Operations & Properties of FOL

From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Export DecidableEnumerable.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export FullSyntax.
Require Export Lia.
Import Vector.

(* Coercion var_term : fin >-> term. *)

Notation "phi --> psi" := (Impl phi psi) (right associativity, at level 55).
Notation "phi ∧ psi" := (Conj phi psi) (right associativity, at level 55).
Notation "phi ∨ psi" := (Disj phi psi) (right associativity, at level 55).
Notation "∀ phi" := (All phi) (at level 56, right associativity).
Notation "∃ phi" := (Ex phi) (at level 56, right associativity).
Notation "⊥" := (Fal).
Notation "¬ phi" := (phi --> ) (at level 20).

Section FullFOL.
  Context {Sigma : Signature}.

  Lemma var_subst phi :
    phi[var_term] = phi.
    now asimpl.

  Lemma var_subst_L A :
    [phi[var_term] | phi A] = A.
    induction A; cbn; trivial.
    now rewrite var_subst, IHA.

  Definition form_shift n := var_term (S n).
  Notation "↑" := form_shift.

  (* **** Subformula *)

  Inductive sf : form -> form -> Prop :=
  | SImplL phi psi : sf phi (phi --> psi)
  | SImplR phi psi : sf psi (phi --> psi)
  (* | SEq s t s' t' : sf (Pr s' t') (Eq s t) *)
  | SDisjL phi psi : sf phi (phi psi)
  | SDisjR phi psi : sf psi (phi psi)
  | SConjL phi psi : sf phi (phi psi)
  | SConjR phi psi : sf psi (phi psi)
  | SAll phi t : sf (phi [t .: ids]) ( phi)
  | SEx phi t : sf (phi [t .: ids]) ( phi).

  Lemma sf_acc phi rho :
    Acc sf (phi [rho]).
    revert rho; induction phi; intros rho; constructor; intros psi Hpsi; asimpl in *; inversion Hpsi;
      subst; asimpl in *; eauto.

  Lemma sf_well_founded :
    well_founded sf.
    intros phi. pose proof (sf_acc phi ids) as H. comp. erewrite -> idSubst_form in H; firstorder.

  (* ** Formula size *)

  Fixpoint size (phi : form ) :=
    match phi with
    | Pred _ _ => 0
    | Fal => 0
    | Impl phi psi
    | Conj phi psi
    | Disj phi psi => S (size phi + size psi)
    | All phi
    | Ex phi => S (size phi)

  Lemma size_ind {X : Type} (f : X -> nat) (P : X -> Prop) :
    (forall x, (forall y, f y < f x -> P y) -> P x) -> forall x, P x.
    intros H x. apply H.
    induction (f x).
    - intros y. omega.
    - intros y. intros [] % le_lt_or_eq.
      + apply IHn; omega.
      + apply H. injection H0. now intros ->.

  Lemma subst_size rho phi :
    size (subst_form rho phi) = size phi.
    revert rho; induction phi; intros rho; cbn; asimpl; try congruence.

  Lemma form_ind_subst (P : form -> Prop) :
    P -> (forall p v, P (Pred p v)) ->
    (forall phi psi, P phi -> P psi -> P (phi --> psi)) ->
    (forall phi psi, P phi -> P psi -> P (phi psi)) ->
    (forall phi psi, P phi -> P psi -> P (phi psi)) ->
    (forall phi, (forall t, P phi[t..]) -> P ( phi)) ->
    (forall phi, (forall t, P phi[t..]) -> P ( phi)) ->
    forall phi, P phi.
    intros H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 phi.
    induction phi using (@size_induction _ size).
    destruct phi; trivial.
    - apply H3; apply H; cbn; lia.
    - apply H4; apply H; cbn; lia.
    - apply H5; apply H; cbn; lia.
    - apply H6. intros t. apply H.
      cbn. unfold subst1. rewrite subst_size. lia.
    - apply H7. intros t. apply H.
      cbn. unfold subst1. rewrite subst_size. lia.

  (* **** Free variables *)

  Inductive unused (n : nat) : form -> Prop :=
  | uf_Fal : unused n Fal
  | uf_Pred P v : (forall t, vec_in t v -> unused_term n t) -> unused n (Pred P v)
  | uf_I phi psi : unused n phi -> unused n psi -> unused n (Impl phi psi)
  | uf_A phi psi : unused n phi -> unused n psi -> unused n (Conj phi psi)
  | uf_O phi psi : unused n phi -> unused n psi -> unused n (Disj phi psi)
  | uf_All phi : unused (S n) phi -> unused n (All phi)
  | uf_Ex phi : unused (S n) phi -> unused n (Ex phi).

  Definition unused_L n A := forall phi, phi el A -> unused n phi.
  Definition closed phi := forall n, unused n phi.

  Lemma find_unused phi :
    { n | forall m, n <= m -> unused m phi }.
  Proof with eauto using unused.
    induction phi.
    - exists 0...
    - destruct (@vec_unused _ _ t) as [k H]. 1: eauto using find_unused_term. exists k. eauto using unused.
    - destruct IHphi1, IHphi2. exists (x + x0). intros m Hm. constructor; [ apply u | apply u0 ]; omega.
    - destruct IHphi1, IHphi2. exists (x + x0). intros m Hm. constructor; [ apply u | apply u0 ]; omega.
    - destruct IHphi1, IHphi2. exists (x + x0). intros m Hm. constructor; [ apply u | apply u0 ]; omega.
    - destruct IHphi. exists x. intros m Hm. constructor. apply u. omega.
    - destruct IHphi. exists x. intros m Hm. constructor. apply u. omega.

  Lemma find_unused_L A :
    { n | forall m, n <= m -> unused_L m A }.
    induction A.
    - exists 0. unfold unused_L. intuition.
    - destruct IHA. destruct (find_unused a).
      exists (x + x0). intros m Hm. intros phi []; subst.
      + apply u0. omega.
      + apply u. omega. auto.

  Definition capture n phi := nat_rect _ phi (fun _ => All) n.

  Lemma capture_captures n m phi :
    (forall i, n <= i -> unused i phi) -> (forall i, n - m <= i -> unused i (capture m phi)).
    intros H. induction m; cbn; intros i Hi.
    - rewrite <- minus_n_O in *. intuition.
    - constructor. apply IHm. omega.

  Definition close phi := capture (proj1_sig (find_unused phi)) phi.

  Lemma close_closed phi :
    closed (close phi).
    intros n. unfold close. destruct (find_unused phi) as [m Hm]; cbn.
    apply (capture_captures Hm). omega.

  Fixpoint big_imp A phi :=
    match A with
    | List.nil => phi
    | a :: A' => a --> (big_imp A' phi)

  (* **** Substituting unused variables *)

  Definition shift_P P n :=
    match n with
    | O => False
    | S n' => P n'

  Lemma vec_map_ext X Y (f g : X -> Y) n (v : vector X n) :
    (forall x, vec_in x v -> f x = g x) -> map f v = map g v.
    intros Hext; induction v in Hext |-*; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite IHv, (Hext h). 1: reflexivity. all: eauto.

  Context {eq_dec_Funcs : eq_dec Funcs}.
  Context {eq_dec_Preds : eq_dec Preds}.

  Lemma subst_unused_term xi sigma P t :
    (forall x, dec (P x)) -> (forall m, ~ P m -> xi m = sigma m) -> (forall m, P m -> unused_term m t) ->
    subst_term xi t = subst_term sigma t.
    intros Hdec Hext Hunused. induction t using strong_term_ind; cbn; asimpl.
    - destruct (Hdec x) as [H % Hunused | H % Hext].
      + inversion H; subst; congruence.
      + congruence.
    - f_equal. apply vec_map_ext. intros t H'. apply (H t H'). intros n H2 % Hunused. inv H2. eauto.

  Lemma subst_unused_form xi sigma P phi :
    (forall x, dec (P x)) -> (forall m, ~ P m -> xi m = sigma m) -> (forall m, P m -> unused m phi) ->
    subst_form xi phi = subst_form sigma phi.
    induction phi in xi,sigma,P |-*; intros Hdec Hext Hunused; cbn; asimpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - f_equal. apply vec_map_ext. intros s H. apply (subst_unused_term Hdec Hext).
      intros m H' % Hunused. inv H'. eauto.
    - rewrite IHphi1 with (sigma := sigma) (P := P). rewrite IHphi2 with (sigma := sigma) (P := P).
      all: try tauto. all: intros m H % Hunused; now inversion H.
    - rewrite IHphi1 with (sigma := sigma) (P := P). rewrite IHphi2 with (sigma := sigma) (P := P).
      all: try tauto. all: intros m H % Hunused; now inversion H.
    - rewrite IHphi1 with (sigma := sigma) (P := P). rewrite IHphi2 with (sigma := sigma) (P := P).
      all: try tauto. all: intros m H % Hunused; now inversion H.
    - erewrite IHphi with (P := shift_P P). 1: reflexivity.
      + intros [| x]; [now right| now apply Hdec].
      + intros [| m]; [reflexivity|]. intros Heq % Hext; unfold ">>"; cbn; congruence.
      + intros [| m]; [destruct 1| ]. intros H % Hunused; now inversion H.
    - erewrite IHphi with (P := shift_P P). 1: reflexivity.
      + intros [| x]; [now right| now apply Hdec].
      + intros [| m]; [reflexivity|]. intros Heq % Hext; unfold ">>"; cbn; congruence.
      + intros [| m]; [destruct 1| ]. intros H % Hunused; now inversion H.

  Lemma subst_unused_single xi sigma n phi :
    unused n phi -> (forall m, n <> m -> xi m = sigma m) -> subst_form xi phi = subst_form sigma phi.
    intros Hext Hunused. apply subst_unused_form with (P := fun m => n = m). all: intuition.
    now subst.

  Lemma subst_unused_range xi sigma phi n :
    (forall m, n <= m -> unused m phi) -> (forall x, x < n -> xi x = sigma x) -> subst_form xi phi = subst_form sigma phi.
    intros Hle Hext. apply subst_unused_form with (P := fun x => n <= x); [apply le_dec| |assumption].
    intros ? ? % not_le; intuition.

  Lemma subst_unused_closed xi sigma phi :
    closed phi -> subst_form xi phi = subst_form sigma phi.
    intros Hcl. apply subst_unused_range with (n := 0); intuition. omega.

  Lemma subst_unused_closed' xi phi :
    closed phi -> subst_form xi phi = phi.
    intros Hcl. rewrite <- idSubst_form with (sigmaterm := ids).
    apply subst_unused_range with (n := 0). all: intuition; omega.

  Lemma vec_forall_map X Y (f : X -> Y) n (v : vector X n) (p : Y -> Type) :
    (forall x, vec_in x v -> p (f x)) -> forall y, vec_in y (map f v) -> p y.
    intros H y Hmap. induction v; cbn; inv Hmap; eauto.

  (* **** Theories *)

  Definition theory := form -> Prop.
  Definition contains phi (T : theory) := T phi.
  Definition contains_L (A : list form) (T : theory) := forall f, f el A -> contains f T.
  Definition subset_T (T1 T2 : theory) := forall (phi : form), contains phi T1 -> contains phi T2.
  Definition list_T A : theory := fun phi => phi el A.

  Infix "⊏" := contains_L (at level 20).
  Infix "⊑" := subset_T (at level 20).
  Infix "∈" := contains (at level 70).

  Hint Unfold contains.
  Hint Unfold contains_L.
  Hint Unfold subset_T.

  Global Instance subset_T_trans : Transitive subset_T.
    intros T1 T2 T3. intuition.

  Definition extend T (phi : form) := fun psi => T psi \/ psi = phi.
  Infix "⋄" := extend (at level 20).

  Definition closed_T (T : theory) := forall phi n, contains phi T -> unused n phi.
  Lemma closed_T_extend T phi :
    closed_T T -> closed phi -> closed_T (T phi).
    intros ? ? ? ? []; subst; intuition.

  Section ContainsAutomation.
    Lemma contains_nil T :
      List.nil T.
    Proof. intuition. Qed.

    Lemma contains_cons a A T :
      a T -> A T -> (a :: A) T.
    Proof. intros ? ? ? []; subst; intuition. Qed.

    Lemma contains_cons2 a A T :
      (a :: A) T -> A T.
    Proof. firstorder. Qed.

    Lemma contains_app A B T :
      A T -> B T -> (A ++ B) T.
    Proof. intros ? ? ? [] % in_app_or; intuition. Qed.

    Lemma contains_extend1 phi T :
      phi (T phi).
    Proof. now right. Qed.

    Lemma contains_extend2 phi psi T :
      phi T -> phi (T psi).
    Proof. intros ?. now left. Qed.

    Lemma contains_extend3 A T phi :
      A T -> A (T phi).
      intros ? ? ?. left. intuition.
  End ContainsAutomation.
End FullFOL.

Definition tmap {S1 S2 : Signature} (f : @form S1 -> @form S2) (T : @theory S1) : @theory S2 :=
  fun phi => exists psi, T psi /\ f psi = phi.

Lemma enum_tmap {S1 S2 : Signature} (f : @form S1 -> @form S2) (T : @theory S1) L :
  enum T L -> enum (tmap f T) (L >> List.map f).
  intros []. split; unfold ">>".
  - intros n. destruct (H n) as [A ->]. exists (List.map f A). apply map_app.
  - intros x; split.
    + intros (phi & [m Hin] % H0 & <-). exists m. apply in_map_iff. firstorder.
    + intros (m & (phi & <- & Hphi) % in_map_iff). firstorder.

Lemma tmap_contains_L {S1 S2 : Signature} (f : @form S1 -> @form S2) T A :
  contains_L A (tmap f T) -> exists B, A = List.map f B /\ contains_L B T.
  induction A.
  - intros. now exists List.nil.
  - intros H. destruct IHA as (B & -> & HB). 1: firstorder.
    destruct (H a (or_introl eq_refl)) as (b & Hb & <-).
    exists (b :: B). split. 1: auto. intros ? []; subst; auto.

Hint Constructors vec_in.

Infix "⊏" := contains_L (at level 20).
Infix "⊑" := subset_T (at level 20).
Infix "∈" := contains (at level 70).
Infix "⋄" := extend (at level 20).

Hint Resolve contains_nil contains_cons contains_cons2 contains_app : contains_theory.
Hint Resolve contains_extend1 contains_extend2 contains_extend3 : contains_theory.
Ltac use_theory A := exists A; split; [eauto 15 with contains_theory|].

(* **** Equality deciders *)

Lemma dec_vec_in X n (v : vector X n) :
  (forall x, vec_in x v -> forall y, dec (x = y)) -> forall v', dec (v = v').
Proof with subst; try (now left + (right; intros[=]; resolve_existT; congruence)).
  intros Hv. induction v; intros v'; dependent destruction v'...
  destruct (Hv h (vec_inB h v) h0)... destruct (IHv (fun x H => Hv x (vec_inS h0 H)) v')...

Instance dec_vec X {HX : eq_dec X} n : eq_dec (vector X n).
  intros v. refine (dec_vec_in _).

Section EqDec.
  Context {Sigma : Signature}.

  Hypothesis eq_dec_Funcs : eq_dec Funcs.
  Hypothesis eq_dec_Preds : eq_dec Preds.

  Global Instance dec_term : eq_dec term.
  Proof with subst; try (now left + (right; intros[=]; resolve_existT; congruence)).
    intros t. induction t using strong_term_ind; intros []...
    - decide (x = n)...
    - decide (F = f)... destruct (dec_vec_in X t)...

  Global Instance dec_form : eq_dec form.
  Proof with subst; try (now left + (right; intros[=]; resolve_existT; congruence)).
    intros phi. induction phi; intros []...
    - decide (P = P0)... decide (t = t0)...
    - decide (phi1 = f)... decide (phi2 = f0)...
    - decide (phi1 = f)... decide (phi2 = f0)...
    - decide (phi1 = f)... decide (phi2 = f0)...
    - decide (phi = f)...
    - decide (phi = f)...
End EqDec.

Notation "↑" := form_shift.
Notation "A ⟹ phi" := (big_imp A phi) (at level 60, right associativity).