; auto.
         * apply valid_path_step; auto. apply valid_path_base.
         * cbn. inversion V. subst. cbn in *. congruence.
         * cbn. enough (0 < Cardinality (state aut)) by omega. now apply Card_positiv.
       + exists ( (!(a :: e :: x'))), (ncons q r'). repeat split; auto.
         * rewrite <-str_to_nstr_idem'. apply valid_path_step; auto. now rewrite H1.
         * cbn. rewrite nstr_to_str_length. now apply dupfree_length.

   Lemma dec_transforms_informative_bound p q: {x | p ===> q on x /\ delta x <= Cardinality (state aut)} + {forall x, ~ p ===> q on x}.
     decide (exists r, delta r <= Cardinality (state aut) /\ exists (x: NStr Sigma), delta x <= Cardinality (state aut) /\ valid_path r x /\ r 0 = p /\ nstr_last r = q)
       as [[r [Lr [x [Lx [H1 H2]]]%string_bounded_length_cc ]] % string_bounded_length_cc|D]; auto.
     - left. exists x. repeat split; auto.
        apply transforms_iff_valid_path. now exists r.
     - right. intros x T. apply D.
       apply transforms_iff_valid_path in T. destruct T as [r [V [B E]]].
       apply remove_loops_nstr in V. destruct V as [x' [r' [V [H1 [H2 H3]]]]].
       exists r'. split; auto.
       exists x'. repeat split; auto.
       + apply valid_path_length in V. rewrite <-nstr_to_str_length in V. omega.
       + congruence.
       + congruence.

   Lemma dec_ex_transforms_informative p q: {x | p ===> q on x} + {forall x, ~ p ===> q on x}.
     destruct (dec_transforms_informative_bound p q) as [[x [T _]] | D].
     - left. now exists x.
     - now right.

   Lemma ex_transforms_cc p q :( exists x, p ===> q on x) -> {x| p ===> q on x}.
     intros H. destruct (dec_ex_transforms_informative p q) as [Q|Q]; auto.
     exfalso. firstorder.

   Global Instance dec_ex_transforms p q: dec(exists x, p ===> q on x).
     destruct (dec_ex_transforms_informative p q) as [[x T]|D].
     - left. now exists x.
     - right. intros [x T]. now apply (D x).

   Lemma dec_ex_transforms_accepting_informative p q: {x | p =!=> q on x } + {forall x, ~ p =!=> q on x}.
     decide (accepting_state p /\ exists x, p ===> q on x) as [[D1 [x T]%ex_transforms_cc]|D].
     - left. exists x. now apply trans_accepting_base.
     - decide (exists y, delta y <= Cardinality (state aut) /\ exists z, delta z <= Cardinality (state aut) /\ exists q', accepting_state q' /\ p ===> q' on y /\ q' ===> q on z)
        as [[x [Lx [y [Ly [q' [H1 [H2 H3]]]%finType_cc]]%string_bounded_length_cc]] % string_bounded_length_cc|D']; auto.
       + left. exists (nstr_concat' x y). apply transforms_accepting_iff. right. now exists x, y, q'.
       + right. intros x [T|T] % transforms_accepting_iff.
         * apply D. firstorder.
         * destruct T as [y [z [q' [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]]]]].
           destruct (dec_transforms_informative_bound p q') as [[y' [Q1 Q2]] |D''].
           -- destruct (dec_transforms_informative_bound q' q) as [[z' [Q3 Q4]] |D''']; firstorder.
           -- firstorder.

   Lemma ex_transforms_accepting_cc p q :( exists x, p =!=> q on x) -> {x| p =!=> q on x}.
     intros H. destruct (dec_ex_transforms_accepting_informative p q) as [Q|Q]; auto.
     exfalso. firstorder.

   Global Instance dec_ex_transforms_accepting p q: dec(exists x, p =!=> q on x).
     destruct (dec_ex_transforms_accepting_informative p q) as [[x T]|D].
     - left. now exists x.
     - right. intros [x T]. now apply (D x).

   End Decidability.

End TransformsRelations.

Notation " p '===>' q 'on' x" := (transforms p q x) (at level 10).
Notation " p '=!=>' q 'on' x" := (transforms_accepting p q x) (at level 10).