(* * Dupfree vector *)
(* Author: Maximilian Wuttke *)
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Prelim.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Tactics.Tactics.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors.Vectors.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import FiniteTypes.FinTypes.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Lists.Dupfree.
Require Import Coq.Vectors.Vector.
Open Scope vector_scope.
Import VectorNotations2.
Inductive dupfree X : forall n, Vector.t X n -> Prop :=
dupfreeVN :
dupfree (@Vector.nil X)
| dupfreeVC n (x : X) (V : Vector.t X n) :
~ Vector.In x V -> dupfree V -> dupfree (x ::: V).
Ltac vector_dupfree :=
match goal with
| [ |- dupfree (Vector.nil _) ] =>
| [ |- dupfree (?a ::: ?bs)] =>
constructor; [vector_not_in | vector_dupfree]
Goal dupfree [| 4; 8; 15; 16; 23; 42 |].
Proof. vector_dupfree. Qed.
Goal dupfree [| Fin.F1 (n := 1) |].
Proof. vector_dupfree. Qed.
(* This also works, but needs a bit to comile *)
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors.FinNotation.
Goal dupfree (| Fin4; Fin8; Fin15; Fin16; Fin23; Fin42 | : Vector.t (Fin.t 43) _).
Proof. vector_dupfree. Qed.
Lemma dupfree_cons (X : Type) (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : Vector.t X n) :
dupfree (x ::: xs) -> dupfree xs /\ ~ In x xs.
intros H1. inv H1. now existT_eq'.
Lemma dupfree_replace (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (x : X) :
dupfree xs -> ~ In x xs -> forall i, dupfree (replace xs i x).
revert x. induction xs; intros; cbn.
- inv i.
- dependent destruct i; cbn.
+ constructor; auto.
* intros H1. contradict H0. now econstructor.
* inv H. existT_eq'. assumption.
+ apply dupfree_cons in H as (H&H').
assert (~In x xs).
intros H1. contradict H0. now constructor.
specialize (IHxs x H H1 p). constructor.
* intros [ -> | H2] % In_replace. contradict H0. constructor. tauto.
* tauto.
Lemma dupfree_tabulate_injective (X : Type) (n : nat) (f : Fin.t n -> X) :
(forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
dupfree (tabulate f).
intros H. revert f H. induction n; intros; cbn.
- constructor.
- constructor.
+ intros (x & H2 % H) % in_tabulate. congruence.
+ eapply IHn. now intros x y -> % H % Fin.FS_inj.
Lemma dupfree_map_injective (X Y : Type) (n : nat) (f : X -> Y) (V : Vector.t X n) :
(forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
dupfree V ->
dupfree (map f V).
intros HInj. induction 1.
- cbn. constructor.
- cbn. constructor; auto. now intros (? & -> % HInj & ?) % vect_in_map_iff.
Import VecToListCoercion.
Lemma tolist_dupfree (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) :
dupfree xs -> Dupfree.dupfree xs.
induction 1.
- cbn. constructor.
- cbn. constructor; auto. intros H1. contradict H. now apply tolist_In.
Section Count.
Variable (X : eqType).
Definition count (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : t X n) :=
fold_right (fun y c => if Dec (x = y) then S c else c) xs 0.
Lemma count0_notIn (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : t X n) :
count x xs = 0 -> ~ In x xs.
revert x. induction xs; intros; cbn in *.
- vector_not_in.
- intros H1. decide (x=h); try congruence.
apply In_cons in H1 as [-> | H1]; try tauto.
eapply IHxs; eauto.
Lemma count0_notIn' (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : t X n) :
~ In x xs -> count x xs = 0.
induction xs; intros; cbn in *.
- reflexivity.
- decide (x = h) as [ -> | D ].
+ contradict H. constructor.
+ apply IHxs. intros H2. contradict H. now constructor.
Lemma countDupfree (n : nat) (xs : t X n) :
(forall x : X, In x xs -> count x xs = 1) <-> dupfree xs.
split; intros H.
induction xs; cbn -[count] in *.
- constructor.
- constructor.
+ intros H2. specialize (H h ltac:(now constructor)). cbn in H.
decide (h = h); try tauto. inv H.
contradict H2. now eapply count0_notIn.
+ apply IHxs. intros x Hx. specialize (H x ltac:(now constructor)).
cbn in H. decide (x = h); inv H; auto. rewrite H1.
contradict Hx. now eapply count0_notIn.
induction H as [ | n x' xs HIn HDup IH ]; intros; cbn in *.
- inv H.
- decide (x = x') as [ -> | D].
+ f_equal. exact (count0_notIn' HIn).
+ apply (IH x). now apply In_cons in H as [ -> | H].
(* (* Test *)
End Count.
Compute let xs := |1;2;3;4;5;6| in
let x := 2 in
let y := 1 in
let i := Fin.F1 in
Dec (x = y) + count x xs = Dec (x = xs@i) + count x (replace xs i y).
Lemma replace_nochange (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (p : Fin.t n) :
replace xs p xs[@p] = xs.
eapply eq_nth_iff. intros ? ? <-.
decide (p = p1) as [ -> | D].
- now rewrite replace_nth.
- now rewrite replace_nth2.
Lemma count_replace (n : nat) (xs : t X n) (x y : X) (i : Fin.t n) :
bool2nat (Dec (x = y)) + count x xs = bool2nat (Dec (x = xs[@i])) + count x (replace xs i y).
induction xs; intros; cbn -[nth count] in *.
- inv i.
- dependent destruct i; cbn -[nth count] in *.
+ decide (x = y) as [ D | D ]; cbn -[nth count] in *; cbn -[bool2nat dec2bool count].
* rewrite <- D in *. decide (x = h) as [ -> | D2]; cbn [dec2bool bool2nat plus]; auto.
cbv [count]. cbn. rewrite D. decide (y = y); try tauto. decide (y = h); congruence.
* decide (x = h); subst; cbn [bool2nat dec2bool plus]; cbv [count]; try reflexivity.
-- cbn. decide (h = h); try tauto. decide (h = y); tauto.
-- cbn. decide (x = h); try tauto. decide (x = y); tauto.
+ cbn. decide (x = y); cbn.
* decide (x = h); cbn; f_equal.
-- decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn; repeat f_equal; subst.
++ symmetry. now apply replace_nochange.
++ cbn in *. specialize (IHxs p). decide (h = xs[@p]); tauto.
-- decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn; repeat f_equal; subst.
++ symmetry. now apply replace_nochange.
++ cbn in *. specialize (IHxs p). decide (y = xs[@p]); tauto.
* decide (x = h); cbn; f_equal.
-- decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn; f_equal; subst.
++ cbn in *. specialize (IHxs p). decide (xs[@p] = xs[@p]); cbn in *; try tauto.
++ specialize (IHxs p). cbn in *. decide (h = xs[@p]); cbn in *; tauto.
-- decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn; auto.
++ specialize (IHxs p). cbn in *. decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn in *; tauto.
++ specialize (IHxs p). cbn in *. decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn in *; tauto.
End Count.
Lemma dupfree_nth_injective (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) :
dupfree xs -> forall (i j : Fin.t n), xs[@i] = xs[@j] -> i = j.
induction 1; intros; cbn -[nth] in *.
- inv i.
- dependent destruct i; dependent destruct j; cbn -[nth] in *; auto.
+ cbn in *. contradict H. eapply vect_nth_In; eauto.
+ cbn in *. contradict H. eapply vect_nth_In; eauto.
+ f_equal. now apply IHdupfree.
Lemma Vector_dupfree_app {X n1 n2} (v1 : Vector.t X n1) (v2 : Vector.t X n2) :
VectorDupfree.dupfree (Vector.append v1 v2) <-> VectorDupfree.dupfree v1 /\ VectorDupfree.dupfree v2 /\ forall x, Vector.In x v1 -> Vector.In x v2 -> False.
induction v1; cbn.
- firstorder. econstructor. inversion H0.
- split.
+ intros [] % VectorDupfree.dupfree_cons. repeat split.
* econstructor. intros ?. eapply H0. eapply Vector_in_app. eauto. eapply IHv1; eauto.
* eapply IHv1; eauto.
* intros ? [-> | ?] % In_cons ?.
-- eapply H0. eapply Vector_in_app. eauto.
-- eapply IHv1; eauto.
+ intros (? & ? & ?). econstructor. 2:eapply IHv1; repeat split.
* intros [? | ?] % Vector_in_app.
-- eapply VectorDupfree.dupfree_cons in H as []. eauto.
-- eapply H1; eauto. econstructor.
* eapply VectorDupfree.dupfree_cons in H as []. eauto.
* eauto.
* intros. eapply H1. econstructor 2. eauto. eauto.
(* Author: Maximilian Wuttke *)
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Prelim.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Tactics.Tactics.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors.Vectors.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import FiniteTypes.FinTypes.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Lists.Dupfree.
Require Import Coq.Vectors.Vector.
Open Scope vector_scope.
Import VectorNotations2.
Inductive dupfree X : forall n, Vector.t X n -> Prop :=
dupfreeVN :
dupfree (@Vector.nil X)
| dupfreeVC n (x : X) (V : Vector.t X n) :
~ Vector.In x V -> dupfree V -> dupfree (x ::: V).
Ltac vector_dupfree :=
match goal with
| [ |- dupfree (Vector.nil _) ] =>
| [ |- dupfree (?a ::: ?bs)] =>
constructor; [vector_not_in | vector_dupfree]
Goal dupfree [| 4; 8; 15; 16; 23; 42 |].
Proof. vector_dupfree. Qed.
Goal dupfree [| Fin.F1 (n := 1) |].
Proof. vector_dupfree. Qed.
(* This also works, but needs a bit to comile *)
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors.FinNotation.
Goal dupfree (| Fin4; Fin8; Fin15; Fin16; Fin23; Fin42 | : Vector.t (Fin.t 43) _).
Proof. vector_dupfree. Qed.
Lemma dupfree_cons (X : Type) (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : Vector.t X n) :
dupfree (x ::: xs) -> dupfree xs /\ ~ In x xs.
intros H1. inv H1. now existT_eq'.
Lemma dupfree_replace (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (x : X) :
dupfree xs -> ~ In x xs -> forall i, dupfree (replace xs i x).
revert x. induction xs; intros; cbn.
- inv i.
- dependent destruct i; cbn.
+ constructor; auto.
* intros H1. contradict H0. now econstructor.
* inv H. existT_eq'. assumption.
+ apply dupfree_cons in H as (H&H').
assert (~In x xs).
intros H1. contradict H0. now constructor.
specialize (IHxs x H H1 p). constructor.
* intros [ -> | H2] % In_replace. contradict H0. constructor. tauto.
* tauto.
Lemma dupfree_tabulate_injective (X : Type) (n : nat) (f : Fin.t n -> X) :
(forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
dupfree (tabulate f).
intros H. revert f H. induction n; intros; cbn.
- constructor.
- constructor.
+ intros (x & H2 % H) % in_tabulate. congruence.
+ eapply IHn. now intros x y -> % H % Fin.FS_inj.
Lemma dupfree_map_injective (X Y : Type) (n : nat) (f : X -> Y) (V : Vector.t X n) :
(forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) ->
dupfree V ->
dupfree (map f V).
intros HInj. induction 1.
- cbn. constructor.
- cbn. constructor; auto. now intros (? & -> % HInj & ?) % vect_in_map_iff.
Import VecToListCoercion.
Lemma tolist_dupfree (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) :
dupfree xs -> Dupfree.dupfree xs.
induction 1.
- cbn. constructor.
- cbn. constructor; auto. intros H1. contradict H. now apply tolist_In.
Section Count.
Variable (X : eqType).
Definition count (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : t X n) :=
fold_right (fun y c => if Dec (x = y) then S c else c) xs 0.
Lemma count0_notIn (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : t X n) :
count x xs = 0 -> ~ In x xs.
revert x. induction xs; intros; cbn in *.
- vector_not_in.
- intros H1. decide (x=h); try congruence.
apply In_cons in H1 as [-> | H1]; try tauto.
eapply IHxs; eauto.
Lemma count0_notIn' (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : t X n) :
~ In x xs -> count x xs = 0.
induction xs; intros; cbn in *.
- reflexivity.
- decide (x = h) as [ -> | D ].
+ contradict H. constructor.
+ apply IHxs. intros H2. contradict H. now constructor.
Lemma countDupfree (n : nat) (xs : t X n) :
(forall x : X, In x xs -> count x xs = 1) <-> dupfree xs.
split; intros H.
induction xs; cbn -[count] in *.
- constructor.
- constructor.
+ intros H2. specialize (H h ltac:(now constructor)). cbn in H.
decide (h = h); try tauto. inv H.
contradict H2. now eapply count0_notIn.
+ apply IHxs. intros x Hx. specialize (H x ltac:(now constructor)).
cbn in H. decide (x = h); inv H; auto. rewrite H1.
contradict Hx. now eapply count0_notIn.
induction H as [ | n x' xs HIn HDup IH ]; intros; cbn in *.
- inv H.
- decide (x = x') as [ -> | D].
+ f_equal. exact (count0_notIn' HIn).
+ apply (IH x). now apply In_cons in H as [ -> | H].
(* (* Test *)
End Count.
Compute let xs := |1;2;3;4;5;6| in
let x := 2 in
let y := 1 in
let i := Fin.F1 in
Dec (x = y) + count x xs = Dec (x = xs@i) + count x (replace xs i y).
Lemma replace_nochange (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (p : Fin.t n) :
replace xs p xs[@p] = xs.
eapply eq_nth_iff. intros ? ? <-.
decide (p = p1) as [ -> | D].
- now rewrite replace_nth.
- now rewrite replace_nth2.
Lemma count_replace (n : nat) (xs : t X n) (x y : X) (i : Fin.t n) :
bool2nat (Dec (x = y)) + count x xs = bool2nat (Dec (x = xs[@i])) + count x (replace xs i y).
induction xs; intros; cbn -[nth count] in *.
- inv i.
- dependent destruct i; cbn -[nth count] in *.
+ decide (x = y) as [ D | D ]; cbn -[nth count] in *; cbn -[bool2nat dec2bool count].
* rewrite <- D in *. decide (x = h) as [ -> | D2]; cbn [dec2bool bool2nat plus]; auto.
cbv [count]. cbn. rewrite D. decide (y = y); try tauto. decide (y = h); congruence.
* decide (x = h); subst; cbn [bool2nat dec2bool plus]; cbv [count]; try reflexivity.
-- cbn. decide (h = h); try tauto. decide (h = y); tauto.
-- cbn. decide (x = h); try tauto. decide (x = y); tauto.
+ cbn. decide (x = y); cbn.
* decide (x = h); cbn; f_equal.
-- decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn; repeat f_equal; subst.
++ symmetry. now apply replace_nochange.
++ cbn in *. specialize (IHxs p). decide (h = xs[@p]); tauto.
-- decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn; repeat f_equal; subst.
++ symmetry. now apply replace_nochange.
++ cbn in *. specialize (IHxs p). decide (y = xs[@p]); tauto.
* decide (x = h); cbn; f_equal.
-- decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn; f_equal; subst.
++ cbn in *. specialize (IHxs p). decide (xs[@p] = xs[@p]); cbn in *; try tauto.
++ specialize (IHxs p). cbn in *. decide (h = xs[@p]); cbn in *; tauto.
-- decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn; auto.
++ specialize (IHxs p). cbn in *. decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn in *; tauto.
++ specialize (IHxs p). cbn in *. decide (x = xs[@p]); cbn in *; tauto.
End Count.
Lemma dupfree_nth_injective (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) :
dupfree xs -> forall (i j : Fin.t n), xs[@i] = xs[@j] -> i = j.
induction 1; intros; cbn -[nth] in *.
- inv i.
- dependent destruct i; dependent destruct j; cbn -[nth] in *; auto.
+ cbn in *. contradict H. eapply vect_nth_In; eauto.
+ cbn in *. contradict H. eapply vect_nth_In; eauto.
+ f_equal. now apply IHdupfree.
Lemma Vector_dupfree_app {X n1 n2} (v1 : Vector.t X n1) (v2 : Vector.t X n2) :
VectorDupfree.dupfree (Vector.append v1 v2) <-> VectorDupfree.dupfree v1 /\ VectorDupfree.dupfree v2 /\ forall x, Vector.In x v1 -> Vector.In x v2 -> False.
induction v1; cbn.
- firstorder. econstructor. inversion H0.
- split.
+ intros [] % VectorDupfree.dupfree_cons. repeat split.
* econstructor. intros ?. eapply H0. eapply Vector_in_app. eauto. eapply IHv1; eauto.
* eapply IHv1; eauto.
* intros ? [-> | ?] % In_cons ?.
-- eapply H0. eapply Vector_in_app. eauto.
-- eapply IHv1; eauto.
+ intros (? & ? & ?). econstructor. 2:eapply IHv1; repeat split.
* intros [? | ?] % Vector_in_app.
-- eapply VectorDupfree.dupfree_cons in H as []. eauto.
-- eapply H1; eauto. econstructor.
* eapply VectorDupfree.dupfree_cons in H as []. eauto.
* eauto.
* intros. eapply H1. econstructor 2. eauto. eauto.