From Undecidability.L Require Export Datatypes.LNat Datatypes.LBool Tactics.LTactics Computability.Computability Tactics.Lbeta.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section MuRecursor.
Variable P : term.
Hypothesis P_proc : proc P.
Local Hint Resolve P_proc : LProc.
Hypothesis dec'_P : forall (n:nat), (exists (b:bool), app P (ext n) == ext b ).
Lemma dec_P : forall n:nat, {b:bool | app P (ext n) == ext b}.
Proof using dec'_P.
intros. eapply lcomp_comp.
-apply bool_enc_inv_correct.
-apply dec'_P.
Section hoas.
Import HOAS_Notations.
Definition mu' := Eval cbn -[enc] in rho (convert (λ mu P n, (P n) (!!K n) (λ Sn, mu P Sn) (!!(ext S) n))).
End hoas.
Import L_Notations.
Lemma mu'_proc : proc mu'.
unfold mu'; Lproc.
Local Hint Resolve mu'_proc : LProc.
Lemma mu'_n_false n: P (ext n) == ext false -> mu' P (ext n) >* mu' P (ext (S n)).
Proof using P_proc.
intros R. apply equiv_lambda in R;[|Lproc]. recStep mu'. unfold K. now Lsimpl.
Lemma mu'_0_false n: (forall n', n' < n -> P (ext n') == ext false) -> mu' P (ext 0) >* mu' P (ext n).
Proof using P_proc.
intros H. induction n.
-rewrite IHn.
+apply mu'_n_false. apply H. lia.
+intros. apply H. lia.
Lemma mu'_n_true (n:nat): P (ext n) == ext true -> mu' P (ext n) == ext n.
Proof using P_proc.
intros R. recStep mu'. Lsimpl. rewrite R. unfold K. now Lsimpl.
(* TODO: mu' sound*)
Lemma mu'_sound v n: proc v -> mu' P (ext (n:nat)) == v ->
(forall n', n' < n -> P (ext n') == ext false) ->
exists n0, n0 >= n /\ P (ext n0) == ext true /\ v == ext n0
/\ forall n', n' < n0 -> P (ext (n':nat)) == ext false.
Proof using P_proc dec'_P.
intros pv. intros R. apply equiv_lambda in R;try Lproc. apply star_pow in R. destruct R as [k R]. revert n R. apply complete_induction with (x:=k);clear k;intros k. intros IH n R H.
specialize (dec_P n).
destruct (dec_P n) as [[] eq].
-exists n;intuition. apply pow_star in R. apply star_equiv in R. rewrite <- R. now rewrite mu'_n_true.
-assert (R':=mu'_n_false eq). apply star_pow in R'. destruct R' as [k' R'].
destruct (parametrized_confluence uniform_confluence R R') as [x [l [u [le1 [le2 [R1 [R2 eq']]]]]]]. destruct x.
+inv R1. apply IH in R2 as [n0 [ge1 [Rn0 [eq0 H0]]]].
*exists n0. repeat split;try assumption;lia.
*decide (l=k);[|lia]. subst l. assert (k'=0) by lia. subst k'. inv R'. apply inj_enc in H1. lia.
*intros. decide (n'=n). subst. tauto. apply H. lia.
+destruct R1 as [? [C _]]. destruct pv as [_ [v']]. subst v. inv C.
Lemma mu'_complete n0 : P (ext n0) == ext true
-> (forall n', n' < n0 -> P (ext n') == ext false)
-> mu' P (ext 0) == ext n0.
Proof using P_proc.
intros. rewrite mu'_0_false with (n:=n0);try tauto.
-recStep mu'. Lsimpl. rewrite H. unfold K. now Lsimpl.
(* the mu combinator:*)
Definition mu :term := lam (mu' #0 (ext 0)).
Lemma mu_proc : proc mu.
unfold mu. Lproc.
Local Hint Resolve mu_proc : LProc.
Lemma mu_sound v : lambda v -> mu P == v -> exists n, v = ext n /\ P (ext n) == ext true /\ (forall n', n' < n -> P (ext n') == ext false).
Proof using P_proc dec'_P.
unfold mu. intros lv R. standardizeHypo 100. apply mu'_sound in R.
-destruct R as [n ?]. exists n. intuition. apply unique_normal_forms;try Lproc. assumption.
-split;[|Lproc]. apply equiv_lambda in R;auto. apply closed_star in R;Lproc.
-intros. lia.
Lemma mu_complete (n:nat) : P (ext n) == ext true -> exists n0:nat, mu P == ext n0.
Proof using P_proc dec'_P.
remember 0 as n0.
assert (forall n':nat, n'< n-(n-n0) -> P (ext n') == ext false) by (intros;lia).
assert ((n-n0)+n0=n) by lia. remember (n-n0) as k. clear Heqk Heqn0 H0 n0. induction k.
-simpl in *. subst. intros. eexists. unfold mu. Lsimpl. apply mu'_complete;eauto. intros. apply H. lia.
-intros. destruct (dec_P (n-S k)) as [y P'].
destruct y.
+eexists. unfold mu. Lsimpl. apply mu'_complete. exact P'. exact H.
+apply IHk. intros. decide (n' = n - (S k)).
*subst. exact P'.
*apply H. lia.
Lemma mu_spec : converges (mu P) <-> exists n : nat, P (ext n) == ext true.
Proof using P_proc dec'_P.
- intros (? & ? & ?). eapply mu_sound in H as (? & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
- intros []. eapply mu_complete in H as []. exists (ext x0). split. eauto. eapply proc_ext.
End MuRecursor.
#[export] Hint Resolve mu'_proc : LProc.
#[export] Hint Resolve mu_proc : LProc.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section MuRecursor.
Variable P : term.
Hypothesis P_proc : proc P.
Local Hint Resolve P_proc : LProc.
Hypothesis dec'_P : forall (n:nat), (exists (b:bool), app P (ext n) == ext b ).
Lemma dec_P : forall n:nat, {b:bool | app P (ext n) == ext b}.
Proof using dec'_P.
intros. eapply lcomp_comp.
-apply bool_enc_inv_correct.
-apply dec'_P.
Section hoas.
Import HOAS_Notations.
Definition mu' := Eval cbn -[enc] in rho (convert (λ mu P n, (P n) (!!K n) (λ Sn, mu P Sn) (!!(ext S) n))).
End hoas.
Import L_Notations.
Lemma mu'_proc : proc mu'.
unfold mu'; Lproc.
Local Hint Resolve mu'_proc : LProc.
Lemma mu'_n_false n: P (ext n) == ext false -> mu' P (ext n) >* mu' P (ext (S n)).
Proof using P_proc.
intros R. apply equiv_lambda in R;[|Lproc]. recStep mu'. unfold K. now Lsimpl.
Lemma mu'_0_false n: (forall n', n' < n -> P (ext n') == ext false) -> mu' P (ext 0) >* mu' P (ext n).
Proof using P_proc.
intros H. induction n.
-rewrite IHn.
+apply mu'_n_false. apply H. lia.
+intros. apply H. lia.
Lemma mu'_n_true (n:nat): P (ext n) == ext true -> mu' P (ext n) == ext n.
Proof using P_proc.
intros R. recStep mu'. Lsimpl. rewrite R. unfold K. now Lsimpl.
(* TODO: mu' sound*)
Lemma mu'_sound v n: proc v -> mu' P (ext (n:nat)) == v ->
(forall n', n' < n -> P (ext n') == ext false) ->
exists n0, n0 >= n /\ P (ext n0) == ext true /\ v == ext n0
/\ forall n', n' < n0 -> P (ext (n':nat)) == ext false.
Proof using P_proc dec'_P.
intros pv. intros R. apply equiv_lambda in R;try Lproc. apply star_pow in R. destruct R as [k R]. revert n R. apply complete_induction with (x:=k);clear k;intros k. intros IH n R H.
specialize (dec_P n).
destruct (dec_P n) as [[] eq].
-exists n;intuition. apply pow_star in R. apply star_equiv in R. rewrite <- R. now rewrite mu'_n_true.
-assert (R':=mu'_n_false eq). apply star_pow in R'. destruct R' as [k' R'].
destruct (parametrized_confluence uniform_confluence R R') as [x [l [u [le1 [le2 [R1 [R2 eq']]]]]]]. destruct x.
+inv R1. apply IH in R2 as [n0 [ge1 [Rn0 [eq0 H0]]]].
*exists n0. repeat split;try assumption;lia.
*decide (l=k);[|lia]. subst l. assert (k'=0) by lia. subst k'. inv R'. apply inj_enc in H1. lia.
*intros. decide (n'=n). subst. tauto. apply H. lia.
+destruct R1 as [? [C _]]. destruct pv as [_ [v']]. subst v. inv C.
Lemma mu'_complete n0 : P (ext n0) == ext true
-> (forall n', n' < n0 -> P (ext n') == ext false)
-> mu' P (ext 0) == ext n0.
Proof using P_proc.
intros. rewrite mu'_0_false with (n:=n0);try tauto.
-recStep mu'. Lsimpl. rewrite H. unfold K. now Lsimpl.
(* the mu combinator:*)
Definition mu :term := lam (mu' #0 (ext 0)).
Lemma mu_proc : proc mu.
unfold mu. Lproc.
Local Hint Resolve mu_proc : LProc.
Lemma mu_sound v : lambda v -> mu P == v -> exists n, v = ext n /\ P (ext n) == ext true /\ (forall n', n' < n -> P (ext n') == ext false).
Proof using P_proc dec'_P.
unfold mu. intros lv R. standardizeHypo 100. apply mu'_sound in R.
-destruct R as [n ?]. exists n. intuition. apply unique_normal_forms;try Lproc. assumption.
-split;[|Lproc]. apply equiv_lambda in R;auto. apply closed_star in R;Lproc.
-intros. lia.
Lemma mu_complete (n:nat) : P (ext n) == ext true -> exists n0:nat, mu P == ext n0.
Proof using P_proc dec'_P.
remember 0 as n0.
assert (forall n':nat, n'< n-(n-n0) -> P (ext n') == ext false) by (intros;lia).
assert ((n-n0)+n0=n) by lia. remember (n-n0) as k. clear Heqk Heqn0 H0 n0. induction k.
-simpl in *. subst. intros. eexists. unfold mu. Lsimpl. apply mu'_complete;eauto. intros. apply H. lia.
-intros. destruct (dec_P (n-S k)) as [y P'].
destruct y.
+eexists. unfold mu. Lsimpl. apply mu'_complete. exact P'. exact H.
+apply IHk. intros. decide (n' = n - (S k)).
*subst. exact P'.
*apply H. lia.
Lemma mu_spec : converges (mu P) <-> exists n : nat, P (ext n) == ext true.
Proof using P_proc dec'_P.
- intros (? & ? & ?). eapply mu_sound in H as (? & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
- intros []. eapply mu_complete in H as []. exists (ext x0). split. eauto. eapply proc_ext.
End MuRecursor.
#[export] Hint Resolve mu'_proc : LProc.
#[export] Hint Resolve mu_proc : LProc.