Require Import models nd forms decidability toolbox.
Require Import PslBase.Base.
Section Canonical.
Context {d : DerivationType}.
Variable A0 : context.
Variable s0 : form.
Definition U' := scl (s0::(K ⊥)::A0).
Record mcTheory := mkmcTheory {
T: list form;
Tsubs: (T el (power U')) ;
Tcons: ~(nd T ⊥);
TUPrime: forall A B, (A ∨ B) el T -> A el T \/ B el T;
Tdedclos: forall A, A el U' -> nd T A -> A el T;
Variable A0 : context.
Variable s0 : form.
Definition U' := scl (s0::(K ⊥)::A0).
Record mcTheory := mkmcTheory {
T: list form;
Tsubs: (T el (power U')) ;
Tcons: ~(nd T ⊥);
TUPrime: forall A B, (A ∨ B) el T -> A el T \/ B el T;
Tdedclos: forall A, A el U' -> nd T A -> A el T;
Define extension operator on theories
Definition single_extend (Ω: context) (A: form) (a: form) :=
if (@ielg_dec (a::Ω) A d) then Ω else (a::Ω).
Lemma single_extend_subcontext A Ω B: Ω <<= (single_extend Ω A B).
intros a Ha. unfold single_extend. destruct (ielg_dec (B :: Ω) A d); eauto.
Lemma extend_two_possibilites Γ A B:
((single_extend Γ A B) === Γ /\ (B::Γ) ⊢ A) \/ (single_extend Γ A B) === (B::Γ) /\ ~((B::Γ) ⊢ A).
destruct (ielg_dec (B::Γ) A d) eqn:id.
- left. split; try tauto.
+ intros a Ha. unfold single_extend in Ha. rewrite id in Ha. auto.
+ unfold single_extend. rewrite id; auto.
- right. split; auto. split.
+ intros a Ha. unfold single_extend in Ha. rewrite id in Ha. auto.
+ unfold single_extend. rewrite id; auto.
Fixpoint extend (Ω: context) (A: form) (Γ: context) : context :=
match Γ with
nil => Ω
| (a::Γ') =>
single_extend (extend Ω A Γ') A a end.
Lemma extend_does_not_derive Ω A Γ: ~(nd Ω A) -> ~(nd (extend Ω A Γ) A).
revert Ω.
induction Γ; eauto.
- intros. destruct (ielg_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d) eqn:di.
+ simpl extend. unfold single_extend. rewrite di. apply IHΓ. auto.
+ simpl extend. unfold single_extend. rewrite di. apply n.
Lemma extend_subset Ω Γ A: Ω <<= (extend Ω A Γ).
revert Ω.
induction Γ; eauto.
- intro. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. destruct (ielg_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d); eauto.
Lemma extend_does_not_derive_imp Ω Γ A B:
~(nd Ω A) -> B el Γ -> ~(nd (extend Ω A Γ) B) -> (nd (extend Ω A Γ) (B ⊃ A)).
intros H H1. revert H. revert Ω.
induction Γ.
- intros. eauto.
- intros. destruct H1.
+ subst a. simpl.
destruct (extend_two_possibilites (extend Ω A Γ) A B) as [(E1 & E2) | (E1 & E2)].
* apply ndW with (extend Ω A Γ). eauto. destruct E1; auto.
* exfalso. apply H0. simpl extend; fold extend. apply ndW with ( B :: extend Ω A Γ). apply ndA. auto. destruct E1; auto.
+ assert (~extend Ω A Γ ⊢ B). intro. apply H0. apply ndW with (extend Ω A Γ). auto. apply single_extend_subcontext.
specialize (IHΓ H1 (Ω) H H2).
simpl extend. apply ndW with (extend Ω A Γ). auto. apply single_extend_subcontext.
Lemma ImpAgree (Γ: context) (a b: form) :
Γ ⊢ (a ⊃ b) <-> ((a::Γ) ⊢ b).
- intro H. apply ndIE with a; auto. apply ndW with Γ; firstorder eauto.
- intros. apply ndII. firstorder eauto.
Lemma extend_locally_dclosed Γ Ω A B: ~(nd Ω A) -> (nd (extend Ω A Γ) (B)) -> B el Γ -> B el (extend Ω A Γ).
revert Ω B. induction Γ.
- intros. inversion H1.
- intros. destruct H1.
+ simpl extend; fold extend. destruct (extend_two_possibilites (extend Ω A Γ) A a).
* destruct H2. apply extend_does_not_derive with Ω A (a::Γ) in H.
exfalso. apply H. subst a. apply ndIE with B. apply ndII. apply ndW with ((B :: extend Ω A Γ)). auto.
unfold extend at 2. fold extend. enough ((extend Ω A Γ ) <<= (single_extend (extend Ω A Γ) A B)).
eauto. apply single_extend_subcontext. auto.
* subst a. destruct H2. rewrite H1. auto.
simpl extend. unfold single_extend. simpl extend in H0. unfold single_extend in H0. destruct (ielg_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d) eqn:di.
* apply IHΓ; auto.
* enough (B el (extend Ω A (a::Γ))). simpl extend in H2. unfold single_extend in H2. rewrite di in H2. auto. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. rewrite di. right. apply IHΓ. auto. 2: auto. destruct (ielg_dec (extend Ω A Γ) B d); auto. exfalso.
apply ImpAgree in H0.
assert (HA := n0).
apply (extend_does_not_derive_imp H H1) in HA. apply n. apply ndIE with B.
apply ndW with (extend Ω A Γ). auto. auto. apply ndIE with a. apply ndW with (extend Ω A Γ). auto. auto. apply ndA. auto.
Lemma extend_locally_prime Γ Ω A B C: ~(nd Ω A) -> (nd (extend Ω A Γ) (B ∨ C)) -> B el Γ -> C el Γ -> B el (extend Ω A Γ) \/ C el (extend Ω A Γ).
intros. decide (B el (extend Ω A Γ)). auto. decide (C el (extend Ω A Γ)). auto. assert (~(extend Ω A Γ ⊢ (B ∨ C))).
assert (~(extend Ω A Γ ⊢ B)). intro. apply (extend_locally_dclosed H) in H3. congruence. auto.
assert (~(extend Ω A Γ ⊢ C)). intro. apply (extend_locally_dclosed H) in H4. congruence. auto. intro. specialize (@extend_does_not_derive Ω A Γ H ). intro. apply H6. apply ndDE with B C. auto.
apply extend_does_not_derive_imp. auto. auto. auto. apply extend_does_not_derive_imp; auto. congruence.
Lemma extend_locally_easy_subset Ω A Γ: (extend Ω A Γ) <<= (Ω ++ Γ).
revert Ω. induction Γ. eauto. intros. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. destruct (ielg_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d); auto.
specialize (IHΓ Ω). intros b Hb. apply IHΓ in Hb. apply in_app_iff. apply in_app_iff in Hb. destruct Hb. tauto. right. right. assumption.
intros b Hb. destruct Hb; eauto. subst b; eauto. apply IHΓ in H. apply in_app_iff in H; destruct H; apply in_app_iff; try tauto. right. right. auto.
Lemma extend_locally_subset Γ A Ω: Ω <<= Γ -> (extend Ω A Γ) <<= Γ.
intros. enough (extend Ω A Γ <<= Γ ++ Γ). intros a Ha. specialize (H0 a Ha). apply in_app_iff in H0; destruct H0; assumption.
enough (extend Ω A Γ <<= Ω ++ Γ). intros a Ha. specialize (H0 a Ha). apply in_app_iff in H0. destruct H0; eauto. apply extend_locally_easy_subset.
(* Not deriven implies adding it causes us to derive A *)
Definition U'_sfc : sf_closed U' := @scl_closed _.
Definition subsetMKT (A B: mcTheory) := (T A) <<= (T B).
Definition valuationMKT (A: mcTheory) (a: nat) := (Var a) el (T A).
Definition subsetVerif (A B:mcTheory) := (unK (T A)) <<= (T B).
Instance canonical: (KripkeModel).
apply mkKripkeModel with (world := mcTheory) (cogn := subsetMKT) (val := valuationMKT) (verif := subsetVerif).
firstorder. firstorder.
+ intros A B c d' E. unfold subsetVerif in c. apply c. apply unK_in_iff. eauto.
+ intros x y z H H0. intros a Ha. apply unK_in_iff in Ha. destruct Ha; auto. apply H0. apply unK_in_iff. left. apply H. auto. apply H0. apply unK_in_iff. right. apply H. auto.
Definition Lindenbaum (Γ : list form) (A: form) (H: Γ <<= U') (H': ~(nd Γ A)) : mcTheory.
eapply mkmcTheory with (rep (extend Γ A U') U').
- apply rep_power.
- enough (~ nd (extend Γ A U') ⊥).
intro. apply H0. apply (ndW H1). apply rep_incl.
intro. apply extend_does_not_derive with Γ A U' in H'. apply H'. apply ndE. auto.
- intros. rewrite rep_equi in *.
apply extend_locally_prime. auto. apply ndA. auto. apply extend_locally_subset in H0. apply U'_sfc in H0; tauto. auto. apply extend_locally_subset in H0. apply U'_sfc in H0; tauto. auto.
all: try apply extend_locally_subset; auto.
- intros.
rewrite rep_equi in *.
apply extend_locally_dclosed; auto.
apply ndW with ((rep (extend Γ A U') U')). eauto. apply rep_equi.
all: try apply extend_locally_subset; auto.
(* Canonical models are IEL models *)
Lemma are_iel_models: d = normal -> forall w, exists u, verif w u.
assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, (unK (T w)) <<= (T Δ)).
assert (unK (T w) <<= U').
intros a Ha. apply unK_in_iff in Ha. destruct Ha; eauto. destruct w.
simpl in H0. apply power_incl in Tsubs0. eauto.
destruct w.
assert ((K a) el U'). simpl in H0. apply power_incl in Tsubs0. auto. apply U'_sfc in H1; auto.
enough (~ nd (unK (T w)) ⊥).
eexists (Lindenbaum H0 H1).
simpl T. enough (unK (T w) <<= (extend (unK (T w)) ⊥ U')).
enough ((extend (unK (T w)) ⊥ U') <<= (rep (extend (unK (T w)) ⊥ U') U')).
intros a Ha. apply H3. apply H2. assumption.
apply rep_equi. apply extend_locally_subset; auto.
apply extend_subset.
intro. cut (gen (T w) (K ⊥)). intro. apply (@Tcons w). rewrite H. apply ndgen_iff. apply genKB. rewrite H in H2. apply H2.
apply genKI. apply ndgen_iff. apply H1.
destruct H0. exists x. firstorder eauto.
Lemma truth_lemma : forall (x: form), In x U' -> forall (t: (@world canonical)), (evalK x t) <-> x el (T t).
intro x. intro Hx. induction x.
- intros w. split.
+ intro. decide (K x el (T w)); eauto. exfalso.
assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, (unK (T w)) <<= (T Δ)
/\ ~(x el (T Δ))).
destruct w. simpl. assert ((x::T0) <<= U'). intros a Ha. destruct Ha; eauto. subst a. apply U'_sfc in Hx; auto. cbn in H. specialize (power_incl Tsubs0). eauto.
assert (~(nd (unK T0) x)). {
intro. apply n. simpl. apply Tdedclos0; auto. apply ndgen_iff. apply ndgen_iff in H1. apply genKI. auto. (* TODO: Remove ndgen_iff *)
assert (unK T0 <<= U'). {
intros a Ha. apply unK_in_iff in Ha. destruct Ha; auto.
assert ((K a el U')). specialize (power_incl Tsubs0). eauto. apply U'_sfc in H3. eauto.
eexists (@Lindenbaum (unK T0) x H2 H1 ). split.
- simpl. rewrite rep_equi. apply extend_subset. apply extend_locally_subset.
- simpl. enough (~(nd (extend (unK T0) x U') x)). {
intro. apply H3. apply ndA. apply rep_incl in H4. auto.
} apply extend_does_not_derive. rewrite-> ndgen_iff. auto. intro. apply H1. apply ndgen_iff. auto. (* TODO: Remove ndgen_iff *)
destruct H0 as (w' & Hw' & Hw'd).
specialize (H w'). apply Hw'd. apply IHx. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. apply H. firstorder eauto.
+ intros H Ω vo. apply IHx. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. apply vo. apply unK_in_iff. tauto.
- intro w. split.
+ intro. decide ((x1 ⊃ x2) el (T w)); eauto. exfalso.
assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, (x1::(T w)) <<= (T Δ)
/\ ~(x2 el (T Δ))).
destruct w. simpl.
assert ((x1::T0 <<= U')).
{ intros a Ha; destruct Ha. subst a. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. eauto using power_incl.
specialize (power_incl Tsubs0). firstorder eauto.
assert (~ nd (x1 :: T0) x2). {
intro. apply ImpAgree in H1. apply n. apply Tdedclos0 in H1. assumption. assumption.
eexists (Lindenbaum H0 H1). split.
- simpl T. rewrite rep_equi. apply extend_subset.
apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
- simpl. enough (~(nd (extend (x1 :: T0) x2 U') x2)). {
intro. apply H2. apply ndA. auto. apply rep_equi in H3. auto.
apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
} apply extend_does_not_derive. auto.
destruct H0 as (Ω & Ho1 & Ho2).
specialize (H Ω). apply Ho2. apply IHx2. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. apply H. firstorder eauto. apply IHx1. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. eauto.
+ intro. intros Ω Hc He. apply IHx2. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. apply Tdedclos. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. apply ndIE with x1.
apply ndA. auto. apply ndA. apply IHx1; auto. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto.
- intro w. split.
+ intro. destruct H. apply Tdedclos. auto. apply ndCI; apply ndA. apply IHx1. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. auto.
apply IHx2. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. auto.
+ intro. split.
* apply IHx1. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. apply Tdedclos. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto.
apply ndCEL with x2. auto.
* apply IHx2. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. apply Tdedclos. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto.
apply ndCER with x1. auto.
- intro w. split.
+ intro H. destruct H.
* apply Tdedclos. auto. apply ndDIL. apply ndA. apply IHx1. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. auto.
* apply Tdedclos. auto. apply ndDIR. apply ndA. apply IHx2. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. auto.
+ intro. apply TUPrime in H. destruct H.
* left. apply IHx1; eauto. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto.
* right. apply IHx2; eauto. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto.
- firstorder eauto. exfalso. destruct t. apply Tcons0. apply ndA. apply H.
- firstorder eauto.
Lemma gen_stable Γ A: ~~(gen Γ A) -> gen Γ A.
intros. destruct (@gen_dec Γ A d). auto. exfalso. tauto.
Lemma nd_stable Γ A: ~~(nd Γ A) -> nd Γ A.
intros. destruct (@ielg_dec Γ A d). auto. exfalso. tauto.
Show completeness for subformulas
Lemma completeness' Ω A: A el U' -> Ω <<= U' -> entails Ω A -> nd Ω A.
intros Au U H. apply nd_stable. intro.
unfold entails in H.
specialize (H (@canonical)).
assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, ~(nd (T Δ) A) /\ (Ω <<= (T Δ))).
eexists (Lindenbaum U H0). split.
- simpl. enough (~ (extend Ω A U') ⊢ A). intro. apply H1. eapply ndW. apply H2.
apply rep_equi. apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
apply extend_does_not_derive. auto.
- simpl. intros a Ha. apply rep_in. apply extend_locally_subset. auto. apply extend_subset. auto.
assert (model_constraint canonical). {
destruct d eqn:dn; simpl; auto. unfold isIEL. apply are_iel_models.
specialize (H H2). clear H2.
destruct H1 as [Δ H2].
specialize (H Δ). destruct H2.
decide (A el (T Δ)).
+ apply H1. apply ndA. auto.
+ rewrite<- truth_lemma in n; auto. apply n. apply H. unfold evalK'. intros. apply truth_lemma. eauto. eauto.
intros Au U H. apply nd_stable. intro.
unfold entails in H.
specialize (H (@canonical)).
assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, ~(nd (T Δ) A) /\ (Ω <<= (T Δ))).
eexists (Lindenbaum U H0). split.
- simpl. enough (~ (extend Ω A U') ⊢ A). intro. apply H1. eapply ndW. apply H2.
apply rep_equi. apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
apply extend_does_not_derive. auto.
- simpl. intros a Ha. apply rep_in. apply extend_locally_subset. auto. apply extend_subset. auto.
assert (model_constraint canonical). {
destruct d eqn:dn; simpl; auto. unfold isIEL. apply are_iel_models.
specialize (H H2). clear H2.
destruct H1 as [Δ H2].
specialize (H Δ). destruct H2.
decide (A el (T Δ)).
+ apply H1. apply ndA. auto.
+ rewrite<- truth_lemma in n; auto. apply n. apply H. unfold evalK'. intros. apply truth_lemma. eauto. eauto.
Definition finiteModel (M: KripkeModel) := exists (L: list (@world M)), forall (w : (@world M)), exists w', w' el L /\ (cogn w w') /\ (cogn w' w).
Definition fentails Γ A := forall M, model_constraint M -> finiteModel M -> (forall w, @evalK' M Γ w -> evalK A w).
Definition fmp := forall Γ A, fentails Γ A -> nd Γ A.
Instance lce_dec: eq_dec (list (list form)).
Definition fentails Γ A := forall M, model_constraint M -> finiteModel M -> (forall w, @evalK' M Γ w -> evalK A w).
Definition fmp := forall Γ A, fentails Γ A -> nd Γ A.
Instance lce_dec: eq_dec (list (list form)).
Definition checkPrimeDisj (C: list form) (A B: form) : bool.
decide (A el C).
- exact true.
- decide (B el C). exact true. exact false.
Definition checkPrimeSingle (L: list form) (A: form) :=
match A with
(B1 ∨ B2) => checkPrimeDisj L B1 B2
| _ => true
Definition checkPrime (A: list form) : bool :=
forallb (checkPrimeSingle A) A.
Definition checkDCLSingle (C: list form) (A: form) : bool.
destruct (ielg_dec C A d).
- decide (A el C). exact true. exact false.
- exact true.
Definition checkDCL (A: list form) (U: list form) : bool :=
forallb (checkDCLSingle A) U.
Definition checkConsistent (A: list form) : bool.
destruct (ielg_dec A ⊥ d).
- exact false.
- exact true.
Definition candidateList := filter (fun x => match (checkDCL x U', checkPrime x, checkConsistent x ) with
(true, true, true) => true
| _ => false end) (power U').
Definition realCandidates (H: list context) : list world.
induction H as [ |Γ IH].
- apply nil.
- decide (Γ el (power U')). 2: apply IHIH. rename i into i'.
decide (checkConsistent Γ). 2: apply IHIH.
+ decide (checkDCL Γ U'). 2: apply IHIH.
* decide (checkPrime Γ) . 2: apply IHIH.
assert (new: world).
{ eapply mkmcTheory with (T := Γ).
- eauto.
- unfold checkConsistent in i. destruct (ielg_dec Γ ⊥); congruence; auto.
- intros A B H1. unfold checkPrime in i1.
specialize (@forallb_forall form ( checkPrimeSingle Γ) Γ).
intros H2. destruct H2.
specialize (H i1 (A ∨ B) H1). simpl checkPrimeSingle in H. unfold checkPrimeDisj in H. decide (A el Γ); auto. decide (B el Γ); auto.
- unfold checkDCL in i0. specialize (@forallb_forall form (checkDCLSingle Γ) U'). intro. destruct H. specialize (H i0). clear H0.
intros A Ha. specialize (H A Ha). intro Hg. unfold checkDCLSingle in H. destruct (ielg_dec Γ A d). decide (A el Γ). auto. congruence. congruence.
eapply (new::IHIH).
Ltac dec := repeat (destruct Dec).
Lemma candidatesConnection: forall (x: nd.context), (x el candidateList) -> exists w', w' el (realCandidates candidateList) /\ (T w') = x.
intros x H.
pose proof (H1 := H).
apply in_filter_iff in H. destruct H. destruct (checkDCL x U') eqn:dcl; destruct (checkPrime x) eqn:cp; destruct (checkConsistent x) eqn:cc; try congruence.
induction candidateList.
- inversion H1.
- destruct H1.
+ subst a. simpl realCandidates.
destruct ( @Dec (@In (list form) x (@power form U'))
(@list_in_dec (list form) x (@power form U') (@gentree.list_eq_dec form form_eq_dec'))) eqn:ni. destruct (Dec (checkConsistent x)) eqn:nx. destruct (Dec (checkDCL x U')) eqn:nii. destruct (Dec (checkPrime x)) eqn:niiii.
eexists. split.
simpl. left. reflexivity. simpl. reflexivity.
exfalso. apply n. apply cp.
exfalso. apply n. apply dcl.
exfalso. apply n. apply cc.
exfalso. apply n. apply H.
+ specialize (IHl H1).
destruct IHl as (w & Hw1 & Hw2). exists w.
simpl realCandidates.
dec. all: try right; auto.
Lemma canonicalFinite: finiteModel canonical.
exists (realCandidates candidateList).
destruct w.
enough (T0 el candidateList).
specialize (candidatesConnection H). intro. destruct H0 as [wCan [HwCan1 HwCan2]].
exists wCan. split; try tauto.
- intros a. simpl. rewrite HwCan2. auto.
- intros a. simpl. rewrite HwCan2. auto.
- unfold candidateList. apply in_filter_iff. split; auto.
destruct (checkDCL T0 U') eqn:dclt.
destruct (checkPrime T0) eqn:cpt.
destruct (checkConsistent T0) eqn:cct.
+ unfold checkConsistent in cct. destruct (ielg_dec T0 ⊥ d); congruence.
+ unfold checkPrime in cpt.
assert (forall x, In x T0 -> (checkPrimeSingle T0 x) = true).
{ intros x Hx.
unfold checkPrimeSingle. destruct x; auto. specialize (TUPrime0 x1 x2 Hx). unfold checkPrimeDisj.
decide (x1 el T0); decide (x2 el T0); try congruence. tauto.
apply forallb_forall in H. congruence.
+ unfold checkDCL in dclt. assert (forall x, In x U' -> ( checkDCLSingle T0 x)). {
intros x Hx. unfold checkDCLSingle. destruct (ielg_dec T0 x d); auto.
decide (x el T0); auto.
apply forallb_forall in H. congruence.
Definition finiteModelProperty := forall Γ A, ~(nd Γ A) -> exists M, (exists w, evalK' Γ w /\ ~(evalK A w)) /\ finiteModel M /\ model_constraint M.
(* Show that finiteModelproperty implies fmp *)
Lemma fmp_two_versions:
finiteModelProperty -> fmp.
unfold fmp. intros Γ A H0.
apply nd_stable. intro H1. specialize (H Γ A H1).
destruct H as (M & Hm1 & Hm2 & Hm3).
specialize (H0 M Hm3 Hm2). destruct Hm1. destruct H. apply H2. auto.
End Canonical.
Lemma completeness Ω A (D: DerivationType): entails Ω A -> nd Ω A.
intro. apply completeness' with Ω A. unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto. intros a Ha. apply scl_incl'. auto. auto.
Lemma ielHasFmp (D: DerivationType): finiteModelProperty.
intros Γ A H.
exists (canonical Γ A).
repeat split.
+ assert (Γ <<= U' Γ A). { unfold U'. intros a Ha. apply scl_incl'. auto.
eexists (Lindenbaum H0 H). split. unfold evalK'. intros. apply truth_lemma. unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto.
simpl. rewrite rep_equi. apply extend_subset. auto. apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
rewrite truth_lemma. simpl T. rewrite rep_equi. intro. eapply extend_does_not_derive with Γ A (U' Γ A) in H. apply H. apply ndA. auto.
apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto.
+ apply canonicalFinite.
+ destruct D; simpl; auto. unfold isIEL. apply are_iel_models. reflexivity.
decide (A el C).
- exact true.
- decide (B el C). exact true. exact false.
Definition checkPrimeSingle (L: list form) (A: form) :=
match A with
(B1 ∨ B2) => checkPrimeDisj L B1 B2
| _ => true
Definition checkPrime (A: list form) : bool :=
forallb (checkPrimeSingle A) A.
Definition checkDCLSingle (C: list form) (A: form) : bool.
destruct (ielg_dec C A d).
- decide (A el C). exact true. exact false.
- exact true.
Definition checkDCL (A: list form) (U: list form) : bool :=
forallb (checkDCLSingle A) U.
Definition checkConsistent (A: list form) : bool.
destruct (ielg_dec A ⊥ d).
- exact false.
- exact true.
Definition candidateList := filter (fun x => match (checkDCL x U', checkPrime x, checkConsistent x ) with
(true, true, true) => true
| _ => false end) (power U').
Definition realCandidates (H: list context) : list world.
induction H as [ |Γ IH].
- apply nil.
- decide (Γ el (power U')). 2: apply IHIH. rename i into i'.
decide (checkConsistent Γ). 2: apply IHIH.
+ decide (checkDCL Γ U'). 2: apply IHIH.
* decide (checkPrime Γ) . 2: apply IHIH.
assert (new: world).
{ eapply mkmcTheory with (T := Γ).
- eauto.
- unfold checkConsistent in i. destruct (ielg_dec Γ ⊥); congruence; auto.
- intros A B H1. unfold checkPrime in i1.
specialize (@forallb_forall form ( checkPrimeSingle Γ) Γ).
intros H2. destruct H2.
specialize (H i1 (A ∨ B) H1). simpl checkPrimeSingle in H. unfold checkPrimeDisj in H. decide (A el Γ); auto. decide (B el Γ); auto.
- unfold checkDCL in i0. specialize (@forallb_forall form (checkDCLSingle Γ) U'). intro. destruct H. specialize (H i0). clear H0.
intros A Ha. specialize (H A Ha). intro Hg. unfold checkDCLSingle in H. destruct (ielg_dec Γ A d). decide (A el Γ). auto. congruence. congruence.
eapply (new::IHIH).
Ltac dec := repeat (destruct Dec).
Lemma candidatesConnection: forall (x: nd.context), (x el candidateList) -> exists w', w' el (realCandidates candidateList) /\ (T w') = x.
intros x H.
pose proof (H1 := H).
apply in_filter_iff in H. destruct H. destruct (checkDCL x U') eqn:dcl; destruct (checkPrime x) eqn:cp; destruct (checkConsistent x) eqn:cc; try congruence.
induction candidateList.
- inversion H1.
- destruct H1.
+ subst a. simpl realCandidates.
destruct ( @Dec (@In (list form) x (@power form U'))
(@list_in_dec (list form) x (@power form U') (@gentree.list_eq_dec form form_eq_dec'))) eqn:ni. destruct (Dec (checkConsistent x)) eqn:nx. destruct (Dec (checkDCL x U')) eqn:nii. destruct (Dec (checkPrime x)) eqn:niiii.
eexists. split.
simpl. left. reflexivity. simpl. reflexivity.
exfalso. apply n. apply cp.
exfalso. apply n. apply dcl.
exfalso. apply n. apply cc.
exfalso. apply n. apply H.
+ specialize (IHl H1).
destruct IHl as (w & Hw1 & Hw2). exists w.
simpl realCandidates.
dec. all: try right; auto.
Lemma canonicalFinite: finiteModel canonical.
exists (realCandidates candidateList).
destruct w.
enough (T0 el candidateList).
specialize (candidatesConnection H). intro. destruct H0 as [wCan [HwCan1 HwCan2]].
exists wCan. split; try tauto.
- intros a. simpl. rewrite HwCan2. auto.
- intros a. simpl. rewrite HwCan2. auto.
- unfold candidateList. apply in_filter_iff. split; auto.
destruct (checkDCL T0 U') eqn:dclt.
destruct (checkPrime T0) eqn:cpt.
destruct (checkConsistent T0) eqn:cct.
+ unfold checkConsistent in cct. destruct (ielg_dec T0 ⊥ d); congruence.
+ unfold checkPrime in cpt.
assert (forall x, In x T0 -> (checkPrimeSingle T0 x) = true).
{ intros x Hx.
unfold checkPrimeSingle. destruct x; auto. specialize (TUPrime0 x1 x2 Hx). unfold checkPrimeDisj.
decide (x1 el T0); decide (x2 el T0); try congruence. tauto.
apply forallb_forall in H. congruence.
+ unfold checkDCL in dclt. assert (forall x, In x U' -> ( checkDCLSingle T0 x)). {
intros x Hx. unfold checkDCLSingle. destruct (ielg_dec T0 x d); auto.
decide (x el T0); auto.
apply forallb_forall in H. congruence.
Definition finiteModelProperty := forall Γ A, ~(nd Γ A) -> exists M, (exists w, evalK' Γ w /\ ~(evalK A w)) /\ finiteModel M /\ model_constraint M.
(* Show that finiteModelproperty implies fmp *)
Lemma fmp_two_versions:
finiteModelProperty -> fmp.
unfold fmp. intros Γ A H0.
apply nd_stable. intro H1. specialize (H Γ A H1).
destruct H as (M & Hm1 & Hm2 & Hm3).
specialize (H0 M Hm3 Hm2). destruct Hm1. destruct H. apply H2. auto.
End Canonical.
Lemma completeness Ω A (D: DerivationType): entails Ω A -> nd Ω A.
intro. apply completeness' with Ω A. unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto. intros a Ha. apply scl_incl'. auto. auto.
Lemma ielHasFmp (D: DerivationType): finiteModelProperty.
intros Γ A H.
exists (canonical Γ A).
repeat split.
+ assert (Γ <<= U' Γ A). { unfold U'. intros a Ha. apply scl_incl'. auto.
eexists (Lindenbaum H0 H). split. unfold evalK'. intros. apply truth_lemma. unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto.
simpl. rewrite rep_equi. apply extend_subset. auto. apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
rewrite truth_lemma. simpl T. rewrite rep_equi. intro. eapply extend_does_not_derive with Γ A (U' Γ A) in H. apply H. apply ndA. auto.
apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto.
+ apply canonicalFinite.
+ destruct D; simpl; auto. unfold isIEL. apply are_iel_models. reflexivity.
Section Admissibility.
Variable d: DerivationType.
Definition liftRelOne {X: Type} (R: X -> X -> Prop) (r1 r2: (option X)) :=
match (r1, r2) with
(Some x, Some y) => (R x y) |
(None, _) => True |
_ => False
Definition liftProp {X: Type} (R: X -> nat -> Prop) (r: (option X)) (n: nat) :=
(match r with
Some r' => R r' n
| None => False end).
Lemma onSomeEqualsRlift {X: Type} x R (n: nat): (@liftProp X R (Some x) n) <-> (R x n).
split; firstorder eauto.
Section liftRelProps.
Context {X: Type} {R: X -> X -> Prop} {R': X -> X -> Prop}.
Definition lr := (liftRelOne R).
Definition lr' := (liftRelOne R').
Lemma lr_in a b :
lr a b -> (exists b', a = None /\ b = Some b') \/ (exists a' b', a = Some a' /\ b = Some b') \/ (a = None /\ b = None).
Unset Printing All.
unfold lr in H.
destruct a, b; firstorder eauto; try congruence.
Lemma preserves_reflexivity: Reflexive R -> Reflexive lr.
intro x.
destruct x; firstorder eauto.
Lemma preserves_transitivity: Transitive R -> Transitive lr.
intros H x y z H1 H2.
destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; firstorder eauto.
Lemma preservesPreOrder: PreOrder R -> PreOrder lr.
intros H. destruct H. split.
apply preserves_reflexivity; auto.
apply preserves_transitivity; auto.
Lemma preservesSubrealtion: subrelation R R' -> subrelation lr lr'.
intros H x y H1.
destruct (lr_in H1); firstorder eauto; rewrite H0; rewrite H2.
cbv. auto. cbv. apply H. rewrite H0 in H1. rewrite H2 in H1. cbv in H1. auto.
cbv. auto.
Lemma onSomeEqualsR x y: lr (Some x) (Some y) <-> (R x y).
split; firstorder eauto.
End liftRelProps.
Definition reflectionModel (m: KripkeModel): (KripkeModel).
apply mkKripkeModel with (world := (option world)) (cogn := (liftRelOne cogn)) (verif := (liftRelOne verif)) (val := (liftProp val)).
+ apply preservesPreOrder; auto. apply m.
+ intros s x y H H0.
destruct x; destruct y; firstorder eauto; try congruence.
destruct m. rewrite onSomeEqualsRlift. apply monotone with (x := w);
firstorder eauto using onSomeEqualsR.
+ destruct m. apply preservesSubrealtion. auto.
+ intros x y z. destruct m; destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; firstorder eauto using onSomeEqualsR.
apply onSomeEqualsR. apply transvalid with (y := w0).
rewrite<- onSomeEqualsR. exact H. rewrite<- onSomeEqualsR. exact H0.
(* Derivability in the reflection model (Even nicer would be if submodels would be arbitrary) *)
Lemma derivReflSomeIdent (m: KripkeModel) ϕ: forall w, ((@evalK m ϕ w) <-> (@evalK (reflectionModel m) ϕ (Some w))).
- induction ϕ;try firstorder eauto.
+ split.
intros H r1 v. destruct r1.
apply IHϕ. apply H. auto using onSomeEqualsR.
destruct v.
intros H r' v.
apply IHϕ. apply H. auto using onSomeEqualsR.
+ split.
* intros H. simpl evalK. intros r' H1 H2.
destruct r'.
apply IHϕ2. apply H. auto using onSomeEqualsR.
apply IHϕ1. auto.
destruct H1.
* intros H r' c H1.
apply IHϕ2.
apply H.
eauto using onSomeEqualsR.
apply IHϕ1. auto.
Lemma derivRefl (m: KripkeModel) ϕ: (exists w, ~(@evalK m ϕ w)) -> ~(@evalK (reflectionModel m) (K ϕ) None).
intro. destruct H. apply H.
apply derivReflSomeIdent.
apply H0. simpl verif. cbv. auto.
Lemma reflectionPreservesIEL (m: KripkeModel):
isIEL m -> isIEL (reflectionModel m).
intros H w.
destruct w.
- specialize (H w). destruct H as [w' Hw']. exists (Some w'). apply Hw'.
- exists None. firstorder eauto.
Lemma reflectionAdmissible A : nd [] (K A) -> nd [] A.
destruct (ielg_dec [] A d); auto.
assert (exists (M: KripkeModel) w, ~(@evalK M A w) /\ model_constraint M). {
exists (canonical [] A).
assert ([] <<= (U' [] A)) by auto.
eexists (Lindenbaum H0 n). split.
rewrite truth_lemma. enough (~(nd (T (Lindenbaum H0 n)) A)). {
intro. apply H1. apply ndA. auto.
simpl T. intro. apply extend_does_not_derive with [] A (U' [] A) in n. apply n.
apply ndW with (rep (extend [] A (U' [] A)) (U' [] A)). auto.
apply rep_equi. apply extend_locally_subset. auto. unfold U'. simpl scl.
apply in_app_iff. left. apply scl'_in.
destruct d eqn:rd; try firstorder. simpl model_constraint.
intros w.
pose proof (are_iel_models). rewrite rd in H1. apply H1. reflexivity.
destruct H0 as (M & w & Hmw).
enough (exists m w, model_constraint m /\ ~ evalK (K A) w).
apply soundness in H. repeat destruct H0. exfalso. apply H1.
apply H. auto.
firstorder eauto.
exists (reflectionModel M).
exists None.
- destruct d eqn:deq; try firstorder. simpl model_constraint. apply reflectionPreservesIEL.
- destruct Hmw. firstorder eauto using derivRefl.
End Admissibility.
Variable d: DerivationType.
Definition liftRelOne {X: Type} (R: X -> X -> Prop) (r1 r2: (option X)) :=
match (r1, r2) with
(Some x, Some y) => (R x y) |
(None, _) => True |
_ => False
Definition liftProp {X: Type} (R: X -> nat -> Prop) (r: (option X)) (n: nat) :=
(match r with
Some r' => R r' n
| None => False end).
Lemma onSomeEqualsRlift {X: Type} x R (n: nat): (@liftProp X R (Some x) n) <-> (R x n).
split; firstorder eauto.
Section liftRelProps.
Context {X: Type} {R: X -> X -> Prop} {R': X -> X -> Prop}.
Definition lr := (liftRelOne R).
Definition lr' := (liftRelOne R').
Lemma lr_in a b :
lr a b -> (exists b', a = None /\ b = Some b') \/ (exists a' b', a = Some a' /\ b = Some b') \/ (a = None /\ b = None).
Unset Printing All.
unfold lr in H.
destruct a, b; firstorder eauto; try congruence.
Lemma preserves_reflexivity: Reflexive R -> Reflexive lr.
intro x.
destruct x; firstorder eauto.
Lemma preserves_transitivity: Transitive R -> Transitive lr.
intros H x y z H1 H2.
destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; firstorder eauto.
Lemma preservesPreOrder: PreOrder R -> PreOrder lr.
intros H. destruct H. split.
apply preserves_reflexivity; auto.
apply preserves_transitivity; auto.
Lemma preservesSubrealtion: subrelation R R' -> subrelation lr lr'.
intros H x y H1.
destruct (lr_in H1); firstorder eauto; rewrite H0; rewrite H2.
cbv. auto. cbv. apply H. rewrite H0 in H1. rewrite H2 in H1. cbv in H1. auto.
cbv. auto.
Lemma onSomeEqualsR x y: lr (Some x) (Some y) <-> (R x y).
split; firstorder eauto.
End liftRelProps.
Definition reflectionModel (m: KripkeModel): (KripkeModel).
apply mkKripkeModel with (world := (option world)) (cogn := (liftRelOne cogn)) (verif := (liftRelOne verif)) (val := (liftProp val)).
+ apply preservesPreOrder; auto. apply m.
+ intros s x y H H0.
destruct x; destruct y; firstorder eauto; try congruence.
destruct m. rewrite onSomeEqualsRlift. apply monotone with (x := w);
firstorder eauto using onSomeEqualsR.
+ destruct m. apply preservesSubrealtion. auto.
+ intros x y z. destruct m; destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; firstorder eauto using onSomeEqualsR.
apply onSomeEqualsR. apply transvalid with (y := w0).
rewrite<- onSomeEqualsR. exact H. rewrite<- onSomeEqualsR. exact H0.
(* Derivability in the reflection model (Even nicer would be if submodels would be arbitrary) *)
Lemma derivReflSomeIdent (m: KripkeModel) ϕ: forall w, ((@evalK m ϕ w) <-> (@evalK (reflectionModel m) ϕ (Some w))).
- induction ϕ;try firstorder eauto.
+ split.
intros H r1 v. destruct r1.
apply IHϕ. apply H. auto using onSomeEqualsR.
destruct v.
intros H r' v.
apply IHϕ. apply H. auto using onSomeEqualsR.
+ split.
* intros H. simpl evalK. intros r' H1 H2.
destruct r'.
apply IHϕ2. apply H. auto using onSomeEqualsR.
apply IHϕ1. auto.
destruct H1.
* intros H r' c H1.
apply IHϕ2.
apply H.
eauto using onSomeEqualsR.
apply IHϕ1. auto.
Lemma derivRefl (m: KripkeModel) ϕ: (exists w, ~(@evalK m ϕ w)) -> ~(@evalK (reflectionModel m) (K ϕ) None).
intro. destruct H. apply H.
apply derivReflSomeIdent.
apply H0. simpl verif. cbv. auto.
Lemma reflectionPreservesIEL (m: KripkeModel):
isIEL m -> isIEL (reflectionModel m).
intros H w.
destruct w.
- specialize (H w). destruct H as [w' Hw']. exists (Some w'). apply Hw'.
- exists None. firstorder eauto.
Lemma reflectionAdmissible A : nd [] (K A) -> nd [] A.
destruct (ielg_dec [] A d); auto.
assert (exists (M: KripkeModel) w, ~(@evalK M A w) /\ model_constraint M). {
exists (canonical [] A).
assert ([] <<= (U' [] A)) by auto.
eexists (Lindenbaum H0 n). split.
rewrite truth_lemma. enough (~(nd (T (Lindenbaum H0 n)) A)). {
intro. apply H1. apply ndA. auto.
simpl T. intro. apply extend_does_not_derive with [] A (U' [] A) in n. apply n.
apply ndW with (rep (extend [] A (U' [] A)) (U' [] A)). auto.
apply rep_equi. apply extend_locally_subset. auto. unfold U'. simpl scl.
apply in_app_iff. left. apply scl'_in.
destruct d eqn:rd; try firstorder. simpl model_constraint.
intros w.
pose proof (are_iel_models). rewrite rd in H1. apply H1. reflexivity.
destruct H0 as (M & w & Hmw).
enough (exists m w, model_constraint m /\ ~ evalK (K A) w).
apply soundness in H. repeat destruct H0. exfalso. apply H1.
apply H. auto.
firstorder eauto.
exists (reflectionModel M).
exists None.
- destruct d eqn:deq; try firstorder. simpl model_constraint. apply reflectionPreservesIEL.
- destruct Hmw. firstorder eauto using derivRefl.
End Admissibility.