From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions EnumerabilityFacts.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require ListEnumerabilityFacts.
Require Import Undecidability.TM.SBTM.
Import SBTMNotations.
Lemma SBTM_HALT_semi_decision : { f : { M : SBTM & config M } -> nat -> bool | semi_decider f SBTM_HALT }.
exists (fun '(existT _ M x) k => match steps M k x with | Some _ => false | None => true end).
intros [M x]. split.
+ intros [k Hk]. exists k. now rewrite Hk.
+ intros [k Hk]. exists k.
now destruct (steps M k x) as [?|].
Definition SBTM_to_sigT (M : SBTM) := existT
(fun n => Vector.t (option (Fin.t n * _ * _) * option (Fin.t n * _ * _)) n) (num_states M) (trans M).
Definition SBTM_of_sigT := fun '(existT _ n t) => @Build_SBTM n t.
Lemma direction_enumeration : { e | enumerator__T e direction}.
exists (fun n => match n with 0 => Some go_left | _ => Some go_right end).
now intros []; [exists 0|exists 1].
Lemma SBTM_enumeration : { e : nat -> option SBTM | enumerator__T e SBTM }.
assert {f | enumerator__T f {n : nat & Vector.t
(option (Fin.t n * bool * direction) *
option (Fin.t n * bool * direction)) n}} as [f Hf].
{ eexists.
eapply enumerator__T_sigT.
- apply enumerator__T_nat.
- intros x. apply enumerator__T_Vector.
apply enumerator__T_prod.
+ apply enumerator__T_option.
apply enumerator__T_prod; [apply enumerator__T_prod|].
* apply enumerator__T_Fin.
* apply enumerator__T_bool.
* apply (proj2_sig direction_enumeration).
+ apply enumerator__T_option.
apply enumerator__T_prod; [apply enumerator__T_prod|].
* apply enumerator__T_Fin.
* apply enumerator__T_bool.
* apply (proj2_sig direction_enumeration). }
exists (fun n => option_map SBTM_of_sigT (f n)).
intros M.
destruct (Hf (SBTM_to_sigT M)) as [n Hn].
exists n. rewrite Hn. now destruct M.
Lemma config_enumeration (M : SBTM) : { e : nat -> option (config M) | enumerator__T e (config M) }.
eexists. apply enumerator__T_prod.
+ apply enumerator__T_Fin.
+ apply enumerator__T_prod; [apply enumerator__T_prod|].
* eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_to_list.
eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_list.
eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_of_list.
apply enumerator__T_bool.
* apply enumerator__T_bool.
* eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_to_list.
eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_list.
eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_of_list.
apply enumerator__T_bool.
Lemma SBTM_HALT_INSTANCE_enumeration : { e | enumerator__T e {M : SBTM & config M }}.
apply enumerator__T_sigT.
- apply (proj2_sig SBTM_enumeration).
- intros M. apply (proj2_sig (config_enumeration M)).
Lemma SBTM_HALT_enumeration : { e : nat -> option { M : SBTM & config M } | enumerator e SBTM_HALT }.
exact (semi_decider_enumerator
(proj2_sig SBTM_HALT_INSTANCE_enumeration)
(proj2_sig SBTM_HALT_semi_decision)).
Definition SBTM_HALT_enumerator := proj1_sig SBTM_HALT_enumeration.
Lemma SBTM_HALT_enumerator_spec : enumerator SBTM_HALT_enumerator SBTM_HALT.
Proof. exact (proj2_sig SBTM_HALT_enumeration). Qed.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require ListEnumerabilityFacts.
Require Import Undecidability.TM.SBTM.
Import SBTMNotations.
Lemma SBTM_HALT_semi_decision : { f : { M : SBTM & config M } -> nat -> bool | semi_decider f SBTM_HALT }.
exists (fun '(existT _ M x) k => match steps M k x with | Some _ => false | None => true end).
intros [M x]. split.
+ intros [k Hk]. exists k. now rewrite Hk.
+ intros [k Hk]. exists k.
now destruct (steps M k x) as [?|].
Definition SBTM_to_sigT (M : SBTM) := existT
(fun n => Vector.t (option (Fin.t n * _ * _) * option (Fin.t n * _ * _)) n) (num_states M) (trans M).
Definition SBTM_of_sigT := fun '(existT _ n t) => @Build_SBTM n t.
Lemma direction_enumeration : { e | enumerator__T e direction}.
exists (fun n => match n with 0 => Some go_left | _ => Some go_right end).
now intros []; [exists 0|exists 1].
Lemma SBTM_enumeration : { e : nat -> option SBTM | enumerator__T e SBTM }.
assert {f | enumerator__T f {n : nat & Vector.t
(option (Fin.t n * bool * direction) *
option (Fin.t n * bool * direction)) n}} as [f Hf].
{ eexists.
eapply enumerator__T_sigT.
- apply enumerator__T_nat.
- intros x. apply enumerator__T_Vector.
apply enumerator__T_prod.
+ apply enumerator__T_option.
apply enumerator__T_prod; [apply enumerator__T_prod|].
* apply enumerator__T_Fin.
* apply enumerator__T_bool.
* apply (proj2_sig direction_enumeration).
+ apply enumerator__T_option.
apply enumerator__T_prod; [apply enumerator__T_prod|].
* apply enumerator__T_Fin.
* apply enumerator__T_bool.
* apply (proj2_sig direction_enumeration). }
exists (fun n => option_map SBTM_of_sigT (f n)).
intros M.
destruct (Hf (SBTM_to_sigT M)) as [n Hn].
exists n. rewrite Hn. now destruct M.
Lemma config_enumeration (M : SBTM) : { e : nat -> option (config M) | enumerator__T e (config M) }.
eexists. apply enumerator__T_prod.
+ apply enumerator__T_Fin.
+ apply enumerator__T_prod; [apply enumerator__T_prod|].
* eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_to_list.
eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_list.
eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_of_list.
apply enumerator__T_bool.
* apply enumerator__T_bool.
* eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_to_list.
eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_list.
eapply ListEnumerabilityFacts.enumerator__T_of_list.
apply enumerator__T_bool.
Lemma SBTM_HALT_INSTANCE_enumeration : { e | enumerator__T e {M : SBTM & config M }}.
apply enumerator__T_sigT.
- apply (proj2_sig SBTM_enumeration).
- intros M. apply (proj2_sig (config_enumeration M)).
Lemma SBTM_HALT_enumeration : { e : nat -> option { M : SBTM & config M } | enumerator e SBTM_HALT }.
exact (semi_decider_enumerator
(proj2_sig SBTM_HALT_INSTANCE_enumeration)
(proj2_sig SBTM_HALT_semi_decision)).
Definition SBTM_HALT_enumerator := proj1_sig SBTM_HALT_enumeration.
Lemma SBTM_HALT_enumerator_spec : enumerator SBTM_HALT_enumerator SBTM_HALT.
Proof. exact (proj2_sig SBTM_HALT_enumeration). Qed.