From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.Prelim.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Bijection.
Class codable (sig: Type) (X: Type) := {
encode : X -> list sig;
Arguments encode {sig} {X} {_}.
#[export] Hint Mode codable - ! : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Mode codable ! - : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Mode Retract ! + : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (codable (FinType(EqType ?sigX)) ?X) => cbn : typeclass_instances.
Coercion encode : codable >-> Funclass.
Definition size (sig X : Type) (cX : codable sig X) (x : X) := length (cX x).
Arguments size {sig X cX} x, {_ _} _ _ .
Create HintDb encode_comp.
Ltac simpl_comp := autorewrite with encode_comp.
Instance Encode_unit : codable Empty_set unit :=
encode x := nil
Lemma Encode_unit_hasSize (t:unit) :
size t = 0.
Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_unit_injective : injective Encode_unit.
Proof. now intros [] [] _. Qed.
Instance Encode_bool : codable bool bool:=
encode x := [x]
Lemma Encode_bool_hasSize (b:bool) :
size Encode_bool b = 1.
Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_bool_injective : injective Encode_bool.
Proof. intros [ | ] [ | ] H; cbn in *; congruence. Qed.
Instance Encode_Fin n : codable (Fin.t n) (Fin.t n):=
encode i := [i]
Lemma Encode_Fin_hasSize n i :
size (Encode_Fin n) i = 1.
Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_Fin_injective n : injective (Encode_Fin n).
Proof. intros i1 i2. cbn. congruence. Qed.
Section Encode_Finite.
Variable sig : finType.
Local Instance Encode_Finite : codable sig sig :=
encode x := [x];
Lemma Encode_Finite_hasSize f :
size Encode_Finite f = 1.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_Finite_injective : injective Encode_Finite.
Proof. intros x1 x2. cbn. congruence. Qed.
End Encode_Finite.
Section Encode_map.
Variable (X : Type).
Variable (sig tau : Type).
Hypothesis (cX : codable sig X).
Variable inj : Retract sig tau.
Definition Encode_map : codable tau X :=
encode x := map Retr_f (encode x);
Lemma Encode_map_hasSize x :
size Encode_map x =size x.
Proof. cbn. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Lemma Encode_map_injective :
injective cX -> injective Encode_map.
Proof. intros H. hnf in H; hnf. cbn in *. intros x1 x2 ? % map_injective; auto. apply retract_f_injective. Qed.
End Encode_map.
Section Encode_map_comp.
Variable (X : Type).
Variable (sig1 sig2 sig3 : Type).
Variable (cX : codable sig1 X).
Variable (I1 : Retract sig1 sig2) (I2 : Retract sig2 sig3).
Lemma Encode_map_id x :
Encode_map cX (Retract_id _) x = cX x.
Proof. cbn. now rewrite map_id. Qed.
Lemma Encode_map_comp x :
Encode_map (Encode_map cX I1) I2 x = Encode_map cX (ComposeRetract I2 I1) x.
Proof. cbn. rewrite List.map_map. reflexivity. Qed.
End Encode_map_comp.
Global Hint Rewrite Encode_map_id Encode_map_comp : encode_comp.
Local Hint Mode Retract - - : typeclass_instances.
Ltac build_simple_retract_g :=
once lazymatch goal with
| [ |- ?Y -> option ?X ] =>
let x := fresh "x" in
intros x; destruct x; intros; try solve [now apply Retr_g ]; right
Ltac build_simple_retract :=
once lazymatch goal with
| [ |- Retract ?X ?Y ] =>
let x := fresh "x" in
let y := fresh "y" in
let f := (eval simpl in (ltac:(intros x; constructor; now apply Retr_f) : X -> Y)) in
let g := (eval simpl in (ltac:(build_simple_retract_g) : Y -> option X)) in
apply Build_Retract with (Retr_f := f) (Retr_g := g);
abstract now hnf; intros x y; split;
[ destruct y; try congruence; now intros -> % retract_g_inv
| now intros ->; now retract_adjoint
Ltac build_eq_dec :=
let x := fresh "x" in
let y := fresh "y" in
intros x y; hnf; decide equality;
apply Dec; auto.
Lemma countMap_injective (X Y : eqType) (x : X) (A : list X) (f : X -> Y) :
(forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
FinTypesDef.count (map f A) (f x) = FinTypesDef.count A x.
intros HInj. revert x. induction A as [ | a A IH]; intros; cbn in *; auto.
decide (f x = f a) as [ -> % HInj | He].
- decide (a = a) as [_ | Ha]; auto. congruence.
- decide (x = a) as [-> | Hx]; auto. congruence.
Lemma countMap_zero (X Y : eqType) (A : list X) (y : Y) (f : X -> Y) :
(forall x, f x <> y) ->
FinTypesDef.count (map f A) y = 0.
revert y. induction A as [ | a A IH]; intros; cbn in *; auto.
decide (y = f a) as [-> | ?]; auto. now contradiction (H a).
Section Encode_sum.
Variable (X Y : Type).
Inductive sigSum (sigX sigY : Type) : Type :=
| sigSum_X (s : sigX)
| sigSum_Y (s : sigY)
| sigSum_inl
| sigSum_inr
Arguments sigSum_inl {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_inr {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_X {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_Y {sigX sigY}.
Global Instance Retract_sigSum_X (sigX sigY tau : Type) (f : Retract sigX tau) : Retract sigX (sigSum tau sigY).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined. Global Instance Retract_sigSum_Y (sigX sigY tau : Type) (f : Retract sigY tau) : Retract sigY (sigSum sigX tau).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined.
Global Instance sigSum_dec (sigX sigY : Type) (decX: eq_dec sigX) (decY: eq_dec sigY) :
eq_dec (sigSum sigX sigY) := ltac:(build_eq_dec).
Global Instance sigSum_fin (sigX sigY : finType) : finTypeC (EqType (sigSum sigX sigY)).
split with (enum := sigSum_inl :: sigSum_inr :: map sigSum_X enum ++ map sigSum_Y enum). intros [x|y| | ]; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite <- !countSplit.
erewrite countMap_injective.
+ rewrite enum_ok. rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
+ eapply (retract_f_injective) with (I := Retract_sigSum_X sigY (Retract_id _)).
- rewrite <- !countSplit.
erewrite countMap_injective.
+ rewrite enum_ok. rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
+ eapply (retract_f_injective) with (I := Retract_sigSum_Y sigX (Retract_id _)).
- rewrite <- !countSplit. rewrite !countMap_zero. lia. all: congruence.
- rewrite <- !countSplit. rewrite !countMap_zero. lia. all: congruence.
Variable (sigX sigY : Type).
Hypothesis (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y).
Global Instance Encode_sum : codable (sigSum sigX sigY) (X+Y) :=
encode s := match s with
| inl x => sigSum_inl :: (Encode_map _ _ x)
| inr y => sigSum_inr :: (Encode_map _ _ y)
Definition Encode_sum_size (s:X+Y) :=
match s with
| inl x => S (size x)
| inr y => S (size y)
Lemma Encode_sum_hasSize s :
size Encode_sum s = Encode_sum_size s.
Proof. cbn. destruct s; cbn; cbv [Encode_sum_size]; rewrite map_length; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_sum_injective : injective cX -> injective cY -> injective Encode_sum.
intros HX HY. intros [ x1 | y1 ] [ x2 | y2] H; cbn in *; inv H; f_equal.
- apply map_injective in H1; auto. congruence.
- apply map_injective in H1; auto. congruence.
End Encode_sum.
Arguments sigSum_inl {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_inr {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_X {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_Y {sigX sigY}.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (finTypeC (EqType (sigSum _ _))) => eapply sigSum_fin : typeclass_instances.
Lemma cons_injective (X : Type) (x1 x2 : X) (l1 l2 : list X) :
x1 :: l1 = x2 :: l2 -> x1 = x2 /\ l1 = l2.
Proof. intros H. inv H. auto. Qed.
Lemma map_app_map_seperate (X Y Z : Type) (f : X -> Z) (g : Y -> Z) (x1 x2 : list X) (y1 y2 : list Y) :
injective f -> injective g ->
(forall x y, f x <> g y) ->
map f x1 ++ map g y1 = map f x2 ++ map g y2 ->
x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2.
intros Hf Hg Hfg. revert x2 y1 y2. induction x1 as [ | x x1 IH]; intros x2 y1 y2 HApp; cbn in *.
- apply map_eq_app in HApp as (l1&l2&->&HApp1&HApp2). apply map_injective in HApp2 as ->; auto.
destruct x2, l1; cbn in *; auto; inv HApp1. exfalso. eapply Hfg; eauto.
- destruct x2 as [ | x' x2]; cbn in *.
+ exfalso. destruct y2; cbn in *; inv HApp. eapply Hfg; eauto.
+ apply cons_injective in HApp as [-> % Hf HApp]. apply IH in HApp as [-> ->]. auto.
Section Encode_pair.
Inductive sigPair (sigX sigY : Type) : Type :=
| sigPair_X (s : sigX)
| sigPair_Y (s : sigY)
Arguments sigPair_X {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigPair_Y {sigX sigY}.
Global Instance Retract_sigPair_X (sigX sigY tau : Type) (f : Retract sigX tau) : Retract sigX (sigPair tau sigY).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined. Global Instance Retract_sigPair_Y (sigX sigY tau : Type) (f : Retract sigY tau) : Retract sigY (sigPair sigX tau).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined.
Global Instance sigPair_dec (sigX sigY : Type) (decX: eq_dec sigX) (decY: eq_dec sigY) :
eq_dec (sigPair sigX sigY) := ltac:(build_eq_dec).
Global Instance sigPair_fin (sigX sigY : finType) : finTypeC (EqType (sigPair sigX sigY)).
split with (enum := map sigPair_X enum ++ map sigPair_Y enum). intros [x|y]; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite <- !countSplit.
erewrite countMap_injective.
+ rewrite enum_ok. rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
+ eapply (retract_f_injective) with (I := Retract_sigPair_X sigY (Retract_id _)).
- rewrite <- !countSplit.
erewrite countMap_injective.
+ rewrite enum_ok. rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
+ eapply (retract_f_injective) with (I := Retract_sigPair_Y sigX (Retract_id _)).
Variable (sigX sigY: Type) (X Y: Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y).
Global Instance Encode_pair : codable (sigPair sigX sigY) (X*Y) :=
encode '(x,y) := Encode_map _ _ x ++ Encode_map _ _ y;
Definition Encode_pair_size (p : X * Y) := let (x, y) := p in size x + size y.
Lemma Encode_pair_hasSize p : size Encode_pair p = Encode_pair_size p.
Proof. destruct p; cbn; now rewrite app_length, !map_length. Qed.
Lemma Encode_pair_injective : injective cX -> injective cY -> injective Encode_pair.
intros HX HY. intros [x1 y1] [x2 y2] H; cbn in *.
apply map_app_map_seperate in H as [-> % HX -> % HY]; auto; congruence.
End Encode_pair.
Arguments sigPair_X {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigPair_Y {sigX sigY}.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (finTypeC (EqType (sigPair _ _))) => eapply sigPair_fin : typeclass_instances.
Section Encode_option.
Inductive sigOption (sigX: Type) : Type :=
| sigOption_X (s : sigX)
| sigOption_None
| sigOption_Some
Arguments sigOption_Some {sigX}. Arguments sigOption_None {sigX}. Arguments sigOption_X {sigX}.
Global Instance Retract_sigOption_X (sig tau : Type) (retr : Retract sig tau) : Retract sig (sigOption tau).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined.
Global Instance sigOption_dec sigX (decX : eq_dec sigX) :
eq_dec (sigOption sigX) := ltac:(build_eq_dec).
Global Instance sigOption_fin (sigX : finType) : finTypeC (EqType (sigOption sigX)).
split with (enum := sigOption_Some :: sigOption_None :: map sigOption_X enum).
intros [x| | ]; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite countMap_injective. 2: apply retract_f_injective with (I := Retract_sigOption_X (Retract_id _)).
now apply enum_ok.
- rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
- rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
Variable (sigX: Type) (X: Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Global Instance Encode_option : codable (sigOption sigX) (option X) :=
encode o := match o with
| None => [sigOption_None]
| Some x => sigOption_Some :: Encode_map _ _ x
Definition Encode_option_size (o : option X) :=
match o with
| None => 1
| Some x => S (size x)
Lemma Encode_option_hasSize o : size o = Encode_option_size o.
Proof. destruct o; cbn; f_equal; now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Lemma Encode_option_injective : injective cX -> injective Encode_option.
intros HX. intros [ x1 | ] [ x2 | ] H; inv H; auto. f_equal. apply map_injective in H1.
- now apply HX in H1.
- congruence.
End Encode_option.
Arguments sigOption_Some {sigX}. Arguments sigOption_None {sigX}. Arguments sigOption_X {sigX}.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (finTypeC (EqType (sigOption _))) => eapply sigOption_fin : typeclass_instances.
Lemma app_seperate (X : Type) (xs1 xs2 ys1 ys2 : list X) (s1 s2 : X) :
(~ In s1 xs2) ->
(~ In s2 xs1) ->
xs1 ++ s1 :: ys1 = xs2 ++ s2 :: ys2 ->
xs1 = xs2 /\ s1 = s2 /\ ys1 = ys2.
revert xs2 ys1 ys2 s1 s2. induction xs1 as [ | x1 xs1 IH]; intros xs2 ys1 ys2 s1 s2; intros H1 H2; intros Heq; cbn in *.
- destruct xs2 as [ | x2 xs2]; cbn in *.
+ inv Heq. auto.
+ inv Heq. exfalso. apply H1. auto.
- destruct xs2 as [ | x2 xs2]; cbn in *.
+ inv Heq. exfalso. apply H2. auto.
+ apply cons_injective in Heq as [-> Heq].
enough (xs1 = xs2 /\ s1 = s2 /\ ys1 = ys2) as (->&->&->) by auto.
apply IH; auto.
Lemma skipn_0 (A:Type) (xs : list A) : skipn 0 xs = xs. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma skipn_tl (A:Type) (xs : list A) (n : nat) : skipn (S n) xs = skipn n (tl xs).
Proof. induction n; cbn; destruct xs; auto. Qed.
Section Encode_list.
Inductive sigList (sigX : Type) : Type :=
| sigList_X (s : sigX)
| sigList_nil
| sigList_cons
Arguments sigList_nil {sigX}. Arguments sigList_cons {sigX}. Arguments sigList_X {sigX}.
Global Instance Retract_sigList_X (sig tau : Type) (retr : Retract sig tau) : Retract sig (sigList tau).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined.
Global Instance sigList_dec sigX (decX : eq_dec sigX) :
eq_dec (sigList sigX) := ltac:(build_eq_dec).
Global Instance sigList_fin (sigX : finType) : finTypeC (EqType (sigList sigX)).
split with (enum := sigList_nil :: sigList_cons :: map sigList_X enum).
intros [x| | ]; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite countMap_injective. 2: apply retract_f_injective with (I := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_id _)).
now apply enum_ok.
- rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
- rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
Variable sigX: Type.
Variable (X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Fixpoint encode_list (xs : list X) : list (sigList sigX) :=
match xs with
| nil => [sigList_nil]
| x :: xs' => sigList_cons :: Encode_map _ _ x ++ encode_list xs'
Lemma encode_list_concat l:
encode_list l = concat (map (fun t => sigList_cons :: map sigList_X (encode t)) l) ++[sigList_nil].
induction l;cbn. reflexivity.
rewrite IHl. cbn. now autorewrite with list.
Global Instance Encode_list : codable (sigList sigX) (list X) :=
encode := encode_list;
Lemma encode_list_app (xs ys : list X) :
encode_list (xs ++ ys) = removelast (encode_list xs) ++ encode_list ys.
revert ys. induction xs; intros; cbn in *; f_equal.
rewrite IHxs. rewrite app_assoc, app_comm_cons; f_equal.
destruct (map (fun x : sigX => sigList_X x) (cX a)) eqn:E; cbn.
- destruct xs; cbn; auto.
- f_equal. destruct (cX a) eqn:E2; cbn in E. congruence.
rewrite removelast_app.
+ destruct (l ++ encode_list xs) eqn:E3; cbn; auto.
apply app_eq_nil in E3 as (E3&E3'). destruct xs; inv E3'.
+ destruct xs; cbn; congruence.
Corollary Encode_list_app (xs ys : list X) :
Encode_list (xs ++ ys) = removelast (Encode_list xs) ++ Encode_list ys.
Proof. cbn. now apply encode_list_app. Qed.
Lemma encode_list_neq_nil (xs : list X) :
encode_list xs <> nil.
Proof. destruct xs; cbn; congruence. Qed.
Corollary Encode_list_neq_nil (xs : list X) :
Encode_list xs <> nil.
Proof. cbn. apply encode_list_neq_nil. Qed.
Lemma encode_list_remove (xs : list X) :
removelast (encode_list xs) ++ [sigList_nil] = encode_list xs.
induction xs.
- reflexivity.
- cbn [encode_list].
change (sigList_cons :: Encode_map _ _ a ++ encode_list xs)
with ((sigList_cons :: Encode_map _ _ a) ++ encode_list xs).
rewrite removelast_app by apply encode_list_neq_nil.
rewrite <- app_assoc. f_equal. auto.
Corollary Encode_list_remove (xs : list X) :
removelast (Encode_list xs) ++ [sigList_nil] = Encode_list xs.
Proof. cbn. apply encode_list_remove. Qed.
Fixpoint Encode_list_size (xs : list X) : nat :=
match xs with
| nil => 1
| x :: xs' => S (size x + Encode_list_size xs')
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize (xs : list X) : size xs = Encode_list_size xs.
induction xs as [ | x xs IH]; cbn; f_equal.
rewrite app_length, !map_length. fold (size x). now rewrite <- IH.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_skipn (xs : list X) (n : nat) :
Encode_list_size (skipn n xs) <= Encode_list_size xs.
revert n. induction xs as [ | x xs' IH]; intros n.
- cbn. rewrite skipn_nil. cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. destruct n.
+ rewrite skipn_0. cbn. reflexivity.
+ cbn. rewrite IH. lia.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_ge1 (xs : list X) :
1 <= Encode_list_size xs.
Proof. induction xs; cbn; lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_app (xs ys : list X) :
Encode_list_size (xs ++ ys) = Encode_list_size xs + Encode_list_size ys - 1.
induction xs as [ | x xs IH] in xs,ys|-*; cbn.
- lia.
- rewrite IH. enough (1 <= Encode_list_size xs) by lia. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma encode_list_eq_nil (xs : list X) : encode_list xs = [sigList_nil] -> xs = nil.
Proof. destruct xs; cbn; congruence. Qed.
Lemma encode_list_injective : injective cX -> injective encode_list.
intros HX. hnf in *. intros xs. induction xs as [ | x xs IH]; intros ys H; cbn in *.
- symmetry in H. apply encode_list_eq_nil in H. auto.
- destruct ys as [ | y ys]; cbn in *.
+ inv H.
+ apply cons_injective in H as [_ H].
destruct xs as [ | x' xs]; cbn in *.
* destruct ys as [ | y' ys]; cbn in *.
-- apply app_inj_tail in H as [H _]. apply map_injective in H; auto. now apply HX in H as ->. congruence.
-- exfalso. apply app_seperate in H as (H1&H2&H3); cbn; auto.
++ congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
* destruct ys as [ | y' ys]; cbn in *.
-- exfalso. eapply app_seperate in H as (H1&H2&H3); cbn; auto.
++ congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
-- apply app_seperate in H as (H1&H2&H3).
++ apply map_injective, HX in H1 as ->; auto. 2: congruence.
specialize (IH (y' :: ys)). spec_assert IH by (cbn; f_equal; auto). rewrite IH. auto.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
Lemma Encode_list_injective : injective cX -> injective Encode_list.
Proof. apply encode_list_injective. Qed.
End Encode_list.
Arguments sigList_nil {sigX}. Arguments sigList_cons {sigX}. Arguments sigList_X {sigX}.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (finTypeC (EqType (sigList _))) => eapply sigList_fin : typeclass_instances.
Section Encode_nat.
Inductive sigNat : Type :=
| sigNat_O
| sigNat_S.
Global Instance sigNat_eq : eq_dec sigNat.
Proof. unfold dec. decide equality. Defined.
Global Instance sigNat_fin : finTypeC (EqType sigNat).
Proof. split with (enum := [sigNat_O; sigNat_S]). intros [ | ]; cbn; reflexivity. Qed.
Global Instance Encode_nat : codable sigNat nat :=
encode n := repeat sigNat_S n ++ [sigNat_O];
Lemma Encode_nat_hasSize n : size n = S n.
Proof. cbn. rewrite app_length, repeat_length. cbn. lia. Qed.
Corollary Encode_nat_eq_nil n :
Encode_nat n <> nil.
Proof. intros H % length_zero_iff_nil. fold (size n) in H. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize in H. lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_nat_injective : injective Encode_nat.
cbn. hnf. intros n1. induction n1; intros n2 H; cbn in *.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; congruence.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; try congruence. f_equal. inv H. eapply IHn1. auto.
End Encode_nat.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Bijection.
Class codable (sig: Type) (X: Type) := {
encode : X -> list sig;
Arguments encode {sig} {X} {_}.
#[export] Hint Mode codable - ! : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Mode codable ! - : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Mode Retract ! + : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (codable (FinType(EqType ?sigX)) ?X) => cbn : typeclass_instances.
Coercion encode : codable >-> Funclass.
Definition size (sig X : Type) (cX : codable sig X) (x : X) := length (cX x).
Arguments size {sig X cX} x, {_ _} _ _ .
Create HintDb encode_comp.
Ltac simpl_comp := autorewrite with encode_comp.
Instance Encode_unit : codable Empty_set unit :=
encode x := nil
Lemma Encode_unit_hasSize (t:unit) :
size t = 0.
Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_unit_injective : injective Encode_unit.
Proof. now intros [] [] _. Qed.
Instance Encode_bool : codable bool bool:=
encode x := [x]
Lemma Encode_bool_hasSize (b:bool) :
size Encode_bool b = 1.
Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_bool_injective : injective Encode_bool.
Proof. intros [ | ] [ | ] H; cbn in *; congruence. Qed.
Instance Encode_Fin n : codable (Fin.t n) (Fin.t n):=
encode i := [i]
Lemma Encode_Fin_hasSize n i :
size (Encode_Fin n) i = 1.
Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_Fin_injective n : injective (Encode_Fin n).
Proof. intros i1 i2. cbn. congruence. Qed.
Section Encode_Finite.
Variable sig : finType.
Local Instance Encode_Finite : codable sig sig :=
encode x := [x];
Lemma Encode_Finite_hasSize f :
size Encode_Finite f = 1.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_Finite_injective : injective Encode_Finite.
Proof. intros x1 x2. cbn. congruence. Qed.
End Encode_Finite.
Section Encode_map.
Variable (X : Type).
Variable (sig tau : Type).
Hypothesis (cX : codable sig X).
Variable inj : Retract sig tau.
Definition Encode_map : codable tau X :=
encode x := map Retr_f (encode x);
Lemma Encode_map_hasSize x :
size Encode_map x =size x.
Proof. cbn. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Lemma Encode_map_injective :
injective cX -> injective Encode_map.
Proof. intros H. hnf in H; hnf. cbn in *. intros x1 x2 ? % map_injective; auto. apply retract_f_injective. Qed.
End Encode_map.
Section Encode_map_comp.
Variable (X : Type).
Variable (sig1 sig2 sig3 : Type).
Variable (cX : codable sig1 X).
Variable (I1 : Retract sig1 sig2) (I2 : Retract sig2 sig3).
Lemma Encode_map_id x :
Encode_map cX (Retract_id _) x = cX x.
Proof. cbn. now rewrite map_id. Qed.
Lemma Encode_map_comp x :
Encode_map (Encode_map cX I1) I2 x = Encode_map cX (ComposeRetract I2 I1) x.
Proof. cbn. rewrite List.map_map. reflexivity. Qed.
End Encode_map_comp.
Global Hint Rewrite Encode_map_id Encode_map_comp : encode_comp.
Local Hint Mode Retract - - : typeclass_instances.
Ltac build_simple_retract_g :=
once lazymatch goal with
| [ |- ?Y -> option ?X ] =>
let x := fresh "x" in
intros x; destruct x; intros; try solve [now apply Retr_g ]; right
Ltac build_simple_retract :=
once lazymatch goal with
| [ |- Retract ?X ?Y ] =>
let x := fresh "x" in
let y := fresh "y" in
let f := (eval simpl in (ltac:(intros x; constructor; now apply Retr_f) : X -> Y)) in
let g := (eval simpl in (ltac:(build_simple_retract_g) : Y -> option X)) in
apply Build_Retract with (Retr_f := f) (Retr_g := g);
abstract now hnf; intros x y; split;
[ destruct y; try congruence; now intros -> % retract_g_inv
| now intros ->; now retract_adjoint
Ltac build_eq_dec :=
let x := fresh "x" in
let y := fresh "y" in
intros x y; hnf; decide equality;
apply Dec; auto.
Lemma countMap_injective (X Y : eqType) (x : X) (A : list X) (f : X -> Y) :
(forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
FinTypesDef.count (map f A) (f x) = FinTypesDef.count A x.
intros HInj. revert x. induction A as [ | a A IH]; intros; cbn in *; auto.
decide (f x = f a) as [ -> % HInj | He].
- decide (a = a) as [_ | Ha]; auto. congruence.
- decide (x = a) as [-> | Hx]; auto. congruence.
Lemma countMap_zero (X Y : eqType) (A : list X) (y : Y) (f : X -> Y) :
(forall x, f x <> y) ->
FinTypesDef.count (map f A) y = 0.
revert y. induction A as [ | a A IH]; intros; cbn in *; auto.
decide (y = f a) as [-> | ?]; auto. now contradiction (H a).
Section Encode_sum.
Variable (X Y : Type).
Inductive sigSum (sigX sigY : Type) : Type :=
| sigSum_X (s : sigX)
| sigSum_Y (s : sigY)
| sigSum_inl
| sigSum_inr
Arguments sigSum_inl {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_inr {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_X {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_Y {sigX sigY}.
Global Instance Retract_sigSum_X (sigX sigY tau : Type) (f : Retract sigX tau) : Retract sigX (sigSum tau sigY).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined. Global Instance Retract_sigSum_Y (sigX sigY tau : Type) (f : Retract sigY tau) : Retract sigY (sigSum sigX tau).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined.
Global Instance sigSum_dec (sigX sigY : Type) (decX: eq_dec sigX) (decY: eq_dec sigY) :
eq_dec (sigSum sigX sigY) := ltac:(build_eq_dec).
Global Instance sigSum_fin (sigX sigY : finType) : finTypeC (EqType (sigSum sigX sigY)).
split with (enum := sigSum_inl :: sigSum_inr :: map sigSum_X enum ++ map sigSum_Y enum). intros [x|y| | ]; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite <- !countSplit.
erewrite countMap_injective.
+ rewrite enum_ok. rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
+ eapply (retract_f_injective) with (I := Retract_sigSum_X sigY (Retract_id _)).
- rewrite <- !countSplit.
erewrite countMap_injective.
+ rewrite enum_ok. rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
+ eapply (retract_f_injective) with (I := Retract_sigSum_Y sigX (Retract_id _)).
- rewrite <- !countSplit. rewrite !countMap_zero. lia. all: congruence.
- rewrite <- !countSplit. rewrite !countMap_zero. lia. all: congruence.
Variable (sigX sigY : Type).
Hypothesis (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y).
Global Instance Encode_sum : codable (sigSum sigX sigY) (X+Y) :=
encode s := match s with
| inl x => sigSum_inl :: (Encode_map _ _ x)
| inr y => sigSum_inr :: (Encode_map _ _ y)
Definition Encode_sum_size (s:X+Y) :=
match s with
| inl x => S (size x)
| inr y => S (size y)
Lemma Encode_sum_hasSize s :
size Encode_sum s = Encode_sum_size s.
Proof. cbn. destruct s; cbn; cbv [Encode_sum_size]; rewrite map_length; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma Encode_sum_injective : injective cX -> injective cY -> injective Encode_sum.
intros HX HY. intros [ x1 | y1 ] [ x2 | y2] H; cbn in *; inv H; f_equal.
- apply map_injective in H1; auto. congruence.
- apply map_injective in H1; auto. congruence.
End Encode_sum.
Arguments sigSum_inl {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_inr {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_X {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigSum_Y {sigX sigY}.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (finTypeC (EqType (sigSum _ _))) => eapply sigSum_fin : typeclass_instances.
Lemma cons_injective (X : Type) (x1 x2 : X) (l1 l2 : list X) :
x1 :: l1 = x2 :: l2 -> x1 = x2 /\ l1 = l2.
Proof. intros H. inv H. auto. Qed.
Lemma map_app_map_seperate (X Y Z : Type) (f : X -> Z) (g : Y -> Z) (x1 x2 : list X) (y1 y2 : list Y) :
injective f -> injective g ->
(forall x y, f x <> g y) ->
map f x1 ++ map g y1 = map f x2 ++ map g y2 ->
x1 = x2 /\ y1 = y2.
intros Hf Hg Hfg. revert x2 y1 y2. induction x1 as [ | x x1 IH]; intros x2 y1 y2 HApp; cbn in *.
- apply map_eq_app in HApp as (l1&l2&->&HApp1&HApp2). apply map_injective in HApp2 as ->; auto.
destruct x2, l1; cbn in *; auto; inv HApp1. exfalso. eapply Hfg; eauto.
- destruct x2 as [ | x' x2]; cbn in *.
+ exfalso. destruct y2; cbn in *; inv HApp. eapply Hfg; eauto.
+ apply cons_injective in HApp as [-> % Hf HApp]. apply IH in HApp as [-> ->]. auto.
Section Encode_pair.
Inductive sigPair (sigX sigY : Type) : Type :=
| sigPair_X (s : sigX)
| sigPair_Y (s : sigY)
Arguments sigPair_X {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigPair_Y {sigX sigY}.
Global Instance Retract_sigPair_X (sigX sigY tau : Type) (f : Retract sigX tau) : Retract sigX (sigPair tau sigY).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined. Global Instance Retract_sigPair_Y (sigX sigY tau : Type) (f : Retract sigY tau) : Retract sigY (sigPair sigX tau).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined.
Global Instance sigPair_dec (sigX sigY : Type) (decX: eq_dec sigX) (decY: eq_dec sigY) :
eq_dec (sigPair sigX sigY) := ltac:(build_eq_dec).
Global Instance sigPair_fin (sigX sigY : finType) : finTypeC (EqType (sigPair sigX sigY)).
split with (enum := map sigPair_X enum ++ map sigPair_Y enum). intros [x|y]; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite <- !countSplit.
erewrite countMap_injective.
+ rewrite enum_ok. rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
+ eapply (retract_f_injective) with (I := Retract_sigPair_X sigY (Retract_id _)).
- rewrite <- !countSplit.
erewrite countMap_injective.
+ rewrite enum_ok. rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
+ eapply (retract_f_injective) with (I := Retract_sigPair_Y sigX (Retract_id _)).
Variable (sigX sigY: Type) (X Y: Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y).
Global Instance Encode_pair : codable (sigPair sigX sigY) (X*Y) :=
encode '(x,y) := Encode_map _ _ x ++ Encode_map _ _ y;
Definition Encode_pair_size (p : X * Y) := let (x, y) := p in size x + size y.
Lemma Encode_pair_hasSize p : size Encode_pair p = Encode_pair_size p.
Proof. destruct p; cbn; now rewrite app_length, !map_length. Qed.
Lemma Encode_pair_injective : injective cX -> injective cY -> injective Encode_pair.
intros HX HY. intros [x1 y1] [x2 y2] H; cbn in *.
apply map_app_map_seperate in H as [-> % HX -> % HY]; auto; congruence.
End Encode_pair.
Arguments sigPair_X {sigX sigY}. Arguments sigPair_Y {sigX sigY}.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (finTypeC (EqType (sigPair _ _))) => eapply sigPair_fin : typeclass_instances.
Section Encode_option.
Inductive sigOption (sigX: Type) : Type :=
| sigOption_X (s : sigX)
| sigOption_None
| sigOption_Some
Arguments sigOption_Some {sigX}. Arguments sigOption_None {sigX}. Arguments sigOption_X {sigX}.
Global Instance Retract_sigOption_X (sig tau : Type) (retr : Retract sig tau) : Retract sig (sigOption tau).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined.
Global Instance sigOption_dec sigX (decX : eq_dec sigX) :
eq_dec (sigOption sigX) := ltac:(build_eq_dec).
Global Instance sigOption_fin (sigX : finType) : finTypeC (EqType (sigOption sigX)).
split with (enum := sigOption_Some :: sigOption_None :: map sigOption_X enum).
intros [x| | ]; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite countMap_injective. 2: apply retract_f_injective with (I := Retract_sigOption_X (Retract_id _)).
now apply enum_ok.
- rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
- rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
Variable (sigX: Type) (X: Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Global Instance Encode_option : codable (sigOption sigX) (option X) :=
encode o := match o with
| None => [sigOption_None]
| Some x => sigOption_Some :: Encode_map _ _ x
Definition Encode_option_size (o : option X) :=
match o with
| None => 1
| Some x => S (size x)
Lemma Encode_option_hasSize o : size o = Encode_option_size o.
Proof. destruct o; cbn; f_equal; now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Lemma Encode_option_injective : injective cX -> injective Encode_option.
intros HX. intros [ x1 | ] [ x2 | ] H; inv H; auto. f_equal. apply map_injective in H1.
- now apply HX in H1.
- congruence.
End Encode_option.
Arguments sigOption_Some {sigX}. Arguments sigOption_None {sigX}. Arguments sigOption_X {sigX}.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (finTypeC (EqType (sigOption _))) => eapply sigOption_fin : typeclass_instances.
Lemma app_seperate (X : Type) (xs1 xs2 ys1 ys2 : list X) (s1 s2 : X) :
(~ In s1 xs2) ->
(~ In s2 xs1) ->
xs1 ++ s1 :: ys1 = xs2 ++ s2 :: ys2 ->
xs1 = xs2 /\ s1 = s2 /\ ys1 = ys2.
revert xs2 ys1 ys2 s1 s2. induction xs1 as [ | x1 xs1 IH]; intros xs2 ys1 ys2 s1 s2; intros H1 H2; intros Heq; cbn in *.
- destruct xs2 as [ | x2 xs2]; cbn in *.
+ inv Heq. auto.
+ inv Heq. exfalso. apply H1. auto.
- destruct xs2 as [ | x2 xs2]; cbn in *.
+ inv Heq. exfalso. apply H2. auto.
+ apply cons_injective in Heq as [-> Heq].
enough (xs1 = xs2 /\ s1 = s2 /\ ys1 = ys2) as (->&->&->) by auto.
apply IH; auto.
Lemma skipn_0 (A:Type) (xs : list A) : skipn 0 xs = xs. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma skipn_tl (A:Type) (xs : list A) (n : nat) : skipn (S n) xs = skipn n (tl xs).
Proof. induction n; cbn; destruct xs; auto. Qed.
Section Encode_list.
Inductive sigList (sigX : Type) : Type :=
| sigList_X (s : sigX)
| sigList_nil
| sigList_cons
Arguments sigList_nil {sigX}. Arguments sigList_cons {sigX}. Arguments sigList_X {sigX}.
Global Instance Retract_sigList_X (sig tau : Type) (retr : Retract sig tau) : Retract sig (sigList tau).
Proof. build_simple_retract. Defined.
Global Instance sigList_dec sigX (decX : eq_dec sigX) :
eq_dec (sigList sigX) := ltac:(build_eq_dec).
Global Instance sigList_fin (sigX : finType) : finTypeC (EqType (sigList sigX)).
split with (enum := sigList_nil :: sigList_cons :: map sigList_X enum).
intros [x| | ]; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite countMap_injective. 2: apply retract_f_injective with (I := Retract_sigList_X (Retract_id _)).
now apply enum_ok.
- rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
- rewrite countMap_zero. lia. congruence.
Variable sigX: Type.
Variable (X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Fixpoint encode_list (xs : list X) : list (sigList sigX) :=
match xs with
| nil => [sigList_nil]
| x :: xs' => sigList_cons :: Encode_map _ _ x ++ encode_list xs'
Lemma encode_list_concat l:
encode_list l = concat (map (fun t => sigList_cons :: map sigList_X (encode t)) l) ++[sigList_nil].
induction l;cbn. reflexivity.
rewrite IHl. cbn. now autorewrite with list.
Global Instance Encode_list : codable (sigList sigX) (list X) :=
encode := encode_list;
Lemma encode_list_app (xs ys : list X) :
encode_list (xs ++ ys) = removelast (encode_list xs) ++ encode_list ys.
revert ys. induction xs; intros; cbn in *; f_equal.
rewrite IHxs. rewrite app_assoc, app_comm_cons; f_equal.
destruct (map (fun x : sigX => sigList_X x) (cX a)) eqn:E; cbn.
- destruct xs; cbn; auto.
- f_equal. destruct (cX a) eqn:E2; cbn in E. congruence.
rewrite removelast_app.
+ destruct (l ++ encode_list xs) eqn:E3; cbn; auto.
apply app_eq_nil in E3 as (E3&E3'). destruct xs; inv E3'.
+ destruct xs; cbn; congruence.
Corollary Encode_list_app (xs ys : list X) :
Encode_list (xs ++ ys) = removelast (Encode_list xs) ++ Encode_list ys.
Proof. cbn. now apply encode_list_app. Qed.
Lemma encode_list_neq_nil (xs : list X) :
encode_list xs <> nil.
Proof. destruct xs; cbn; congruence. Qed.
Corollary Encode_list_neq_nil (xs : list X) :
Encode_list xs <> nil.
Proof. cbn. apply encode_list_neq_nil. Qed.
Lemma encode_list_remove (xs : list X) :
removelast (encode_list xs) ++ [sigList_nil] = encode_list xs.
induction xs.
- reflexivity.
- cbn [encode_list].
change (sigList_cons :: Encode_map _ _ a ++ encode_list xs)
with ((sigList_cons :: Encode_map _ _ a) ++ encode_list xs).
rewrite removelast_app by apply encode_list_neq_nil.
rewrite <- app_assoc. f_equal. auto.
Corollary Encode_list_remove (xs : list X) :
removelast (Encode_list xs) ++ [sigList_nil] = Encode_list xs.
Proof. cbn. apply encode_list_remove. Qed.
Fixpoint Encode_list_size (xs : list X) : nat :=
match xs with
| nil => 1
| x :: xs' => S (size x + Encode_list_size xs')
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize (xs : list X) : size xs = Encode_list_size xs.
induction xs as [ | x xs IH]; cbn; f_equal.
rewrite app_length, !map_length. fold (size x). now rewrite <- IH.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_skipn (xs : list X) (n : nat) :
Encode_list_size (skipn n xs) <= Encode_list_size xs.
revert n. induction xs as [ | x xs' IH]; intros n.
- cbn. rewrite skipn_nil. cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. destruct n.
+ rewrite skipn_0. cbn. reflexivity.
+ cbn. rewrite IH. lia.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_ge1 (xs : list X) :
1 <= Encode_list_size xs.
Proof. induction xs; cbn; lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_app (xs ys : list X) :
Encode_list_size (xs ++ ys) = Encode_list_size xs + Encode_list_size ys - 1.
induction xs as [ | x xs IH] in xs,ys|-*; cbn.
- lia.
- rewrite IH. enough (1 <= Encode_list_size xs) by lia. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma encode_list_eq_nil (xs : list X) : encode_list xs = [sigList_nil] -> xs = nil.
Proof. destruct xs; cbn; congruence. Qed.
Lemma encode_list_injective : injective cX -> injective encode_list.
intros HX. hnf in *. intros xs. induction xs as [ | x xs IH]; intros ys H; cbn in *.
- symmetry in H. apply encode_list_eq_nil in H. auto.
- destruct ys as [ | y ys]; cbn in *.
+ inv H.
+ apply cons_injective in H as [_ H].
destruct xs as [ | x' xs]; cbn in *.
* destruct ys as [ | y' ys]; cbn in *.
-- apply app_inj_tail in H as [H _]. apply map_injective in H; auto. now apply HX in H as ->. congruence.
-- exfalso. apply app_seperate in H as (H1&H2&H3); cbn; auto.
++ congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
* destruct ys as [ | y' ys]; cbn in *.
-- exfalso. eapply app_seperate in H as (H1&H2&H3); cbn; auto.
++ congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
-- apply app_seperate in H as (H1&H2&H3).
++ apply map_injective, HX in H1 as ->; auto. 2: congruence.
specialize (IH (y' :: ys)). spec_assert IH by (cbn; f_equal; auto). rewrite IH. auto.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
++ intros (?&?&?) % in_map_iff. congruence.
Lemma Encode_list_injective : injective cX -> injective Encode_list.
Proof. apply encode_list_injective. Qed.
End Encode_list.
Arguments sigList_nil {sigX}. Arguments sigList_cons {sigX}. Arguments sigList_X {sigX}.
#[export] Hint Extern 4 (finTypeC (EqType (sigList _))) => eapply sigList_fin : typeclass_instances.
Section Encode_nat.
Inductive sigNat : Type :=
| sigNat_O
| sigNat_S.
Global Instance sigNat_eq : eq_dec sigNat.
Proof. unfold dec. decide equality. Defined.
Global Instance sigNat_fin : finTypeC (EqType sigNat).
Proof. split with (enum := [sigNat_O; sigNat_S]). intros [ | ]; cbn; reflexivity. Qed.
Global Instance Encode_nat : codable sigNat nat :=
encode n := repeat sigNat_S n ++ [sigNat_O];
Lemma Encode_nat_hasSize n : size n = S n.
Proof. cbn. rewrite app_length, repeat_length. cbn. lia. Qed.
Corollary Encode_nat_eq_nil n :
Encode_nat n <> nil.
Proof. intros H % length_zero_iff_nil. fold (size n) in H. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize in H. lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_nat_injective : injective Encode_nat.
cbn. hnf. intros n1. induction n1; intros n2 H; cbn in *.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; congruence.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; try congruence. f_equal. inv H. eapply IHn1. auto.
End Encode_nat.