(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Bool Lia Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.InformativeDefinitions Undecidability.Synthetic.InformativeReducibilityFacts.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat finite.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
Require Import pos vec.
From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
Require Import notations utils fol_ops decidable.
(* * Enumerability and closure properties *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* We develop a basic theory of enumeration, ie empty types or
types for which there is a surjection from nat.
Same for predicates *)
(* We need an arbitrary surjection nat -> nat * nat *)
Local Definition surj n :=
match pow2_2n1_dec n with
| existT _ a (exist _ b _) => (a,b)
Local Fact Hsurj a b : exists n, surj n = (a,b).
exists (pow2 a*(2*b+1)-1).
unfold surj.
destruct (pow2_2n1_dec (pow2 a * (2 * b + 1) - 1)) as (c & d & H).
replace (S (pow2 a*(2*b+1)-1)) with (pow2 a*(2*b+1)) in H.
+ apply pow2_dec_uniq in H; destruct H; subst; auto.
+ generalize (pow2_dec_ge1 a b); lia.
Section enumerable_definitions.
Variable (X : Type).
(* enumerability of a Type *)
Definition type_enum := exists f : nat -> option X, forall x, exists n, Some x = f n.
Definition type_enum_t := { f : nat -> option X | forall x, exists n, Some x = f n }.
Definition list_enum := exists f : nat -> list X, forall x, exists n, In x (f n).
Definition list_enum_t := { f : nat -> list X | forall x, exists n, In x (f n) }.
(* of a predicate, definition 1 *)
Definition opt_enum P := exists f : nat -> option X, forall x, P x <-> exists n, Some x = f n.
Definition opt_enum_t P := { f : nat -> option X | forall x, P x <-> exists n, Some x = f n }.
(* of a predicate, definition 2 *)
Definition rec_enum P := exists (Q : nat -> X -> bool),
forall x, P x <-> exists n, Q n x = true.
Definition rec_enum_t P := { Q : nat -> X -> bool | forall x, P x <-> exists n, Q n x = true }.
Theorem type_list_enum : type_enum <-> list_enum.
+ intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n => match f n with Some x => x::nil | None => nil end).
intros x; destruct (Hf x) as (n & Hn); exists n; rewrite <- Hn; simpl; auto.
+ intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n => let (a,b) := surj n in nth_error (f a) b).
intros x; destruct (Hf x) as (a & Ha).
destruct In_nth_error with (1 := Ha) as (b & Hb).
destruct (Hsurj a b) as (n & Hn); exists n; now rewrite Hn.
Theorem type_list_enum_t : type_enum_t ≋ list_enum_t.
+ intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n => match f n with Some x => x::nil | None => nil end).
intros x; destruct (Hf x) as (n & Hn); exists n; rewrite <- Hn; simpl; auto.
+ intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n => let (a,b) := surj n in nth_error (f a) b).
intros x; destruct (Hf x) as (a & Ha).
destruct In_nth_error with (1 := Ha) as (b & Hb).
destruct (Hsurj a b) as (n & Hn); exists n; now rewrite Hn.
(* An alternate characterization with Boolean decider
Fact rec_enum_t_alt P : rec_enum_t P ≋ { Q : nat -> X -> bool | forall x, P x <-> exists n, Q n x = true }.
+ intros (Q & HQ & H).
exists (fun n x => if HQ n x then true else false).
intros x; rewrite H; apply exists_equiv; intros n.
destruct (HQ n x); split; try tauto; discriminate.
+ intros (Q & H).
exists (fun n x => Q n x = true).
exists; auto; intros; apply bool_dec.
Qed. *)
Section list_enum_by_measure_fin_t.
Variable (m : X -> nat) (Hm : forall n, fin_t (fun x => m x < n)).
Theorem list_enum_by_measure_fin_t : list_enum_t.
exists (fun n => proj1_sig (Hm n)).
intros x; exists (S (m x)).
apply (proj2_sig (Hm _)); auto.
End list_enum_by_measure_fin_t.
Section type_enum_t_by_measure.
Variable (m : X -> nat)
(Hm : forall n, opt_enum_t (fun x => m x <= n)).
Theorem type_enum_t_by_measure : type_enum_t.
apply constructive_choice in Hm; destruct Hm as (f & Hf); clear Hm.
exists (fun j => let (a,n) := surj j in f a n).
intros x.
destruct (proj1 (Hf _ x) (le_refl _)) as (a & Ha).
destruct (Hsurj (m x) a) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn; auto.
End type_enum_t_by_measure.
End enumerable_definitions.
Section enumerable.
Variable (X : Type) (Xdiscr : discrete X) (Xenum : type_enum X) (Xenum_t : type_enum_t X).
Implicit Type (P : X -> Prop).
(* On a discrete type, opt_enum implies rec_enum *)
Fact opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete P : opt_enum P -> rec_enum P.
intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n x => match f n with Some y =>
if Xdiscr x y then true else false | None => false end); intros x;
rewrite Hf; split.
+ intros (n & Hn); exists n; rewrite <- Hn.
destruct (Xdiscr x x) as [ | [] ]; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
case_eq (f n).
* intros y Hy.
destruct (Xdiscr x y) as [ -> | ].
- exists n; auto.
- discriminate.
* discriminate.
Fact opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete_t P : opt_enum_t P -> rec_enum_t P.
intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n x => match f n with Some y =>
if Xdiscr x y then true else false | None => false end); intros x;
rewrite Hf; split.
+ intros (n & Hn); exists n; rewrite <- Hn.
destruct (Xdiscr x x) as [ | [] ]; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
case_eq (f n).
* intros y Hy.
destruct (Xdiscr x y) as [ -> | ].
- exists n; auto.
- discriminate.
* discriminate.
(* On a enumerable type, rec_enum implies opt_enum *)
Fact rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum P : rec_enum P -> opt_enum P.
destruct Xenum as (s & Hs).
intros (Q & HQ).
set (f n :=
let (a,b) := surj n
in match s a with
| Some x => if Q b x then Some x else None
| None => None
exists f; intros x; rewrite HQ; split; unfold f.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (Hs x) as (a & Ha).
destruct (Hsurj a n) as (m & Hm).
exists m; rewrite Hm, <- Ha, Hn; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (surj n) as (a,b).
destruct (s a) as [ y | ]; try discriminate.
revert Hn; case_eq (Q b y).
* inversion 2; exists b; auto.
* discriminate.
Fact rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum_t P : rec_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t P.
destruct Xenum_t as (s & Hs).
intros (Q & HQ).
set (f n :=
let (a,b) := surj n
in match s a with
| Some x => if Q b x then Some x else None
| None => None
exists f; intros x; rewrite HQ; split; unfold f.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (Hs x) as (a & Ha).
destruct (Hsurj a n) as (m & Hm).
exists m; rewrite Hm, <- Ha, Hn; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (surj n) as (a,b).
destruct (s a) as [ y | ]; try discriminate.
revert Hn; case_eq (Q b y).
* inversion 2; exists b; auto.
* discriminate.
Hint Resolve opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum
opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete_t rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum_t : core.
(* On a datatype, opt_enum and rec_enum are equivalent *)
Theorem opt_rec_enum_equiv P : opt_enum P <-> rec_enum P.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.
Theorem opt_rec_enum_equiv_t P : opt_enum_t P ≋ rec_enum_t P.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.
End enumerable.
Section enumerable_reduction.
Variable (X Y : Type) (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop).
Fact ireduction_rec_enum_t : p ⪯ᵢ q -> rec_enum_t q -> rec_enum_t p.
unfold inf_reduces, reduction.
intros (f & Hf) (d & Hd).
exists (fun n y => d n (f y)).
intros x; rewrite Hf, Hd; tauto.
Hypothesis (Xe : type_enum_t X)
(Yd : discrete Y).
Fact ireduction_opt_enum_t : p ⪯ᵢ q -> opt_enum_t q -> opt_enum_t p.
intros H1 H2.
apply rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum_t; auto.
apply ireduction_rec_enum_t; auto.
apply opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete_t; auto.
End enumerable_reduction.
Section enum_ops.
Fact type_enum_t_unit : type_enum_t unit.
exists (fun _ => Some tt).
intros []; exists 0; auto.
Fact type_enum_t_bool : type_enum_t bool.
exists (fun n => Some (match n with 0 => true | _ => false end)).
intros [].
+ exists 0; auto.
+ exists 1; auto.
Fact type_enum_t_nat : type_enum_t nat.
exists Some.
intros n; exists n; auto.
Fact type_enum_t_pos n : type_enum_t (pos n).
exists (fun i => match le_lt_dec n i with left _ => None | right H => Some (nat2pos H) end).
intros p.
exists (pos2nat p).
destruct (le_lt_dec n (pos2nat p)) as [ H | H ].
+ generalize (pos2nat_prop p); lia.
+ rewrite nat2pos_pos2nat; auto.
Fact type_enum_opt_enum_t X : type_enum_t X ≋ opt_enum_t (fun _ : X => True).
+ intros (f & Hf); exists f; intros; split; auto.
+ intros (f & Hf); exists f; intros; apply Hf; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_prod X Y (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :
opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t Q -> opt_enum_t (fun c => P (fst c) /\ Q (snd c)).
intros (f & Hf) (g & Hg).
exists (fun n => let (a,b) := surj n in
match f a, g b with
| Some x, Some y => Some (x,y)
| _ , _ => None
intros (x,y); simpl; rewrite Hf, Hg; split.
+ intros ((a & Ha) & (b & Hb)).
destruct (Hsurj a b) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn, <- Ha, <- Hb; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (surj n) as (a,b).
revert Hn.
case_eq (f a); try discriminate; intros u Hu.
case_eq (g b); try discriminate; intros v Hv.
inversion 1; split; [ exists a | exists b ]; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_sum X Y (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :
opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t Q -> opt_enum_t (fun z : X + Y => match z with inl x => P x | inr y => Q y end).
intros (f & Hf) (g & Hg).
exists (fun n => let (a,b) := surj n in
match a with
| 0 => match f b with Some x => Some (inl x) | _ => None end
| _ => match g b with Some y => Some (inr y) | _ => None end
intros [ x | y ].
+ rewrite Hf; split.
* intros (b & Hb).
destruct (Hsurj 0 b) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn, <- Hb; auto.
* intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
destruct (surj n) as ([ | a],b).
- case_eq (f b); try discriminate; intros u Hu; inversion 1; exists b; auto.
- destruct (g b); discriminate.
+ rewrite Hg; split.
* intros (b & Hb).
destruct (Hsurj 1 b) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn, <- Hb; auto.
* intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
destruct (surj n) as ([ | a],b).
- destruct (f b); discriminate.
- case_eq (g b); try discriminate; intros u Hu; inversion 1; exists b; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_dep_sum X (f : X -> Type) (P : forall x, f x -> Prop) :
discrete X
-> type_enum_t X
-> (forall x, opt_enum_t (P x))
-> opt_enum_t (fun p : sigT f => P _ (projT2 p)).
intros D (g & Hg) H.
apply constructive_choice in H; destruct H as (h & Hh).
exists (fun n : nat => match surj n with (a,b) =>
match g a with
| Some x => match h x b with
| Some y => Some (existT _ x y)
| None => None
| None => None
end end).
intros (x & y); simpl; rewrite Hh; split.
+ intros (b & Hb).
destruct (Hg x) as (a & Ha).
destruct (Hsurj a b) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn, <- Ha, <- Hb; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
destruct (surj n) as (a,b).
case_eq (g a); try discriminate; intros x' Hx'.
case_eq (h x' b); try discriminate; intros y' Hy'.
inversion 1; subst x'; exists b; rewrite Hy'.
apply inj_pair2_eq_dec in H1; subst; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_image X Y (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) (f : X -> Y) :
(forall y, Q y <-> exists x, P x /\ y = f x)
-> opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t Q.
intros Hf (g & Hg).
exists (fun n => match g n with Some x => Some (f x) | _ => None end).
intros y; rewrite Hf; split.
+ intros (x & H1 & ->); revert H1; rewrite Hg.
intros (n & E); exists n; rewrite <- E; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
case_eq (g n); try discriminate.
intros x E; inversion 1; exists x; split; auto.
apply Hg; exists n; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_vec X n (P : X -> Prop) :
opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t (fun v : vec X n => forall p, P (vec_pos v p)).
intros HP.
induction n as [ | n IHn ].
+ exists (fun _ => Some vec_nil).
intros v; vec nil v; split.
* exists 0; auto.
* intros _ p; invert pos p.
+ generalize (opt_enum_t_prod HP IHn).
apply opt_enum_t_image with (f := fun p => vec_cons (fst p) (snd p)).
intros v; split.
* vec split v with x; intros H; exists (x,v); simpl; split; auto; split.
- apply (H pos0).
- intros p; apply (H (pos_nxt p)).
* intros ((x,w) & (H1 & H2) & ->).
simpl fst in *; simpl snd in *.
intros p; invert pos p; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_list X (P : X -> Prop) :
opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t (Forall P).
intros H.
generalize (opt_enum_t_dep_sum _ _ eq_nat_dec type_enum_t_nat (fun n => opt_enum_t_vec n H)).
apply opt_enum_t_image
with (f := fun p => match p with existT _ n v => vec_list v end).
intros l; rewrite Forall_forall; split.
+ intros Hl; exists (existT _ (length l) (list_vec l)); simpl.
* intros p; apply Hl.
rewrite <- (list_vec_iso l) at 3.
apply in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.
* rewrite list_vec_iso; auto.
+ intros ((n&v) & H1 & ->); simpl in *.
intros x Hx; apply vec_list_inv in Hx.
destruct Hx as (p & ->); auto.
Fact type_enum_t_vec X n : type_enum_t X -> type_enum_t (vec X n).
intros HX.
apply type_enum_opt_enum_t in HX.
apply type_enum_opt_enum_t.
generalize (opt_enum_t_vec n HX).
apply opt_enum_t_image with (f := fun v => v).
intros v; split; try tauto; exists v; auto.
Fact type_enum_t_list X : type_enum_t X -> type_enum_t (list X).
intros HX.
apply type_enum_opt_enum_t in HX.
apply type_enum_opt_enum_t.
generalize (opt_enum_t_list HX).
apply opt_enum_t_image with (f := fun v => v).
intros v; split; try tauto; exists v; split; auto.
apply Forall_forall; auto.
End enum_ops.
Section rec_enum_co_rec_enum.
Variable (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop)
(H1 : rec_enum_t P)
(H2 : rec_enum_t (fun x => ~ P x))
(x : X) (Hx : P x \/ ~ P x).
Theorem bi_rec_enum_t_dec : { P x } + { ~ P x }.
destruct H1 as (f & Hf).
destruct H2 as (g & Hg).
set (h n := f n x = true \/ g n x = true).
destruct min_dec with (P := h) as (n & G1 & _).
+ intro n; unfold h; destruct (f n x); destruct (g n x); auto.
right; intros []; discriminate.
+ destruct Hx as [ H | H ]; revert H.
* rewrite Hf; intros (n & Hn); exists n; left; auto.
* rewrite Hg; intros (n & Hn); exists n; right; auto.
+ red in G1.
case_eq (f n x).
* intros; left; apply Hf; exists n; auto.
* intros; right; apply Hg; exists n.
rewrite H in G1; destruct G1; auto; discriminate.
End rec_enum_co_rec_enum.
Section Post_Markov.
Definition Posts_thm := forall X P, @rec_enum_t X P -> rec_enum_t (fun x => ~ P x) -> forall x, { P x } + { ~ P x }.
Definition Markovs_princ := forall f : nat -> bool, ~~ (exists n, f n = true) -> exists n, f n = true.
Theorem Markov_Post : Markovs_princ -> Posts_thm.
intros MP X P H1 H2 x.
apply bi_rec_enum_t_dec; auto.
destruct H1 as (f & Hf).
destruct H2 as (g & Hg).
set (h n := orb (f n x) (g n x)).
assert (exists n, h n = true).
{ apply MP.
assert (~~ (P x \/ ~ P x)) as H by tauto.
do 2 contradict H.
rewrite Hg, Hf in H.
destruct H as [ (n & Hn) | (n & Hn) ]; exists n; unfold h; rewrite Hn; simpl; auto.
destruct (f n x); simpl; auto. }
destruct H as (n & Hn); unfold h in Hn.
case_eq (f n x).
+ left; apply Hf; exists n; auto.
+ intros E; rewrite E in Hn; simpl in Hn.
right; apply Hg; exists n; auto.
Theorem Post_Markov : Posts_thm -> Markovs_princ.
intros PT f Hf.
destruct PT with (P := fun (_ : unit) => exists n, f n = true) (x := tt); auto.
+ exists (fun n _ => f n); tauto.
+ exists (fun n _ => false).
intros _; split.
* intros; exfalso; apply Hf; auto.
* intros (_ & ?); discriminate.
+ destruct Hf; auto.
End Post_Markov.
Check Markov_Post.
Check Post_Markov.
(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Bool Lia Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.InformativeDefinitions Undecidability.Synthetic.InformativeReducibilityFacts.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat finite.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
Require Import pos vec.
From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
Require Import notations utils fol_ops decidable.
(* * Enumerability and closure properties *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* We develop a basic theory of enumeration, ie empty types or
types for which there is a surjection from nat.
Same for predicates *)
(* We need an arbitrary surjection nat -> nat * nat *)
Local Definition surj n :=
match pow2_2n1_dec n with
| existT _ a (exist _ b _) => (a,b)
Local Fact Hsurj a b : exists n, surj n = (a,b).
exists (pow2 a*(2*b+1)-1).
unfold surj.
destruct (pow2_2n1_dec (pow2 a * (2 * b + 1) - 1)) as (c & d & H).
replace (S (pow2 a*(2*b+1)-1)) with (pow2 a*(2*b+1)) in H.
+ apply pow2_dec_uniq in H; destruct H; subst; auto.
+ generalize (pow2_dec_ge1 a b); lia.
Section enumerable_definitions.
Variable (X : Type).
(* enumerability of a Type *)
Definition type_enum := exists f : nat -> option X, forall x, exists n, Some x = f n.
Definition type_enum_t := { f : nat -> option X | forall x, exists n, Some x = f n }.
Definition list_enum := exists f : nat -> list X, forall x, exists n, In x (f n).
Definition list_enum_t := { f : nat -> list X | forall x, exists n, In x (f n) }.
(* of a predicate, definition 1 *)
Definition opt_enum P := exists f : nat -> option X, forall x, P x <-> exists n, Some x = f n.
Definition opt_enum_t P := { f : nat -> option X | forall x, P x <-> exists n, Some x = f n }.
(* of a predicate, definition 2 *)
Definition rec_enum P := exists (Q : nat -> X -> bool),
forall x, P x <-> exists n, Q n x = true.
Definition rec_enum_t P := { Q : nat -> X -> bool | forall x, P x <-> exists n, Q n x = true }.
Theorem type_list_enum : type_enum <-> list_enum.
+ intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n => match f n with Some x => x::nil | None => nil end).
intros x; destruct (Hf x) as (n & Hn); exists n; rewrite <- Hn; simpl; auto.
+ intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n => let (a,b) := surj n in nth_error (f a) b).
intros x; destruct (Hf x) as (a & Ha).
destruct In_nth_error with (1 := Ha) as (b & Hb).
destruct (Hsurj a b) as (n & Hn); exists n; now rewrite Hn.
Theorem type_list_enum_t : type_enum_t ≋ list_enum_t.
+ intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n => match f n with Some x => x::nil | None => nil end).
intros x; destruct (Hf x) as (n & Hn); exists n; rewrite <- Hn; simpl; auto.
+ intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n => let (a,b) := surj n in nth_error (f a) b).
intros x; destruct (Hf x) as (a & Ha).
destruct In_nth_error with (1 := Ha) as (b & Hb).
destruct (Hsurj a b) as (n & Hn); exists n; now rewrite Hn.
(* An alternate characterization with Boolean decider
Fact rec_enum_t_alt P : rec_enum_t P ≋ { Q : nat -> X -> bool | forall x, P x <-> exists n, Q n x = true }.
+ intros (Q & HQ & H).
exists (fun n x => if HQ n x then true else false).
intros x; rewrite H; apply exists_equiv; intros n.
destruct (HQ n x); split; try tauto; discriminate.
+ intros (Q & H).
exists (fun n x => Q n x = true).
exists; auto; intros; apply bool_dec.
Qed. *)
Section list_enum_by_measure_fin_t.
Variable (m : X -> nat) (Hm : forall n, fin_t (fun x => m x < n)).
Theorem list_enum_by_measure_fin_t : list_enum_t.
exists (fun n => proj1_sig (Hm n)).
intros x; exists (S (m x)).
apply (proj2_sig (Hm _)); auto.
End list_enum_by_measure_fin_t.
Section type_enum_t_by_measure.
Variable (m : X -> nat)
(Hm : forall n, opt_enum_t (fun x => m x <= n)).
Theorem type_enum_t_by_measure : type_enum_t.
apply constructive_choice in Hm; destruct Hm as (f & Hf); clear Hm.
exists (fun j => let (a,n) := surj j in f a n).
intros x.
destruct (proj1 (Hf _ x) (le_refl _)) as (a & Ha).
destruct (Hsurj (m x) a) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn; auto.
End type_enum_t_by_measure.
End enumerable_definitions.
Section enumerable.
Variable (X : Type) (Xdiscr : discrete X) (Xenum : type_enum X) (Xenum_t : type_enum_t X).
Implicit Type (P : X -> Prop).
(* On a discrete type, opt_enum implies rec_enum *)
Fact opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete P : opt_enum P -> rec_enum P.
intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n x => match f n with Some y =>
if Xdiscr x y then true else false | None => false end); intros x;
rewrite Hf; split.
+ intros (n & Hn); exists n; rewrite <- Hn.
destruct (Xdiscr x x) as [ | [] ]; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
case_eq (f n).
* intros y Hy.
destruct (Xdiscr x y) as [ -> | ].
- exists n; auto.
- discriminate.
* discriminate.
Fact opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete_t P : opt_enum_t P -> rec_enum_t P.
intros (f & Hf).
exists (fun n x => match f n with Some y =>
if Xdiscr x y then true else false | None => false end); intros x;
rewrite Hf; split.
+ intros (n & Hn); exists n; rewrite <- Hn.
destruct (Xdiscr x x) as [ | [] ]; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
case_eq (f n).
* intros y Hy.
destruct (Xdiscr x y) as [ -> | ].
- exists n; auto.
- discriminate.
* discriminate.
(* On a enumerable type, rec_enum implies opt_enum *)
Fact rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum P : rec_enum P -> opt_enum P.
destruct Xenum as (s & Hs).
intros (Q & HQ).
set (f n :=
let (a,b) := surj n
in match s a with
| Some x => if Q b x then Some x else None
| None => None
exists f; intros x; rewrite HQ; split; unfold f.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (Hs x) as (a & Ha).
destruct (Hsurj a n) as (m & Hm).
exists m; rewrite Hm, <- Ha, Hn; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (surj n) as (a,b).
destruct (s a) as [ y | ]; try discriminate.
revert Hn; case_eq (Q b y).
* inversion 2; exists b; auto.
* discriminate.
Fact rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum_t P : rec_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t P.
destruct Xenum_t as (s & Hs).
intros (Q & HQ).
set (f n :=
let (a,b) := surj n
in match s a with
| Some x => if Q b x then Some x else None
| None => None
exists f; intros x; rewrite HQ; split; unfold f.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (Hs x) as (a & Ha).
destruct (Hsurj a n) as (m & Hm).
exists m; rewrite Hm, <- Ha, Hn; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (surj n) as (a,b).
destruct (s a) as [ y | ]; try discriminate.
revert Hn; case_eq (Q b y).
* inversion 2; exists b; auto.
* discriminate.
Hint Resolve opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum
opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete_t rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum_t : core.
(* On a datatype, opt_enum and rec_enum are equivalent *)
Theorem opt_rec_enum_equiv P : opt_enum P <-> rec_enum P.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.
Theorem opt_rec_enum_equiv_t P : opt_enum_t P ≋ rec_enum_t P.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.
End enumerable.
Section enumerable_reduction.
Variable (X Y : Type) (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop).
Fact ireduction_rec_enum_t : p ⪯ᵢ q -> rec_enum_t q -> rec_enum_t p.
unfold inf_reduces, reduction.
intros (f & Hf) (d & Hd).
exists (fun n y => d n (f y)).
intros x; rewrite Hf, Hd; tauto.
Hypothesis (Xe : type_enum_t X)
(Yd : discrete Y).
Fact ireduction_opt_enum_t : p ⪯ᵢ q -> opt_enum_t q -> opt_enum_t p.
intros H1 H2.
apply rec_enum_opt_enum_type_enum_t; auto.
apply ireduction_rec_enum_t; auto.
apply opt_enum_rec_enum_discrete_t; auto.
End enumerable_reduction.
Section enum_ops.
Fact type_enum_t_unit : type_enum_t unit.
exists (fun _ => Some tt).
intros []; exists 0; auto.
Fact type_enum_t_bool : type_enum_t bool.
exists (fun n => Some (match n with 0 => true | _ => false end)).
intros [].
+ exists 0; auto.
+ exists 1; auto.
Fact type_enum_t_nat : type_enum_t nat.
exists Some.
intros n; exists n; auto.
Fact type_enum_t_pos n : type_enum_t (pos n).
exists (fun i => match le_lt_dec n i with left _ => None | right H => Some (nat2pos H) end).
intros p.
exists (pos2nat p).
destruct (le_lt_dec n (pos2nat p)) as [ H | H ].
+ generalize (pos2nat_prop p); lia.
+ rewrite nat2pos_pos2nat; auto.
Fact type_enum_opt_enum_t X : type_enum_t X ≋ opt_enum_t (fun _ : X => True).
+ intros (f & Hf); exists f; intros; split; auto.
+ intros (f & Hf); exists f; intros; apply Hf; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_prod X Y (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :
opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t Q -> opt_enum_t (fun c => P (fst c) /\ Q (snd c)).
intros (f & Hf) (g & Hg).
exists (fun n => let (a,b) := surj n in
match f a, g b with
| Some x, Some y => Some (x,y)
| _ , _ => None
intros (x,y); simpl; rewrite Hf, Hg; split.
+ intros ((a & Ha) & (b & Hb)).
destruct (Hsurj a b) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn, <- Ha, <- Hb; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn).
destruct (surj n) as (a,b).
revert Hn.
case_eq (f a); try discriminate; intros u Hu.
case_eq (g b); try discriminate; intros v Hv.
inversion 1; split; [ exists a | exists b ]; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_sum X Y (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) :
opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t Q -> opt_enum_t (fun z : X + Y => match z with inl x => P x | inr y => Q y end).
intros (f & Hf) (g & Hg).
exists (fun n => let (a,b) := surj n in
match a with
| 0 => match f b with Some x => Some (inl x) | _ => None end
| _ => match g b with Some y => Some (inr y) | _ => None end
intros [ x | y ].
+ rewrite Hf; split.
* intros (b & Hb).
destruct (Hsurj 0 b) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn, <- Hb; auto.
* intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
destruct (surj n) as ([ | a],b).
- case_eq (f b); try discriminate; intros u Hu; inversion 1; exists b; auto.
- destruct (g b); discriminate.
+ rewrite Hg; split.
* intros (b & Hb).
destruct (Hsurj 1 b) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn, <- Hb; auto.
* intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
destruct (surj n) as ([ | a],b).
- destruct (f b); discriminate.
- case_eq (g b); try discriminate; intros u Hu; inversion 1; exists b; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_dep_sum X (f : X -> Type) (P : forall x, f x -> Prop) :
discrete X
-> type_enum_t X
-> (forall x, opt_enum_t (P x))
-> opt_enum_t (fun p : sigT f => P _ (projT2 p)).
intros D (g & Hg) H.
apply constructive_choice in H; destruct H as (h & Hh).
exists (fun n : nat => match surj n with (a,b) =>
match g a with
| Some x => match h x b with
| Some y => Some (existT _ x y)
| None => None
| None => None
end end).
intros (x & y); simpl; rewrite Hh; split.
+ intros (b & Hb).
destruct (Hg x) as (a & Ha).
destruct (Hsurj a b) as (n & Hn).
exists n; rewrite Hn, <- Ha, <- Hb; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
destruct (surj n) as (a,b).
case_eq (g a); try discriminate; intros x' Hx'.
case_eq (h x' b); try discriminate; intros y' Hy'.
inversion 1; subst x'; exists b; rewrite Hy'.
apply inj_pair2_eq_dec in H1; subst; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_image X Y (P : X -> Prop) (Q : Y -> Prop) (f : X -> Y) :
(forall y, Q y <-> exists x, P x /\ y = f x)
-> opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t Q.
intros Hf (g & Hg).
exists (fun n => match g n with Some x => Some (f x) | _ => None end).
intros y; rewrite Hf; split.
+ intros (x & H1 & ->); revert H1; rewrite Hg.
intros (n & E); exists n; rewrite <- E; auto.
+ intros (n & Hn); revert Hn.
case_eq (g n); try discriminate.
intros x E; inversion 1; exists x; split; auto.
apply Hg; exists n; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_vec X n (P : X -> Prop) :
opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t (fun v : vec X n => forall p, P (vec_pos v p)).
intros HP.
induction n as [ | n IHn ].
+ exists (fun _ => Some vec_nil).
intros v; vec nil v; split.
* exists 0; auto.
* intros _ p; invert pos p.
+ generalize (opt_enum_t_prod HP IHn).
apply opt_enum_t_image with (f := fun p => vec_cons (fst p) (snd p)).
intros v; split.
* vec split v with x; intros H; exists (x,v); simpl; split; auto; split.
- apply (H pos0).
- intros p; apply (H (pos_nxt p)).
* intros ((x,w) & (H1 & H2) & ->).
simpl fst in *; simpl snd in *.
intros p; invert pos p; auto.
Fact opt_enum_t_list X (P : X -> Prop) :
opt_enum_t P -> opt_enum_t (Forall P).
intros H.
generalize (opt_enum_t_dep_sum _ _ eq_nat_dec type_enum_t_nat (fun n => opt_enum_t_vec n H)).
apply opt_enum_t_image
with (f := fun p => match p with existT _ n v => vec_list v end).
intros l; rewrite Forall_forall; split.
+ intros Hl; exists (existT _ (length l) (list_vec l)); simpl.
* intros p; apply Hl.
rewrite <- (list_vec_iso l) at 3.
apply in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.
* rewrite list_vec_iso; auto.
+ intros ((n&v) & H1 & ->); simpl in *.
intros x Hx; apply vec_list_inv in Hx.
destruct Hx as (p & ->); auto.
Fact type_enum_t_vec X n : type_enum_t X -> type_enum_t (vec X n).
intros HX.
apply type_enum_opt_enum_t in HX.
apply type_enum_opt_enum_t.
generalize (opt_enum_t_vec n HX).
apply opt_enum_t_image with (f := fun v => v).
intros v; split; try tauto; exists v; auto.
Fact type_enum_t_list X : type_enum_t X -> type_enum_t (list X).
intros HX.
apply type_enum_opt_enum_t in HX.
apply type_enum_opt_enum_t.
generalize (opt_enum_t_list HX).
apply opt_enum_t_image with (f := fun v => v).
intros v; split; try tauto; exists v; split; auto.
apply Forall_forall; auto.
End enum_ops.
Section rec_enum_co_rec_enum.
Variable (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop)
(H1 : rec_enum_t P)
(H2 : rec_enum_t (fun x => ~ P x))
(x : X) (Hx : P x \/ ~ P x).
Theorem bi_rec_enum_t_dec : { P x } + { ~ P x }.
destruct H1 as (f & Hf).
destruct H2 as (g & Hg).
set (h n := f n x = true \/ g n x = true).
destruct min_dec with (P := h) as (n & G1 & _).
+ intro n; unfold h; destruct (f n x); destruct (g n x); auto.
right; intros []; discriminate.
+ destruct Hx as [ H | H ]; revert H.
* rewrite Hf; intros (n & Hn); exists n; left; auto.
* rewrite Hg; intros (n & Hn); exists n; right; auto.
+ red in G1.
case_eq (f n x).
* intros; left; apply Hf; exists n; auto.
* intros; right; apply Hg; exists n.
rewrite H in G1; destruct G1; auto; discriminate.
End rec_enum_co_rec_enum.
Section Post_Markov.
Definition Posts_thm := forall X P, @rec_enum_t X P -> rec_enum_t (fun x => ~ P x) -> forall x, { P x } + { ~ P x }.
Definition Markovs_princ := forall f : nat -> bool, ~~ (exists n, f n = true) -> exists n, f n = true.
Theorem Markov_Post : Markovs_princ -> Posts_thm.
intros MP X P H1 H2 x.
apply bi_rec_enum_t_dec; auto.
destruct H1 as (f & Hf).
destruct H2 as (g & Hg).
set (h n := orb (f n x) (g n x)).
assert (exists n, h n = true).
{ apply MP.
assert (~~ (P x \/ ~ P x)) as H by tauto.
do 2 contradict H.
rewrite Hg, Hf in H.
destruct H as [ (n & Hn) | (n & Hn) ]; exists n; unfold h; rewrite Hn; simpl; auto.
destruct (f n x); simpl; auto. }
destruct H as (n & Hn); unfold h in Hn.
case_eq (f n x).
+ left; apply Hf; exists n; auto.
+ intros E; rewrite E in Hn; simpl in Hn.
right; apply Hg; exists n; auto.
Theorem Post_Markov : Posts_thm -> Markovs_princ.
intros PT f Hf.
destruct PT with (P := fun (_ : unit) => exists n, f n = true) (x := tt); auto.
+ exists (fun n _ => f n); tauto.
+ exists (fun n _ => false).
intros _; split.
* intros; exfalso; apply Hf; auto.
* intros (_ & ?); discriminate.
+ destruct Hf; auto.
End Post_Markov.
Check Markov_Post.
Check Post_Markov.