From Undecidability.L Require Export Util.L_facts.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import Reflection ComputableTime mixedTactics.
(* ** Symbolic simplification for L*)
(* *** Lproc *)
(* This module provides tactics fLproc and Lproc that solve goals of the form lambda s or proc s or closed s for L-terms s. *)
#[export] Hint Resolve rho_lambda rho_cls : LProc.
Lemma proc_closed p : proc p -> closed p.
firstorder intuition.
Lemma proc_lambda p : proc p -> lambda p.
firstorder intuition.
Ltac fLproc :=intros;
once lazymatch goal with
| [ |- proc _ ] => split;fLproc
| [ |- lambda ?s ] => eexists; reflexivity || fail "Prooving 'lambda " s " ' by computation failed. It is either not a fixed term, some used identifier is opaqie or the goal does not hold"
| [ |- closed ?s ] => vm_compute; reflexivity || fail "Prooving 'closed " s " ' by computation failed. It is either not a fixed term, some used identifier is opaque or the goal does not hold"
Ltac Lproc' :=idtac;
once lazymatch goal with
| |- bound _ ( _ _) => refine (dclApp _ _)
| |- bound _ (L.lam _) => refine (dcllam _)
| |- bound ?y (L.var ?x) => exact (dclvar (proj1 (Nat.ltb_lt x y) eq_refl))
| |- lambda (match ?c with _ => _ end) => destruct c
| |- lambda (@enc ?t ?H ?x) => exact_no_check (proc_lambda (@proc_enc t H x))
| |- lambda (@ext ?X ?tt ?x ?H) => exact_no_check (proc_lambda (@proc_ext X tt x H))
| |- lambda (@extT ?X ?tt ?x ?f ?H) => exact_no_check (proc_lambda (@proc_extT X tt x f H))
| |- lambda (app _ _) => fail
(*| |- lambda (@ext_ext ?X ?x ?H) => exact (proc_lambda (@proc_extT X tt x _))*)
| |- lambda _ => (simple apply proc_lambda;(trivial with nocore LProc || tauto)) || tauto || (eexists;reflexivity)
| |- rClosed ?phi _ => solve [simple apply rClosed_decb_correct;[assumption|reflexivity]]
| |- L_facts.closed ?s => refine (proj2 (closed_dcl s) _)
| |- bound _ (match ?c with _ => _ end) => destruct c
| |- bound _ (rho ?s) => simple apply rho_dcls
| |- bound ?k (@ext ?X ?tt ?x ?H) =>
exact_no_check (closed_dcl_x k (proc_closed (@proc_ext X tt x H)))
| |- bound ?k (@extT ?X ?tt ?x ?f ?H) =>
exact_no_check (closed_dcl_x k (proc_closed (@proc_extT X tt x f H)))
(*| |- bound ?k (@extT ?X ?tt ?x ?H) =>
exact (closed_dcl_x k (proc_closed (@extT_proc X tt x H)))*)
| |- bound ?k (@enc ?t ?H ?x) =>
exact_no_check (closed_dcl_x k (proc_closed (@proc_enc t H x)))
| |- bound ?k ?s => (refine (@closed_dcl_x k s _); (trivial with LProc || (apply proc_closed;trivial with LProc || tauto) || tauto ))
| |- ?s => idtac s;fail 1000
(* early abort for speed!*)
Ltac Lproc := (* match goal with |- ?G => idtac G end ;time "Lproc"( *)
lazymatch goal with
| |- proc (app _ _) => fail
| |- proc (@enc ?t ?H ?x) => exact_no_check (@proc_enc t H x)
| |- proc (@ext ?X ?tt ?x ?H) => exact_no_check (@proc_ext X tt x H)
| |- proc (@extT ?X ?tt ?x ?f ?H) => exact_no_check (@proc_extT X tt x f H)
| |- proc _ => refine (conj _ _);[|solve [Lproc]];Lproc
| |- closed _ => solve [repeat' Lproc']
| |- lambda (app _ _) => fail
| |- lambda _ => repeat' Lproc'
| s := ?t |- ?p ?s => change (p t);Lproc
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import Reflection ComputableTime mixedTactics.
(* ** Symbolic simplification for L*)
(* *** Lproc *)
(* This module provides tactics fLproc and Lproc that solve goals of the form lambda s or proc s or closed s for L-terms s. *)
#[export] Hint Resolve rho_lambda rho_cls : LProc.
Lemma proc_closed p : proc p -> closed p.
firstorder intuition.
Lemma proc_lambda p : proc p -> lambda p.
firstorder intuition.
Ltac fLproc :=intros;
once lazymatch goal with
| [ |- proc _ ] => split;fLproc
| [ |- lambda ?s ] => eexists; reflexivity || fail "Prooving 'lambda " s " ' by computation failed. It is either not a fixed term, some used identifier is opaqie or the goal does not hold"
| [ |- closed ?s ] => vm_compute; reflexivity || fail "Prooving 'closed " s " ' by computation failed. It is either not a fixed term, some used identifier is opaque or the goal does not hold"
Ltac Lproc' :=idtac;
once lazymatch goal with
| |- bound _ ( _ _) => refine (dclApp _ _)
| |- bound _ (L.lam _) => refine (dcllam _)
| |- bound ?y (L.var ?x) => exact (dclvar (proj1 (Nat.ltb_lt x y) eq_refl))
| |- lambda (match ?c with _ => _ end) => destruct c
| |- lambda (@enc ?t ?H ?x) => exact_no_check (proc_lambda (@proc_enc t H x))
| |- lambda (@ext ?X ?tt ?x ?H) => exact_no_check (proc_lambda (@proc_ext X tt x H))
| |- lambda (@extT ?X ?tt ?x ?f ?H) => exact_no_check (proc_lambda (@proc_extT X tt x f H))
| |- lambda (app _ _) => fail
(*| |- lambda (@ext_ext ?X ?x ?H) => exact (proc_lambda (@proc_extT X tt x _))*)
| |- lambda _ => (simple apply proc_lambda;(trivial with nocore LProc || tauto)) || tauto || (eexists;reflexivity)
| |- rClosed ?phi _ => solve [simple apply rClosed_decb_correct;[assumption|reflexivity]]
| |- L_facts.closed ?s => refine (proj2 (closed_dcl s) _)
| |- bound _ (match ?c with _ => _ end) => destruct c
| |- bound _ (rho ?s) => simple apply rho_dcls
| |- bound ?k (@ext ?X ?tt ?x ?H) =>
exact_no_check (closed_dcl_x k (proc_closed (@proc_ext X tt x H)))
| |- bound ?k (@extT ?X ?tt ?x ?f ?H) =>
exact_no_check (closed_dcl_x k (proc_closed (@proc_extT X tt x f H)))
(*| |- bound ?k (@extT ?X ?tt ?x ?H) =>
exact (closed_dcl_x k (proc_closed (@extT_proc X tt x H)))*)
| |- bound ?k (@enc ?t ?H ?x) =>
exact_no_check (closed_dcl_x k (proc_closed (@proc_enc t H x)))
| |- bound ?k ?s => (refine (@closed_dcl_x k s _); (trivial with LProc || (apply proc_closed;trivial with LProc || tauto) || tauto ))
| |- ?s => idtac s;fail 1000
(* early abort for speed!*)
Ltac Lproc := (* match goal with |- ?G => idtac G end ;time "Lproc"( *)
lazymatch goal with
| |- proc (app _ _) => fail
| |- proc (@enc ?t ?H ?x) => exact_no_check (@proc_enc t H x)
| |- proc (@ext ?X ?tt ?x ?H) => exact_no_check (@proc_ext X tt x H)
| |- proc (@extT ?X ?tt ?x ?f ?H) => exact_no_check (@proc_extT X tt x f H)
| |- proc _ => refine (conj _ _);[|solve [Lproc]];Lproc
| |- closed _ => solve [repeat' Lproc']
| |- lambda (app _ _) => fail
| |- lambda _ => repeat' Lproc'
| s := ?t |- ?p ?s => change (p t);Lproc