(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_decidable fin_base.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Theorem finite_t_find_dec X (P : X -> Prop)
(Pdec : forall x, { P x } + { ~ P x })
(HQ : finite_t X) :
{ x | P x } + { forall x, ~ P x }.
destruct HQ as (l & Hl).
destruct list_choose_dep with (P := P) (Q := fun x => ~ P x) (l := l)
as [ (? & ? & ?) | ]; eauto.
Theorem exists_dec_fin_t X (P Q : X -> Prop)
(Pdec : forall x, { P x } + { ~ P x })
(HQ : fin_t Q)
(HPQ : forall x, P x -> Q x) :
{ exists x, P x } + { ~ exists x, P x }.
generalize (fin_t_dec _ Pdec HQ); intros ([ | x l ] & Hl).
+ right; intros (x & Hx); apply (Hl x); split; auto.
+ left; exists x; apply Hl; simpl; auto.
(* On discrete and finite types, one can weakly reify weak decidability
into inhabited strong decidability. But I do not think this could be done with
weak discreteness, weakly decidable equality *)
Definition list_weak_dec X (l : list X) (Q : X -> Prop) :
(forall x y, In x l -> In y l -> { x = y } + { x <> y } )
-> (forall x, In x l -> Q x \/ ~ Q x)
-> inhabited (forall x, In x l -> { Q x } + { ~ Q x }).
induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; intros D H.
1: { exists; intros _ []. }
destruct IHl as [ f ].
+ intros; apply D; simpl; auto.
+ intros; apply H; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (H x) as [ Hx | Hx ]; simpl; auto.
* exists; intros y Hy.
destruct (D x y) as [ H1 | H1 ]; simpl; auto.
- left; subst; auto.
- apply f; destruct Hy; auto; tauto.
* exists; intros y Hy.
destruct (D x y) as [ H1 | H1 ]; simpl; auto.
- right; subst; auto.
- apply f; destruct Hy; auto; tauto.
Fact fin_weak_dec X (P Q : X -> Prop) :
(forall x y : X, P x -> P y -> { x = y } + { x <> y } )
-> fin P
-> (forall x, P x -> Q x \/ ~ Q x)
-> inhabited (forall x, P x -> { Q x } + { ~ Q x }).
intros H1 (l & Hl) H2.
destruct (list_weak_dec l Q) as [ f ].
+ intros; apply H1; apply Hl; auto.
+ intros; apply H2; apply Hl; auto.
+ exists; intros; apply f, Hl; auto.
Fact finite_weak_dec X (P : X -> Prop) :
finite X
-> (forall x y : X, { x = y } + { x <> y })
-> (forall x, P x \/ ~ P x)
-> inhabited (forall x, { P x } + { ~ P x }).
intros H1 H2 H3.
apply finite_fin_eq in H1.
destruct fin_weak_dec with (Q := P) (2 := H1); auto.
(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_decidable fin_base.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Theorem finite_t_find_dec X (P : X -> Prop)
(Pdec : forall x, { P x } + { ~ P x })
(HQ : finite_t X) :
{ x | P x } + { forall x, ~ P x }.
destruct HQ as (l & Hl).
destruct list_choose_dep with (P := P) (Q := fun x => ~ P x) (l := l)
as [ (? & ? & ?) | ]; eauto.
Theorem exists_dec_fin_t X (P Q : X -> Prop)
(Pdec : forall x, { P x } + { ~ P x })
(HQ : fin_t Q)
(HPQ : forall x, P x -> Q x) :
{ exists x, P x } + { ~ exists x, P x }.
generalize (fin_t_dec _ Pdec HQ); intros ([ | x l ] & Hl).
+ right; intros (x & Hx); apply (Hl x); split; auto.
+ left; exists x; apply Hl; simpl; auto.
(* On discrete and finite types, one can weakly reify weak decidability
into inhabited strong decidability. But I do not think this could be done with
weak discreteness, weakly decidable equality *)
Definition list_weak_dec X (l : list X) (Q : X -> Prop) :
(forall x y, In x l -> In y l -> { x = y } + { x <> y } )
-> (forall x, In x l -> Q x \/ ~ Q x)
-> inhabited (forall x, In x l -> { Q x } + { ~ Q x }).
induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; intros D H.
1: { exists; intros _ []. }
destruct IHl as [ f ].
+ intros; apply D; simpl; auto.
+ intros; apply H; simpl; auto.
+ destruct (H x) as [ Hx | Hx ]; simpl; auto.
* exists; intros y Hy.
destruct (D x y) as [ H1 | H1 ]; simpl; auto.
- left; subst; auto.
- apply f; destruct Hy; auto; tauto.
* exists; intros y Hy.
destruct (D x y) as [ H1 | H1 ]; simpl; auto.
- right; subst; auto.
- apply f; destruct Hy; auto; tauto.
Fact fin_weak_dec X (P Q : X -> Prop) :
(forall x y : X, P x -> P y -> { x = y } + { x <> y } )
-> fin P
-> (forall x, P x -> Q x \/ ~ Q x)
-> inhabited (forall x, P x -> { Q x } + { ~ Q x }).
intros H1 (l & Hl) H2.
destruct (list_weak_dec l Q) as [ f ].
+ intros; apply H1; apply Hl; auto.
+ intros; apply H2; apply Hl; auto.
+ exists; intros; apply f, Hl; auto.
Fact finite_weak_dec X (P : X -> Prop) :
finite X
-> (forall x y : X, { x = y } + { x <> y })
-> (forall x, P x \/ ~ P x)
-> inhabited (forall x, { P x } + { ~ P x }).
intros H1 H2 H3.
apply finite_fin_eq in H1.
destruct fin_weak_dec with (Q := P) (2 := H1); auto.