(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

Require Import List Arith Nat Lia Relations Bool.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac utils_list fin_base.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section finite_t_upto.

  Variable (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop).

  Definition fin_t_upto (P : X -> Type) :=
     { l : _ & (forall x, P x -> exists y, In y l /\ R x y)
              *(forall x y, In x l -> R x y -> P y) }%type.

  Definition finite_t_upto :=
     { l : _ | forall x, exists y, In y l /\ R x y }.

  Fact finite_t_fin_upto : (finite_t_upto -> fin_t_upto (fun _ => True))
                         * (fin_t_upto (fun _ => True) -> finite_t_upto).
    + intros (l & Hl); exists l; split; auto.
    + intros (l & H1 & H2); exists l; firstorder.

End finite_t_upto.

Arguments finite_t_upto : clear implicits.

Section finite_t_weak_dec_powerset.

We built a list containing all weakly decidable predicates, ie the weakly decidable powerset build as from atoms x = _ and x <> _

  Variable (X : Type).

  Let wdec (R : X -> Prop) := forall x, R x \/ ~ R x.

  Let pset_fin_t (l : list X) : { ll | forall R (_ : wdec R),
                                        exists T, In T ll
                                     /\ forall x, In x l -> R x <-> T x }.
    induction l as [ | x l IHl ].
    + exists ((fun _ => True) :: nil).
      intros R HR; exists (fun _ => True); simpl; split; tauto.
    + destruct IHl as (ll & Hll).
      exists (map (fun T a => x<>a /\ T a) ll ++ map (fun T a => x=a \/ T a) ll).
      intros R HR.
      destruct (Hll R) as (T & H1 & H2); auto.
      destruct (HR x) as [ H0 | H0 ].
      * exists (fun a => x = a \/ T a); split.
        - apply in_or_app; right.
          apply in_map_iff; exists T; auto.
        - intros y [ <- | H ]; simpl; try tauto.
          rewrite H2; auto; split; auto.
          intros [ -> | ]; auto.
          apply H2; auto.
      * exists (fun a => x <> a /\ T a); split.
        - apply in_or_app; left.
          apply in_map_iff; exists T; auto.
        - intros y [ <- | H ]; simpl; split; try tauto.
          ++ rewrite <- H2; auto; split; auto.
             contradict H0; subst; auto.
          ++ rewrite <- H2; tauto.

  Theorem finite_t_weak_dec_powerset :
              finite_t X
           -> { l | forall R, wdec R -> exists T, In T l
                           /\ forall x, R x <-> T x }.
    intros (l & Hl).
    destruct (pset_fin_t l) as (ll & Hll).
    exists ll.
    intros R HR.
    destruct (Hll _ HR) as (T & H1 & H2).
    exists T; split; auto.

End finite_t_weak_dec_powerset.

We show that there is a finite_t bound over weakly (hence also strongly) decidable binary relations upto equivalence. Notice that it is not guaranteed that the list l below contains only decidable relations

Theorem finite_t_weak_dec_rels X :
            finite_t X -> { l | forall R : X -> X -> Prop,
                                  (forall x y, R x y \/ ~ R x y)
                                -> exists T, In T l /\ forall x y, R x y <-> T x y }.
  intros HX.
  set (Y := (X*X)%type).
  destruct (@finite_t_weak_dec_powerset Y) as (l & Hl).
  + unfold Y; apply finite_t_prod; auto.
  + exists (map (fun P x y => P (x,y)) l).
    intros R HR.
    destruct (Hl (fun c => R (fst c) (snd c))) as (T & H1 & H2).
    * intros []; apply HR.
    * exists (fun x y => T (x,y)); split.
      - apply in_map_iff; exists T; auto.
      - intros x y; apply (H2 (x,y)).