(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* A inductive characterization of list bi-inclusion
as closure under contraction and permutation
The proof does not require decidable equality
and uses the somehow generalized PHP that
states m ⊆ l and |l| <= |m| -> m has dup \/ l ~p m
Require Import Arith Lia List Permutation.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_tac php.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf
Require Import measure_ind.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Reserved Notation "x ≡ y" (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Reserved Notation "x ⪼ y" (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Notation lhd := list_has_dup.
Local Infix "~p" := Permutation (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Notation "⌊ l ⌋" := (length l) (at level 1, format "⌊ l ⌋").
Local Infix "∈" := In (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Infix "⊆" := incl (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Infix "≃ₛ" := (fun l p => l ⊆ p /\ p ⊆ l) (at level 70, no associativity).
Section incl_extra.
Variable (X : Type).
Implicit Type (l : list X).
Hint Resolve incl_refl incl_tl incl_cons incl_nil_l : core.
Fact lequiv_refl l : l ≃ₛ l.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.
Fact lequiv_sym l m : l ≃ₛ m -> m ≃ₛ l.
Proof. simpl; tauto. Qed.
Fact lequiv_trans l m k : l ≃ₛ m -> m ≃ₛ k -> l ≃ₛ k.
Proof. intros [] []; split; apply incl_tran with m; auto. Qed.
Fact incl_cons_simpl x l m : l ⊆ m -> x::l ⊆ x::m.
Proof. intros; apply incl_cons; simpl; auto. Qed.
Fact incl_tail_simpl x l : l ⊆ x::l.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve incl_cons_simpl incl_tail_simpl : core.
Fact incl_swap (x y : X) l : x::y::l ⊆ y::x::l.
Proof. intros ? [ -> | [ -> | ] ]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Fact incl_cntr (x : X) l : x::x::l ⊆ x::l.
Proof. intros ? [ -> | [ -> | ] ]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Fact lequiv_swap x y l : x::y::l ≃ₛ y::x::l.
Proof. split; apply incl_cons; simpl; auto. Qed.
Fact lequiv_app_comm l m : l++m ≃ₛ m++l.
Proof. split; intros ?; rewrite !in_app_iff; tauto. Qed.
Fact incl_cons_l_inv l m x : x::m ⊆ l -> x ∈ l /\ m ⊆ l.
intros H; split.
+ apply H; simpl; auto.
+ apply incl_tran with (2 := H); simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve perm_skip Permutation_cons_app : core.
Fact incl_app_r_inv l m p : m ⊆ l++p -> exists m1 m2, m ~p m1++m2 /\ m1 ⊆ l /\ m2 ⊆ p.
induction m as [ | x m IHm ].
+ exists nil, nil; auto.
+ intros H; apply incl_cons_l_inv in H as (H1 & H2).
destruct (IHm H2) as (m1 & m2 & H3 & H4 & H5).
apply in_app_or in H1 as [].
* exists (x::m1), m2; simpl; auto.
* exists m1, (x::m2); simpl; auto.
Fact incl_cons_r_inv x l m :
m ⊆ x::l -> exists m1 m2, m ~p m1 ++ m2 /\ Forall (eq x) m1 /\ m2 ⊆ l.
intros H.
apply (@incl_app_r_inv (x::nil) _ l) in H as (m1 & m2 & H1 & H2 & H3).
exists m1, m2; msplit 2; auto.
rewrite Forall_forall.
intros a Ha; apply H2 in Ha; destruct Ha as [ | [] ]; auto.
Fact incl_right_cons_choose x l m : m ⊆ x::l -> x ∈ m \/ m ⊆ l.
intros H; apply incl_cons_r_inv in H
as ([ | y m1] & m2 & H1 & H2 & H3).
+ right.
intros u H; apply H3; revert H.
apply Permutation_in; auto.
+ left.
apply Permutation_in with (1 := Permutation_sym H1).
rewrite Forall_forall in H2.
rewrite (H2 y); left; auto.
Fact incl_left_right_cons x l y m :
x::l ⊆ y::m -> y = x /\ y ∈ l
\/ y = x /\ l ⊆ m
\/ x ∈ m /\ l ⊆ y::m.
intros H; apply incl_cons_l_inv in H
as [ [|] H2 ]; auto.
apply incl_right_cons_choose in H2; tauto.
Fact perm_incl_left m1 m2 l: m1 ~p m2 -> m2 ⊆ l -> m1 ⊆ l.
Proof. intros H1 H2 ? H; apply H2; revert H; apply Permutation_in; auto. Qed.
Fact perm_incl_right m l1 l2: l1 ~p l2 -> m ⊆ l1 -> m ⊆ l2.
Proof. intros H1 H2 ? ?; apply Permutation_in with (1 := H1), H2; auto. Qed.
End incl_extra.
Section seteq.
Variable X : Type.
Implicit Types l : list X.
Inductive list_contract : list X -> list X -> Prop :=
| lc_nil : nil ⪼ nil
| lc_skip : forall x l m, l ⪼ m -> x::l ⪼ x::m
| lc_swap : forall x y l, x::y::l ⪼ y::x::l
| lc_cntr : forall x l, x::x::l ⪼ x::l
| lc_trans : forall l m k, l ⪼ m -> m ⪼ k -> l ⪼ k
where "l ⪼ m" := (list_contract l m).
Hint Constructors list_contract : core.
Fact perm_lc l m : l ~p m -> l ⪼ m.
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Fact lc_length l m : l ⪼ m -> ⌊m⌋ <= ⌊l⌋.
Proof. induction 1; simpl; lia. Qed.
Fact lc_nil_inv_l l : nil ⪼ l -> l = nil.
intros H; apply lc_length in H.
destruct l; simpl in *; auto; lia.
Hint Resolve perm_swap perm_trans : core.
Fact lc_length_perm l m : l ⪼ m -> ⌊m⌋ < ⌊l⌋ \/ l ~p m.
induction 1 as [ | ? ? ? ? [] | |
| ? ? ? ? [] ? [] ]; simpl; eauto;
repeat match goal with
| H: _ ⪼ _ |- _ => apply lc_length in H
end; lia.
Fact lc_refl l : l ⪼ l.
Proof. apply perm_lc; auto. Qed.
(* When viewed as sets, the lists are equivalent,
ie closed under perm + contraction + RST *)
Inductive list_seteq : list X -> list X -> Prop :=
| lseq_nil : nil ≡ nil
| lseq_skip : forall x l m, l ≡ m -> x::l ≡ x::m
| lseq_swap : forall x y l, x::y::l ≡ y::x::l
| lseq_dup : forall x l, x::x::l ≡ x::l
| lseq_sym : forall l m, l ≡ m -> m ≡ l
| lseq_trans : forall l m k, l ≡ m -> m ≡ k -> l ≡ k
where "l ≡ m" := (list_seteq l m).
Hint Constructors list_seteq : core.
Fact lc_lseq l m : l ⪼ m -> l ≡ m.
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve perm_lc lc_lseq : core.
Fact perm_lseq l m : l ~p m -> l ≡ m.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve incl_refl incl_cons_simpl incl_swap incl_cntr incl_tl incl_tran : core.
Fact lseq_lequiv l m : l ≡ m -> l ≃ₛ m.
induction 1 as [ | ? ? ? ? [] | |
| ? ? ? []
| ? ? ? ? [] ? [] ]; eauto.
Hint Resolve lseq_lequiv : core.
Fact lc_lequiv l m : l ⪼ m -> l ≃ₛ m.
Proof. intro; apply lseq_lequiv; auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve incl_l_nil : core.
Fact lc_nil_inv_r l : l ⪼ nil -> l = nil.
Proof. intros H; apply lc_lequiv in H as []; auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve list_has_dup_swap in_eq in_cons in_list_hd0 in_list_hd1 : core.
Notation lhd_cons_iff := list_has_dup_cons_iff.
Fact lc_lhd l m : l ⪼ m -> lhd m -> lhd l.
induction 1 as [ | x l m H IH | | | ]; eauto.
rewrite !lhd_cons_iff; intros []; auto.
apply lc_lequiv in H as []; auto.
Fact lseq_incl l m : l ≡ m -> l ⊆ m.
Proof. intro; apply lseq_lequiv; auto. Qed.
(* A list with a dup is contractible in a smaller one *)
Lemma lhd_lc l : lhd l -> exists m, l ⪼ m /\ ⌊m⌋ < ⌊l⌋.
induction 1 as [ l x H | l x H (m & H1 & H2) ].
+ apply in_split in H as (l1 & l2 & ->).
exists (l1++x::l2); split; simpl; try lia.
apply lc_trans with (x::x::l1++l2).
* apply perm_lc, perm_skip, Permutation_sym,
Permutation_cons_app; auto.
* apply lc_trans with (1 := lc_cntr _ _), perm_lc,
Permutation_cons_app; auto.
+ exists (x::m); split; simpl; auto; lia.
Hint Resolve lc_lseq : core.
Lemma lhd_lseq l : lhd l -> exists m, l ≡ m /\ ⌊m⌋ < ⌊l⌋.
Proof. intro H; apply lhd_lc in H as (? & ? & ?); eauto. Qed.
Hint Constructors list_contract : core.
Hint Resolve lc_refl lc_lhd : core.
Lemma lequiv_php_choose l m : l ≃ₛ m -> l ~p m \/ lhd l \/ lhd m.
intros [ I1 I2 ].
destruct (le_lt_dec ⌊m⌋ ⌊l⌋) as [ H1 | H1 ].
+ apply length_le_and_incl_implies_dup_or_perm in H1; tauto.
+ apply finite_php_dup in H1; tauto.
(* if l and m are equivalent, either
1) l ~p m in which case l is contractible into m
2) lhd l hence l is contracted into a smaller one and recursion
3) lhd m hence m is contracted into a smaller one and recursion
Hint Resolve lequiv_trans : core.
Lemma lequiv_lc l m : l ≃ₛ m -> exists c, l ⪼ c /\ m ⪼ c.
induction on l m as IH with measure (⌊l⌋+⌊m⌋); intros H1.
destruct (lequiv_php_choose H1) as [ H2 | [ H2 | H2 ] ]; eauto.
+ apply lhd_lc in H2 as (c & ? & ?).
destruct (IH c m) as (d & ? & ?); eauto; lia.
+ apply lhd_lc in H2 as (c & ? & ?).
destruct (IH l c) as (d & ? & ?); eauto; lia.
Lemma lequiv_lseq l m : l ≃ₛ m -> l ≡ m.
Proof. intros H; apply lequiv_lc in H as (c & []); eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve lequiv_lseq : core.
(* seteq is equivalent to bi-inclusion *)
Theorem lseq_lequiv_iff l m : l ≡ m <-> l ≃ₛ m.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.
(* A nice induction principle for list bi-inclusion *)
Section lequiv_ind.
Variables (P : list X -> list X -> Prop)
(HP0 : P nil nil)
(HP1 : forall x l m, l ≃ₛ m -> P l m -> P (x::l) (x::m))
(HP2 : forall x y l, P (x::y::l) (y::x::l))
(HP3 : forall x l, P (x::x::l) (x::l))
(HP4 : forall l m, l ≃ₛ m -> P l m -> P m l)
(HP5 : forall l m k, l ≃ₛ m -> P l m -> m ≃ₛ k -> P m k -> P l k).
Theorem lequiv_ind l m : l ≃ₛ m -> P l m.
Proof. rewrite <- lseq_lequiv_iff; induction 1; eauto. Qed.
End lequiv_ind.
Lemma lequiv_lhd_or_contract l m : l ≃ₛ m -> lhd m \/ l ⪼ m.
simpl; intros H.
destruct lequiv_lc with (1 := H) as (d & H1 & H2).
apply lc_length_perm in H2 as [ H2 | H2 ].
+ apply finite_php_dup in H2; auto.
apply lc_lseq, lseq_lequiv in H1.
apply incl_tran with l; tauto.
+ right; apply lc_trans with (1 := H1).
apply perm_lc, Permutation_sym; auto.
End seteq.
(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* A inductive characterization of list bi-inclusion
as closure under contraction and permutation
The proof does not require decidable equality
and uses the somehow generalized PHP that
states m ⊆ l and |l| <= |m| -> m has dup \/ l ~p m
Require Import Arith Lia List Permutation.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_tac php.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf
Require Import measure_ind.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Reserved Notation "x ≡ y" (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Reserved Notation "x ⪼ y" (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Notation lhd := list_has_dup.
Local Infix "~p" := Permutation (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Notation "⌊ l ⌋" := (length l) (at level 1, format "⌊ l ⌋").
Local Infix "∈" := In (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Infix "⊆" := incl (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Infix "≃ₛ" := (fun l p => l ⊆ p /\ p ⊆ l) (at level 70, no associativity).
Section incl_extra.
Variable (X : Type).
Implicit Type (l : list X).
Hint Resolve incl_refl incl_tl incl_cons incl_nil_l : core.
Fact lequiv_refl l : l ≃ₛ l.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.
Fact lequiv_sym l m : l ≃ₛ m -> m ≃ₛ l.
Proof. simpl; tauto. Qed.
Fact lequiv_trans l m k : l ≃ₛ m -> m ≃ₛ k -> l ≃ₛ k.
Proof. intros [] []; split; apply incl_tran with m; auto. Qed.
Fact incl_cons_simpl x l m : l ⊆ m -> x::l ⊆ x::m.
Proof. intros; apply incl_cons; simpl; auto. Qed.
Fact incl_tail_simpl x l : l ⊆ x::l.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve incl_cons_simpl incl_tail_simpl : core.
Fact incl_swap (x y : X) l : x::y::l ⊆ y::x::l.
Proof. intros ? [ -> | [ -> | ] ]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Fact incl_cntr (x : X) l : x::x::l ⊆ x::l.
Proof. intros ? [ -> | [ -> | ] ]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Fact lequiv_swap x y l : x::y::l ≃ₛ y::x::l.
Proof. split; apply incl_cons; simpl; auto. Qed.
Fact lequiv_app_comm l m : l++m ≃ₛ m++l.
Proof. split; intros ?; rewrite !in_app_iff; tauto. Qed.
Fact incl_cons_l_inv l m x : x::m ⊆ l -> x ∈ l /\ m ⊆ l.
intros H; split.
+ apply H; simpl; auto.
+ apply incl_tran with (2 := H); simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve perm_skip Permutation_cons_app : core.
Fact incl_app_r_inv l m p : m ⊆ l++p -> exists m1 m2, m ~p m1++m2 /\ m1 ⊆ l /\ m2 ⊆ p.
induction m as [ | x m IHm ].
+ exists nil, nil; auto.
+ intros H; apply incl_cons_l_inv in H as (H1 & H2).
destruct (IHm H2) as (m1 & m2 & H3 & H4 & H5).
apply in_app_or in H1 as [].
* exists (x::m1), m2; simpl; auto.
* exists m1, (x::m2); simpl; auto.
Fact incl_cons_r_inv x l m :
m ⊆ x::l -> exists m1 m2, m ~p m1 ++ m2 /\ Forall (eq x) m1 /\ m2 ⊆ l.
intros H.
apply (@incl_app_r_inv (x::nil) _ l) in H as (m1 & m2 & H1 & H2 & H3).
exists m1, m2; msplit 2; auto.
rewrite Forall_forall.
intros a Ha; apply H2 in Ha; destruct Ha as [ | [] ]; auto.
Fact incl_right_cons_choose x l m : m ⊆ x::l -> x ∈ m \/ m ⊆ l.
intros H; apply incl_cons_r_inv in H
as ([ | y m1] & m2 & H1 & H2 & H3).
+ right.
intros u H; apply H3; revert H.
apply Permutation_in; auto.
+ left.
apply Permutation_in with (1 := Permutation_sym H1).
rewrite Forall_forall in H2.
rewrite (H2 y); left; auto.
Fact incl_left_right_cons x l y m :
x::l ⊆ y::m -> y = x /\ y ∈ l
\/ y = x /\ l ⊆ m
\/ x ∈ m /\ l ⊆ y::m.
intros H; apply incl_cons_l_inv in H
as [ [|] H2 ]; auto.
apply incl_right_cons_choose in H2; tauto.
Fact perm_incl_left m1 m2 l: m1 ~p m2 -> m2 ⊆ l -> m1 ⊆ l.
Proof. intros H1 H2 ? H; apply H2; revert H; apply Permutation_in; auto. Qed.
Fact perm_incl_right m l1 l2: l1 ~p l2 -> m ⊆ l1 -> m ⊆ l2.
Proof. intros H1 H2 ? ?; apply Permutation_in with (1 := H1), H2; auto. Qed.
End incl_extra.
Section seteq.
Variable X : Type.
Implicit Types l : list X.
Inductive list_contract : list X -> list X -> Prop :=
| lc_nil : nil ⪼ nil
| lc_skip : forall x l m, l ⪼ m -> x::l ⪼ x::m
| lc_swap : forall x y l, x::y::l ⪼ y::x::l
| lc_cntr : forall x l, x::x::l ⪼ x::l
| lc_trans : forall l m k, l ⪼ m -> m ⪼ k -> l ⪼ k
where "l ⪼ m" := (list_contract l m).
Hint Constructors list_contract : core.
Fact perm_lc l m : l ~p m -> l ⪼ m.
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Fact lc_length l m : l ⪼ m -> ⌊m⌋ <= ⌊l⌋.
Proof. induction 1; simpl; lia. Qed.
Fact lc_nil_inv_l l : nil ⪼ l -> l = nil.
intros H; apply lc_length in H.
destruct l; simpl in *; auto; lia.
Hint Resolve perm_swap perm_trans : core.
Fact lc_length_perm l m : l ⪼ m -> ⌊m⌋ < ⌊l⌋ \/ l ~p m.
induction 1 as [ | ? ? ? ? [] | |
| ? ? ? ? [] ? [] ]; simpl; eauto;
repeat match goal with
| H: _ ⪼ _ |- _ => apply lc_length in H
end; lia.
Fact lc_refl l : l ⪼ l.
Proof. apply perm_lc; auto. Qed.
(* When viewed as sets, the lists are equivalent,
ie closed under perm + contraction + RST *)
Inductive list_seteq : list X -> list X -> Prop :=
| lseq_nil : nil ≡ nil
| lseq_skip : forall x l m, l ≡ m -> x::l ≡ x::m
| lseq_swap : forall x y l, x::y::l ≡ y::x::l
| lseq_dup : forall x l, x::x::l ≡ x::l
| lseq_sym : forall l m, l ≡ m -> m ≡ l
| lseq_trans : forall l m k, l ≡ m -> m ≡ k -> l ≡ k
where "l ≡ m" := (list_seteq l m).
Hint Constructors list_seteq : core.
Fact lc_lseq l m : l ⪼ m -> l ≡ m.
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve perm_lc lc_lseq : core.
Fact perm_lseq l m : l ~p m -> l ≡ m.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve incl_refl incl_cons_simpl incl_swap incl_cntr incl_tl incl_tran : core.
Fact lseq_lequiv l m : l ≡ m -> l ≃ₛ m.
induction 1 as [ | ? ? ? ? [] | |
| ? ? ? []
| ? ? ? ? [] ? [] ]; eauto.
Hint Resolve lseq_lequiv : core.
Fact lc_lequiv l m : l ⪼ m -> l ≃ₛ m.
Proof. intro; apply lseq_lequiv; auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve incl_l_nil : core.
Fact lc_nil_inv_r l : l ⪼ nil -> l = nil.
Proof. intros H; apply lc_lequiv in H as []; auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve list_has_dup_swap in_eq in_cons in_list_hd0 in_list_hd1 : core.
Notation lhd_cons_iff := list_has_dup_cons_iff.
Fact lc_lhd l m : l ⪼ m -> lhd m -> lhd l.
induction 1 as [ | x l m H IH | | | ]; eauto.
rewrite !lhd_cons_iff; intros []; auto.
apply lc_lequiv in H as []; auto.
Fact lseq_incl l m : l ≡ m -> l ⊆ m.
Proof. intro; apply lseq_lequiv; auto. Qed.
(* A list with a dup is contractible in a smaller one *)
Lemma lhd_lc l : lhd l -> exists m, l ⪼ m /\ ⌊m⌋ < ⌊l⌋.
induction 1 as [ l x H | l x H (m & H1 & H2) ].
+ apply in_split in H as (l1 & l2 & ->).
exists (l1++x::l2); split; simpl; try lia.
apply lc_trans with (x::x::l1++l2).
* apply perm_lc, perm_skip, Permutation_sym,
Permutation_cons_app; auto.
* apply lc_trans with (1 := lc_cntr _ _), perm_lc,
Permutation_cons_app; auto.
+ exists (x::m); split; simpl; auto; lia.
Hint Resolve lc_lseq : core.
Lemma lhd_lseq l : lhd l -> exists m, l ≡ m /\ ⌊m⌋ < ⌊l⌋.
Proof. intro H; apply lhd_lc in H as (? & ? & ?); eauto. Qed.
Hint Constructors list_contract : core.
Hint Resolve lc_refl lc_lhd : core.
Lemma lequiv_php_choose l m : l ≃ₛ m -> l ~p m \/ lhd l \/ lhd m.
intros [ I1 I2 ].
destruct (le_lt_dec ⌊m⌋ ⌊l⌋) as [ H1 | H1 ].
+ apply length_le_and_incl_implies_dup_or_perm in H1; tauto.
+ apply finite_php_dup in H1; tauto.
(* if l and m are equivalent, either
1) l ~p m in which case l is contractible into m
2) lhd l hence l is contracted into a smaller one and recursion
3) lhd m hence m is contracted into a smaller one and recursion
Hint Resolve lequiv_trans : core.
Lemma lequiv_lc l m : l ≃ₛ m -> exists c, l ⪼ c /\ m ⪼ c.
induction on l m as IH with measure (⌊l⌋+⌊m⌋); intros H1.
destruct (lequiv_php_choose H1) as [ H2 | [ H2 | H2 ] ]; eauto.
+ apply lhd_lc in H2 as (c & ? & ?).
destruct (IH c m) as (d & ? & ?); eauto; lia.
+ apply lhd_lc in H2 as (c & ? & ?).
destruct (IH l c) as (d & ? & ?); eauto; lia.
Lemma lequiv_lseq l m : l ≃ₛ m -> l ≡ m.
Proof. intros H; apply lequiv_lc in H as (c & []); eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve lequiv_lseq : core.
(* seteq is equivalent to bi-inclusion *)
Theorem lseq_lequiv_iff l m : l ≡ m <-> l ≃ₛ m.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.
(* A nice induction principle for list bi-inclusion *)
Section lequiv_ind.
Variables (P : list X -> list X -> Prop)
(HP0 : P nil nil)
(HP1 : forall x l m, l ≃ₛ m -> P l m -> P (x::l) (x::m))
(HP2 : forall x y l, P (x::y::l) (y::x::l))
(HP3 : forall x l, P (x::x::l) (x::l))
(HP4 : forall l m, l ≃ₛ m -> P l m -> P m l)
(HP5 : forall l m k, l ≃ₛ m -> P l m -> m ≃ₛ k -> P m k -> P l k).
Theorem lequiv_ind l m : l ≃ₛ m -> P l m.
Proof. rewrite <- lseq_lequiv_iff; induction 1; eauto. Qed.
End lequiv_ind.
Lemma lequiv_lhd_or_contract l m : l ≃ₛ m -> lhd m \/ l ⪼ m.
simpl; intros H.
destruct lequiv_lc with (1 := H) as (d & H1 & H2).
apply lc_length_perm in H2 as [ H2 | H2 ].
+ apply finite_php_dup in H2; auto.
apply lc_lseq, lseq_lequiv in H1.
apply incl_tran with l; tauto.
+ right; apply lc_trans with (1 := H1).
apply perm_lc, Permutation_sym; auto.
End seteq.