Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Base Ascii.
Require Export String.
Fixpoint to_string (l : list ascii) :=
match l with
| nil => EmptyString
| x :: xs => String x (to_string xs)
Fixpoint to_list (s : string) :=
match s with
| EmptyString => nil
| String x xs => x :: (to_list xs)
Definition rev_string str := (to_string (rev (to_list str))).
Fixpoint name_after_dot' (s : string) (r : string) :=
match s with
| EmptyString => r
| String "#" xs => name_after_dot' xs xs (* see Coq_name in a section *)
| String "." xs => name_after_dot' xs xs
| String _ xs => name_after_dot' xs r
Definition name_after_dot s := name_after_dot' s s.
Require Export String.
Fixpoint to_string (l : list ascii) :=
match l with
| nil => EmptyString
| x :: xs => String x (to_string xs)
Fixpoint to_list (s : string) :=
match s with
| EmptyString => nil
| String x xs => x :: (to_list xs)
Definition rev_string str := (to_string (rev (to_list str))).
Fixpoint name_after_dot' (s : string) (r : string) :=
match s with
| EmptyString => r
| String "#" xs => name_after_dot' xs xs (* see Coq_name in a section *)
| String "." xs => name_after_dot' xs xs
| String _ xs => name_after_dot' xs r
Definition name_after_dot s := name_after_dot' s s.