Categoricity Results

Require Export Zermelo.

ZF is categorical in every cardinality

Section Categoricity.

  Context { M : ZFStruct }.
  Context { MZF : ZF M }.

  Context { N : ZFStruct }.
  Context { NZF : ZF N }.

  (* Suppose M and N are equipotent  models *)

  Variable F : M -> N.
  Variable G : N -> M.
  Variable FG : forall a, F (G a) = a.
  Variable GF : forall x, G (F x) = x.

  (* Then Iso must be both total and surjective, hence M N are isomorphic *)

  Theorem cat_card :
    iso M N.
    destruct (@Iso_tricho M MZF N NZF) as [H|[[IS[X HX]]|[IT[A HA]]]]; trivial.
    - exfalso. pose (Y := sep (fun x => x nel G (i x)) X). pose (y := @j M N (F Y)).
      specialize (sep_el (fun x => x nel G (i x)) X y). intros H. fold Y in H.
      unfold y in H at 3. rewrite ij, GF in H; try apply IS.
      assert (I : y el X) by now apply HX, j_dom. tauto.
    - exfalso. pose (B := sep (fun a => a nel F (j a)) A). pose (b := i (G B)).
      specialize (sep_el (fun a => a nel F (j a)) A b). intros H. fold B in H.
      unfold b in H at 3. rewrite ji, FG in H; try apply IT.
      assert (I : b el A) by now apply HA, i_ran. tauto.

End Categoricity.

ZFn is categorical for all n

Lemma cat_ZFn (M N : ZFStruct) n :
  ZFn n M -> ZFn n N -> iso M N.
  intros [[MZF M1] M2] [[NZF N1] N2].
  destruct (@Iso_tricho M MZF N NZF) as [H|[[IS[X HX]]|[IT[A HA]]]]; trivial.
  - exfalso. apply M2. exists (power X); simpl.
    assert (XU : universe X) by now apply domain_universe.
    exists X. split; try apply power_eager. split; trivial.
    apply trans_strength; try now apply universe_trans.
    destruct N1 as [a N1]. exists (j a).
    split; try now apply HX, j_dom.
    apply (Iso_strength N1), Iso_sym, j_Iso, IS; trivial.
  - exfalso. apply N2. exists (power A); simpl.
    apply range_domain_small in HA. apply tot_sur in IT.
    assert (XU : universe A) by now apply (domain_universe (N:=M)).
    exists A. split; try apply power_eager. split; trivial.
    apply trans_strength; try now apply universe_trans.
    destruct M1 as [x M1]. exists (j x).
    split; try now apply HA, j_dom.
    apply (Iso_strength M1), Iso_sym, j_Iso, IT; trivial.