From Equations Require Import Equations.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export ND.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export Kripke.
Section Gentzen.
Context {Sigma : Signature}.
Inductive sprv : forall (b : bottom), list form -> option form -> form -> Prop :=
| Contr {b} A phi psi : sprv b A (Some phi) psi -> phi el A -> sprv b A None psi
| IR {b} A phi psi : sprv b (phi :: A) None psi -> sprv b A None (phi --> psi)
| AllR {b} A phi : sprv b (map (subst_form form_shift) A) None phi -> sprv b A None (∀ phi)
| Absurd A phi : sprv expl A None ⊥ -> sprv expl A None phi
| Ax {b} A phi : sprv b A (Some phi) phi
| IL {b} A phi psi xi : sprv b A None phi -> sprv b A (Some psi) xi -> sprv b A (Some (phi --> psi)) xi
| AllL {b} A phi t psi : sprv b A (Some (phi [t .: ids])) psi -> sprv b A (Some (∀ phi)) psi.
Notation "A '⊢S' phi" := (sprv _ A None phi) (at level 30).
Notation "A ';;' phi '⊢s' psi" := (sprv _ A (Some phi) psi) (at level 70).
Arguments sprv {_} _ _ _.
Definition stprv {b : bottom} (T : theory) (phi : form) : Prop :=
exists A, A ⊏ T /\ sprv A None phi.
Hint Constructors sprv.
Lemma seq_consistent {b : bottom} :
~ [] ⊢S ⊥.
remember nil. remember Fal. remember None. remember b.
induction 1; subst; intuition congruence.
Section Weakening.
Context {b : bottom}.
Lemma seq_Weak A B phi psi :
sprv A phi psi -> A <<= B -> sprv B phi psi.
intros H; induction H in B |-*; intuition; eauto using incl_map.
Theorem seq_subst_Weak A phi psi sigma :
sprv A phi psi -> sprv ([phi[sigma] | phi ∈ A]) (option_map (subst_form sigma) phi) psi[sigma].
induction 1 in sigma |-*; comp; eauto using in_map.
- apply AllR. setoid_rewrite map_map in IHsprv. erewrite map_map, map_ext.
apply IHsprv. intros ?. comp. now apply ext_form.
- specialize (IHsprv sigma). apply AllL with (t0 := t [sigma]). comp. now asimpl in IHsprv.
Context {Funcs_eq_dec : eq_dec Funcs}.
Context {Preds_eq_dec : eq_dec Preds}.
Lemma seq_nameless_equiv A phi n :
unused_L n A -> unused (S n) phi -> ((A ⊢S phi[(var_term n)..]) <-> [phi[↑] | phi ∈ A] ⊢S phi).
intros HL Hphi. split.
- intros H % (seq_subst_Weak (cycle_shift n)). rewrite cycle_shift_subject,
(map_ext_in _ (subst_form form_shift)) in H. 1,3: assumption. intros ? ? % HL.
now apply (@cycle_shift_shift Sigma).
- intros H % (seq_subst_Weak ((var_term n)..)). rewrite map_map in *. rewrite (map_ext _ id), map_id in H.
assumption. intuition comp. erewrite ext_form. now asimpl. intros []; now asimpl.
End Weakening.
(* **** Normalization *)
(* We redefine sprv and prv in Type so we define predicates on them. *)
Inductive tsprv : forall (b : bottom), list form -> option form -> form -> Type :=
| TContr {b} A phi psi : tsprv b A (Some phi) psi -> phi el A -> tsprv b A None psi
| TIR {b} A phi psi : tsprv b (phi :: A) None psi -> tsprv b A None (phi --> psi)
| TAllR {b} A phi : tsprv b (map (subst_form form_shift) A) None phi -> tsprv b A None (∀ phi)
| TAbsurd A phi : tsprv expl A None Fal -> tsprv expl A None phi
| TAx {b} A phi : tsprv b A (Some phi) phi
| TIL {b} A phi psi xi : tsprv b A None phi -> tsprv b A (Some psi) xi -> tsprv b A (Some (phi --> psi)) xi
| TAllL {b} A phi t psi : tsprv b A (Some (phi [t .: ids])) psi -> tsprv b A (Some (∀ phi)) psi.
Arguments tsprv {_} _ _ _.
Inductive tprv : forall (b : bottom), list (form) -> form -> Type :=
| TII A {b} phi psi : tprv b (phi::A) psi -> tprv b A (phi --> psi)
| TIE A {b} phi psi : tprv b A (phi --> psi) -> tprv b A phi -> tprv b A psi
| TAllI A {b} phi : tprv b (map (subst_form form_shift) A) phi -> tprv b A (∀ phi)
| TAllE A {b} t phi : tprv b A (All phi) -> tprv b A (phi [t .: ids])
| TExp A phi : tprv expl A Fal -> tprv expl A phi
| TCtx A {b} phi : phi el A -> tprv b A phi.
Arguments tprv {_} _ _.
Definition not_II {b : bottom} A phi (p : tprv A phi) : Prop :=
match p with
| (TII p') => False
| (TAllI p') => True
| (TAllE _ p') => True
| (TExp _ p') => True
| (TIE p' p'') => True
| (TCtx _) => True
Definition not_AllI {b : bottom} A phi (p : tprv A phi) : Prop :=
match p with
| (TII p') => True
| (TAllI p') => False
| (TAllE _ p') => True
| (TExp _ p') => True
| (TIE p' p'') => True
| (TCtx _) => True
Fixpoint normal {b : bottom} A phi (p : tprv A phi) : Prop :=
match p with
| (TII p') => normal p'
| (TIE p' p'') => normal p' /\ normal p'' /\ not_II p'
| (TAllI p') => normal p'
| (TAllE _ p') => normal p' /\ not_AllI p'
| (TExp _ p') => normal p'
| (TCtx _) => True
Section CutElimination.
Context {b : bottom}.
Definition embed A phi psi :=
match phi with
| Some phi' => @prv _ intu b A phi' -> @prv _ intu b A psi
| None => @prv _ intu b A psi
Lemma seq_ND A phi psi :
sprv A phi psi -> embed A phi psi.
unfold embed; induction 1; cbn in *.
- refine (IHsprv (Ctx H0)).
- refine (II IHsprv).
- refine (AllI IHsprv).
- refine (Exp phi IHsprv).
- tauto.
- intros. refine (IHsprv2 (IE H1 IHsprv1)).
- intros. refine (IHsprv (AllE t H0)).
Lemma seq_ND_T T phi :
stprv T phi -> @ND.tprv _ intu b T phi.
intros (A & HA1 & HA2). apply seq_ND in HA2. now use_theory A.
Definition tembed A phi psi :=
match phi with
| Some phi' => forall (p : tprv A phi'), not_AllI p /\ not_II p /\ normal p -> exists (p' : tprv A psi), normal p'
| None => exists (p : tprv A psi), normal p
Lemma cutfree_seq_ND A phi psi :
tsprv A phi psi -> tembed A phi psi.
Proof with try split; cbn in *; unfold not_II, not_AllI in *; try tauto.
unfold tembed; induction 1; cbn in *.
- apply (IHX (TCtx i))...
- destruct IHX. exists (TII x)...
- destruct IHX. exists (TAllI x)...
- destruct IHX. exists (TExp phi x)...
- firstorder.
- intros. destruct IHX1. eapply (IHX2 (TIE p x))...
- intros. apply (IHX (TAllE t p))...
End CutElimination.
Section Soundness.
Context {b : bottom}.
Lemma ksoundness_seq A C (phi : form) :
(b = expl -> kcon_subs kexploding C) -> @sprv _ A None phi -> kvalid_L C A phi.
intros Hexp Hprv % seq_ND. now apply ksoundness.
End Soundness.
(* **** Enumerability of Sequents *)
Section Enumerability.
Context {HdF : eq_dec Funcs} {HdP : eq_dec Preds}.
Context {HeF : enumT Funcs} {HeP : enumT Preds}.
Fixpoint L_seq {b : bottom} (A : list form) (psi : option form) (n : nat) : list form :=
match n with
| 0 => match psi with Some psi => [psi] | None => A end
| S n => L_seq A psi n ++
match psi with
(* Contr *) | None => concat ([ L_seq A (Some psi) n | psi ∈ A]) ++
(* IR *) concat ([ [ phi --> psi | psi ∈ L_seq (phi :: A) None n ] | phi ∈ L_T form n]) ++
(* AllR *) [ ∀ phi | phi ∈ L_seq ([ psi[↑] | psi ∈ A]) None n ] ++
(* Absurd *) (if b then [ phi | phi ∈ L_T form n, ⊥ el L_seq A None n ] else [])
(* IL *) | Some (phi --> psi) => [ xi | xi ∈ L_seq A (Some psi) n, phi el L_seq A None n ]
(* AllL *) | Some (∀ psi) => concat ([ [phi | phi ∈ L_seq A (Some psi[t..]) n ] | t ∈ L_T term n])
| _ => []
Opaque in_dec.
Lemma enum_sprv {b : bottom} A psi : enum (sprv A psi) (L_seq A psi).
Proof with try (eapply cum_ge'; eauto; omega).
repeat split.
- eauto.
- rename x into phi. induction 1; try congruence; subst.
+ destruct IHsprv as [m]. exists (S m). cbn. in_app 2.
eapply in_concat_iff. eexists. split. 2: in_collect phi... all: eauto.
+ destruct IHsprv as [m1], (el_T phi) as [m2]. exists (1 + m1 + m2). cbn. in_app 3.
eapply in_concat_iff. eexists. split. 2: in_collect phi... in_collect psi...
+ destruct IHsprv as [m]. exists (S m). cbn. in_app 4. in_collect phi...
+ destruct IHsprv as [m1], (el_T phi) as [m2]. exists (1 + m1 + m2). cbn. in_app 5. in_collect phi...
+ exists 0. now left.
+ destruct IHsprv1 as [m1], IHsprv2 as [m2]. exists (1 + m1 + m2). cbn. in_app 2. in_collect xi...
+ destruct IHsprv as [m1], (el_T t) as [m2]. exists (1 + m1 + m2). cbn. in_app 2. eapply in_concat_iff.
eexists. split. 2: in_collect t... in_collect psi...
- intros [m]. induction m in A, psi, x, H |-*; destruct psi; cbn in *.
+ destruct H as [-> | []]. apply Ax.
+ eauto.
+ destruct f; inv_collect; eauto.
+ destruct b; inv_collect; eauto.
Fixpoint L_tseq {b : bottom} (L : nat -> list form) (n : nat) : list form :=
match n with
| 0 => nil
| S n => L_tseq L n ++ concat ([ L_seq A None n | A ∈ L_con L n ])
Lemma enum_stprv {b : bottom} T L : enum T L -> enum (stprv T) (L_tseq L).
Proof with try (eapply cum_ge'; eauto; omega).
intros He. repeat split.
- eauto.
- intros (A & [m1] % (enum_el (enum_containsL He)) & [m2] % (enum_el (enum_sprv A None))).
exists (1 + m1 + m2). cbn. in_app 2. eapply in_concat_iff. eexists. split. 2: in_collect A... idtac...
- intros [m]. induction m in x, H |-*; cbn in *. 1: contradiction. inv_collect. exists x1. split.
+ eapply (enum_p (enum_containsL He)); eassumption.
+ eapply (enum_p (enum_sprv x1 None)); eassumption.
End Enumerability.
End Gentzen.
Notation "A '⊢S' phi" := (sprv _ A None phi) (at level 30).
Notation "A ';;' phi '⊢s' psi" := (sprv _ A (Some phi) psi) (at level 70).
Notation "A '⊢SE' phi" := (sprv expl A None phi) (at level 30).
Notation "A ';;' phi '⊢sE' psi" := (sprv expl A (Some phi) psi) (at level 70).
Notation "A '⊢SL' phi" := (sprv lconst A None phi) (at level 30).
Notation "A ';;' phi '⊢sL' psi" := (sprv lconst A (Some phi) psi) (at level 70).
Arguments sprv {_} _ _ _.
Notation "T '⊩SE' phi" := (@stprv _ expl T phi) (at level 30).