From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Datatypes.LNat Datatypes.LTerm.
Class decodable X `{registered X}: Type :=
decode : term -> option X;
decode_correct : forall (x:X), decode (enc x) = Some x;
decode_correct2 : forall (t : term) (x : X), decode t = Some x -> enc x = t
Arguments decodable : clear implicits.
Arguments decode : clear implicits.
Arguments decodable _ {_}.
Arguments decode _ {_} {_} _ : simpl never.
Instance decode_nat : decodable nat.
exists nat_unenc. all:eauto using LNat.unenc_correct, LNat.unenc_correct2.
Import L_Notations.
Fixpoint term_decode (s : term) :=
match s with
| lam (lam (lam (app 2 n))) =>
match decode nat n with
Some n => Some (var n)
| _ => None
| lam (lam (lam (app (app 1 s1) s2))) =>
match term_decode s1,term_decode s2 with
Some s1, Some s2 => Some (s1 s2)
| _,_ => None
| lam (lam (lam (app O s))) =>
match term_decode s with
Some s => Some (lam s)
| _ => None end
| _ => None
Instance decode_term : decodable term.
exists term_decode.
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-induction x;cbn. change LNat.nat_enc with (enc (X:=nat)).
+rewrite (decode_correct n). congruence.
+now rewrite IHx1,IHx2.
+now rewrite IHx. all:eauto using LNat.unenc_correct, LNat.unenc_correct2.
-apply (size_induction (f := size) (p := (fun t => forall x, term_decode t = Some x -> term_enc x = t))). intros t IHt s.
destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros [= <-].
+cbn. erewrite IHt.
+cbn. change LNat.nat_enc with (enc (X:=nat)).
erewrite decode_correct2. 2:eassumption. reflexivity.
+cbn. erewrite !IHt. reflexivity.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.Lists.
Import L.
Definition list_decode X `{decodable X} :=
fix list_decode (s : term) : option (list X) :=
match s with
| lam (lam 1) => Some []
| lam (lam ( ( O x) xs)) =>
match decode X x,list_decode xs with
Some x, Some xs => Some (x::xs)
| _,_ => None
| _ => None
Arguments list_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments list_decode _ {_ _} _.
Instance decode_list X `{registered X} {Hdec:decodable X}: decodable (list X).
exists (list_decode X).
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-induction x;cbn.
+setoid_rewrite decode_correct. now rewrite IHx.
-apply (size_induction (f := size) (p := (fun t => forall x, list_decode X t = Some x -> list_enc x = t))). intros t IHt s.
destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros [= <-].
+cbn. change (match H with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end x) with (enc x). erewrite decode_correct2. 2:easy.
erewrite IHt.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LProd.
Definition prod_decode X Y `{decodable X} `{decodable Y} (s : term) : option (X*Y) :=
match s with
| lam (app (app 0 x) y) =>
match decode X x,decode Y y with
Some x, Some y => Some (x,y)
| _,_ => None
| _ => None
Arguments prod_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments prod_decode _ _ {_ _ _ _}.
Instance decode_prod X Y `{decodable X} `{decodable Y}: decodable (X*Y).
exists (prod_decode X Y).
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-intros [];cbn.
+repeat setoid_rewrite decode_correct. easy.
-destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros ? [= <-]. cbn.
setoid_rewrite decode_correct2;[|eassumption..]. easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LSum.
Definition sum_decode X Y `{decodable X} `{decodable Y} (s : term) : option (X + Y) :=
match s with
| lam (lam (app 1 x)) =>
match decode X x with
| Some x => Some (inl x)
| _ => None
| lam (lam (app 0 y)) =>
match decode Y y with
| Some y => Some (inr y)
| _ => None
| _ => None
Arguments sum_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments sum_decode _ _ {_ _ _ _}.
Instance decode_sum X Y `{decodable X} `{decodable Y} : decodable (X + Y).
exists (sum_decode X Y).
all:unfold enc at 1; cbn.
-intros [];cbn; repeat setoid_rewrite decode_correct; easy.
-destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros ? [= <-]; cbn.
all: setoid_rewrite decode_correct2;[|eassumption..]; easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LOptions.
Definition option_decode X `{decodable X} (s : term) : option (option X) :=
match s with
| lam (lam (app 1 x)) =>
match decode X x with
Some x => Some (Some x)
| _ => None
| lam (lam 0) => Some None
| _ => None
Arguments option_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments option_decode _ {_ _} _.
Instance decode_option X `{registered X} {Hdec:decodable X}: decodable (option X).
exists (option_decode X).
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-intros[];cbn. 2:easy. setoid_rewrite decode_correct. easy.
-destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros ? [= <-].
+cbn. change (match H with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end x) with (enc x). erewrite decode_correct2. all:easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LBool.
Definition bool_decode (s : term) : option bool:=
match s with
| lam (lam 1) => Some true
| lam (lam 0) => Some false
| _ => None
Instance decode_bool: decodable (bool).
exists (bool_decode).
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-intros[];cbn. all:easy.
-destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros ? [= <-]. all:easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LUnit.
Definition unit_decode (s : term) : option unit :=
match s with
| lam 0 => Some tt
| _ => None
Instance decode_unit : decodable unit.
exists unit_decode.
- intros []. cbn. easy.
- destruct t eqn:Heq; cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
intros ? [= <-]. easy.
Class decodable X `{registered X}: Type :=
decode : term -> option X;
decode_correct : forall (x:X), decode (enc x) = Some x;
decode_correct2 : forall (t : term) (x : X), decode t = Some x -> enc x = t
Arguments decodable : clear implicits.
Arguments decode : clear implicits.
Arguments decodable _ {_}.
Arguments decode _ {_} {_} _ : simpl never.
Instance decode_nat : decodable nat.
exists nat_unenc. all:eauto using LNat.unenc_correct, LNat.unenc_correct2.
Import L_Notations.
Fixpoint term_decode (s : term) :=
match s with
| lam (lam (lam (app 2 n))) =>
match decode nat n with
Some n => Some (var n)
| _ => None
| lam (lam (lam (app (app 1 s1) s2))) =>
match term_decode s1,term_decode s2 with
Some s1, Some s2 => Some (s1 s2)
| _,_ => None
| lam (lam (lam (app O s))) =>
match term_decode s with
Some s => Some (lam s)
| _ => None end
| _ => None
Instance decode_term : decodable term.
exists term_decode.
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-induction x;cbn. change LNat.nat_enc with (enc (X:=nat)).
+rewrite (decode_correct n). congruence.
+now rewrite IHx1,IHx2.
+now rewrite IHx. all:eauto using LNat.unenc_correct, LNat.unenc_correct2.
-apply (size_induction (f := size) (p := (fun t => forall x, term_decode t = Some x -> term_enc x = t))). intros t IHt s.
destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros [= <-].
+cbn. erewrite IHt.
+cbn. change LNat.nat_enc with (enc (X:=nat)).
erewrite decode_correct2. 2:eassumption. reflexivity.
+cbn. erewrite !IHt. reflexivity.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.Lists.
Import L.
Definition list_decode X `{decodable X} :=
fix list_decode (s : term) : option (list X) :=
match s with
| lam (lam 1) => Some []
| lam (lam ( ( O x) xs)) =>
match decode X x,list_decode xs with
Some x, Some xs => Some (x::xs)
| _,_ => None
| _ => None
Arguments list_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments list_decode _ {_ _} _.
Instance decode_list X `{registered X} {Hdec:decodable X}: decodable (list X).
exists (list_decode X).
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-induction x;cbn.
+setoid_rewrite decode_correct. now rewrite IHx.
-apply (size_induction (f := size) (p := (fun t => forall x, list_decode X t = Some x -> list_enc x = t))). intros t IHt s.
destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros [= <-].
+cbn. change (match H with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end x) with (enc x). erewrite decode_correct2. 2:easy.
erewrite IHt.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LProd.
Definition prod_decode X Y `{decodable X} `{decodable Y} (s : term) : option (X*Y) :=
match s with
| lam (app (app 0 x) y) =>
match decode X x,decode Y y with
Some x, Some y => Some (x,y)
| _,_ => None
| _ => None
Arguments prod_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments prod_decode _ _ {_ _ _ _}.
Instance decode_prod X Y `{decodable X} `{decodable Y}: decodable (X*Y).
exists (prod_decode X Y).
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-intros [];cbn.
+repeat setoid_rewrite decode_correct. easy.
-destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros ? [= <-]. cbn.
setoid_rewrite decode_correct2;[|eassumption..]. easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LSum.
Definition sum_decode X Y `{decodable X} `{decodable Y} (s : term) : option (X + Y) :=
match s with
| lam (lam (app 1 x)) =>
match decode X x with
| Some x => Some (inl x)
| _ => None
| lam (lam (app 0 y)) =>
match decode Y y with
| Some y => Some (inr y)
| _ => None
| _ => None
Arguments sum_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments sum_decode _ _ {_ _ _ _}.
Instance decode_sum X Y `{decodable X} `{decodable Y} : decodable (X + Y).
exists (sum_decode X Y).
all:unfold enc at 1; cbn.
-intros [];cbn; repeat setoid_rewrite decode_correct; easy.
-destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros ? [= <-]; cbn.
all: setoid_rewrite decode_correct2;[|eassumption..]; easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LOptions.
Definition option_decode X `{decodable X} (s : term) : option (option X) :=
match s with
| lam (lam (app 1 x)) =>
match decode X x with
Some x => Some (Some x)
| _ => None
| lam (lam 0) => Some None
| _ => None
Arguments option_decode : clear implicits.
Arguments option_decode _ {_ _} _.
Instance decode_option X `{registered X} {Hdec:decodable X}: decodable (option X).
exists (option_decode X).
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-intros[];cbn. 2:easy. setoid_rewrite decode_correct. easy.
-destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros ? [= <-].
+cbn. change (match H with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end x) with (enc x). erewrite decode_correct2. all:easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LBool.
Definition bool_decode (s : term) : option bool:=
match s with
| lam (lam 1) => Some true
| lam (lam 0) => Some false
| _ => None
Instance decode_bool: decodable (bool).
exists (bool_decode).
all:unfold enc at 1. all:cbn.
-intros[];cbn. all:easy.
-destruct t eqn:eq. all:cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
all:intros ? [= <-]. all:easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Datatypes.LUnit.
Definition unit_decode (s : term) : option unit :=
match s with
| lam 0 => Some tt
| _ => None
Instance decode_unit : decodable unit.
exists unit_decode.
- intros []. cbn. easy.
- destruct t eqn:Heq; cbn.
all:repeat let eq := fresh in destruct _ eqn:eq. all:try congruence.
intros ? [= <-]. easy.