Require Import Arith List Lia.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section wf_chains.

  Variables (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop).

  Inductive chain : nat -> X -> X -> Prop :=
    | in_chain_0 : forall x, chain 0 x x
    | in_chain_1 : forall n x y z, R x y -> chain n y z -> chain (S n) x z.

  Hint Constructors chain : core.

  Fact chain_inv_0 x y : chain 0 x y -> x = y.
  Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed.

  Fact chain_inv_S n x y : chain (S n) x y -> exists z, R x z /\ chain n z y.
  Proof. inversion 1; exists y0; auto. Qed.

  Fact chain_plus a b x y z : chain a x y -> chain b y z -> chain (a+b) x z.
    induction 1 as [ | ? ? y ].
    + simpl; auto.
    + intros. simpl.
      constructor 2 with y.
      * auto.
      * auto.

  Corollary chain_snoc n x y z : chain n x y -> R y z -> chain (S n) x z.
    intros H1 H2.
    replace (S n) with (n+1) by lia.
    apply chain_plus with y; auto.
    constructor 2 with z; auto.

  Fact chain_plus_inv a b x z : chain (a+b) x z -> exists y, chain a x y /\ chain b y z.
    revert x; induction a as [ | a IHa ]; intros x; simpl.
    + exists x; split; auto.
    + intros H.
      apply chain_inv_S in H.
      destruct H as (y & H1 & H2).
      specialize (IHa _ H2).
      destruct IHa as (k & ? & ?).
      exists k; split; auto.
      constructor 2 with y; auto.

  Fact chain_snoc_inv n x z : chain (S n) x z -> exists y, chain n x y /\ R y z.
    replace (S n) with (n+1) by lia.
    intros H; apply chain_plus_inv in H.
    destruct H as (y & H1 & H2).
    exists y; split; auto.
    apply chain_inv_S in H2.
    destruct H2 as (k & H2 & H3).
    apply chain_inv_0 in H3; subst; auto.

  Inductive chain_list : list X -> X -> X -> Prop :=
    | in_chain_list_0 : forall x, chain_list nil x x
    | in_chain_list_1 : forall x l y z, R x y -> chain_list l y z -> chain_list (x::l) x z.

  Fact chain_chain_list n x y : chain n x y -> exists l, chain_list l x y
                                                      /\ n = length l.
    induction 1 as [ x | n x y z H1 _ (l & H2 & H3) ]; auto.
    + exists nil; simpl; split; auto; constructor.
    + exists (x::l); simpl; split; auto; constructor 2 with y; auto.

  Fact chain_list_chain l x y : chain_list l x y -> chain (length l) x y.
    induction 1 as [ ? | ? ? y ]; simpl; try constructor.
    constructor 2 with y; auto.

  Fact chain_list_app l x y m z : chain_list l x y
                               -> chain_list m y z
                               -> chain_list (l++m) x z.
    induction 1 as [ | l x y ]; simpl; auto.
    constructor 2 with y; auto.

  Lemma chain_list_inv l x y :
         chain_list l x y -> l = nil /\ x = y
                          \/ exists k l', l = x::l' /\ R x k /\ chain_list l' k y.
  Proof. intros [|]; firstorder. Qed.

  Corollary chain_list_nil_inv x y : chain_list nil x y -> x = y.
    intros H; apply chain_list_inv in H.
    destruct H as [ (_ & ->) | (? & ? & ? & _) ]; auto; discriminate.

  Corollary chain_list_cons_inv x l y z :
         chain_list (x::l) y z -> x = y /\ exists k, R x k /\ chain_list l k z.
    intros H.
    apply chain_list_inv in H.
    destruct H as [ (? & _) | (k & l' & H & ? & ?) ]; try discriminate.
    inversion H; firstorder.

  Lemma chain_list_app_inv l m x z :
         chain_list (l++m) x z -> exists y, chain_list l x y /\ chain_list m y z.
    revert x; induction l as [ | a l IHl ]; intros x.
    + exists x; simpl; split; auto; constructor.
    + simpl; intros H; apply chain_list_cons_inv in H.
      destruct H as (-> & b & H1 & H2).
      apply IHl in H2; destruct H2 as (y & H2 & H3).
      exists y; split; auto; constructor 2 with b; auto.

  Lemma Acc_chains k x : (forall n y, chain n y x -> n <= k) -> Acc R x.
    revert x.
    induction k as [ | k IHk ]; intros x Hx.
    + constructor 1; intros y Hy.
      assert (chain 1 y x) as C.
      { constructor 2 with x.
        + trivial.
        + constructor 1. }
      apply Hx in C; lia.
    + constructor 1; intros y Hy.
      apply IHk; intros n z Hn.
      apply le_S_n.
      apply (Hx _ z).
      apply chain_snoc with y; auto.

  Hypothesis (HR : forall x, exists k, forall n y, chain n y x -> n <= k).

  Theorem wf_chains : well_founded R.
    intros x.
    destruct (HR x) as (k & Hk).
    revert Hk; apply Acc_chains.

End wf_chains.