From Undecidability Require TM.TM TM.SBTM.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.FinTypeEquiv.
(* Require Import Undecidability.L.Functions.FinTypeLookup. *)
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.FinTypes Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Vectors.Vectors.
Require Undecidability.TM.Util.TM_facts.
Import VectorNotations2.
Local Open Scope vector.
Notation vector_hd v := (projT1 (destruct_vector_cons v)).
Section red.
Variable M : TM.TM (finType_CS bool) 1.
Definition num_states := (projT1 (finite_n (TM.state M))).
Definition f := (projT1 (projT2 (finite_n (TM.state M)))).
Definition g := (proj1_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n (TM.state M))))).
Definition Hf := (proj1 (proj2_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n (TM.state M)))))).
Definition Hg := (proj2 (proj2_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n (TM.state M)))))).
Definition conv_move : TM.move -> SBTM.move :=
fun m => match m with TM.Lmove => SBTM.Lmove | TM.Nmove => SBTM.Nmove | TM.Rmove => SBTM.Rmove end.
Definition conv_state : TM.state M -> Fin.t (S num_states) := fun q => (Fin.FS (f q)).
Definition trans : Fin.t (S num_states) * option bool -> option (Fin.t (S num_states) * option bool * SBTM.move) :=
fun '(q, o) => Fin.caseS' q (fun _ => _) (Some (conv_state (TM.start M), None, SBTM.Nmove))
(fun q => if TM.halt (g q) then None
else let '(q', vec) := TM.trans M (g q, [| o |]) in
let '(w, m) := vector_hd vec in
Some (conv_state q', w, conv_move m)
Definition conv_tape (t : Vector.t (TM.tape bool) 1) : SBTM.tape :=
let t := vector_hd t in
match TM.current t with
| Some c => (TM.Util.TM_facts.left t, Some c, TM.Util.TM_facts.right t)
| None => (TM.Util.TM_facts.left t, None, TM.Util.TM_facts.right t)
Lemma current_red t : SBTM.curr (conv_tape [| t |]) = TM.current t.
unfold conv_tape. cbn. destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| t |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
unfold TM.current.
destruct x eqn:E; reflexivity.
Lemma wr_red w t : SBTM.wr w (conv_tape [| t |]) = conv_tape [| TM.wr w t |].
unfold conv_tape. cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| t |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| _ |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
destruct x eqn:E1, w eqn:E2; cbn; reflexivity.
Lemma mv_red m t : (conv_move m) (conv_tape [| t |]) = conv_tape [| m t |].
unfold conv_tape. cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| t |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| _ |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
destruct x eqn:E1, m eqn:E2; cbn; try reflexivity.
all: destruct l, l0; try reflexivity.
Lemma red_correct1 q q' t t' :
TM.eval M q t q' t' -> SBTM.eval (SBTM.Build_SBTM num_states trans) (conv_state q) (conv_tape t) (conv_state q') (conv_tape t').
induction 1.
+ eapply SBTM.eval_halt. cbn. now rewrite Hg, H.
+ TM_facts.destruct_tapes. cbn in *.
rewrite <- current_red in H0.
destruct TM.trans eqn:E. inv H0. destruct h0 as (w, m).
eapply SBTM.eval_step with (q' := conv_state q') (w := w) (m := conv_move m). cbn. rewrite Hg, H, E.
destruct destruct_vector_cons as (? & ? & ?), x; cbn. inv e. reflexivity.
now rewrite wr_red, mv_red.
Lemma red_correct2 q t q'_ t'_ :
SBTM.eval (SBTM.Build_SBTM num_states trans) (conv_state q) (conv_tape t) q'_ t'_ ->
exists q' t', q'_ = conv_state q' /\ t'_ = conv_tape t' /\
TM.eval M q t q' t'.
intros H.
remember (conv_state q) as q_.
remember (conv_tape t) as t_.
induction H in q, t, Heqq_, Heqt_ |- *; subst.
+ exists q, t. repeat split. econstructor.
unfold SBTM.trans, trans in H.
revert H.
generalize (eq_refl (conv_state q)).
pattern (conv_state q) at 1 3.
eapply Fin.caseS'; cbn.
-- intros ? [=].
-- intros ? ? ?. destruct TM.halt eqn:E.
++ unfold conv_state in H.
eapply Fin.FS_inj in H as ->. now rewrite Hg in E.
++ destruct TM.trans, destruct_vector_cons, x; inv H0.
+ unfold SBTM.trans, trans in H. revert H.
generalize (eq_refl (conv_state q)).
pattern (conv_state q) at 1 3.
eapply Fin.caseS'; cbn.
* intros ? [=]. unfold conv_state in *. inv H.
* intros ? ?. unfold conv_state in *. eapply Fin.FS_inj in H; subst.
rewrite Hg.
destruct TM.halt eqn:E.
-- intros [=].
-- TM_facts.destruct_tapes.
destruct TM.trans eqn:Et, destruct_vector_cons as (? & ? & ?), x; cbn. intros [=]; subst.
rewrite current_red in Et.
cbn. edestruct IHeval as (q' & t'_ & -> & -> & H); eauto.
++ rewrite wr_red, mv_red. destruct_vector; cbn. reflexivity.
++ repeat esplit. cbn in *. econstructor. eauto. eauto. cbn. destruct_vector. eassumption.
End red.
Require Undecidability.TM.TM Undecidability.TM.SBTM.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
Require Undecidability.TM.Reductions.Arbitrary_to_Binary.
Theorem reduction :
TM.HaltTM 1 ⪯ SBTM.HaltSBTM.
eapply reduces_transitive. eapply Arbitrary_to_Binary.reduction.
unshelve eexists. { intros [M t]. refine (_, conv_tape t). refine (SBTM.Build_SBTM (num_states M) (@trans M)). }
intros [M t]. split.
- intros [q' [t' H]]. eapply red_correct1 in H.
exists (conv_state q'), (conv_tape t'). econstructor. cbn. reflexivity. eapply H.
- intros [q' [t' H]]. inversion H; subst; clear H. cbn in H0. inv H0. cbn in *. inv H0.
eapply red_correct2 in H1 as (? & ? & -> & -> & H). eexists. eexists. eauto.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.FinTypeEquiv.
(* Require Import Undecidability.L.Functions.FinTypeLookup. *)
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.FinTypes Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Vectors.Vectors.
Require Undecidability.TM.Util.TM_facts.
Import VectorNotations2.
Local Open Scope vector.
Notation vector_hd v := (projT1 (destruct_vector_cons v)).
Section red.
Variable M : TM.TM (finType_CS bool) 1.
Definition num_states := (projT1 (finite_n (TM.state M))).
Definition f := (projT1 (projT2 (finite_n (TM.state M)))).
Definition g := (proj1_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n (TM.state M))))).
Definition Hf := (proj1 (proj2_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n (TM.state M)))))).
Definition Hg := (proj2 (proj2_sig (projT2 (projT2 (finite_n (TM.state M)))))).
Definition conv_move : TM.move -> SBTM.move :=
fun m => match m with TM.Lmove => SBTM.Lmove | TM.Nmove => SBTM.Nmove | TM.Rmove => SBTM.Rmove end.
Definition conv_state : TM.state M -> Fin.t (S num_states) := fun q => (Fin.FS (f q)).
Definition trans : Fin.t (S num_states) * option bool -> option (Fin.t (S num_states) * option bool * SBTM.move) :=
fun '(q, o) => Fin.caseS' q (fun _ => _) (Some (conv_state (TM.start M), None, SBTM.Nmove))
(fun q => if TM.halt (g q) then None
else let '(q', vec) := TM.trans M (g q, [| o |]) in
let '(w, m) := vector_hd vec in
Some (conv_state q', w, conv_move m)
Definition conv_tape (t : Vector.t (TM.tape bool) 1) : SBTM.tape :=
let t := vector_hd t in
match TM.current t with
| Some c => (TM.Util.TM_facts.left t, Some c, TM.Util.TM_facts.right t)
| None => (TM.Util.TM_facts.left t, None, TM.Util.TM_facts.right t)
Lemma current_red t : SBTM.curr (conv_tape [| t |]) = TM.current t.
unfold conv_tape. cbn. destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| t |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
unfold TM.current.
destruct x eqn:E; reflexivity.
Lemma wr_red w t : SBTM.wr w (conv_tape [| t |]) = conv_tape [| TM.wr w t |].
unfold conv_tape. cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| t |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| _ |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
destruct x eqn:E1, w eqn:E2; cbn; reflexivity.
Lemma mv_red m t : (conv_move m) (conv_tape [| t |]) = conv_tape [| m t |].
unfold conv_tape. cbn.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| t |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
destruct (destruct_vector_cons [| _ |]) as (? & ? & E); cbn in *. inv E. clear H1.
destruct x eqn:E1, m eqn:E2; cbn; try reflexivity.
all: destruct l, l0; try reflexivity.
Lemma red_correct1 q q' t t' :
TM.eval M q t q' t' -> SBTM.eval (SBTM.Build_SBTM num_states trans) (conv_state q) (conv_tape t) (conv_state q') (conv_tape t').
induction 1.
+ eapply SBTM.eval_halt. cbn. now rewrite Hg, H.
+ TM_facts.destruct_tapes. cbn in *.
rewrite <- current_red in H0.
destruct TM.trans eqn:E. inv H0. destruct h0 as (w, m).
eapply SBTM.eval_step with (q' := conv_state q') (w := w) (m := conv_move m). cbn. rewrite Hg, H, E.
destruct destruct_vector_cons as (? & ? & ?), x; cbn. inv e. reflexivity.
now rewrite wr_red, mv_red.
Lemma red_correct2 q t q'_ t'_ :
SBTM.eval (SBTM.Build_SBTM num_states trans) (conv_state q) (conv_tape t) q'_ t'_ ->
exists q' t', q'_ = conv_state q' /\ t'_ = conv_tape t' /\
TM.eval M q t q' t'.
intros H.
remember (conv_state q) as q_.
remember (conv_tape t) as t_.
induction H in q, t, Heqq_, Heqt_ |- *; subst.
+ exists q, t. repeat split. econstructor.
unfold SBTM.trans, trans in H.
revert H.
generalize (eq_refl (conv_state q)).
pattern (conv_state q) at 1 3.
eapply Fin.caseS'; cbn.
-- intros ? [=].
-- intros ? ? ?. destruct TM.halt eqn:E.
++ unfold conv_state in H.
eapply Fin.FS_inj in H as ->. now rewrite Hg in E.
++ destruct TM.trans, destruct_vector_cons, x; inv H0.
+ unfold SBTM.trans, trans in H. revert H.
generalize (eq_refl (conv_state q)).
pattern (conv_state q) at 1 3.
eapply Fin.caseS'; cbn.
* intros ? [=]. unfold conv_state in *. inv H.
* intros ? ?. unfold conv_state in *. eapply Fin.FS_inj in H; subst.
rewrite Hg.
destruct TM.halt eqn:E.
-- intros [=].
-- TM_facts.destruct_tapes.
destruct TM.trans eqn:Et, destruct_vector_cons as (? & ? & ?), x; cbn. intros [=]; subst.
rewrite current_red in Et.
cbn. edestruct IHeval as (q' & t'_ & -> & -> & H); eauto.
++ rewrite wr_red, mv_red. destruct_vector; cbn. reflexivity.
++ repeat esplit. cbn in *. econstructor. eauto. eauto. cbn. destruct_vector. eassumption.
End red.
Require Undecidability.TM.TM Undecidability.TM.SBTM.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
Require Undecidability.TM.Reductions.Arbitrary_to_Binary.
Theorem reduction :
TM.HaltTM 1 ⪯ SBTM.HaltSBTM.
eapply reduces_transitive. eapply Arbitrary_to_Binary.reduction.
unshelve eexists. { intros [M t]. refine (_, conv_tape t). refine (SBTM.Build_SBTM (num_states M) (@trans M)). }
intros [M t]. split.
- intros [q' [t' H]]. eapply red_correct1 in H.
exists (conv_state q'), (conv_tape t'). econstructor. cbn. reflexivity. eapply H.
- intros [q' [t' H]]. inversion H; subst; clear H. cbn in H0. inv H0. cbn in *. inv H0.
eapply red_correct2 in H1 as (? & ? & -> & -> & H). eexists. eexists. eauto.