Require Export Bool Omega List PrelimsTac Compat.Coq86 (* for Functional Induction*).

Global Set Implicit Arguments.
Global Unset Strict Implicit.
Global Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
Export ListNotations.


Decidable predicates. Allows to write e.g. if Dec (x=y) then _ else _ in functions and decide (x=y) in Proofs to do case distinctions after showing that some property is decidable, e,g, see nat_eq_dec
Definition dec (X: Prop) : Type := {X} + { X}.

Existing Class dec.

Definition Dec (X: Prop) (d: dec X) : dec X := d.
Arguments Dec X {d}.

Tactic Notation "decide" constr(p) :=
  destruct (Dec p).
Tactic Notation "decide" "_" :=
  destruct (Dec _).

Natural Numbers

Lemma size_induction X (f : X nat) (p : X Prop) :
  ( x, ( y, f y < f x p y) p x)
   x, p x.

  intros IH x. apply IH.
  assert (G: n y, f y < n p y).
  { intros n. induction n.
    - intros y B. exfalso. omega.
    - intros y B. apply IH. intros z C. apply IHn. omega. }
  apply G.

Instance nat_le_dec (x y : nat) : dec (x y) :=
  le_dec x y.

Notation "'eq_dec' X" := ( x y : X, dec (x=y)) (at level 70).
Instance nat_eq_dec :
  eq_dec nat.
  unfold dec. decide equality.


Notation "| A |" := (length A) (at level 65).
(*Notation for lookup*)
Notation "A .[ n ]" := (nth_error A n) (at level 1, format "A '.[' n ]").
Notation "x '∈' A" := (In x A) (at level 70).

(* some lemmas not included in the standard library: *)
Lemma nth_error_lt_Some A (H:list A) n : n < |H| x, H.[n] = Some x.
  intros eq. revert H eq. induction n;intros;destruct H;cbn in *;inv eq;eauto. all:edestruct (IHn H); try omega; eauto.

Lemma nth_error_Some_lt A (H:list A) n x : H.[n] = Some x n < |H|.
  intros eq. revert H eq. induction n;intros;destruct H;cbn in *;inv eq. omega. apply IHn in . omega.

Lemma nth_error_map A B (H:list A) (f:AB) n a : (map f H).[n] = Some a b, H.[n] = Some b a = f b.
  intros eq. revert H eq. induction n;intros;destruct H;cbn in *;inv eq. eauto. eauto.

Lemma Forall_map X Y (A:list X) p (f:XY):
  Forall (fun x p (f x)) A Forall p (map f A).
  rewrite !Forall_forall. setoid_rewrite in_map_iff. firstorder subst. eauto.

Hint Extern 4
match goal with
|[ H: ?x nil |- _ ] destruct H

(* Register additional simplification rules with autorewrite*)
Hint Rewrite app_assoc : list.


Definition rcomp X Y Z (R : X Y Prop) (S : Y Z Prop) : X Z Prop :=
  fun x z y, R x y S y z.

Structure ARS :=
    ARS_X :> Type ;
    ARS_R : ARS_X ARS_X Prop
Notation "(≻)" := (@ARS_R _) (at level 0).
Notation "(≻ X )" := (@ARS_R X) (at level 0).
Notation "x ≻ x'" := (ARS_R x x') (at level 40).

Definition reducible (X : Type) (R : X X Prop) x :=
   x', R x x'.

Hint Unfold reducible.

Definition functional (X Y : Type) (R : X Y Prop) :=
   x y y', R x y R x y' y = y'.

Definition stepFunction {X Y} (R: X Y Prop) f :=
   x, match f x with
         Some y R x y
       | None y, R x y

Definition computable {X Y} (R:X Y Prop) :=
   f, stepFunction R f.

Definition classical {X} R := s : X, reducible R s reducible R s.

Lemma computable_classical X (R:X X Prop):
  computable R classical R.
  intros [f C] x. specialize (C x). destruct (f x). now left; eauto. right;intros [? ?]. eapply C. eauto.

(* missing facts about relation extension on lists *)
Lemma Forall2_impl X Y ( :XYProp) A B: ( x y, x y x y) A B A B.
  intros ? H. induction H;cbn in *;eauto.

Inductive terminatesOn (X : Type) (R : X X Prop) x: Prop :=
  terminatesC (wf: x', R x x' terminatesOn R x').

Reserved Notation "x ▷ z" (at level 40).

Inductive evaluates (X : ARS) : X X Prop :=
  evaluates_B (x : X) : reducible (≻) x x x
| evaluates_S (x y z : X) : x y y z x z
where "x ▷ z" := (@evaluates _ x z).

Notation "(▷)" := (@evaluates _) (at level 0).
Notation "(▷ X )" := (@evaluates X) (at level 0).
(* workaround to prefere "x ≻ y" over "(≻) x y"*) Notation "x ▷ x'" := 0.
Notation "x ▷ x'" := (@evaluates _ x x').

Definition normalizes (X : ARS) (x:X) :=
   y, x y.
Hint Unfold normalizes.

Lemma evaluates_fun (X : ARS) :
  functional (≻X) functional (▷X).
  intros FN x x' x'' H. revert x''. induction H.
  - intros. inv .
    + reflexivity.
    + destruct H; eauto.
  - intros. inv .
    + destruct ; eauto.
    + eapply IHevaluates. now rewrite (FN _ _ _ H ).

Lemma normalizes_terminates (X : ARS) :
  functional (≻X)
   (x:X), normalizes x terminatesOn (≻) x.
  intros FN x [x' ?]. induction H.
  - econstructor. intros x' ?; destruct H. eauto.
  - econstructor. intros x' ?. now rewrite (FN _ _ _ H).

Lemma terminates_normalizes (X : ARS) :
  computable (≻X)
   (x:X), terminatesOn (≻) x normalizes x.
  intros C%computable_classical x. induction 1.
  destruct (C x) as [ [a' Hstep] | ].
  - destruct (H _ Hstep) as [a'']. exists a''. eauto using evaluates.
  - exists x. now econstructor.

Lemma evaluates_irred (X : ARS) (x y : X):
  x y reducible (≻) y.
  induction 1; eauto.


Fixpoint noneHolds (Ps :list Prop) : Prop :=
  match Ps with
  | [] True
  | P :: Ps P noneHolds Ps

Fixpoint exactlyOneHolds (Ps :list Prop) : Prop :=
  match Ps with
  | [] False
  | P :: Ps P noneHolds Ps P exactlyOneHolds Ps

Ltac noneHoldsI :=
  lazymatch goal with
    |- noneHolds [] now constructor
  | |- noneHolds (_::_) split;[|noneHoldsI]

Ltac exactlyOneHoldsI n :=
  lazymatch n with
  | 1 left;split;[|noneHoldsI]
  | S ?n right;split;[|exactlyOneHoldsI n]

Ltac inv_noneHolds H :=
  lazymatch type of H with
  | noneHolds [] clear H
  | noneHolds (_::_) let tmp := fresh "tmp" in destruct H as [? tmp];inv_noneHolds tmp

Ltac inv_exactlyOneHolds H :=
  lazymatch type of H with
  | exactlyOneHolds [] now inversion H
  | exactlyOneHolds (_::_) let tmp := fresh "tmp" in destruct H as [[? tmp]|[? tmp]];[inv_noneHolds tmp|inv_exactlyOneHolds tmp]

Nicer Notation for Option
Notation "'try' x ':=' t 'in' u":=
  (match t with Some x u | None None end)
    (at level 200, right associativity).