Constructive extensional model of finite ZF

From Undecidability.FOL Require Import ZF Reductions.PCPb_to_HF.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import Syntax Syntax_facts FullTarski_facts.
From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT Require Import hfs.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils Require Import finite.

From Undecidability Require Import Shared.ListAutomation.
Import ListAutomationNotations.

Require Import Lia.

Definition hfs_listing x :=
   proj1_sig (hfs_mem_fin_t x).

Lemma hfs_listing_spec x y :
  y el hfs_listing x <-> hfs_mem y x.
  unfold hfs_listing. now destruct hfs_mem_fin_t.

Definition list2hfs L :=
  fold_right hfs_cons hfs_empty L.

Lemma list2hfs_spec L x :
  hfs_mem x (list2hfs L) <-> x el L.
  induction L; cbn.
  - apply hfs_empty_spec.
  - split.
    + intros [<-|H] % hfs_cons_spec; auto. right. now apply IHL.
    + intros [<-|H]; apply hfs_cons_spec; auto. right. now apply IHL.

Definition hfs_union x :=
  list2hfs (concat (map hfs_listing (hfs_listing x))).

Lemma hfs_union_spec x y :
  hfs_mem y (hfs_union x) <-> exists z, hfs_mem z x /\ hfs_mem y z.
  unfold hfs_union. rewrite list2hfs_spec, in_concat. split.
  - intros [L [[z [<- H1]] % in_map_iff H2]].
    exists z. split; now apply hfs_listing_spec.
  - intros [z [H1 % hfs_listing_spec H2 % hfs_listing_spec]].
    exists (hfs_listing z). split; trivial. now apply in_map.

Instance hfs_interp :
  interp hfs.
  - intros [].
    + intros _. exact hfs_empty.
    + intros v. exact (hfs_pair (Vector.hd v) (Vector.hd ( v))).
    + intros v. exact (hfs_union (Vector.hd v)).
    + intros v. exact (hfs_pow (Vector.hd v)).
    + intros _. exact hfs_empty.
  - intros [].
    + intros v. exact (hfs_mem (Vector.hd v) (Vector.hd ( v))).
    + intros v. exact (Vector.hd v = Vector.hd ( v)).

Open Scope sem.

Lemma hfs_model :
  forall rho, rho HF.
  intros rho phi [<-|[<-|[<-|[<-|[<-|[]]]]]]; cbn.
  - intros x y H1 H2. apply hfs_mem_ext. intuition.
  - intros x. apply hfs_empty_spec.
  - intros x y z. apply hfs_pair_spec.
  - intros x y. apply hfs_union_spec.
  - intros x y. apply hfs_pow_spec.

Lemma htrans_htrans x y :
  htrans x -> y x -> htrans y.
  intros [H1 H2] H. split; try now apply H2.
  intros z Hz. apply H2. now apply (H1 y).

Definition max {X} (L : list X) :
  forall (f : forall x, x el L -> nat), sig (fun n => forall x (H : x el L), f x H < n).
  intros f. induction L; cbn.
  - exists 42. intros x [].
  - unshelve edestruct IHL as [n Hn].
    + intros x Hx. apply (f x). now right.
    + pose (na := f a (or_introl eq_refl)). exists ((S na) + n). intros x [->|H].
      * unfold na. apply NPeano.Nat.lt_lt_add_r. constructor.
      * specialize (Hn x H). cbn in Hn. now apply NPeano.Nat.lt_lt_add_l.

Lemma hfs_model_standard x :
  htrans x -> sig (fun n => x = numeral n).
  induction x using hfs_rect.
  intros Hx. destruct (hfs_mem_fin_t x) as [L HL].
  unshelve edestruct (@max _ L) as [N HN].
  - intros y Hy % HL. destruct (H y) as [n Hn]; auto. eapply htrans_htrans; eauto.
  - apply numeral_trans_sub with N.
    + apply hfs_model.
    + reflexivity.
    + intros a b. destruct (hfs_mem_dec a b); auto.
    + intros y Hy. destruct (H y Hy (htrans_htrans Hx Hy)) as [n Hn].
      rewrite Hn. apply numeral_lt; try apply hfs_model; try reflexivity.
      assert (HLy : y el L) by now apply HL. specialize (HN y HLy).
      cbn in HN. destruct H as [n' ->] in HN.
      erewrite numeral_inj at 1; try apply HN; try apply hfs_model; try reflexivity.
      now rewrite Hn.
    + apply (proj1 Hx).

Lemma HF_model :
  exists V (M : interp V), extensional M /\ standard M /\ forall rho, rho HF.
  exists hfs, hfs_interp. split; try reflexivity.
  split; try apply hfs_model.
  intros x Hx. destruct (hfs_model_standard Hx) as [n Hn]. now exists n.

Definition hfs_inductive x :=
  hfs_mem hfs_empty x /\ forall y, hfs_mem y x -> hfs_mem (hfs_cons y y) x.

Fixpoint hfs_numeral n :=
  match n with
  | O => hfs_empty
  | S n => hfs_cons (hfs_numeral n) (hfs_numeral n)

Fixpoint list_n n :=
  match n with
  | O => [0]
  | S n => S n :: list_n n

Definition list_numerals n :=
  map hfs_numeral (list_n n).

Lemma numeral_inductive x n :
  hfs_inductive x -> hfs_mem (hfs_numeral n) x.
  intros H. induction n; cbn; apply H. apply IHn.

Lemma list_numerals_inductive x n :
  hfs_inductive x -> forall y, y el list_numerals n -> hfs_mem y x.
  intros H y [k[<- Hk]] % in_map_iff. now apply numeral_inductive.

Lemma list_numerals_length n :
  length (list_numerals n) = S n.
  induction n; cbn; trivial.
  rewrite <- IHn. reflexivity.

Lemma list_n_bound n k :
  k > n -> ~ k el list_n n.
  induction n in k |- *; intros Hk.
  - intros [H|[]]. lia.
  - intros [<-|H]; try lia. apply IHn in H; trivial. lia.

Lemma list_n_nodup n :
  NoDup (list_n n).
  induction n; cbn; constructor.
  - intros [].
  - constructor.
  - apply list_n_bound. lia.
  - apply IHn.

Lemma hfs_numeral_lt n n' :
  n < n' -> hfs_mem (hfs_numeral n) (hfs_numeral n').
  induction n'; try lia. intros Hn. cbn. apply hfs_cons_spec.
  assert (n = n' \/ n < n') as [->|H] by lia; auto.

Lemma hfs_no_loop x :
  ~ hfs_mem x x.
 induction (hfs_mem_wf x) as [x _ IH].
 intros H. now apply (IH x).

Lemma hfs_numeral_inj n n' :
  hfs_numeral n = hfs_numeral n' -> n = n'.
  intros Hn. assert (n < n' \/ n = n' \/ n' < n) as [H|[H|H]] by lia; trivial.
  - apply hfs_numeral_lt in H. rewrite Hn in H. now apply hfs_no_loop in H.
  - apply hfs_numeral_lt in H. rewrite Hn in H. now apply hfs_no_loop in H.

Lemma list_numerals_nodup n :
  NoDup (list_numerals n).
  apply FinFun.Injective_map_NoDup.
  - intros k k'. apply hfs_numeral_inj.
  - apply list_n_nodup.

Lemma HFN_model' :
  forall x, ~ (hfs_inductive x).
  intros X HX. destruct (hfs_mem_fin_t X) as [L HL].
  enough (S (length L) <= length L) by lia.
  rewrite <- list_numerals_length. apply NoDup_incl_length.
  - apply list_numerals_nodup.
  - intros x Hx. eapply HL, list_numerals_inductive, Hx. apply HX.

Lemma HFN_model :
  exists V (M : interp V), extensional M /\ standard M /\ forall rho, rho HFN.
  exists hfs, hfs_interp. split; try reflexivity. split.
  - intros x Hx. destruct (hfs_model_standard Hx) as [n Hn]. now exists n.
  - intros rho phi [<-|H]; try now apply hfs_model.
    cbn. intros x H. apply (@HFN_model' x). split; try apply H.
    intros y Hy % H. enough (hfs_cons y y = hfs_union (hfs_pair y (hfs_pair y y))) as -> by trivial.
    apply hfs_mem_ext. setoid_rewrite hfs_cons_spec. setoid_rewrite hfs_union_spec.
    intros z; split; intros Hz.
    + destruct Hz as [->|Hz].
      * exists (hfs_pair y y). rewrite !hfs_pair_spec. tauto.
      * exists y. rewrite hfs_pair_spec. tauto.
    + destruct Hz as [u[[->| ->] % hfs_pair_spec Hu]]; auto.
      left. apply hfs_pair_spec in Hu. tauto.