
A meet semi lattice is an ordType in which we can compute all finite colimits.
Require Import base order adjunction jlat.

Module MLat.
  Record mixin_of (T : ordType) := Mixin {
    top : T;
    meet : T -> T -> T;
    _ : forall x, x <= top;
    _ : forall x y, is_glb (pairb x y) (meet x y)

  Section ClassDef.
    Record class_of (T : Type) := Class {
      base : Ord.class_of T;
      mixin : mixin_of (Ord.Pack base T)
    Local Coercion base : class_of >-> Ord.class_of.

    Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort; _ : Type}.
    Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.

    Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
    Definition class := let: Pack _ c _ as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c.
    Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack T c T.
    Let xT := let: Pack T _ _ := cT in T.
    Notation xclass := (class : class_of xT).

    Definition pack b0 (m0 : mixin_of (@Ord.Pack T b0 T)) :=
      fun bT b & phant_id (Ord.class bT) b =>
      fun m & phant_id m0 m => Pack (@Class T b m) T.

    Definition proType := @Pro.Pack cT xclass xT.
    Definition ordType := @Ord.Pack cT xclass xT.
  End ClassDef.

  Module Exports.
    Coercion base : class_of >-> Ord.class_of.
    Coercion mixin : class_of >-> mixin_of.
    Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.

    Coercion proType : type >-> Pro.type.
    Canonical proType.

    Coercion ordType : type >-> Ord.type.
    Canonical ordType.

    Notation mlat := type.
    Notation MLat T m := (@pack T _ m _ _ id _ id).
    Notation MLatMixin := Mixin.
    Notation "[ 'mlat' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@clone T cT _ idfun)
      (at level 0, format "[ 'mlat' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
    Notation "[ 'mlat' 'of' T ]" := (@clone T _ _ id)
      (at level 0, format "[ 'mlat' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
  End Exports.
End MLat.
Export MLat.Exports.

Definition top (X : mlat) : X := MLat.top (MLat.class X).
Definition meet (X : mlat) : X -> X -> X := MLat.meet (MLat.class X).
Arguments top {X}.
Arguments meet {X} x y.
Notation "x '\cap' y" := (meet x y) (at level 40, left associativity) : ord_scope.

Section MeetAxioms.
  Variable X : mlat.
  Implicit Types (x y z : X).

  Lemma meet_axiom {x y} : is_glb (pairb x y) (x \cap y).
  Proof. by case: X x y => ?[?[]]. Qed.

  Lemma topI x : x <= top.
  Proof. by case: X x => ?[?[]]. Qed.
End MeetAxioms.
Hint Resolve topI.
Arguments meet_axiom {T x y} z : rename.

(* Duality to jlat *)

Section ReverseMLat.
  Variable (T : jlat).
  Implicit Types (x y : T^r).

  Definition reverse_top : T^r := bot.
  Definition reverse_meet x y : T^r := join x y.

  Lemma reverse_le_top x : x <= reverse_top. exact: botE. Qed.
  Lemma reverse_le_meet x y : is_glb (pairb x y) (reverse_meet x y).
  Proof. exact: join_axiom. Qed.

  Canonical reverse_mlatMixin := MLatMixin reverse_le_top reverse_le_meet.
  Canonical reverse_mlat := Eval hnf in MLat T^r reverse_mlatMixin.
End ReverseMLat.

Section ReverseJLat.
  Variable (T : mlat).
  Implicit Types (x y : T^r).

  Definition reverse_bot : T^r := top.
  Definition reverse_join x y : T^r := meet x y.

  Lemma reverse_le_bot x : reverse_bot <= x. exact: topI. Qed.
  Lemma reverse_le_join x y : is_lub (pairb x y) (reverse_join x y).
  Proof. exact: meet_axiom. Qed.

  Canonical reverse_jlatMixin := JLatMixin reverse_le_bot reverse_le_join.
  Canonical reverse_jlat := Eval hnf in JLat T^r reverse_jlatMixin.
End ReverseJLat.

Section MeetLemmas.
  Variable X : mlat.
  Implicit Types (x y z : X).
  Let Y := reverse_jlat X.

  Lemma meetI x y z : x <= y -> x <= z -> x <= y \cap z.
  Proof. exact: (@joinE Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetEl x y z : x <= z -> x \cap y <= z.
  Proof. exact: (@joinIl Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetEr x y z : y <= z -> x \cap y <= z.
  Proof. exact: (@joinIr Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetxx : idempotent (@meet X).
  Proof. exact: (@joinxx Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetC : commutative (@meet X).
  Proof. exact: (@joinC Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetA : associative (@meet X).
  Proof. exact: (@joinA Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetAC : right_commutative (@meet X).
  Proof. exact: (@joinAC Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetCA : left_commutative (@meet X).
  Proof. exact: (@joinCA Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetACA : interchange (@meet X) (@meet X).
  Proof. exact: (@joinACA Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetTx x : top \cap x = x.
  Proof. exact: (@joinBx Y). Qed.

  Lemma meetxT x : x \cap top = x.
  Proof. exact: (@joinxB Y). Qed.

  Lemma top_eq x : top <= x -> x = top.
  Proof. exact: (@bot_eq Y). Qed.

  Lemma le_meetP x y : (x <= y) <-> (y \cap x = x).
  Proof. exact: (@le_joinP Y). Qed.

  Lemma meet_mono (x1 x2 y1 y2 : X) :
    x1 <= x2 -> y1 <= y2 -> x1 \cap y1 <= x2 \cap y2.
  Proof. exact: (@join_mono Y). Qed.

  Global Instance meet_monor x : monotone (meet x).
  Proof. move=> y1 y2. exact: (@join_monor Y). Qed.

  Global Instance meet_monol y : monotone (meet^~ y).
  Proof. move=> x1 x2. exact: (@join_monol Y). Qed.

  Global Instance meet_proper : Proper (ord_op ++> ord_op ++> ord_op) (@meet X).
  Proof. move=> x y le1 x2 y2 le2. exact: (@join_proper Y). Qed.

  Canonical meet_monoid := Monoid.Law meetA meetTx meetxT.
  Canonical meet_comoid := Monoid.ComLaw meetC.
End MeetLemmas.

Section MeetMFun.
  Variables (X Y : mlat) (f : X -> Y).
  Context {fP : monotone f}.

  Lemma monoM x y : f (x \cap y) <= f x \cap f y.
  Proof. exact: (@monoJ (reverse_jlat X) (reverse_jlat Y)). Qed.
End MeetMFun.

Lemma mk_meet {X : proType} (op : X -> X -> X) (x y : X) :
  op x y <= x ->
  op x y <= y ->
  (forall z, z <= x -> z <= y -> z <= op x y) ->
  is_glb (pairb x y) (op x y).
Proof. exact: (@mk_join (reverse_proType X)). Qed.

Notation "\cap_ i F" := (\big[meet/top]_i F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i at level 0,
           format "'[' \cap_ i '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i <- r | P ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i <- r | P%B) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i, r at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( i <- r | P ) '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i <- r ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i <- r) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i, r at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( i <- r ) '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( m <= i < n | P ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(m <= i < n | P%B) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i, m, n at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( m <= i < n | P ) '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( m <= i < n ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(m <= i < n) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i, m, n at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( m <= i < n ) '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i | P ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i | P%B) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( i | P ) '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i : t | P ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i : t | P%B) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i at level 50,
           only parsing) : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i : t ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i : t) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i at level 50,
           only parsing) : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i < n | P ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i < n | P%B) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i, n at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( i < n | P ) '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i < n ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i < n) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i, n at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( i < n ) '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i 'in' A | P ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i in A | P%B) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i, A at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( i 'in' A | P ) F ']'") : ord_scope.
Notation "\cap_ ( i 'in' A ) F" := (\big[meet/top]_(i in A) F%ORD)
  (at level 36, F at level 36, i, A at level 50,
           format "'[' \cap_ ( i 'in' A ) '/ ' F ']'") : ord_scope.

Section MeetBigops.
  Variable (I : eqType) (T : mlat).
  Implicit Types (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I -> T) (x : T).
  Let X := reverse_jlat T.

  Lemma bigcapP r P F x :
    {in r, forall i, P i -> x <= F i} <-> (x <= \cap_(i <- r | P i) F i).
  Proof. exact: (@bigcupP I X). Qed.

  Lemma bigcapI r P F x :
    {in r, forall i, P i -> x <= F i} -> x <= \cap_(i <- r | P i) F i.
  Proof. exact: (@bigcupE I X). Qed.

  Lemma bigcapE r P F i x :
    i \in r -> P i -> F i <= x -> \cap_(i <- r | P i) F i <= x.
  Proof. exact: (@bigcupI I X). Qed.
End MeetBigops.

Section MeetAdjunction.
  Variable (X Y : mlat) (f : X -> Y).
  Context {g : Y -> X} {fP : is_adjunction f g}.
  Let Xr := reverse_jlat X.
  Let Yr := reverse_jlat Y.

  Lemma adjM x y : f^* (x \cap y) = f^* x \cap f^* y.
  Proof. exact: (@adjJ Yr Xr). Qed.

  Lemma adjT : f^* top = top.
  Proof. exact: (@adjB Yr Xr). Qed.

  Lemma adjMb (I : Type) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I -> Y) :
    f^* (\cap_(i <- r | P i) F i) = \cap_(i <- r | P i) f^* (F i).
  Proof. exact: (@adjJb Yr Xr). Qed.
End MeetAdjunction.

Section MeetClosure.
  Variable (X : mlat) (c : X -> X).
  Context {cP : is_closure c}.
  Let Y := reverse_jlat X.

  Lemma closureM x y : c (c x \cap c y) = c x \cap c y.
  Proof. exact: (@kernelJ Y). Qed.

  Lemma closureT : c top = top.
  Proof. exact: (@kernelB Y). Qed.
End MeetClosure.

Section MeetKernel.
  Variable (X : mlat) (k : X -> X).
  Context {kP : is_kernel k}.
  Let Y := reverse_jlat X.

  Lemma kernelM x y : k (k x \cap k y) = k (x \cap y).
  Proof. exact: (@closureJ Y). Qed.
End MeetKernel.


Section PropMLat.
  Implicit Types (P Q : Prop).

  Lemma prop_le_top P : P <= True. by []. Qed.
  Lemma prop_le_meet P Q : is_glb (pairb P Q) (P /\ Q).
  Proof. apply: mk_meet; by firstorder. Qed.

  Canonical prop_mlatMixin := MLatMixin prop_le_top prop_le_meet.
  Canonical prop_mlat := Eval hnf in MLat Prop prop_mlatMixin.
End PropMLat.

Section PairMLat.
  Variable (X Y : mlat).
  Implicit Types (p q r : X * Y).

  Definition pair_top : X * Y := (top, top).
  Definition pair_meet p q := (p.1 \cap q.1, p.2 \cap q.2).

  Lemma pair_le_top p : p <= pair_top. by split=>/=. Qed.

  Lemma pair_le_meet p q : is_glb (pairb p q) (pair_meet p q).
  Proof. exact: (@pair_le_join (reverse_jlat X) (reverse_jlat Y)). Qed.

  Canonical pair_mlatMixin := MLatMixin pair_le_top pair_le_meet.
  Canonical pair_mlat := Eval hnf in MLat (X * Y) pair_mlatMixin.
End PairMLat.

Section IProdMLat.
  Variables (T : Type) (F : T -> mlat).
  Implicit Types (f g : iprod F).

  Definition iprod_top : iprod F := fun _ => top.
  Definition iprod_meet f g : iprod F := fun x => f x \cap g x.

  Lemma iprod_le_top f : f <= iprod_top. move=> x. exact: topI. Qed.

  Lemma iprod_le_meet f g : is_glb (pairb f g) (iprod_meet f g).
  Proof. exact: (@iprod_le_join T (reverse_jlat \o F)). Qed.

  Canonical iprod_mlatMixin := MLatMixin iprod_le_top iprod_le_meet.
  Canonical iprod_mlat := Eval hnf in MLat (iprod F) iprod_mlatMixin.
End IProdMLat.

Canonical prod_mlat (T : Type) (X : mlat) :=
  Eval hnf in MLat (T -> X) (@iprod_mlatMixin T (fun _ => X)).

Instance top_monotone {X : proType} {Y : mlat} : monotone (top : X -> Y).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Instance meet_monotone {X : proType} {Y : mlat} (f g : X -> Y)
         {fP : monotone f} {gP : monotone g} : monotone (f \cap g).
  move=> x y. exact: (@join_monotone (reverse_proType X) (reverse_jlat Y)).

Section MFunMLat.
  Variables (X : proType) (Y : mlat).
  Implicit Types (f g : {mono X -> Y}).

  Definition mfun_top : {mono X -> Y} := mfun top.
  Definition mfun_meet f g : {mono X -> Y} := mfun ((f : X -> Y) \cap g).

  Lemma mfun_le_top f : f <= mfun_top. exact: topI. Qed.
  Lemma mfun_le_meet f g : is_glb (pairb f g) (mfun_meet f g).
    apply: mk_meet. exact: meetEl. exact: meetEr. move=> h. exact: meetI.

  Canonical mfun_mlatMixin := MLatMixin mfun_le_top mfun_le_meet.
  Canonical mfun_mlat := Eval hnf in MLat {mono X -> Y} mfun_mlatMixin.
End MFunMLat.

Simplifying reverse lattice operations

Lemma rev_botE (T : mlat) : (bot : T^r) = top.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma rev_topE (T : jlat) : (top : T^r) = bot.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma rev_joinE (T : mlat) (x y : T^r) : (x \cup y) = (x \cap y).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma rev_meetE (T : jlat) (x y : T^r) : (x \cap y) = (x \cup y).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Definition bot_simpl := (bot_simpl, rev_botE).
Definition join_simpl := (join_simpl, rev_joinE).

Simplifying top, meet

Lemma prop_topE : (top : Prop) = True. by []. Qed.
Lemma pair_topE (X Y : mlat) : (top : X * Y) = (top, top). by []. Qed.

Lemma iprod_topE (T : Type) (F : T -> mlat) (x : T) :
  (top : iprod F) x = top.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma prod_topE (T : Type) (X : mlat) (x : T) :
  (top : T -> X) x = top.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma mfun_topE (X : proType) (Y : mlat) (x : X) :
  (top : {mono X -> Y}) x = top.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma prop_meetE (P Q : Prop) : (P \cap Q) = (P /\ Q).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma pair_meetE (X Y : mlat) (x1 x2 : X) (y1 y2 : Y) :
  ((x1,y1) \cap (x2,y2)) = (x1 \cap x2, y1 \cap y2).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma iprod_meetE (T : Type) (F : T -> mlat) (f g : iprod F) (x : T) :
  (f \cap g) x = (f x \cap g x).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma prod_meetE (T : Type) (X : mlat) (f g : T -> X) (x : T) :
  (f \cap g) x = f x \cap g x.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma mfun_meetE (X : proType) (Y : mlat) (f g : {mono X -> Y}) (x : X) :
  (f \cap g) x = f x \cap g x.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Definition top_simpl :=
  (prop_topE, prod_topE, mfun_topE, iprod_topE, pair_topE, rev_topE).
Definition meet_simpl :=
  (prop_meetE, prod_meetE, mfun_meetE, iprod_meetE, pair_meetE, rev_meetE).