Require Import Arith Lia List.
From Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints Require Import H10C.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Utils for H10UPC
This section contains useful functions and lemmas for proofs later on.
Section Utils.

In the relation h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c,d)), d is a function of b.
  Lemma c2_full (x:nat) : {y:nat | x * S x = y+y}.
    induction x as [|x [y' IH]].
    - exists 0. lia.
    - exists (y'+x+1). nia.

  Definition c2 (x:nat) := match (c2_full x) with exist _ y _ => y end.

  Lemma c2_descr (x:nat) : x * S x = c2 x + c2 x.
    unfold c2. now destruct (c2_full x).

Inversion lemma for h10upc_sem_direct (basically axiom 2)
  Lemma h10upc_inv (a b c d : nat) : h10upc_sem_direct ((a,S b),(c,d)) ->
           {c':nat & {d':nat & h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c',d'))
                               /\ S c' = c /\ d' + b + 1 = d}}.
  intros [Hl Hr].
  exists (a + S b). exists (c2 b).
  repeat split.
  - lia.
  - apply c2_descr.
  - lia.
  - enough (2*(c2 b + b + 1) = d+d) by nia. rewrite <- Hr.
    cbn. rewrite Nat.mul_comm. cbn. symmetry.
    pose (c2_descr b) as Hb. nia.

h10upc_sem_direct is irreflexive
  Lemma h10_rel_irref (p:nat*nat) : ~ (h10upc_sem_direct (p,p)).
  intros H. destruct p as [a b]. cbn in H. lia.

Utility function for finding the highest variable in a h10upc constraint
  Definition highest_var (x:h10upc) := match x with ((a,b),(c,d)) => Nat.max a (Nat.max b (Nat.max c d)) end.
  Lemma highest_var_descr (x:h10upc) : let hv := highest_var x in match x with ((a,b),(c,d)) => a <= hv /\ b <= hv /\ c <= hv /\ d <= hv end.
  destruct x as [[a b] [c d]]. cbn. repeat split; lia.

Utility function for finding the highest variable in a h10upc constraint collection
  Fixpoint highest_var_list (x:list h10upc) := match x with nil => 0 | x::xr => Nat.max (highest_var x) (highest_var_list xr) end.
  Lemma highest_var_list_descr (x:list h10upc) (h:h10upc) : In h x -> highest_var h <= highest_var_list x.
  induction x as [|hh x IH].
  - intros [].
  - intros [hhh|hx].
    + cbn. rewrite hhh. lia.
    + cbn. specialize (IH hx). lia.

Utility function for finding the highest value in an environment, considering variables up to some n
  Fixpoint highest_num (env: nat -> nat) (n:nat) : nat := match n with 0 => env 0 | S n => Nat.max (env (S n)) (highest_num env n) end.
  Lemma highest_num_descr (env:nat -> nat) (n:nat) (m:nat) : m <= n -> env m <= highest_num env n.
  induction n as [|n IH].
  - intros Hm. assert (m=0) as Hm0. 1:lia. cbn. rewrite Hm0. lia.
  - intros HmSn. cbn. destruct (Nat.eq_dec (S n) m) as [Heq|Hneq].
    + rewrite <- Heq. lia.
    + assert (m <= n) as Hmn. 1:lia. specialize (IH Hmn). lia.

End Utils.

This section contains an alternative characterization of h10upc_sem_direct and some meta-theory. h10upc_sem_direct is the equational characterization of the H10UPC relation. h10upc_ind is presented as an alternative, inductive characterization of that relation.
Characterizing equations for h10upc_sem_direct

  Definition ax1 (P : (nat*nat)*(nat*nat) -> Prop) := forall a c, P ((a,0),(c,0)) <-> a + 1 = c.
  Definition ax2 (P : (nat*nat)*(nat*nat) -> Prop) := forall a b c d , (b <> 0 /\ P ((a,b),(c,d))) <->
               (exists b' c' d', P ((a,b'),(c',d')) /\ P ((d',b'),(d,d')) /\ P ((b',0),(b,0)) /\ P ((c',0),(c,0))).
  Definition ax2w (P : (nat*nat)*(nat*nat) -> Prop) := forall a b c d ,
               (exists b' c' d', P ((a,b'),(c',d')) /\ P ((d',b'),(d,d')) /\ P ((b',0),(b,0)) /\ P ((c',0),(c,0)))
               -> (P ((a,b),(c,d))).
  Definition ax3 (P : (nat*nat)*(nat*nat) -> Prop) := forall a c d, P ((a,0),(c,d)) -> d = 0.

  Definition sat P := ax1 P /\ ax2 P /\ ax3 P.
  Definition satw P := ax1 P /\ ax2w P.

Inductive definition of h10upc_sem_direct
  Inductive h10upc_ind : nat -> nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
    base : forall a, h10upc_ind a 0 (S a) 0
  | step : forall a b c d b' c' d', h10upc_ind a b' c' d'
                                 -> h10upc_ind d' b' d d'
                                 -> h10upc_ind b' 0 b 0
                                 -> h10upc_ind c' 0 c 0
                                 -> h10upc_ind a b c d.

Prove that h10upc_ind and h10upc_sem_direct are equivalent. First step: Show that there is no k < 0, since h10upc_ind is inductive.
  Lemma h10upc_ind_not_less_0 : forall k, h10upc_ind k 0 0 0 -> False.
  enough (forall a b c d, h10upc_ind a b c d -> b = 0 -> c = 0 -> d = 0 -> False) as H.
  1: intros k H1; apply (H k 0 0 0 H1); easy.
  intros a b c d H.
  unshelve eapply (h10upc_ind_ind
                   (fun a b c d => b = 0 -> c = 0 -> d = 0 -> False)
                   _ _ a b c d H); clear a b c d H.
  - intros a Hb Hc Hd. lia.
  - intros a b c d b' c' d' Hab'c'd' Eab'c'd' Hd'b'dd' Ed'b'dd' Hb'zbz Eb'zbz Hc'0c0 Ec'0c0 Hb Hc Hd; cbn in *; subst.
    apply Ec'0c0; easy.

Next step: show equivalence for the base case.
  Lemma base_equiv a c d : h10upc_sem_direct ((a,0),(c,d)) <-> h10upc_ind a 0 c d.
  Proof. split.
  * intros [H1 H2]. assert (d=0) as -> by lia. assert (c = S a) as -> by lia. apply base.
  * intros H. inversion H as [a' H1|a' b' c' d' b'' c'' d'' H1 H2 H3 H4 H5].
    - cbn. lia.
    - exfalso. now eapply h10upc_ind_not_less_0 with b''.

Last step: show equivalence for the "step" case.
  Lemma h10_equiv a b c d : h10upc_sem_direct ((a,b),(c,d)) <-> h10upc_ind a b c d.
  Proof. induction b as [|b IH] in a,c,d|-*.
  - apply base_equiv.
  - symmetry. split.
    * intros H. inversion H; subst.
      rewrite <- base_equiv in H2, H3. cbn in H2,H3.
      assert (b' = b) as -> by lia.
      assert (S c' = c) as <- by lia.
      rewrite <- IH in H0,H1. cbn in H0,H1. cbn. lia.
    * intros [H1 H2]. eapply step with b (c-1) (d-b-1).
      + rewrite <- IH. cbn; lia.
      + rewrite <- IH. cbn; lia.
      + rewrite <- base_equiv. cbn; lia.
      + rewrite <- base_equiv. cbn; lia.

Show that h10upc_sem_direct satisfies the axioms.
  Lemma eqRelSat : sat h10upc_sem_direct.
  split. 2:split.
  - intros a c. cbn. lia.
  - intros a. intros. split.
    * intros [H1 [H2 H3]]. destruct b as [|b']. 1:easy.
      exists b', (c-1), (d-b'-1). repeat split.
      all: lia.
    * intros [b' [c' [d' [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]]]]]. cbn in H1,H2,H3,H4. cbn; lia.
  - intros a c d. cbn. lia.

If P fulfills the axioms, and Q fulfills the weak axioms, then P is stronger than Q. Again, first the base case:
  Lemma satEquiv0 P Q : sat P -> satw Q -> forall a c d, P ((a,0),(c,d)) -> Q ((a,0),(c,d)).
  Proof. intros [HP1 [HP2 HP3]] [HQ1 HQ2] a c d.
  intros H.
  * pose proof (HP3 a c d H) as k. rewrite k in *.
    rewrite (HP1 a c) in H. rewrite (HQ1 a c). easy.

Then the step case:
  Lemma satEquiv P Q : sat P -> satw Q -> forall a b c d, P ((a,b),(c,d)) -> Q ((a,b),(c,d)).
  Proof. intros [HP1 [HP2 HP3]] [HQ1 HQ2] a b c d.
  induction b as [|b' IH] in a,c,d|-*.
  * apply satEquiv0; firstorder.
  * destruct (HP2 a (S b') c d) as [HP21 HP22].
    pose proof (HQ2 a (S b') c d) as HQ22.
    intros H.
    - apply HQ22. destruct HP21 as [b'' [c' [d' [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]]]]].
      + split; easy.
      + exists b'', c', d'. unfold ax1 in HP1. rewrite HP1 in H3. assert (b'' = b') as -> by lia.
        unfold ax1 in HQ1. rewrite !HQ1. rewrite <- !HP1. rewrite <- HP1 in H3. split. 2:split. 3:tauto.
        all: apply IH; easy.

Congruence lemma: equivalent P,Q fulfill the same axioms
  Lemma satCongr P Q : (forall a b c d, P ((a,b),(c,d)) <-> Q ((a,b),(c,d))) -> sat P -> sat Q.
  intros H [H1 [H2 H3]]. split. 2:split.
  - unfold ax1 in *. intros a c. rewrite <- H. apply H1.
  - unfold ax2 in *. intros a b c d. rewrite <- H. split.
    * destruct (H2 a b c d) as [H2' _]. intros H4.
      destruct (H2' H4) as [b' [c' [d' H5]]].
      exists b', c', d'. rewrite <- !H. apply H5.
    * destruct (H2 a b c d) as [_ H2']. intros [b' [c' [d' H4]]].
      apply H2'. exists b',c',d'. rewrite !H. apply H4.
  - unfold ax3 in *. intros a c d. rewrite <- H. apply H3.

  Definition h10upc_ind' '((a,b),(c,d)) := h10upc_ind a b c d.

It follows that h10upc_ind also fulfills the axioms.
  Lemma indRelSat : sat h10upc_ind'.
  eapply satCongr with h10upc_sem_direct.
  - intros a b c d. apply h10_equiv.
  - apply eqRelSat.

The weak axioms are weaker.
  Lemma sat_satw P : sat P -> satw P.
  intros [H1 [H2 H3]]. split.
  * easy.
  * intros a b c d H. destruct (H2 a b c d) as [_ H2R]. now apply H2R.

End InductiveCharacterization.