Tactic hfs
Require Export HFS.HF.
Module HFS.
Lemma forall_iff_L2R X P Q :
(forall x:X, P x <-> Q x) -> forall x, P x -> Q x.
Lemma forall_iff_R2L X P Q :
(forall x:X, P x <-> Q x) -> forall x, Q x -> P x.
Ltac not_in_context P :=
match goal with
|[_ : P |- _] => fail 1
| _ => idtac
(* Extend context by proposition of given proof. Fail if proposition is already in context. *)
Ltac extend H :=
let A := type of H in not_in_context A; generalize H; intro.
Ltac Intro :=
match goal with
|[ |- _ -> _ ] => intro
|[ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
|[ |- _ <-> _] => split
|[ |- ~ _ ] => intro
|[ |- forall _, _ ] => intro
|[ |- _ el _ @ _] => apply adj_el
|[ |- inhab _] => apply nonempty
|[ |- trans _] => hnf
Ltac Elim :=
match goal with
|[H: Sigma _, _ |- _ ] => destruct H
|[H: exists _, _ |- _ ] => destruct H
|[H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
|[H: _ * _ |- _] => destruct H
|[H: forall _, _ <-> _ |- _] => extend (forall_iff_L2R H); extend (forall_iff_R2L H); clear H
|[H: ?P \/ ?Q |- _] => not_in_context P; not_in_context Q; destruct H
|[H: ?P + ?Q |- _] => not_in_context P; not_in_context Q; destruct H
|[H: _ @ _ = 0 |- _] => destruct (discrim H)
|[H: 0 = _ @ _ |- _] => destruct (discrim (eq_sym H))
|[H: _ el 0 |- _] => destruct (eset_el H)
|[H: ?z el ?x @ _ |- _] => apply adj_el in H as [|]
|[H: _ @ _ <<= _ |- _ ] => apply adj_incl in H as []
|[H: _ <<= 0 |- _] => apply eset_incl in H as ->
|[H: trans ?x, H': _ el ?x |- _] => extend (H _ H')
Ltac hfs n :=
repeat progress (reflexivity || subst || Intro || Elim);
try tauto;
match n with
|O => idtac
|S ?n => match goal with
|[ |- _ \/ _] => solve [left; hfs n | right; hfs n]
|[ |- _ + _] => solve [left; hfs n | right; hfs n]
|[ |- dec _] => solve [left; hfs n | right; hfs n]
|[H: ?X |- exists x:?X, _ ] => exists H; hfs n
|[H: forall x, x el ?z -> _, H': ?X el ?z |- _ ] => extend (H X H'); clear H; hfs n
|[H: forall x, _ -> x el ?z |- _ el ?z] => apply H; hfs n
|[H: ?x <<= _, H': ?z el ?x |- _ ] => extend (H z H'); clear H; hfs n
End HFS.
Tactic Notation "hfs" := cbn; solve [HFS.hfs 7].