(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* Certified Undecidability of Intuitionistic Linear Logic via Binary Stack Machines and Minsky Machines. Yannick Forster and Dominique Larchey-Wendling. CPP '19. http://uds-psl.github.io/ill-undecidability/ *)
Require Import List Bool.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
Require Import list_bool pos vec sss.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* Certified Undecidability of Intuitionistic Linear Logic via Binary Stack Machines and Minsky Machines. Yannick Forster and Dominique Larchey-Wendling. CPP '19. http://uds-psl.github.io/ill-undecidability/ *)
Require Import List Bool.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
Require Import list_bool pos vec sss.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* * Binary Stack Machines
Binary stack machines have n stacks and there are just two instructions
1/ POP s p q : pops the value on stack s and
if Empty then jumps to q
if Zero then jumps to p
if One then jumps to next instruction,
2/ PUSH s b : pushes the value b on stack s and jumps to next instructions
Inductive bsm_instr n : Set :=
| bsm_pop : pos n -> nat -> nat -> bsm_instr n
| bsm_push : pos n -> bool -> bsm_instr n
Notation POP := bsm_pop.
Notation PUSH := bsm_push.
(* ** Semantics for BSM *)
Section Binary_Stack_Machine.
Variable (n : nat).
Definition bsm_state := (nat*vec (list bool) n)%type.
Local Notation "e #> x" := (vec_pos e x).
Local Notation "e [ v / x ]" := (vec_change e x v).
Inductive bsm_sss : bsm_instr n -> bsm_state -> bsm_state -> Prop :=
| in_bsm_sss_pop_E : forall i x p q v, v#>x = nil -> POP x p q // (i,v) -1> ( q,v)
| in_bsm_sss_pop_0 : forall i x p q v ll, v#>x = Zero::ll -> POP x p q // (i,v) -1> ( p,v[ll/x])
| in_bsm_sss_pop_1 : forall i x p q v ll, v#>x = One ::ll -> POP x p q // (i,v) -1> (1+i,v[ll/x])
| in_bsm_sss_push : forall i x b v, PUSH x b // (i,v) -1> (1+i,v[(b::v#>x)/x])
where "i // s -1> t" := (bsm_sss i s t).
End Binary_Stack_Machine.
(* The Halting problem for BSM *)
Definition BSM_PROBLEM := { n : nat & { i : nat & { P : list (bsm_instr n) & vec (list bool) n } } }.
Local Notation "P // s ↓" := (sss_terminates (@bsm_sss _) P s).
match P with existT _ n (existT _ i (existT _ P v)) => (i,P) // (i,v) ↓ end.