Require Export Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
Require Import Undecidability.TM.TM.
Definition undecidable {X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
decidable p -> decidable (HaltTM 1).
Lemma undecidability_HaltTM :
undecidable (HaltTM 1).
intros H. exact H.
Lemma undecidability_from_reducibility {X} {p : X -> Prop} {Y} {q : Y -> Prop} :
undecidable p -> p ⪯ q -> undecidable q.
unfold undecidable, decidable, decider, reduces, reduction, reflects.
intros H [f Hf] [d Hd]. eapply H. exists (fun x => d (f x)). intros x. rewrite Hf. eapply Hd.
Module UndecidabilityNotations.
Tactic Notation "undec" "from" constr(H) :=
apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H).
Tactic Notation "reduce" "with" "chain" constr(H) :=
repeat (apply reduces_reflexive || (eapply reduces_transitive; [ apply H | ])).
Tactic Notation "undec" "from" constr(U) "using" "chain" constr(C) :=
undec from U; reduce with chain C.
End UndecidabilityNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.TM.TM.
Definition undecidable {X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
decidable p -> decidable (HaltTM 1).
Lemma undecidability_HaltTM :
undecidable (HaltTM 1).
intros H. exact H.
Lemma undecidability_from_reducibility {X} {p : X -> Prop} {Y} {q : Y -> Prop} :
undecidable p -> p ⪯ q -> undecidable q.
unfold undecidable, decidable, decider, reduces, reduction, reflects.
intros H [f Hf] [d Hd]. eapply H. exists (fun x => d (f x)). intros x. rewrite Hf. eapply Hd.
Module UndecidabilityNotations.
Tactic Notation "undec" "from" constr(H) :=
apply (undecidability_from_reducibility H).
Tactic Notation "reduce" "with" "chain" constr(H) :=
repeat (apply reduces_reflexive || (eapply reduces_transitive; [ apply H | ])).
Tactic Notation "undec" "from" constr(U) "using" "chain" constr(C) :=
undec from U; reduce with chain C.
End UndecidabilityNotations.