    Andrej Dudenhefner (1) 
    (1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

    Deterministic, Length-preserving Stack Machines
    Uniform Boundedness of Deterministic, Length-preserving Stack Machines (SMNdl_UB)

Require Import Relation_Operators List.
Import ListNotations.

Definition State := .
Definition Symbol := bool.

Definition Stack : Set := list Symbol.

(* configuration: state, (left stack, right stack) *)
Definition Config : Set := Stack * Stack * State.

(* instruction: vXw -> rYs *)
Definition Instruction : Set := Config * Config.

(* stack machine: list of instructions *)
Definition SMN : Set := list Instruction.

Inductive step (M : SMN) : Config Config Prop :=
  | transition (v w r s r' s': Stack) (x y: State) :
    In ((r, s, x), (r', s', y)) M
    step M (r v, s w, x) (r' v, s' w, y).

(* step is functional *)
Definition deterministic (M: SMN) := (X Y Z: Config), step M X Y step M X Z Y = Z.

(* reflexive transitive closure of step *)
Definition reachable (M: SMN) : Config Config Prop := clos_refl_trans Config (step M).

(* step is confluent *)
Definition confluent (M: SMN) := (X Y1 Y2: Config), reachable M X reachable M X
   (Z: Config), reachable M Z reachable M Z.

(* uniform bound for the number of reachable configurations *)
Definition bounded (M: SMN) (n: ) : Prop :=
   (X: Config), (L: list Config), ( (Y: Config), reachable M X Y In Y L) length L n.

(* sum of stack sizes is invariant under step *)
Definition length_preserving (M: SMN) : Prop :=
   s t X s' t' Y, In ((s, t, X), (s', t', Y)) M length (s t) = length (s' t') 1 length (s t).

(* given a deterministic, length-preserving stack machine M, 
  is M uniformly bounded by some n? *)

Definition SMNdl_UB : { M : SMN | deterministic M length_preserving M } Prop :=
   '(exist _ M _) (n: ), bounded M n.