Set Implicit Arguments.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import calculus.prelim calculus.terms calculus.syntax std.std.
Require Import Morphisms Lia FinFun.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* * Semantics **)
Section Semantics.
Context {X: Const}.
Implicit Types (s t: exp X) (delta: fin -> fin) (sigma: fin -> exp X).
Reserved Notation "s > t" (at level 70).
Inductive step : exp X -> exp X -> Prop :=
| stepBeta s s' t: beta s t = s' -> (lambda s) t > s'
| stepLam s s': s > s' -> lambda s > lambda s'
| stepAppL s s' t: s > s' -> s t > s' t
| stepAppR s t t': t > t' -> s t > s t'
where "s > t" := (step s t).
Notation "s >* t" := (star step s t) (at level 70).
Hint Constructors step star : core.
Notation "s ▷ t" := (evaluates step s t) (at level 60).
Notation normal := (Normal step).
(* ** Compatibility Properties *)
Section CompatibilityProperties.
Global Instance lam_proper: Proper (star step ++> star step) lam.
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Global Instance app_proper: Proper (star step ++> star step ++> star step) app.
intros x x' H1 y y' H2; induction H1; induction H2; eauto.
Lemma ren_step s t delta:
s > t -> ren delta s > ren delta t.
induction 1 in delta |-*; cbn; eauto.
econstructor. subst. now asimpl.
Lemma ren_steps s t delta:
s >* t -> ren delta s >* ren delta t.
induction 1; eauto using ren_step.
Global Instance ren_step_proper:
Proper (eq ++> step ++> step) (@ren X).
intros ? zeta -> s t H; now eapply ren_step.
Global Instance ren_steps_proper:
Proper (eq ++> star step ++> star step) (@ren X).
intros ? zeta -> s t H; now eapply ren_steps.
Lemma subst_step s t sigma:
s > t -> sigma • s > sigma • t.
induction 1 in sigma |-*; cbn; eauto.
- econstructor. subst. now asimpl.
Lemma subst_steps s t sigma:
s >* t -> sigma • s >* sigma • t.
induction 1; eauto using subst_step.
Global Instance subst_step_proper:
Proper (eq ++> step ++> step) (@subst_exp X).
intros ? zeta -> s t H; now eapply subst_step.
Global Instance subst_steps_proper:
Proper (eq ++> star step ++> star step) (@subst_exp X).
intros ? zeta -> s t H; now eapply subst_steps.
End CompatibilityProperties.
(* ** Normality Characterisation *)
Section Normality.
Lemma normal_var x: normal (var x).
Proof. intros t H1; inv H1. Qed.
Lemma normal_const c: normal (const c).
Proof. intros t H1; inv H1. Qed.
Lemma normal_lam_intro s: normal s -> normal (lambda s).
Proof. intros H1 t H2; inv H2; eapply H1; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_lam_elim s: normal (lambda s) -> normal s.
Proof. intros H1 t H2; eapply H1; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_app_l s t: normal (s t) -> normal s.
Proof. intros H t' H1; eapply H; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_app_r s t: normal (s t) -> normal t.
Proof. intros H t' H1; eapply H; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_app_not_lam s t: normal (s t) -> ~ isLam s.
Proof. destruct s; intuition; eapply H; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_app_intro s t:
~ isLam s -> normal s -> normal t -> normal (s t).
intros; intros t' H2; inv H2; cbn in *; eauto.
all: firstorder.
Hint Resolve normal_var normal_const normal_lam_intro
normal_lam_elim normal_app_l normal_app_r normal_app_intro : core.
Lemma normal_ren s delta:
normal s -> normal (ren delta s).
induction s in delta |-*; cbn; intuition.
eapply normal_app_intro; eauto.
destruct s1; cbn; eauto.
intros _; eapply H; eauto.
Lemma normal_subst s sigma:
(forall x, ~ isLam (sigma x)) ->
(forall x, normal (sigma x)) ->
normal s -> normal (sigma • s).
induction s in sigma |-*; intros H1 H2 N; cbn in *; intuition.
- eapply normal_lam_intro, IHs; [| | now eapply normal_lam_elim].
+ intros []; cbn; intuition.
unfold funcomp in *. eapply H1 with (x := n).
destruct sigma; cbn; intuition.
+ intros []; cbn; intuition.
now eapply normal_ren.
- eapply normal_app_intro; eauto.
destruct s1; eauto.
intros _; eapply N; eauto.
Global Instance dec_normal: Dec1 (normal).
intros s; unfold Dec; induction s; intuition.
all: try solve [right; contradict b; eauto].
destruct s1; intuition.
right; intros H; eapply H; eauto.
Lemma head_atom s:
normal s -> ~ isLam s -> isAtom (head s).
induction s; cbn; eauto.
intros H _; cbn.
eapply IHs1; eauto.
destruct s1; eauto.
intros _. eapply H; eauto.
End Normality.
Hint Resolve normal_var normal_const normal_lam_intro
normal_lam_elim normal_app_l normal_app_r normal_app_intro : core.
Hint Resolve head_atom : core.
(* ** Inversion Lemmas *)
Section InversionLemmas.
Lemma head_preserved s s':
s > s' -> isLam (head s') -> isLam (head s).
induction 1; cbn; eauto.
Lemma steps_lam s v:
lambda s >* v -> exists s', v = lambda s' /\ s >* s'.
remember (lambda s) as t. intros H1. revert s Heqt.
induction H1.
- intros ? ->; eexists; eauto.
- intros; subst. inv H. edestruct IHstar; eauto; intuition; subst.
exists x. eauto.
Lemma steps_app s t v:
app s t >* v -> (exists s', exists t', v = app s' t' /\ s >* s' /\ t >* t')
\/ (exists s', s >* lambda s' /\ isLam (head s)).
remember (s t) as r. intros H1. revert s t Heqr.
induction H1.
- intros; subst. left; eexists; eexists; intuition.
- intros; subst. inv H.
+ right. eexists; split; cbn; eauto.
+ edestruct IHstar; eauto.
* destruct H as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
left. eexists; eexists; eauto.
* destruct H as (? & ? & ?). right. eexists; split; eauto.
eapply head_preserved; eauto.
+ edestruct IHstar; eauto.
* destruct H as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
left. eexists; eexists; eauto.
Lemma steps_app_atom s t v:
isAtom s -> s t >* v -> exists t', v = s t' /\ t >* t'.
destruct s;
intros ? [(? & ? & ? & ?)|(? & ? & ?)] % steps_app; cbn in *; intuition.
all: inv H2; eauto; inv H1.
Lemma injective_upRen_exp_exp delta:
Injective delta -> Injective (upRen_exp_exp delta).
intros H [| x] [| y]; eauto.
all: cbn; discriminate.
Lemma anti_ren delta s t:
Injective delta -> ren delta s = ren delta t -> s = t.
intros H; induction s in delta, H, t |-*; destruct t; try discriminate.
all: cbn; injection 1; intros; subst; eauto.
- erewrite IHs.
3: eapply H1. eauto. eapply injective_upRen_exp_exp; eauto.
- erewrite IHs1, IHs2; eauto.
Lemma step_anti_ren delta s t: ren delta s > t -> exists t', s > t' /\ t = ren delta t'.
remember (ren delta s) as s'; intros H;
revert s Heqs'; induction H in delta |-*.
all: intros []; try discriminate; injection 1; intros; subst.
- destruct e; try discriminate; injection H1; intros; subst.
exists (beta e e0); intuition. now asimpl.
- edestruct IHstep; eauto.
intuition; subst. exists (lambda x). intuition.
- edestruct IHstep; eauto.
exists (x e0); intuition; now subst.
- edestruct IHstep; eauto.
exists (e x); intuition; now subst.
Lemma steps_anti_ren delta s t:
ren delta s >* t -> exists t', s >* t' /\ t = ren delta t'.
remember (ren delta s) as s'. intros H; revert s Heqs'; induction H.
- intros; subst. exists s; eauto.
- intros; subst. eapply step_anti_ren in H as []; intuition.
edestruct (IHstar x); intuition.
exists x0; eauto.
End InversionLemmas.
End Semantics.
Notation "s > t" := (step s t) (at level 70).
Notation "s >* t" := (star step s t) (at level 70).
Notation "s ▷ t" := (evaluates step s t) (at level 60).
Notation normal := (Normal step).
#[export] Hint Constructors step star : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve normal_var normal_const normal_lam_intro normal_app_intro : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve head_atom : core.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import calculus.prelim calculus.terms calculus.syntax std.std.
Require Import Morphisms Lia FinFun.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* * Semantics **)
Section Semantics.
Context {X: Const}.
Implicit Types (s t: exp X) (delta: fin -> fin) (sigma: fin -> exp X).
Reserved Notation "s > t" (at level 70).
Inductive step : exp X -> exp X -> Prop :=
| stepBeta s s' t: beta s t = s' -> (lambda s) t > s'
| stepLam s s': s > s' -> lambda s > lambda s'
| stepAppL s s' t: s > s' -> s t > s' t
| stepAppR s t t': t > t' -> s t > s t'
where "s > t" := (step s t).
Notation "s >* t" := (star step s t) (at level 70).
Hint Constructors step star : core.
Notation "s ▷ t" := (evaluates step s t) (at level 60).
Notation normal := (Normal step).
(* ** Compatibility Properties *)
Section CompatibilityProperties.
Global Instance lam_proper: Proper (star step ++> star step) lam.
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Global Instance app_proper: Proper (star step ++> star step ++> star step) app.
intros x x' H1 y y' H2; induction H1; induction H2; eauto.
Lemma ren_step s t delta:
s > t -> ren delta s > ren delta t.
induction 1 in delta |-*; cbn; eauto.
econstructor. subst. now asimpl.
Lemma ren_steps s t delta:
s >* t -> ren delta s >* ren delta t.
induction 1; eauto using ren_step.
Global Instance ren_step_proper:
Proper (eq ++> step ++> step) (@ren X).
intros ? zeta -> s t H; now eapply ren_step.
Global Instance ren_steps_proper:
Proper (eq ++> star step ++> star step) (@ren X).
intros ? zeta -> s t H; now eapply ren_steps.
Lemma subst_step s t sigma:
s > t -> sigma • s > sigma • t.
induction 1 in sigma |-*; cbn; eauto.
- econstructor. subst. now asimpl.
Lemma subst_steps s t sigma:
s >* t -> sigma • s >* sigma • t.
induction 1; eauto using subst_step.
Global Instance subst_step_proper:
Proper (eq ++> step ++> step) (@subst_exp X).
intros ? zeta -> s t H; now eapply subst_step.
Global Instance subst_steps_proper:
Proper (eq ++> star step ++> star step) (@subst_exp X).
intros ? zeta -> s t H; now eapply subst_steps.
End CompatibilityProperties.
(* ** Normality Characterisation *)
Section Normality.
Lemma normal_var x: normal (var x).
Proof. intros t H1; inv H1. Qed.
Lemma normal_const c: normal (const c).
Proof. intros t H1; inv H1. Qed.
Lemma normal_lam_intro s: normal s -> normal (lambda s).
Proof. intros H1 t H2; inv H2; eapply H1; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_lam_elim s: normal (lambda s) -> normal s.
Proof. intros H1 t H2; eapply H1; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_app_l s t: normal (s t) -> normal s.
Proof. intros H t' H1; eapply H; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_app_r s t: normal (s t) -> normal t.
Proof. intros H t' H1; eapply H; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_app_not_lam s t: normal (s t) -> ~ isLam s.
Proof. destruct s; intuition; eapply H; eauto. Qed.
Lemma normal_app_intro s t:
~ isLam s -> normal s -> normal t -> normal (s t).
intros; intros t' H2; inv H2; cbn in *; eauto.
all: firstorder.
Hint Resolve normal_var normal_const normal_lam_intro
normal_lam_elim normal_app_l normal_app_r normal_app_intro : core.
Lemma normal_ren s delta:
normal s -> normal (ren delta s).
induction s in delta |-*; cbn; intuition.
eapply normal_app_intro; eauto.
destruct s1; cbn; eauto.
intros _; eapply H; eauto.
Lemma normal_subst s sigma:
(forall x, ~ isLam (sigma x)) ->
(forall x, normal (sigma x)) ->
normal s -> normal (sigma • s).
induction s in sigma |-*; intros H1 H2 N; cbn in *; intuition.
- eapply normal_lam_intro, IHs; [| | now eapply normal_lam_elim].
+ intros []; cbn; intuition.
unfold funcomp in *. eapply H1 with (x := n).
destruct sigma; cbn; intuition.
+ intros []; cbn; intuition.
now eapply normal_ren.
- eapply normal_app_intro; eauto.
destruct s1; eauto.
intros _; eapply N; eauto.
Global Instance dec_normal: Dec1 (normal).
intros s; unfold Dec; induction s; intuition.
all: try solve [right; contradict b; eauto].
destruct s1; intuition.
right; intros H; eapply H; eauto.
Lemma head_atom s:
normal s -> ~ isLam s -> isAtom (head s).
induction s; cbn; eauto.
intros H _; cbn.
eapply IHs1; eauto.
destruct s1; eauto.
intros _. eapply H; eauto.
End Normality.
Hint Resolve normal_var normal_const normal_lam_intro
normal_lam_elim normal_app_l normal_app_r normal_app_intro : core.
Hint Resolve head_atom : core.
(* ** Inversion Lemmas *)
Section InversionLemmas.
Lemma head_preserved s s':
s > s' -> isLam (head s') -> isLam (head s).
induction 1; cbn; eauto.
Lemma steps_lam s v:
lambda s >* v -> exists s', v = lambda s' /\ s >* s'.
remember (lambda s) as t. intros H1. revert s Heqt.
induction H1.
- intros ? ->; eexists; eauto.
- intros; subst. inv H. edestruct IHstar; eauto; intuition; subst.
exists x. eauto.
Lemma steps_app s t v:
app s t >* v -> (exists s', exists t', v = app s' t' /\ s >* s' /\ t >* t')
\/ (exists s', s >* lambda s' /\ isLam (head s)).
remember (s t) as r. intros H1. revert s t Heqr.
induction H1.
- intros; subst. left; eexists; eexists; intuition.
- intros; subst. inv H.
+ right. eexists; split; cbn; eauto.
+ edestruct IHstar; eauto.
* destruct H as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
left. eexists; eexists; eauto.
* destruct H as (? & ? & ?). right. eexists; split; eauto.
eapply head_preserved; eauto.
+ edestruct IHstar; eauto.
* destruct H as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
left. eexists; eexists; eauto.
Lemma steps_app_atom s t v:
isAtom s -> s t >* v -> exists t', v = s t' /\ t >* t'.
destruct s;
intros ? [(? & ? & ? & ?)|(? & ? & ?)] % steps_app; cbn in *; intuition.
all: inv H2; eauto; inv H1.
Lemma injective_upRen_exp_exp delta:
Injective delta -> Injective (upRen_exp_exp delta).
intros H [| x] [| y]; eauto.
all: cbn; discriminate.
Lemma anti_ren delta s t:
Injective delta -> ren delta s = ren delta t -> s = t.
intros H; induction s in delta, H, t |-*; destruct t; try discriminate.
all: cbn; injection 1; intros; subst; eauto.
- erewrite IHs.
3: eapply H1. eauto. eapply injective_upRen_exp_exp; eauto.
- erewrite IHs1, IHs2; eauto.
Lemma step_anti_ren delta s t: ren delta s > t -> exists t', s > t' /\ t = ren delta t'.
remember (ren delta s) as s'; intros H;
revert s Heqs'; induction H in delta |-*.
all: intros []; try discriminate; injection 1; intros; subst.
- destruct e; try discriminate; injection H1; intros; subst.
exists (beta e e0); intuition. now asimpl.
- edestruct IHstep; eauto.
intuition; subst. exists (lambda x). intuition.
- edestruct IHstep; eauto.
exists (x e0); intuition; now subst.
- edestruct IHstep; eauto.
exists (e x); intuition; now subst.
Lemma steps_anti_ren delta s t:
ren delta s >* t -> exists t', s >* t' /\ t = ren delta t'.
remember (ren delta s) as s'. intros H; revert s Heqs'; induction H.
- intros; subst. exists s; eauto.
- intros; subst. eapply step_anti_ren in H as []; intuition.
edestruct (IHstar x); intuition.
exists x0; eauto.
End InversionLemmas.
End Semantics.
Notation "s > t" := (step s t) (at level 70).
Notation "s >* t" := (star step s t) (at level 70).
Notation "s ▷ t" := (evaluates step s t) (at level 60).
Notation normal := (Normal step).
#[export] Hint Constructors step star : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve normal_var normal_const normal_lam_intro normal_app_intro : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve head_atom : core.