(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
Require Import utils subcode.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* * A certified low-level compiler *)
Tactic Notation "dest" "eq" "nat" "dec" "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
match goal with
|- context[eq_nat_dec ?x ?y] => destruct (eq_nat_dec x y) as H
end; auto.
Tactic Notation "solve" "eq" "nat" "dec" :=
match goal with
|- context[eq_nat_dec ?x ?x] => destruct (eq_nat_dec x x) as [ | [] ]; [ | reflexivity ]
end; auto.
Section linker.
Variable (X Y : Type)
(c : (nat -> nat) -> nat -> X -> list Y) (* instruction compiler w.r.t. a given linker & a position *)
(lc : X -> nat) (* compiled code length does not depend on linker or position *)
(Hc : forall f n x, length (c f n x) = lc x).
Fixpoint length_compiler lx :=
match lx with
| nil => 0
| x::lx => lc x+length_compiler lx
Fact length_compiler_app ll mm : length_compiler (ll++mm) = length_compiler ll + length_compiler mm.
induction ll as [ | x ll IH ]; simpl; auto.
rewrite IH; lia.
Notation lsum := length_compiler.
Fixpoint link i ll j : list (nat*nat) :=
match ll with
| nil => nil
| x::ll => (i,j)::link (S i) ll (lc x+j)
Fact link_app i ll mm j : link i (ll++mm) j = link i ll j ++ link (length ll+i) mm (lsum ll+j).
revert i j; induction ll as [ | x ll IH ]; simpl; intros i j; f_equal.
rewrite IH; do 2 f_equal; lia.
Fact link_fst i ll j : map fst (link i ll j) = list_an i (length ll).
revert i j; induction ll; simpl; intros; f_equal; auto.
Section comp.
Variable lnk : nat -> nat.
Fixpoint comp i ll j :=
match ll with
| nil => nil
| x::ll => c lnk i x ++ comp (S i) ll (lc x+j)
Fact comp_app i ll mm j : comp i (ll++mm) j = comp i ll j ++ comp (length ll+i) mm (lsum ll+j).
revert i j; induction ll as [ | x ll IH ]; simpl; intros i j; auto.
rewrite IH; solve list eq; do 3 f_equal; lia.
Fact comp_length i ll j : length (comp i ll j) = lsum ll.
revert i j; induction ll as [ | x ll IH ]; simpl; intros i j; auto.
rew length; rewrite IH, Hc; trivial.
End comp.
Variable (P : nat * list X) (i : nat) (err : nat).
Definition linker :=
let ll := (length (snd P) + fst P,lsum (snd P)+i)::link (fst P) (snd P) i
in fun j => match list_assoc eq_nat_dec j ll with
| None => err
| Some p => p
(* These two lemmas specify the linker *)
Fact linker_app ll mm : snd P = ll++mm -> linker (length ll+fst P) = lsum ll + i.
intros H; unfold linker.
destruct P as (iP,lP).
rewrite H; simpl in H |- *.
destruct mm as [ | x mm ].
* rewrite <- app_nil_end.
solve eq nat dec.
* rew length.
dest eq nat dec as [ H1 | H1 ]; [ lia | clear H1 ].
rewrite link_app, list_assoc_app.
generalize (list_assoc_In eq_nat_dec (length ll + iP) (link iP ll i)).
destruct (list_assoc eq_nat_dec (length ll + iP) (link iP ll i)) as [ j | ].
- intros H1.
apply in_map with (f := @fst _ _) in H1.
rewrite link_fst, list_an_spec in H1; simpl in H1; lia.
- intros; simpl; solve eq nat dec.
Fact linker_err_code j : j < fst P \/ length (snd P) + fst P < j -> linker j = err.
unfold linker.
destruct P as (iP,lP); simpl; intros H.
dest eq nat dec as [ H1 | _ ]; [ lia | ].
generalize (list_assoc_In eq_nat_dec j (link iP lP i)).
destruct (list_assoc eq_nat_dec j (link iP lP i)); auto.
intros H1.
apply in_map with (f := @fst _ _) in H1.
rewrite link_fst, list_an_spec in H1; simpl in H1; lia.
Definition compiler := comp linker (fst P) (snd P) i.
Fact compiler_length : length compiler = length_compiler (snd P).
Proof. apply comp_length. Qed.
Section linker_in_code.
Hypothesis (Hlc : forall x, 1 <= lc x).
Fact linker_in_code j : in_code j P -> in_code (linker j) (i,compiler).
intros H; red in H; simpl in H.
destruct (@list_split_length _ (snd P) (j - fst P)) as (ll & mm & H1 & H2);
try lia.
replace j with (length ll+fst P) by lia.
rewrite (linker_app _ _ H1).
red; simpl; rewrite compiler_length, H1, length_compiler_app.
rewrite H1, app_length in H.
destruct mm.
simpl in H; lia.
generalize (Hlc x); lia.
End linker_in_code.
Fact compiler_subcode j x :
(j,x::nil) <sc P
-> (linker j, c linker j x) <sc (i,compiler)
/\ linker (1+j) = lc x + linker j.
case_eq P; intros iP lP HP (l & r & H1 & H2); simpl in H1.
assert (linker j = lsum l + i) as Hj.
{ generalize (linker_app l (x::r)).
rewrite HP; simpl; intros E.
rewrite <- E; auto; f_equal; lia. }
assert (linker (1+j) = lc x + linker j) as HSj.
{ generalize (linker_app (l++x::nil) r).
rewrite HP, app_ass; simpl; intros H3.
specialize (H3 H1).
eq goal H3; f_equal.
rew length; lia.
rewrite length_compiler_app; simpl; lia. }
split; auto.
unfold compiler; rewrite HP, H1; simpl.
exists (comp linker iP l i), (comp linker (1+length l+iP) r (lc x+lsum l+i)); split.
rewrite comp_app; simpl; do 3 f_equal; lia.
rewrite comp_length; lia.
Fact linker_code_start : linker (code_start P) = i.
Proof. apply (linker_app nil (snd P)); auto. Qed.
Fact linker_middle ll x mm : snd P = ll++x::mm -> linker (length ll+fst P) = lsum ll+i.
Proof. apply linker_app. Qed.
Fact linker_code_end : linker (code_end P) = lsum (snd P)+i.
unfold code_end; rewrite plus_comm.
apply (linker_app _ nil), app_nil_end.
Fact linker_out_code j : err < i \/ length_compiler (snd P) + i <= err
-> out_code j P -> out_code (linker j) (i,compiler).
intros H1 H2.
red in H2.
destruct (eq_nat_dec j (code_end P)) as [ H | H ].
rewrite H, linker_code_end; simpl.
rewrite compiler_length; lia.
rewrite linker_err_code.
simpl; rewrite compiler_length; lia.
simpl in H2, H; lia.
Fact linker_out_err j : err = lsum (snd P) + i -> out_code j P -> linker j = err.
intros H1 H2.
destruct (eq_nat_dec j (code_end P)) as [ H | H ].
+ rewrite H1, H; unfold code_end.
rewrite plus_comm, linker_app with (mm := nil); auto.
rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto.
+ apply linker_err_code; red in H2; unfold code_end, code_start in *; lia.
End linker.
(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
Require Import utils subcode.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* * A certified low-level compiler *)
Tactic Notation "dest" "eq" "nat" "dec" "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
match goal with
|- context[eq_nat_dec ?x ?y] => destruct (eq_nat_dec x y) as H
end; auto.
Tactic Notation "solve" "eq" "nat" "dec" :=
match goal with
|- context[eq_nat_dec ?x ?x] => destruct (eq_nat_dec x x) as [ | [] ]; [ | reflexivity ]
end; auto.
Section linker.
Variable (X Y : Type)
(c : (nat -> nat) -> nat -> X -> list Y) (* instruction compiler w.r.t. a given linker & a position *)
(lc : X -> nat) (* compiled code length does not depend on linker or position *)
(Hc : forall f n x, length (c f n x) = lc x).
Fixpoint length_compiler lx :=
match lx with
| nil => 0
| x::lx => lc x+length_compiler lx
Fact length_compiler_app ll mm : length_compiler (ll++mm) = length_compiler ll + length_compiler mm.
induction ll as [ | x ll IH ]; simpl; auto.
rewrite IH; lia.
Notation lsum := length_compiler.
Fixpoint link i ll j : list (nat*nat) :=
match ll with
| nil => nil
| x::ll => (i,j)::link (S i) ll (lc x+j)
Fact link_app i ll mm j : link i (ll++mm) j = link i ll j ++ link (length ll+i) mm (lsum ll+j).
revert i j; induction ll as [ | x ll IH ]; simpl; intros i j; f_equal.
rewrite IH; do 2 f_equal; lia.
Fact link_fst i ll j : map fst (link i ll j) = list_an i (length ll).
revert i j; induction ll; simpl; intros; f_equal; auto.
Section comp.
Variable lnk : nat -> nat.
Fixpoint comp i ll j :=
match ll with
| nil => nil
| x::ll => c lnk i x ++ comp (S i) ll (lc x+j)
Fact comp_app i ll mm j : comp i (ll++mm) j = comp i ll j ++ comp (length ll+i) mm (lsum ll+j).
revert i j; induction ll as [ | x ll IH ]; simpl; intros i j; auto.
rewrite IH; solve list eq; do 3 f_equal; lia.
Fact comp_length i ll j : length (comp i ll j) = lsum ll.
revert i j; induction ll as [ | x ll IH ]; simpl; intros i j; auto.
rew length; rewrite IH, Hc; trivial.
End comp.
Variable (P : nat * list X) (i : nat) (err : nat).
Definition linker :=
let ll := (length (snd P) + fst P,lsum (snd P)+i)::link (fst P) (snd P) i
in fun j => match list_assoc eq_nat_dec j ll with
| None => err
| Some p => p
(* These two lemmas specify the linker *)
Fact linker_app ll mm : snd P = ll++mm -> linker (length ll+fst P) = lsum ll + i.
intros H; unfold linker.
destruct P as (iP,lP).
rewrite H; simpl in H |- *.
destruct mm as [ | x mm ].
* rewrite <- app_nil_end.
solve eq nat dec.
* rew length.
dest eq nat dec as [ H1 | H1 ]; [ lia | clear H1 ].
rewrite link_app, list_assoc_app.
generalize (list_assoc_In eq_nat_dec (length ll + iP) (link iP ll i)).
destruct (list_assoc eq_nat_dec (length ll + iP) (link iP ll i)) as [ j | ].
- intros H1.
apply in_map with (f := @fst _ _) in H1.
rewrite link_fst, list_an_spec in H1; simpl in H1; lia.
- intros; simpl; solve eq nat dec.
Fact linker_err_code j : j < fst P \/ length (snd P) + fst P < j -> linker j = err.
unfold linker.
destruct P as (iP,lP); simpl; intros H.
dest eq nat dec as [ H1 | _ ]; [ lia | ].
generalize (list_assoc_In eq_nat_dec j (link iP lP i)).
destruct (list_assoc eq_nat_dec j (link iP lP i)); auto.
intros H1.
apply in_map with (f := @fst _ _) in H1.
rewrite link_fst, list_an_spec in H1; simpl in H1; lia.
Definition compiler := comp linker (fst P) (snd P) i.
Fact compiler_length : length compiler = length_compiler (snd P).
Proof. apply comp_length. Qed.
Section linker_in_code.
Hypothesis (Hlc : forall x, 1 <= lc x).
Fact linker_in_code j : in_code j P -> in_code (linker j) (i,compiler).
intros H; red in H; simpl in H.
destruct (@list_split_length _ (snd P) (j - fst P)) as (ll & mm & H1 & H2);
try lia.
replace j with (length ll+fst P) by lia.
rewrite (linker_app _ _ H1).
red; simpl; rewrite compiler_length, H1, length_compiler_app.
rewrite H1, app_length in H.
destruct mm.
simpl in H; lia.
generalize (Hlc x); lia.
End linker_in_code.
Fact compiler_subcode j x :
(j,x::nil) <sc P
-> (linker j, c linker j x) <sc (i,compiler)
/\ linker (1+j) = lc x + linker j.
case_eq P; intros iP lP HP (l & r & H1 & H2); simpl in H1.
assert (linker j = lsum l + i) as Hj.
{ generalize (linker_app l (x::r)).
rewrite HP; simpl; intros E.
rewrite <- E; auto; f_equal; lia. }
assert (linker (1+j) = lc x + linker j) as HSj.
{ generalize (linker_app (l++x::nil) r).
rewrite HP, app_ass; simpl; intros H3.
specialize (H3 H1).
eq goal H3; f_equal.
rew length; lia.
rewrite length_compiler_app; simpl; lia. }
split; auto.
unfold compiler; rewrite HP, H1; simpl.
exists (comp linker iP l i), (comp linker (1+length l+iP) r (lc x+lsum l+i)); split.
rewrite comp_app; simpl; do 3 f_equal; lia.
rewrite comp_length; lia.
Fact linker_code_start : linker (code_start P) = i.
Proof. apply (linker_app nil (snd P)); auto. Qed.
Fact linker_middle ll x mm : snd P = ll++x::mm -> linker (length ll+fst P) = lsum ll+i.
Proof. apply linker_app. Qed.
Fact linker_code_end : linker (code_end P) = lsum (snd P)+i.
unfold code_end; rewrite plus_comm.
apply (linker_app _ nil), app_nil_end.
Fact linker_out_code j : err < i \/ length_compiler (snd P) + i <= err
-> out_code j P -> out_code (linker j) (i,compiler).
intros H1 H2.
red in H2.
destruct (eq_nat_dec j (code_end P)) as [ H | H ].
rewrite H, linker_code_end; simpl.
rewrite compiler_length; lia.
rewrite linker_err_code.
simpl; rewrite compiler_length; lia.
simpl in H2, H; lia.
Fact linker_out_err j : err = lsum (snd P) + i -> out_code j P -> linker j = err.
intros H1 H2.
destruct (eq_nat_dec j (code_end P)) as [ H | H ].
+ rewrite H1, H; unfold code_end.
rewrite plus_comm, linker_app with (mm := nil); auto.
rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto.
+ apply linker_err_code; red in H2; unfold code_end, code_start in *; lia.
End linker.