
(* (c) 2016, Jonas Kaiser & Tobias Tebbi *)

Equivalence of System F and System L in Coq based on Context Morphism Lemmas

This proof script accompanies the CPP 2017 paper of the same name. Note that the script refers to lambda 2 as System L. Lemma and Theorem numbers and names from the paper are annotated in comments marked with "PR:"

Require Import Omega List Program.Equality.
From Autosubst Require Export Autosubst.

Require Import Decidable lib.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Traditional System F

Inductive typeF : Type :=
| TyVarF (x : var)
| ImpF (A B : typeF)
| AllF (A : {bind typeF}).

Inductive termF : Type :=
| TmVarF (x : var)
| AppF (s t : termF)
| LamF (A : typeF) (s : {bind termF})
| TySpecF (s : termF) (A : typeF)
| TyAbsF (s : {bind typeF in termF}).

Decidable Equality on the type and term syntax
Instance decide_eq_typeF (A B : typeF) : Dec (A = B). derive. Defined.
Instance decide_eq_termF (s t : termF) : Dec (s = t). derive. Defined.

Autosubst machinery
Instance Ids_typeF : Ids typeF. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_typeF : Rename typeF. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_typeF : Subst typeF. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_typeF : SubstLemmas typeF. derive. Qed.
Instance HSubst_termF : HSubst typeF termF. derive. Defined.
Instance Ids_termF : Ids termF. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_termF : Rename termF. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_termF : Subst termF. derive. Defined.
Instance HSubstLemmas_termF : HSubstLemmas typeF termF. derive. Qed.
Instance SubstHSubstComp_typeF_termF : SubstHSubstComp typeF termF. derive. Qed.
Instance SubstLemmas_termF : SubstLemmas termF. derive. Qed.

(* s.|tau.sigma is written stau,sigma in the paper, here are the reduction rules for reference *)
Goal forall x sigma tau, (TmVarF x).|[tau].[sigma] = sigma(x). autosubst. Qed.
Goal forall s t sigma tau, (AppF s t).|[tau].[sigma] = AppF s.|[tau].[sigma] t.|[tau].[sigma]. autosubst. Qed.
Goal forall A s sigma tau, (LamF A s).|[tau].[sigma] = LamF A.[tau] s.|[tau].[up sigma]. autosubst. Qed.
Goal forall s A sigma tau, (TySpecF s A).|[tau].[sigma] = TySpecF s.|[tau].[sigma] A.[tau]. autosubst. Qed.
Goal forall s sigma tau, (TyAbsF s).|[tau].[sigma] = TyAbsF s.|[up tau].[sigma >>| (ren (+1))]. autosubst. Qed.

Type Formation Judgement
Inductive istyF (N : nat) : typeF -> Prop :=
| istyF_var x : x < N -> istyF N (TyVarF x)
| istyF_imp A B : istyF N A -> istyF N B -> istyF N (ImpF A B)
| istyF_all A : istyF (1+N) A -> istyF N (AllF A).

Typing Judgment
Inductive typingF (N : nat) (Gamma : list typeF) : termF -> typeF -> Prop :=
| typingF_var x A :
    atn Gamma x A -> istyF N A ->
    typingF N Gamma (TmVarF x) A
| typingF_app s t A B :
    typingF N Gamma s (ImpF A B) -> typingF N Gamma t A ->
    typingF N Gamma (AppF s t) B
| typingF_lam s A B :
    istyF N A -> typingF N (A :: Gamma) s B ->
    typingF N Gamma (LamF A s) (ImpF A B)
| typingF_tyspec s A A' B :
    istyF N B -> typingF N Gamma s (AllF A) -> A' = A.[B/] ->
    typingF N Gamma (TySpecF s B) A'
| typingF_tyabs s A :
    typingF (1 + N) Gamma..[ren (+1)] s A ->
    typingF N Gamma (TyAbsF s) (AllF A).

PTS Syntax

Inductive level := Prp | Typ.

Inductive termL : Type :=
| VarL (x : var)
| ProdL (a : termL) (b : {bind termL})
| AppL (a b : termL)
| LamL (a : termL) (b : {bind termL})
| SortL (u : level).

Decidable Equality on the Term Syntax
Instance decide_eq_level (u v : level) : Dec (u = v). derive. Defined.
Instance decide_eq_termL (a b : termL) : Dec (a = b). derive. Defined.

Autosubst machinery
Instance Ids_termL : Ids termL. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_termL : Rename termL. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_termL : Subst termL. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_termL : SubstLemmas termL. derive. Qed.

System L

Inductive typingL (Gamma : list termL) : termL -> termL -> Prop :=
| typingL_ax :
    typingL Gamma (SortL Prp) (SortL Typ)
| typingL_var x a u :
    atnd Gamma x a -> typingL Gamma a (SortL u) ->
    typingL Gamma (VarL x) a
| typingL_prod a b u :
    typingL Gamma a (SortL u) -> typingL (a :: Gamma) b (SortL Prp) ->
    typingL Gamma (ProdL a b) (SortL Prp)
| typingL_app a b c d d' :
    typingL Gamma a (ProdL c d) -> typingL Gamma b c -> d' = d.[b/] ->
    typingL Gamma (AppL a b) d'
| typingL_lam a b c u :
    typingL Gamma a (SortL u) ->
    typingL (a :: Gamma) c (SortL Prp) ->
    typingL (a :: Gamma) b c ->
    typingL Gamma (LamL a b) (ProdL a c).

System P

Inductive istyP Gamma : termL -> Prop :=
| istyP_var x :
    atnd Gamma x (SortL Prp) ->
    istyP Gamma (VarL x)
| istyP_prod1 a :
    istyP ((SortL Prp) :: Gamma) a ->
    istyP Gamma (ProdL (SortL Prp) a)
| istyP_prod2 a b :
    istyP Gamma a -> istyP (a :: Gamma) b ->
    istyP Gamma (ProdL a b).

Inductive typingP Gamma : termL -> termL -> Prop :=
| typingP_var x a :
    atnd Gamma x a -> istyP Gamma a ->
    typingP Gamma (VarL x) a
| typingP_app1 a b c d d' :
    typingP Gamma a (ProdL c d) -> typingP Gamma b c -> d' = d.[b/] ->
    typingP Gamma (AppL a b) d'
| typingP_lam1 a b c :
    istyP Gamma a -> typingP (a :: Gamma) b c ->
    typingP Gamma (LamL a b) (ProdL a c)
| typingP_app2 a b b' c :
    typingP Gamma a (ProdL (SortL Prp) b) -> istyP Gamma c -> b' = b.[c/] ->
    typingP Gamma (AppL a c) b'
| typingP_lam2 a b :
    typingP ((SortL Prp) :: Gamma) a b ->
    typingP Gamma (LamL (SortL Prp) a) (ProdL (SortL Prp) b).

Meta theory of System F

Definition cr_istyF (rho xi : var -> var) N M := forall x, istyF N (TyVarF (rho x)) -> istyF M (TyVarF (xi x)).

Lemma cr_istyF_id N : cr_istyF id id N N.
Proof. intros n. auto. Qed.

Lemma cr_istyF_up rho xi N M : cr_istyF rho xi N M -> cr_istyF (upren rho) (upren xi) (1 + N) (1 + M).
  intros CR [|n] L; asimpl in *.
  - constructor. omega.
  - ainv. cut (rho n < N); [intros H|omega]. aspec. constructor. ainv. omega.

Lemma istyF_ren N A rho:
  istyF N A.[ren rho] -> forall M xi, cr_istyF rho xi N M -> istyF M A.[ren xi].
  intros H. depind H; intros M xi CR; destruct A; ainv.
  - apply CR. now constructor.
  - constructor; eauto.
  - constructor. asimpl. eapply IHistyF; eauto using cr_istyF_up. autosubst.

Lemma cr_istyF_shift N : cr_istyF id (+1) N (1 + N).
Proof. intros n H. asimpl in *. ainv. constructor. omega. Qed.

Lemma cr_istyF_ushift N : cr_istyF (+1) id (1 + N) N.
Proof. intros n H. asimpl in *. ainv. constructor. omega. Qed.

Corollary istyF_weaken N A: istyF N A -> istyF (1 + N) A.[ren (+1)].
Proof. intros H. eapply istyF_ren; eauto using cr_istyF_shift. now asimpl. Qed.

Corollary istyF_strengthen N A: istyF (1 + N) A.[ren (+1)] -> istyF N A.
Proof. intros H. eapply istyF_ren in H; eauto using cr_istyF_ushift. now asimpl in *. Qed.

Definition cr_typingF zeta N Gamma Delta := forall x A, typingF N Gamma (TmVarF x) A -> typingF N Delta (TmVarF (zeta x)) A.

Lemma cr_typingF_id N Gamma : cr_typingF id N Gamma Gamma.
Proof. intros n A. auto. Qed.

Lemma cr_typingF_up A zeta N Gamma Delta :
  cr_typingF zeta N Gamma Delta -> cr_typingF (upren zeta) N (A :: Gamma) (A :: Delta).
  intros CR [|n] B L; ainv; asimpl.
  - constructor; trivial. constructor.
  - constructor; trivial. constructor.
    cut (typingF N Gamma (TmVarF n) B); [intros J| now constructor]. apply CR in J. ainv.

Lemma cr_typingF_ren zeta N Gamma Delta :
  cr_typingF zeta N Gamma Delta ->
  forall M xi, cr_istyF xi id M N -> cr_typingF zeta M Gamma..[ren xi] Delta..[ren xi].
  intros CR2 M xi CR1. intros x B L. inversion L; subst.
  destruct (mmap_atn H0) as [B' [EB' L']]; subst.
  assert (H2' : istyF N B'). eapply istyF_ren in H1; eauto. now asimpl in *.
  assert (H3 : typingF N Gamma (TmVarF x) B') by now constructor.
  apply CR2 in H3. inversion H3; subst.
  constructor; trivial. eapply atn_mmap; eauto.

Corollary cr_typingF_ren_ushift zeta N Gamma Delta :
  cr_typingF zeta N Gamma Delta -> cr_typingF zeta (1 + N) Gamma..[ren (+1)] Delta..[ren (+1)].
Proof. intros CR. eapply cr_typingF_ren; eauto using cr_istyF_ushift. Qed.

Lemma typingF_ren N Gamma s A:
  typingF N Gamma s A ->
  forall M Delta xi zeta,
    cr_istyF id xi N M ->
    cr_typingF zeta N Gamma Delta ->
    typingF M Delta..[ren xi] s.[ren zeta].|[ren xi] A.[ren xi].
  intros H. induction H; intros M Delta xi zeta CR1 CR2; subst; asimpl.
  - constructor.
    + eapply atn_mmap; eauto.
      cut (typingF N Gamma (TmVarF x) A); [intros J | now constructor].
      apply CR2 in J. ainv.
    + eapply istyF_ren; eauto. now asimpl.
  - econstructor.
    + specialize (IHtypingF1 _ _ _ _ CR1 CR2); asimpl in *; eauto.
    + specialize (IHtypingF2 _ _ _ _ CR1 CR2); asimpl in *; eauto.
  - constructor.
    + eapply istyF_ren; eauto. now asimpl.
    + apply cr_typingF_up with (A:=A) in CR2.
      specialize (IHtypingF _ _ _ _ CR1 CR2). asimpl in *; eauto.
  - econstructor.
    + eapply istyF_ren; eauto. now asimpl.
    + specialize (IHtypingF _ _ _ _ CR1 CR2). asimpl in *; eauto.
    + autosubst.
  - constructor. asimpl.
    replace (Delta..[ren (xi >>> (+1))]) with (Delta..[ren (+1)]..[ren (upren xi)]) by autosubst.
    replace (s.|[ren (upren xi)].[ren zeta]) with (s.[ren zeta].|[ren (upren xi)]) by autosubst.
    apply IHtypingF.
    + apply cr_istyF_up in CR1. now asimpl in *.
    + now apply cr_typingF_ren_ushift.

Lemma cr_typingF_shift B N Gamma : cr_typingF (+1) N Gamma (B :: Gamma).
Proof. intros n A H. ainv. constructor; trivial. now constructor. Qed.

Corollary typingF_weaken B N Gamma s A:
  typingF N Gamma s A -> typingF N (B :: Gamma) s.[ren (+1)] A.
  intros H.
  pose proof (typingF_ren H (@cr_istyF_id N) (@cr_typingF_shift B N Gamma)) as J.
  asimpl in *. now replace (mmap id Gamma) with Gamma in J by autosubst.

Corollary typingF_ren_ty N Gamma s A:
  typingF N Gamma s A ->
  forall M xi, cr_istyF id xi N M ->
         typingF M Gamma..[ren xi] s.|[ren xi] A.[ren xi].
  intros H M xi CR. pose proof (typingF_ren H CR (@cr_typingF_id N Gamma)) as J.
  now asimpl in *.

Corollary typingF_weaken_ty N Gamma s A :
  typingF N Gamma s A -> typingF (1 + N) Gamma..[ren (+1)] s.|[ren (+1)] A.[ren (+1)].
Proof. intros H. eapply typingF_ren_ty; eauto using cr_istyF_shift. Qed.

PTS properties

Lemma sortL_ren u xi a : SortL u = a.[ren xi] -> a = SortL u.
Proof. intros E. destruct a; try discriminate E. asimpl in *. congruence. Qed.

Lemma sortL_p1 u : SortL u = (SortL u).[ren (+1)].
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma sortL_add_ren {u} xi : SortL u = (SortL u).[ren xi].
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Meta theory of System P

Lemma istyP_notSort Gamma u : ~ istyP Gamma (SortL u).
Proof. intros H. ainv. Qed.

Definition cr_istyP (rho xi : var -> var) Gamma Delta := forall x, istyP Gamma (VarL (rho x)) -> istyP Delta (VarL (xi x)).

Lemma cr_cr_istyP xi Gamma Delta : cr xi Gamma Delta -> cr_istyP id xi Gamma Delta.
Proof. intros CR n H. ainv. apply CR in H1. constructor. now asimpl in *. Qed.

Lemma cr_istyP_id Gamma : cr_istyP id id Gamma Gamma.
Proof. intros n. auto. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 1 *)
Lemma cr_istyP_up a rho xi Gamma Delta : cr_istyP rho xi Gamma Delta -> cr_istyP (upren rho) (upren xi) (a.[ren rho] :: Gamma) (a.[ren xi] :: Delta).
  intros CR [|n] L; ainv; asimpl in *.
  - apply sortL_ren in H1. subst. constructor. now econstructor.
  - apply sortL_ren in H1. rewrite H1 in H3.
    cut (istyP Gamma (VarL (rho n))); [intros J| now constructor]. aspec. ainv.
    constructor. rewrite sortL_p1. econstructor; eauto.

Corollary cr_istyP_up_id a xi Gamma Delta : cr_istyP id xi Gamma Delta -> cr_istyP id (upren xi) (a:: Gamma) (a.[ren xi] :: Delta).
  replace id with (upren id) at 2 by autosubst. replace a with (a.[ren id]) at 1 by autosubst.
  apply cr_istyP_up.

(* PR: Lemma 2 (Renaming CML for P Type Formation) *)
Lemma istyP_ren Gamma a rho :
  istyP Gamma a.[ren rho] -> forall Delta xi, cr_istyP rho xi Gamma Delta -> istyP Delta a.[ren xi].
  intros H. depind H; intros Delta xi CR; destruct a; ainv.
  - apply CR; auto using istyP.
  - apply sortL_ren in H2; subst. asimpl. constructor.
    apply IHistyP with (rho0 := upren rho); try autosubst.
    rewrite (sortL_add_ren rho) at 1. rewrite (sortL_add_ren xi) at 2.
    now apply cr_istyP_up.
  - constructor; eauto. asimpl.
    apply IHistyP2 with (rho0 := upren rho); try autosubst; auto using cr_istyP_up.

Lemma cr_istyP_shift Gamma a : cr_istyP id (+1) Gamma (a :: Gamma).
Proof. intros n H. ainv. constructor. rewrite sortL_p1. econstructor; eauto. Qed.

Lemma cr_istyP_ushift Gamma a : cr_istyP (+1) id (a :: Gamma) Gamma.
Proof. intros n H. ainv. apply sortL_ren in H1. subst. now constructor. Qed.

(* PR: Theorem 3 (Weakening for P Type Formation) *)
Theorem istyP_weaken Gamma a b : istyP Gamma a -> istyP (b :: Gamma) a.[ren (+1)].
Proof. intros H. eapply istyP_ren; eauto using cr_istyP_shift. now asimpl. Qed.

(* PR: Theorem 4 (Strengthening for P Type Formation) *)
Theorem istyP_strengthen Gamma a b: istyP (b :: Gamma) a.[ren (+1)] -> istyP Gamma a.
Proof. intros H. eapply istyP_ren in H; eauto using cr_istyP_ushift. now asimpl in *. Qed.

Definition cm_istyP sigma Gamma Delta := forall x, istyP Gamma (VarL x) -> istyP Delta (sigma x).

Lemma cr_cm_istyP xi Gamma Delta : cr_istyP id xi Gamma Delta -> cm_istyP (ren xi) Gamma Delta.
Proof. intros CR x H. asimpl. eapply CR. trivial. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 5 *)
Lemma cm_istyP_up a sigma Gamma Delta :
  cm_istyP sigma Gamma Delta -> cm_istyP (up sigma) (a :: Gamma) (a.[sigma] :: Delta).
  intros c [|]; ainv; atom_ren.
  - econstructor. now constructor.
  - asimpl. apply istyP_weaken. auto using istyP.

Lemma cm_istyP_beta_type Gamma a :
  istyP Gamma a -> cm_istyP (a .: ids) ((SortL Prp) :: Gamma) Gamma.
Proof. intros H [|x] L; simpl in *; ainv; atom_ren. now constructor. Qed.

Lemma cm_istyP_beta_term Gamma a b :
  typingP Gamma a b -> istyP Gamma b -> cm_istyP (a .: ids) (b :: Gamma) Gamma.
Proof. intros H1 H2 [|x] L; simpl in *; ainv; atom_ren. now constructor. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 6 (CML for P Type Formation) *)
Lemma istyP_subst a sigma Gamma Delta :
  istyP Gamma a -> cm_istyP sigma Gamma Delta -> istyP Delta a.[sigma].
  intros H. revert sigma Delta; induction H; intros.
  - eauto using istyP.
  - constructor. eauto using (@cm_istyP_up (SortL Prp)).
  - constructor; eauto. eauto using cm_istyP_up.

(* PR: Lemma 7 is for paper presentation only, all instances are handled directly via Lemma 6. *)

Definition cr_typingP xi Gamma Delta := forall x a, typingP Gamma (VarL x) a -> typingP Delta (VarL (xi x)) a.[ren xi].

(* PR: Lemma 8 *)
Lemma cr_typingP_up a xi Gamma Delta :
  cr_istyP id xi Gamma Delta -> cr_typingP xi Gamma Delta -> cr_typingP (upren xi) (a :: Gamma) (a.[ren xi] :: Delta).
  intros CR1 CR2 [|n] L; ainv; asimpl in *.
  - constructor.
    + econstructor. autosubst.
    + replace (a.[ren (xi >>> (+1))]) with (a.[ren xi].[ren (+1)]) by autosubst.
      apply istyP_strengthen in H2. apply istyP_weaken.
      eapply istyP_ren; eauto. now asimpl.
  - apply istyP_strengthen in H2.
    cut (typingP Gamma (VarL n) B); [intros J| now constructor]. aspec. ainv.
    replace (B.[ren (xi >>> (+1))]) with (B.[ren xi].[ren (+1)]) by autosubst.
    constructor; eauto using istyP_weaken. econstructor; eauto.

(* PR: Lemma 9 (Renaming CML for P Typing) *)
Lemma typingP_ren Gamma a b :
  typingP Gamma a b -> forall Delta xi, cr_istyP id xi Gamma Delta -> cr_typingP xi Gamma Delta -> typingP Delta a.[ren xi] b.[ren xi].
  intros H; induction H; intros Delta xi CR1 CR2; asimpl.
  - apply CR2. now constructor.
  - eapply typingP_app1; eauto. subst. autosubst.
  - constructor.
    + eapply istyP_ren; eauto. autosubst.
    + eapply IHtypingP; eauto using cr_typingP_up, cr_istyP_up_id.
  - eapply typingP_app2; eauto.
    + eapply istyP_ren; eauto. now asimpl.
    + subst. autosubst.
  - eapply typingP_lam2. rewrite (sortL_add_ren xi).
    eapply IHtypingP; eauto using cr_typingP_up, cr_istyP_up_id.

Lemma cr_typingP_shift Gamma a : cr_typingP (+1) Gamma (a :: Gamma).
  intros n b H. ainv. constructor.
  - econstructor; eauto.
  - now apply istyP_weaken.

(* PR: Theorem 10 (Weakening for P Typing) *)
Lemma typingP_weaken Gamma a b c : typingP Gamma a b -> typingP (c :: Gamma) a.[ren (+1)] b.[ren (+1)].
Proof. intros H. eapply typingP_ren; eauto using cr_istyP_shift, cr_typingP_shift. Qed.

Definition cm_typingP sigma (Gamma Delta : list termL) :=
  forall x a, typingP Gamma (VarL x) a -> typingP Delta (sigma x) a.[sigma].

Lemma cm_typingP_up a sigma Gamma Delta :
  cm_istyP sigma Gamma Delta ->
  cm_typingP sigma Gamma Delta ->
  cm_typingP (up sigma) (a :: Gamma) (a.[sigma] :: Delta).
  intros CM1 CM2 [|n] b H; ainv; asimpl.
  - constructor.
    + constructor; autosubst.
    + replace (a.[sigma >> ren (+1)]) with (a.[sigma].[ren (+1)]) by autosubst.
      apply istyP_weaken. eapply istyP_subst; eauto using istyP_strengthen.
  - replace (B.[sigma >> ren (+1)]) with (B.[sigma].[ren (+1)]) by autosubst.
    apply typingP_weaken, CM2. constructor; eauto using istyP_strengthen.

Lemma typingP_subst Gamma a b:
  typingP Gamma a b ->
  forall Delta sigma,
    cm_istyP sigma Gamma Delta ->
    cm_typingP sigma Gamma Delta ->
    typingP Delta a.[sigma] b.[sigma].
  intros H; induction H; intros Delta sigma CM1 CM2.
  - apply CM2. now constructor.
  - subst. econstructor; eauto; autosubst.
  - asimpl. constructor; eauto using istyP_subst, cm_istyP_up, cm_typingP_up.
  - subst. econstructor 4; eauto using istyP_subst. autosubst.
  - asimpl. constructor 5.
    replace (SortL Prp) with ((SortL Prp).[sigma]) by autosubst.
    eauto using cm_istyP_up, cm_typingP_up.

Lemma cm_typingP_beta_term Gamma a b :
  typingP Gamma a b -> istyP Gamma b -> cm_typingP (a .: ids) (b :: Gamma) Gamma.
  intros H J [|n] c K; ainv; asimpl; trivial.
  constructor; eauto using istyP_strengthen.

Lemma cm_typingP_beta_type Gamma a :
  istyP Gamma a -> cm_typingP (a .: ids) (SortL Prp :: Gamma) Gamma.
  intros H [|n] c K; ainv; asimpl.
  constructor; eauto using istyP_strengthen.

Theorem typingP_beta_term Gamma a b c d:
  istyP Gamma d -> typingP Gamma c d -> typingP (d :: Gamma) a b -> typingP Gamma a.[c/] b.[c/].
  intros. eapply typingP_subst; eauto using cm_istyP_beta_term, cm_typingP_beta_term.

Theorem typingP_beta_type Gamma a b c:
  istyP Gamma c -> typingP ((SortL Prp) :: Gamma) a b -> typingP Gamma a.[c/] b.[c/].
  intros. eapply typingP_subst; eauto using cm_istyP_beta_type, cm_typingP_beta_type.


Boolean decision test for Prp inside an Option
Definition eqPrp s := (if decide (s = Some(SortL Prp)) then true else false).

Some facts regarding Sorts, in particular SortL Prp
Lemma istyP_neqPrp Gamma a : istyP Gamma a -> a <> SortL Prp.
Proof. destruct 1; congruence. Qed.

Lemma sortP_neq_ren xi a u : a.[ren xi] <> SortL u -> a <> SortL u.
Proof. destruct a; try discriminate. now asimpl. Qed.

Lemma sortP_eqPrp_f a : a <> SortL Prp -> eqPrp (Some a) = false.
Proof. intros H. destruct a; trivial. destruct u; trivial. congruence. Qed.

Lemma atnd_eqPrp_t Gamma x :
  atnd Gamma x (SortL Prp) -> eqPrp (get Gamma x) = true.
  intros H. apply atnd_getD in H. rewrite getD_get in H.
  simpl in *. ca. ainv. atom_ren.

Lemma atnd_notPrp_eqPrp_f Gamma x a :
  atnd Gamma x a -> a <> (SortL Prp) -> eqPrp (get Gamma x) = false.
  intros H. apply atnd_getD in H. rewrite getD_get in H.
  simpl in *. unfold eqPrp. ca. ainv. congruence.

Corollary atnd_type_eqPrp_f Gamma x a :
  atnd Gamma x a -> istyP Gamma a -> eqPrp (get Gamma x) = false.
Proof. intros H1 H2. eapply atnd_notPrp_eqPrp_f; eauto using istyP_neqPrp. Qed.

Lemma eqPrp_ren a xi : eqPrp (Some a.[ren xi]) = eqPrp (Some a).
Proof. destruct a; reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma eqPrp_t_subst_t a sigma : eqPrp (Some a) = true -> eqPrp (Some a.[sigma]) = true.
Proof. intros E. destruct a; trivial; discriminate. Qed.

Equivalence of L and P

(* PR: Lemma 11 (Propagation for P) *)
Lemma typingP_istyP Gamma a b : typingP Gamma a b -> istyP Gamma b.
  intros H. induction H.
  - trivial.
  - subst. inversion IHtypingP1; subst; ainv. eauto using istyP_subst, cm_istyP_beta_term.
  - econstructor; eauto.
  - subst. inv IHtypingP; try now asimpl. eauto using istyP_subst, cm_istyP_beta_type.
  - constructor; eauto.

Definition gentypingP Gamma a b :=
  match b with
  | (SortL Typ) => a = (SortL Prp)
  | (SortL Prp) => istyP Gamma a
  | _ => typingP Gamma a b

Lemma gentypingP_typingP Gamma a b :
  istyP Gamma b -> (gentypingP Gamma a b <-> typingP Gamma a b).
  unfold gentypingP.
  split; intros; destruct b; intuition; now destruct (istyP_notSort $?).

(* PR: Lemma 12 (Correspondence of L and P) -- part (c) *)
Lemma typingL_typingP Gamma a b : typingL Gamma a b -> gentypingP Gamma a b.
  induction 1; simpl in *; trivial.
  - destruct u; subst; try now constructor.
    rewrite gentypingP_typingP by assumption. now constructor.
  - destruct u; subst; now constructor.
  - pose proof (typingP_istyP $?) as I. inv I.
    + simpl in *. rewrite gentypingP_typingP;
        eauto using typingP, istyP_subst, cm_istyP_beta_type.
    + rewrite gentypingP_typingP in *;
        eauto using typingP, istyP_subst, cm_istyP_beta_term.
  - rewrite gentypingP_typingP in * by assumption.
    destruct u; subst; eauto using typingP, istyP.

(* PR: Lemma 12 (Correspondence of L and P) -- part (a) *)
Lemma istyP_typingL Gamma a : istyP Gamma a -> typingL Gamma a (SortL Prp).
Proof. induction 1; eauto using typingL. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 12 (Correspondence of L and P) -- part (b) *)
Lemma typingP_typingL Gamma a b : typingP Gamma a b -> typingL Gamma a b.
Proof. induction 1; eauto using istyP_typingL, typingP_istyP, typingL. Qed.

(* PR: Theorem 13 (Equivalence of L and P) *)
Theorem typingPL_equiv Gamma a b :
  typingP Gamma a b <-> (typingL Gamma a b /\ typingL Gamma b (SortL Prp)).
  - eauto using typingP_typingL, typingP_istyP, istyP_typingL.
  - intros [H1 H2]. apply typingL_typingP in H1. apply typingL_typingP in H2.
    simpl in H2. now rewrite gentypingP_typingP in H1.

Equivalence of F and P

Translating F to P

Fixpoint trTypeFP (A : typeF) : termL :=
  match A with
    | TyVarF x => VarL x
    | ImpF A B => ProdL (trTypeFP A) (trTypeFP B).[ren(+1)]
    | AllF A => ProdL (SortL Prp) (trTypeFP A)

Fixpoint trTermFP (tau sigma : var -> termL) (s : termF) : termL :=
  match s with
  | TmVarF x => sigma x
  | AppF s t => AppL (trTermFP tau sigma s) (trTermFP tau sigma t)
  | LamF A s => LamL (trTypeFP A).[tau] (trTermFP (tau >> ren (+1)) (up sigma) s)
  | TySpecF s A => AppL (trTermFP tau sigma s) (trTypeFP A).[tau]
  | TyAbsF s => LamL (SortL Prp) (trTermFP (up tau) (sigma >> ren (+1)) s)

Translating P to F

Fixpoint trTypePF (gamma : var -> bool) (a : termL) : option typeF :=
  match a with
    | VarL x => if gamma x then Some (TyVarF x) else None
    | ProdL a b =>
      do B <- trTypePF (eqPrp (Some a) .: gamma) b;
        if decide(a = (SortL Prp))
        then Some(AllF B)
        else do A <- trTypePF gamma a; Some (ImpF A B.[ren (-1)])
    | _ => None
Arguments trTypePF gamma !a.

Fixpoint trTermPF (gamma : var -> bool) (a : termL) : option termF :=
  match a with
    | VarL x => if gamma x then None else Some (TmVarF x)
    | AppL a b =>
      do s <- trTermPF gamma a;
        match trTypePF gamma b with
          Some B => Some (TySpecF s B)
        | None =>
          do t <- trTermPF gamma b; Some (AppF s t) end
    | LamL a b =>
      do s <- trTermPF (eqPrp (Some a) .: gamma) b;
        if decide (a = (SortL Prp))
        then Some (TyAbsF s.[ren(-1)])
        else do A <- trTypePF gamma a; Some (LamF A s.|[ren(-1)])
    | _ => None

Facts about trTypeFP

Lemma trTypeFP_ren A xi : trTypeFP A.[ren xi] = (trTypeFP A).[ren xi].
Proof. revert xi. induction A; intros; asimpl; autorew; autosubst. Qed.

Lemma trTypeFP_subst A sigma :
  trTypeFP A.[sigma] = (trTypeFP A).[sigma >>> trTypeFP].
  revert sigma. induction A; intros; asimpl; autorew; try autosubst.
  do 2 f_equal. f_ext; intros[|x].
  - reflexivity.
  - asimpl. apply trTypeFP_ren.

Facts about trTermFP

Lemma trTermFP_ren_ren s xi1 xi2 zeta1 zeta2 :
  trTermFP (ren xi2) (ren zeta2) s.|[ren xi1].[ren zeta1] =
  trTermFP (ren id) (ren id) s.|[ren (xi1 >>> xi2)].[ren (zeta1 >>> zeta2)].
  revert xi1 xi2 zeta1 zeta2. induction s;
    intros; simpl; asimpl; f_equal; rewrite ?trTypeFP_ren; asimpl; eauto.
  - rewrite IHs. symmetry. replace ids with (ren id) by trivial. rewrite IHs. autosubst.
  - rewrite IHs. symmetry. replace ids with (ren id) by trivial. rewrite IHs. autosubst.

Corollary trTermFP_ren s xi zeta :
  trTermFP (ren xi) (ren zeta) s = trTermFP (ren id) (ren id) s.|[ren xi].[ren zeta].
Proof. pose proof (trTermFP_ren_ren s id xi id zeta) as H. now asimpl in *. Qed.

Facts about trTypePF

Lemma trTypePF_eqPrp_f gamma a A :
  trTypePF gamma a = Some A -> eqPrp (Some a) = false.
Proof. intros H. now destruct a. Qed.

Lemma trTypePF_free_res a gamma A sigma tau :
  trTypePF gamma a = Some A -> subst_coinc gamma sigma tau ->
  A.[sigma] = A.[tau].
  revert gamma A sigma tau. induction a; intros; simpl in *; try discriminate.
  - destruct (gamma x) eqn:E; ainv; eauto.
  - ca. decide (a = SortL Prp); subst.
    + inv $$(AllF); simpl; f_equal.
      eapply IHa0, subst_coinc_up; eauto.
    + ca. inv $$(ImpF). asimpl. f_equal; eauto.
      eapply IHa0, subst_coinc_hd_f; eauto using trTypePF_eqPrp_f.

Lemma trTypePF_free_arg a gamma A sigma tau :
  trTypePF gamma a = Some A -> subst_coinc gamma sigma tau ->
  a.[sigma] = a.[tau].
  revert gamma A sigma tau. induction a; intros; simpl in *; try discriminate.
  - destruct (gamma x) eqn:E; ainv; eauto.
  - ca. decide (a = SortL Prp); subst.
    + inv $$(AllF); simpl; f_equal. eapply IHa0, subst_coinc_up; eauto.
    + ca. inv $$(ImpF). f_equal; eauto. eapply IHa0, subst_coinc_up; eauto.

Lemma typingP_trTypePF Gamma a b :
  typingP Gamma a b -> trTypePF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) a = None.
Proof. destruct 1; simpl; trivial. erewrite atnd_type_eqPrp_f; eauto. Qed.

Lemma istyP_trTypePF Gamma a :
  istyP Gamma a -> exists A, trTypePF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) a = Some A.
  induction 1; simpl trTypePF.
  - exists (TyVarF x). now rewrite atnd_eqPrp_t.
  - destruct IHistyP as [A EA]. exists (AllF A).
    asimpl in *. now rewrite EA.
  - destruct IHistyP1 as [A EA]. destruct IHistyP2 as [B EB].
    asimpl in *. rewrite EA, EB. exists (ImpF A B.[ids 0/]).
    decide (a = SortL Prp); subst; trivial.
    exfalso. destruct (istyP_notSort $?).

Lemma trTypePF_ren a A xi delta gamma:
  trTypePF gamma a = Some A -> bfr xi delta gamma ->
  trTypePF delta a.[ren xi] = Some A.[ren xi].
  revert A xi delta gamma. induction a; intros; try discriminate.
  - simpl in *. destruct (gamma x) eqn:E; ainv. aspec. simpl. now rewrite $$(delta).
  - simpl in *. ca. asimpl. erewrite eqPrp_ren, IHa0; eauto using bfr_up.
    decide (a = (SortL Prp)); subst; simpl.
    + inv $$(AllF). autosubst.
    + rewrite (sortP_eqPrp_f $?) in *. ca. erewrite IHa; try eassumption.
      decide (a.[ren xi] = SortL Prp).
      * exfalso. apply f. destruct a; trivial; discriminate.
      * ainv. asimpl. do 2 f_equal. eapply trTypePF_free_res; eauto.
        apply subst_coinc_hd_f; trivial using subst_coinc_id.

Definition cm_trTypePF (tau : var -> typeF) (sigma : var -> termL) delta gamma :=
  forall x, gamma x = true -> trTypePF delta (sigma x) = Some (tau x).

Lemma cm_trTypePF_up a tau sigma delta gamma :
  cm_trTypePF tau sigma delta gamma ->
  cm_trTypePF (up tau) (up sigma) (eqPrp (Some a.[sigma]) .: delta) (eqPrp (Some a) .: gamma).
  intros H [|x] E; asimpl in *.
  - simpl. now rewrite eqPrp_t_subst_t.
  - eapply trTypePF_ren; eauto using bfr_shift.

Lemma cm_trTypePF_beta a gamma A :
  trTypePF gamma a = Some A ->
  cm_trTypePF (A .: ids) (a .: ids) (gamma) (true .: gamma).
Proof. intros H [|x] E; simpl in *; trivial. now rewrite E. Qed.

Lemma trTypePF_subst a A tau sigma delta gamma:
  trTypePF gamma a = Some A -> cm_trTypePF tau sigma delta gamma ->
  trTypePF delta a.[sigma] = Some A.[tau].
  revert A tau sigma delta gamma. induction a; intros; try discriminate.
  - simpl in *. destruct (gamma x) eqn:E; ainv. eauto.
  - simpl in *. ca. asimpl. erewrite IHa0; eauto using cm_trTypePF_up.
    decide (a = (SortL Prp)); subst; simpl.
    + inv $$(AllF). autosubst.
    + rewrite (sortP_eqPrp_f $?) in *. ca. erewrite IHa; try eassumption.
      decide (a.[sigma] = SortL Prp).
      * exfalso. specialize (IHa _ _ _ _ _ $? $?). rewrite $$(@eq) in IHa. discriminate.
      * ainv. asimpl. do 2 f_equal. eapply trTypePF_free_res; eauto.
        apply subst_coinc_hd_f; trivial using subst_coinc_id.

Facts about trTermPF

Lemma trTermPF_free sigma1 sigma2 tau1 tau2 a gamma s :
  trTermPF gamma a = Some s ->
  subst_coinc gamma sigma1 sigma2 -> subst_coinc (gamma >>> negb) tau1 tau2 ->
  s.|[sigma1].[tau1] = s.|[sigma2].[tau2].
  revert gamma s sigma1 sigma2 tau1 tau2.
  induction a; intros; simpl in *; try discriminate.
  - destruct (gamma x) eqn:E; ainv. apply H1. simpl. now autorew.
  - destruct (trTypePF gamma a2) eqn:?; ca; ainv; asimpl; erewrite IHa1;
    eauto; f_equal; eauto. eapply trTypePF_free_res; eauto.
  - ca. decide (a = SortL Prp); subst.
    + inv $$(TyAbsF). asimpl. f_equal.
      eapply IHa0; eauto; try now apply subst_coinc_up.
      (* eauto using subst_coinc_up. with Hint Extern 4 => exact _. does not work here*)
      asimpl. apply subst_coinc_hd_f, subst_coinc_hcomp; trivial.
    + ca. inv $$(LamF). asimpl. f_equal; eauto using trTypePF_free_res.
      eapply IHa0; eauto; asimpl; try now apply subst_coinc_up.
      apply subst_coinc_hd_f; trivial. now destruct a.

Corollary trTermPF_free_tm a gamma s tau :
  trTermPF gamma a = Some s -> subst_coinc (gamma >>> negb) ids tau ->
  s = s.[tau].
  pose proof (@trTermPF_free ids ids ids tau).
  asimpl in *; eauto using subst_coinc_id.

Corollary trTermPF_free_ty a gamma s sigma :
  trTermPF gamma a = Some s -> subst_coinc gamma ids sigma -> s = s.|[sigma].
  pose proof (@trTermPF_free ids sigma ids ids).
  asimpl in*; eauto using subst_coinc_id.

Preservation of Judgements

F → P: Type Formation

Definition cr_istyFP (xi : var -> var) N Gamma := forall x, istyF N (TyVarF x) -> istyP Gamma (VarL (xi x)).

Lemma cr_istyFP_vac xi Gamma : cr_istyFP xi 0 Gamma.
Proof. intros ? K. inversion K. omega. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 14 -- rule 1 *)
Lemma cr_istyFP_up xi N Gamma :
  cr_istyFP xi N Gamma -> cr_istyFP (upren xi) (1 + N) ((SortL Prp) :: Gamma).
  intros H [|x] K; asimpl.
  - repeat constructor.
  - inversion K. cut (x < N); [intros|omega].
    cut (istyF N (TyVarF x)); [intros J|now constructor].
    replace (VarL (S (xi x))) with (VarL (xi x)).[ren (+1)] by autosubst.
    apply istyP_weaken; auto.

(* PR: Lemma 14 -- rule 2 *)
Lemma cr_istyFP_shift A xi N Gamma :
  cr_istyFP xi N Gamma -> cr_istyFP (xi >>> (+1)) N ((trTypeFP A).[ren xi] :: Gamma).
  intros H x K. aspec. asimpl.
  replace (VarL (S (xi x))) with (VarL (xi x)).[ren (+1)] by autosubst.
  now apply istyP_weaken.

(* PR: Lemma 15 (CML: F to P -- Type Formation) *)
Lemma trIstyFP_morph A xi N Gamma:
  istyF N A -> cr_istyFP xi N Gamma ->
  istyP Gamma (trTypeFP A).[ren xi].
  intros H; revert Gamma xi; induction H; intros; simpl.
  - auto using istyF.
  - econstructor; asimpl; eauto using cr_istyFP_shift.
  - econstructor. asimpl; eauto using cr_istyFP_up.

F → P: Typing

Definition cr_typingFP (xi zeta : var -> var) N Delta Gamma :=
  forall x A, typingF N Delta (TmVarF x) A -> typingP Gamma (VarL (zeta x)) (trTypeFP A).[ren xi].

Lemma cr_typingFP_vac xi zeta N Gamma : cr_typingFP xi zeta N nil Gamma.
Proof. intros ? ? L; ainv. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 16 -- rule 1 *)
Lemma cr_typingFP_up_shift xi zeta N Delta Gamma :
  cr_typingFP xi zeta N Delta Gamma ->
  cr_typingFP (upren xi) (zeta >>> (+1)) (1 + N) Delta..[ren (+1)] (SortL Prp :: Gamma).
  intros CR x A L. ainv. destruct (mmap_atn H0) as [B [? ?]]. subst.
  rewrite trTypeFP_ren. asimpl.
  replace (trTypeFP B).[ren (xi >>> (+1))] with (trTypeFP B).[ren (xi)].[ren(+1)] by autosubst.
  replace (VarL (S (zeta x))) with (VarL (zeta x)).[ren (+1)] by autosubst.
  apply typingP_weaken. apply CR. apply istyF_strengthen in H1. now constructor.

(* PR: Lemma 16 -- rule 2 *)
Lemma cr_typingFP_shift_up A xi zeta N Delta Gamma :
  cr_istyFP xi N Gamma -> cr_typingFP xi zeta N Delta Gamma ->
  cr_typingFP (xi >>> (+1)) (upren zeta) N (A :: Delta) ((trTypeFP A).[ren xi] :: Gamma).
  intros CR1 CR2 [|x] B L; ainv; asimpl;
    replace (trTypeFP B).[ren (xi >>> (+1))] with (trTypeFP B).[ren (xi)].[ren(+1)] by autosubst.
  - econstructor.
    + constructor; autosubst.
    + eapply istyP_weaken, trIstyFP_morph; eauto.
  - replace (VarL (S (zeta x))) with (VarL (zeta x)).[ren (+1)] by autosubst.
    apply typingP_weaken. apply CR2. now constructor.

(* PR: Lemma 17 (CML: F to P -- Typing) *)
Lemma trTypingFP_morph s A xi zeta N Delta Gamma :
  typingF N Delta s A -> cr_istyFP xi N Gamma ->
  cr_typingFP xi zeta N Delta Gamma ->
  typingP Gamma (trTermFP (ren xi) (ren zeta) s) (trTypeFP A).[ren xi].
  intros H; revert xi zeta Gamma. induction H; intros xi zeta Phi CR1 CR2; simpl in *.
  - apply CR2. now constructor.
  - econstructor; eauto. autosubst.
  - econstructor; asimpl; eauto using trIstyFP_morph, cr_istyFP_shift, cr_typingFP_shift_up.
  - eapply typingP_app2; eauto using trIstyFP_morph.
    subst. rewrite trTypeFP_subst. autosubst.
  - eapply typingP_lam2; asimpl; eauto using cr_istyFP_up, cr_typingFP_up_shift.

(* PR: Lemma 18 is for paper presentation only, all instances are handled directly via Lemma 17. *)

P → F: Type Formation

Definition cr_istyPF xi Gamma N := forall x, istyP Gamma (VarL x) -> istyF N (TyVarF (xi x)).

Lemma cr_istyPF_vac xi N : cr_istyPF xi nil N .
Proof. intros ? L. ainv. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 19 -- rule 1 *)
Lemma cr_istyPF_up a xi Gamma N: cr_istyPF xi Gamma N -> cr_istyPF (upren xi) (a :: Gamma) (1 + N).
  intros H [|x] L; asimpl.
  - constructor. omega.
  - ainv. atom_ren.
    replace (TyVarF (S (xi x))) with (TyVarF (xi x)).[ren (+1)] by autosubst.
    apply istyF_weaken. apply H. now constructor.

(* PR: Lemma 19 -- rule 2 *)
Lemma cr_istyPF_ushift a xi Gamma N :
  istyP Gamma a -> cr_istyPF xi Gamma N -> cr_istyPF ((-1) >>> xi) (a :: Gamma) N.
  intros H CR [|x] L.
  - exfalso. ainv; atom_ren.
  - asimpl. apply CR. apply istyP_strengthen with (b:=a). autosubst.

(* PR: Lemma 20 (CML: P to F -- Type Formation) *)
Lemma trIstyPF_morph Gamma a:
  istyP Gamma a ->
  GET A <- trTypePF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) a;
  forall xi N, cr_istyPF xi Gamma N -> istyF N A.[ren xi].
  intros H; induction H; simpl.
  - rewrite (atnd_eqPrp_t $?). intros xi N CR. apply CR. now constructor.
  - asimpl in *. ca. intros xi N CR. constructor. asimpl. eauto using cr_istyPF_up.
  - asimpl in *. decide (a = (SortL Prp)); subst.
    + exfalso. destruct (istyP_notSort $?).
    + rewrite (sortP_eqPrp_f $?) in *. ca. intros xi N CR. constructor; eauto; asimpl.
      apply (cr_istyPF_ushift H) in CR. eapply IHistyP2. now asimpl in *.

Weaker form that is easier to use ...
Corollary trIstyPF_morph' a xi Gamma N:
  istyP Gamma a -> cr_istyPF xi Gamma N ->
  GET A <- trTypePF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) a; istyF N A.[ren xi].
  intros H CR. pose proof (trIstyPF_morph H) as J.
  destruct (istyP_trTypePF $?) as [A EA]. rewrite EA in *; auto.

P → F: Typing

Definition cr_typingPF xi zeta Gamma N Delta :=
  forall x a, typingP Gamma (VarL x) a ->
         GET A <- trTypePF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) a;
           typingF N Delta (TmVarF (zeta x)) A.[ren xi].

Lemma cr_typingPF_vac xi zeta N Delta : cr_typingPF xi zeta nil N Delta.
Proof. intros ? ? L. ainv. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 21 -- rule 2 *)
Lemma cr_typingPF_up_ushift xi zeta Gamma N Delta :
  cr_istyPF xi Gamma N -> cr_typingPF xi zeta Gamma N Delta ->
  cr_typingPF (upren xi) ((-1) >>> zeta) (SortL Prp :: Gamma) (1 + N) Delta..[ren (+1)].
  intros CR1 CR2 [|x] a L; ainv. apply istyP_strengthen in H1.
  assert (J : typingP Gamma (VarL x) B) by now constructor. apply CR2 in J.
  pose proof (trIstyPF_morph' $? CR1). ca. asimpl.
  erewrite trTypePF_ren; eauto using bfr_shift.
  apply typingF_weaken_ty in J. now asimpl in *.

(* PR: Lemma 21 -- rule 2 *)
Lemma cr_typingPF_ushift_up a A xi zeta Gamma N Delta :
  trTypePF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) a = Some A -> cr_istyPF xi Gamma N -> cr_typingPF xi zeta Gamma N Delta ->
  cr_typingPF ((-1) >>> xi) (upren zeta) (a :: Gamma) N (A.[ren xi] :: Delta).
  intros E CR1 CR2 [|x] b L; asimpl; ainv.
  - erewrite trTypePF_ren; eauto using bfr_shift. asimpl. constructor.
    + constructor.
    + apply istyP_strengthen in H1. pose proof (trIstyPF_morph' $? CR1).
      now rewrite H2 in H.
  - apply istyP_strengthen in H1.
    assert (J : typingP Gamma (VarL x) B) by now constructor. apply CR2 in J.
    pose proof (trIstyPF_morph' $? CR1). ca.
    erewrite trTypePF_ren; eauto using bfr_shift.
    apply typingF_weaken with (B:=A.[ren xi]) in J.
    now asimpl in *.

(* PR: Lemma 22 (CML: P to F -- Typing) *)
Lemma trTypingPF_morph Gamma a b:
  typingP Gamma a b ->
  GET s <- trTermPF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) a;
  GET A <- trTypePF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) b;
  forall xi zeta N Delta,
    cr_istyPF xi Gamma N -> cr_typingPF xi zeta Gamma N Delta ->
    typingF N Delta s.|[ren xi].[ren zeta] A.[ren xi].
  intros H; induction H; simpl in *.
  - erewrite atnd_type_eqPrp_f; try eassumption.
    destruct (istyP_trTypePF $?) as [A EA]; rewrite EA.
    intros xi zeta N Delta CR1 CR2. asimpl.
    assert (J: typingP Gamma (VarL x) a) by now constructor. apply CR2 in J. ca.
    inversion EA; now subst.
  - subst. ca. erewrite typingP_trTypePF; eauto.
    decide (c = SortL Prp); subst; try discriminate. inv $$(ImpF).
    rewrite (sortP_eqPrp_f $?) in *.
    assert (Ed: d = d.[ren (-1)].[ren (+1)]).
    + asimpl. replace d with d.[ids] at 1 by autosubst.
      eapply trTypePF_free_arg; eauto. apply subst_coinc_hd_f; trivial.
      asimpl. apply subst_coinc_id.
    + rewrite Ed. asimpl.
      erewrite trTypePF_ren; eauto using bfr_ushift. intros.
      specialize (IHtypingP1 _ _ _ _ $? $?). asimpl in *.
      econstructor; eauto.
  - asimpl in *. ca. destruct (istyP_trTypePF $?) as [A EA]; rewrite EA.
    decide (a = SortL Prp); subst; try now destruct (istyP_notSort $?).
    intros. pose proof (trIstyPF_morph' $? $?) as J. rewrite EA in J.
    constructor; eauto. asimpl.
    apply (cr_typingPF_ushift_up EA H1) in H2.
    apply (cr_istyPF_ushift H) in H1.
    apply IHtypingP; now asimpl in *.
  - subst. ca. destruct (istyP_trTypePF $?) as [C EC]; rewrite EC. inv $$(AllF).
    erewrite trTypePF_subst; eauto using cm_trTypePF_beta.
    intros. pose proof (trIstyPF_morph' $? $?) as J. rewrite EC in J.
    econstructor; eauto. autosubst.
  - asimpl in *. ca. intros. econstructor. asimpl.
    apply (cr_typingPF_up_ushift H0) in H1.
    apply cr_istyPF_up with (a:=SortL Prp) in H0.
    apply IHtypingP; now asimpl in *.

(* PR: Lemma 23 is for paper presentation only, all instances are handled directly via Lemma 22. *)

Cancellation Laws

P → F → P: Type Formation and Typing

(* PR: Lemma 24 -- first implication *)
Lemma cancellation_trTypePFP a A gamma xi :
  trTypePF gamma a.[ren xi] = Some A -> trTypeFP A = a.[ren xi].
  revert A gamma xi. induction a; ainv.
  - destruct (gamma (xi x)) eqn:E; ainv.
  - asimpl. ca. decide (a.[ren xi] = SortL Prp); subst.
    + inv $$(AllF). asimpl. f_equal; eauto. eapply IHa0. asimpl in *. eauto.
    + ca. inv $$(ImpF). asimpl. f_equal; eauto.
      rewrite <- trTypeFP_ren. asimpl. erewrite IHa0; eauto.
      asimpl in *. erewrite Heqo. f_equal.
      replace t with t.[ren id] at 1 by autosubst.
      eapply trTypePF_free_res, subst_coinc_hd_f, subst_coinc_id;
        eauto using trTypePF_eqPrp_f.

(* PR: Lemma 24 -- second implication *)
Lemma cancellation_trTermPFP a s gamma xi:
  trTermPF gamma a.[ren xi] = Some s -> trTermFP (ren id) (ren id) s = a.[ren xi].
  revert s gamma xi. induction a; intros; try now simpl in *.
  - ainv. destruct (gamma(xi x)) eqn:E; ainv.
  - simpl in *. ca.
    destruct (trTypePF gamma a2.[ren xi]) eqn:?; ca; ainv; asimpl;
      erewrite IHa1; eauto; f_equal; eauto.
    eapply cancellation_trTypePFP; eauto.
  - simpl in *. ca. decide (a.[ren xi] = SortL Prp); ainv.
    + asimpl. autorew. f_equal. replace ids with (ren id) by trivial. rewrite trTermFP_ren.
      asimpl. erewrite IHa0; eauto. asimpl in *. rewrite Heqo. f_equal.
      eapply trTermPF_free_tm; eauto. asimpl. rewrite H0.
      apply subst_coinc_hd_f; eauto using subst_coinc_id.
    + ca. ainv. asimpl. (* replace t0 with id by autosubst. *)
      erewrite cancellation_trTypePFP; eauto. f_equal.
      replace ids with (ren id) by trivial. rewrite trTermFP_ren. erewrite IHa0; eauto. asimpl in *. autorew. f_equal.
      eapply trTermPF_free_ty; eauto.
      apply subst_coinc_hd_f; eauto using subst_coinc_id. now destruct a.

Variable-distinguishing pairs of renamings, relative to a PTS context

Definition cm_vdP Gamma (xi zeta : var -> var) :=
  (forall x a, atnd Gamma (xi x) a -> a = (SortL Prp)) /\
  (forall x a, atnd Gamma (zeta x) a -> a <> (SortL Prp)).

Lemma cm_vdP_vac xi zeta: cm_vdP nil xi zeta.
Proof. split; intros x a L; ainv. Qed.

Lemma cm_vdP_up_shift Gamma xi zeta:
  cm_vdP Gamma xi zeta ->
  cm_vdP (SortL Prp :: Gamma) (upren xi) (zeta >>> (+1)).
  intros [HL HR]. split.
  - intros [|x] a L; ainv. now rewrite (HL _ _ $?).
  - intros x a L. ainv. aspec. intro. atom_ren; congruence.

Lemma cm_vdP_shift_up a Gamma xi zeta:
  istyP Gamma a -> cm_vdP Gamma xi zeta ->
  cm_vdP (a :: Gamma) (xi >>> (+1)) (upren zeta).
  intros H [HL HR]. split.
  - intros x b L. ainv. aspec. atom_ren.
  - intros [|x] b L; ainv; try discriminate. aspec. intro. atom_ren. congruence.

Lemma trTermFP_not_istyP Gamma xi zeta s :
  cm_vdP Gamma xi zeta -> ~ istyP Gamma (trTermFP (ren xi) (ren zeta) s).
Proof. intros [_ J] C. destruct s; ainv. aspec. congruence. Qed.

Lemma trTypeFP_not_typingP Gamma xi zeta A b :
  cm_vdP Gamma xi zeta -> ~ typingP Gamma (trTypeFP A).[ren xi] b.
  intros [J _] C. destruct A; ainv. aspec; subst.
  now destruct (istyP_notSort $?).

F → P → F: Type Formation and Typing

(* PR: Lemma 25 *)
Lemma cancellation_trTypeFPF A Gamma xi :
  istyP Gamma (trTypeFP A).[ren xi] ->
  trTypePF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) (trTypeFP A).[ren xi] = Some A.[ren xi].
  revert Gamma xi. induction A; intros; trivial; asimpl; autorew.
  - simpl in *. ainv. rewrite atnd_eqPrp_t; eauto.
  - simpl in *. inv $$(istyP).
    + destruct A1; simpl in *; discriminate.
    + asimplH $$(istyP). specialize (IHA2 _ _ H3). rewrite IHA1; trivial.
      asimpl in *. rewrite IHA2; try (asimpl; now destruct A1).
  - ainv. specialize (IHA (SortL Prp :: Gamma) (upren xi)).
    asimpl in *. erewrite IHA; eauto.

(* PR: Lemma 26 *)
Lemma cancellation_trTermFPF Gamma s b xi zeta :
  typingP Gamma (trTermFP (ren xi) (ren zeta) s) b -> cm_vdP Gamma xi zeta ->
  trTermPF (get Gamma >>> eqPrp) (trTermFP (ren xi) (ren zeta) s) = Some s.|[ren xi].[ren zeta].
  revert Gamma b xi zeta. induction s; intros.
  - asimpl. ainv. simpl. erewrite atnd_type_eqPrp_f; eauto.
  - asimpl. inv $$(typingP).
    + erewrite IHs1, IHs2, typingP_trTypePF; eauto.
    + exfalso. now destruct (trTermFP_not_istyP _ $? $?).
  - asimpl. inv $$(typingP).
    + rewrite cancellation_trTypeFPF; eauto.
      specialize (IHs ((trTypeFP A).[ren xi] :: Gamma)).
      specialize (IHs c (xi >>> (+1)) (upren zeta)). (* specialize is a workaround for asimpl bug *)
      asimpl in *. erewrite IHs; eauto using cm_vdP_shift_up.
      decide ((trTypeFP A).[ren xi] = SortL Prp); try now destruct A. autosubst.
    + exfalso. now destruct A.
  - asimpl. inv $$(typingP).
    + exfalso. now destruct (trTypeFP_not_typingP _ $? $?).
    + rewrite cancellation_trTypeFPF; trivial. erewrite IHs; eauto.
  - asimpl. inv $$(typingP).
    + exfalso. inv $$(istyP).
    + specialize (IHs (SortL Prp :: Gamma)).
      specialize (IHs b0 (upren xi ) (zeta >>> (+1))). (* specialize is a workaround for asimpl bug *)
      asimpl in *.
      erewrite IHs; asimpl; eauto using cm_vdP_up_shift.

Final Reduction Theorems

(* PR: Theorem 27 (Reduction of Typability from F to P) *)
Theorem trTypingFP_red s A :
  typingF 0 nil s A <-> typingP nil (trTermFP (ren id) (ren id) s) (trTypeFP A).
  split; intros.
  - replace (trTypeFP A) with (trTypeFP A).[ren id] by autosubst.
    apply trTypingFP_morph with (N := 0) (Delta := nil); trivial using cr_istyFP_vac, cr_typingFP_vac.
  - replace (typingP nil (trTermFP (ren id) (ren id) s) (trTypeFP A))
    with (typingP nil (trTermFP (ren id) (ren id) s) (trTypeFP A).[ren id]) in * by autosubst.
    pose proof (typingP_istyP H) as H'.
    pose proof (cancellation_trTypeFPF _ _ H') as C1.
    pose proof (cancellation_trTermFPF _ H (cm_vdP_vac id id)) as C2.
    asimpl in *. apply trTypingPF_morph in H. ca. inv C1. inv C2.
    aspec. asimpl in *. eauto using cr_istyPF_vac, cr_typingPF_vac.

(* PR: Theorem 28 (Reduction of Typability from P to F) *)
Theorem trTypingPF_red a b :
  typingP nil a b <->
  GET s <- trTermPF (fun _ => false) a;
  GET A <- trTypePF (fun _ => false) b;
  typingF 0 nil s A.
  split; intros H.
  - pose proof (trTypingPF_morph H) as PF. asimpl in *.
    replace ((fun _ : var => None) >>> eqPrp)
    with (fun _ : var => false) in PF by reflexivity.
    ca. aspec. asimpl in *. eauto using cr_istyPF_vac, cr_typingPF_vac.
  - ca.
    eapply trTypingFP_morph with (xi := id) (zeta := id) (Gamma := nil) in H;
      trivial using cr_istyFP_vac, cr_typingFP_vac.
    erewrite <- trTypeFP_ren, (cancellation_trTypePFP b (fun _ : var => false) id) in H; try autosubst.
    rewrite cancellation_trTermPFP with (a := a) (s := t) (xi := id) (gamma := fun _ => false) in H;
      now asimpl in *.

(* PR: Lemma 29 (Reduction of Typability from F to L) *)
Lemma trTypingFL_red s A :
  typingF 0 nil s A <->
  (typingL nil (trTermFP (ren id) (ren id) s) (trTypeFP A) /\
   typingL nil (trTypeFP A) (SortL Prp)).
Proof. rewrite trTypingFP_red. now rewrite typingPL_equiv. Qed.

(* PR: Lemma 30 (Reduction of Typability from L to F) *)
Lemma trTypingLF_red a b :
  (typingL nil a b /\ typingL nil b (SortL Prp)) <->
  GET s <- trTermPF (fun _ => false) a;
  GET A <- trTypePF (fun _ => false) b;
  typingF 0 nil s A.
Proof. rewrite <- trTypingPF_red. now rewrite typingPL_equiv. Qed.

(* PR: Theorem 31 is a plain conjunction of 29 and 30 and hence omitted. *)