Minimal separation logic
Definition sp_term := option nat.
Inductive msp_form :=
| mpointer : sp_term -> sp_term -> sp_term -> msp_form (* weak binary pointer *)
| mbot : msp_form
| mimp : msp_form -> msp_form -> msp_form
| mand : msp_form -> msp_form -> msp_form
| mor : msp_form -> msp_form -> msp_form
| mall : msp_form -> msp_form
| mex : msp_form -> msp_form.
Definition val := option nat.
Definition stack := nat -> val.
Definition heap := list (nat * (val * val)).
Definition sp_eval (s : stack) (t : sp_term) : val :=
match t with Some x => s x | None => None end.
Definition update_stack (s : stack) v :=
fun x => match x with 0 => v | S x => s x end.
Fixpoint msp_sat (s : stack) (h : heap) (P : msp_form) :=
match P with
| mpointer E E1 E2 => exists l, sp_eval s E = Some l /\ (l, (sp_eval s E1, sp_eval s E2)) el h
| mbot => False
| mimp P1 P2 => msp_sat s h P1 -> msp_sat s h P2
| mand P1 P2 => msp_sat s h P1 /\ msp_sat s h P2
| mor P1 P2 => msp_sat s h P1 \/ msp_sat s h P2
| mall P => forall v, msp_sat (update_stack s v) h P
| mex P => exists v, msp_sat (update_stack s v) h P
Satisfiability problem