Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import List PslBase.Lists.BaseLists.
Require Import PslBase.Base.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import List PslBase.Lists.BaseLists.
Require Import PslBase.Base.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Completeness for classical modal logics assuming dec
Inductive form :=
| Imp : form -> form -> form
| Bot : form
| Var : nat -> form
| Box : form -> form.
(* Define Notation for negation *)
Notation "⊥" := Bot.
Notation "¬ ϕ" := (Imp ϕ Bot) (at level 100, right associativity).
Infix "⊃" := Imp (right associativity, at level 103).
Definition Or (A B: form) := (¬ A ⊃ B).
Definition And (A B: form) := ¬ ((¬ B) ⊃ A).
Definition Not s := Imp s Bot.
Definition Diamond A := Not(Box(Not(A))).
Inductive prf : list form -> form -> Prop :=
ax Γ p : List.In p Γ -> prf Γ p
| pl1 Γ {p q} : prf Γ (p ⊃ (q ⊃ p))
| pl2 Γ {p q r}: prf Γ ((p ⊃ (q ⊃ r)) ⊃ ((p ⊃ q) ⊃ (p ⊃ r)))
| pl3 {Γ} {p q} : prf Γ (((¬p) ⊃ ¬q) ⊃ (((¬p) ⊃ q) ⊃ p))
| k Γ {p q} : prf Γ ( Box(p ⊃ q) ⊃ (Box(p) ⊃ Box(q)))
| t Γ {p}: prf Γ (Box(p) ⊃ p)
(* | b Γ {p}: prf Γ (p ⊃ Box(Diamond(p))) *)
| mp Γ p q : prf Γ (p ⊃ q) -> prf Γ p -> prf Γ q
| nec Γ p : prf [] p -> prf Γ (Box(p))
Hypothesis prf_dec : forall Γ A, {prf Γ A}+{ ~ prf Γ A}.
Hint Constructors prf.
Lemma p_imp_p Γ p: prf Γ (p ⊃ p).
pose proof (@pl2 Γ p (p ⊃ p) p).
pose proof (@pl1 Γ p (p ⊃ p)).
assert (prf Γ ((p ⊃ (p ⊃ p)) ⊃ (p ⊃ p))). eapply mp. apply H. apply H0.
pose proof (@pl1 Γ p p).
eapply mp. apply H1. auto.
Lemma weakening Γ p: prf Γ p -> forall Δ, Γ <<= Δ -> prf Δ p.
intro H. induction H; eauto.
Theorem deduction_thm Γ p q: prf Γ (p ⊃ q) <-> prf (p::Γ) q.
- intro. remember (p::Γ) as Γ'. dependent induction H.
+ apply mp with p. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
+ pose proof (@pl1 Γ' p q0). apply mp with p. apply H. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
+ pose proof (@pl2 Γ' p0 q0 r). eapply mp. apply H. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
+ pose proof (@pl3 Γ' p0 q0). eapply mp. apply H. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
+ apply mp with (Box (p0 ⊃ q0)). apply k. rewrite HeqΓ'. apply ax. auto.
+ apply mp with (Box q). apply t. apply ax. subst Γ'. eauto.
+ assert (prf Γ (p ⊃ q)). apply mp with p0. auto. auto.
apply mp with (p). apply weakening with Γ. apply H1. rewrite HeqΓ'. eauto. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
- intro H1. dependent induction H1; eauto. destruct H.
+ subst p0. apply p_imp_p.
+ eauto.
Lemma exfalso_qoudlibet Γ A B: prf Γ ((¬ A) ⊃ (A ⊃ B)).
apply deduction_thm.
apply deduction_thm.
pose proof (@pl1 Γ (¬ A) (¬ B)).
pose proof (@pl1 Γ A (¬ B)).
pose proof (@pl3 Γ B A).
assert (prf (A :: (A ⊃ ⊥) :: Γ) ((B ⊃ ⊥) ⊃ A ⊃ ⊥)). {
eapply mp. apply weakening with Γ; eauto. apply ax; eauto.
assert (prf (A :: (A ⊃ ⊥) :: Γ) ((B ⊃ ⊥) ⊃ A)). {
eapply mp. apply weakening with Γ; eauto. apply ax; eauto.
apply mp with ((B ⊃ ⊥) ⊃ A); auto. apply mp with (((B ⊃ ⊥) ⊃ A ⊃ ⊥)); eauto.
Lemma prf_bot_to_arb Γ A: prf Γ (⊥ ⊃ A).
firstorder eauto.
pose proof (exfalso_qoudlibet Γ ⊥ A).
apply mp with (⊥ ⊃ ⊥); auto.
apply p_imp_p.
Lemma prf_imp_char Γ s t: (prf Γ (¬ s) \/ prf Γ t) -> prf Γ (s ⊃ t).
intro H. destruct H.
- apply deduction_thm. apply mp with ⊥. apply prf_bot_to_arb. apply deduction_thm. auto.
- apply mp with t. apply pl1. auto.
Lemma hilbert_dne Γ s: prf Γ (¬ ¬ s) -> prf Γ s.
Section Models.
Class KripkeModel := mkKripkeModel {
world : Type;
valuation := nat -> Prop;
acc: world -> world -> Prop;
val: world -> valuation;
acc_refl: forall w, acc w w;
Fixpoint evalK {M: KripkeModel} (s: form) : (world) -> Prop :=
match s with
| (Box x) => (fun y => forall r, ((acc y r) -> evalK x r))
| Bot => (fun x => False)
| Var y => (fun x => val x y)
| x ⊃ y => (fun z => (evalK y z) \/ ~(evalK x z))
Definition evalK' {M: KripkeModel} (Γ: list form) :=
fun w => forall s, (In s Γ) -> @evalK M s w.
Definition entails Γ φ :=
forall (M : KripkeModel), ((forall w,evalK' Γ w -> @evalK M φ w)).
End Models.
Notation context := (list form).
Definition sf_closed (A : context) : Prop :=
forall u, u el A -> match u with
| (Imp s1 s2) => s1 el A /\ s2 el A
| Box s => s el A
| _ => True
Lemma sf_closed_app A B:
sf_closed A -> sf_closed B -> sf_closed (A ++ B).
intros u Hu.
apply in_app_iff in Hu. destruct Hu.
specialize (H u). destruct u; firstorder eauto.
specialize (H0 u). destruct u; firstorder eauto.
Lemma sf_closed_cons u s t A :
(u = Imp s t \/ u = Box s ) ->
s el A -> t el A -> sf_closed A -> sf_closed (u :: A).
intros H H0 H1 H2.
destruct H.
- subst u. intros a Ha. destruct Ha. subst a. firstorder. destruct a; firstorder.
- subst u. intros a Ha. destruct Ha; try subst a; firstorder eauto. destruct a ; firstorder.
Fixpoint scl' (s : form) : context :=
s :: match s with
| Imp u v => scl' u ++ scl' v
| Box s => scl' s
| _ => nil
Lemma scl'_in s: s el scl' s.
Proof. destruct s; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma scl'_closed s: sf_closed (scl' s).
induction s; simpl; auto.
- apply sf_closed_cons with (s:=s1) (t:=s2);
auto using scl'_in, sf_closed_app.
- intros u [A | A].
+ inversion A. auto using scl'_in, sf_closed_app.
+ destruct u; firstorder eauto.
- intros u [A|A]. inv A. auto using scl'_in, sf_closed_app. destruct u; firstorder eauto.
- intros u [A|A]. inv A. auto using scl'_in, sf_closed_app. destruct u; firstorder eauto.
Fixpoint scl (A : context) : context :=
match A with
| nil => nil
| s :: A' => scl' s ++ scl A'
Lemma scl_incl' A: A <<= scl A.
Proof. induction A as [|s A]; simpl; auto using scl'_in. Qed.
Lemma scl_incl A B: A <<= B -> A <<= scl B.
Proof. intros E. setoid_rewrite E. apply scl_incl'. Qed.
Lemma scl_closed A: sf_closed (scl A).
induction A as [|s A]; simpl. now auto.
auto using scl'_closed, sf_closed_app.
Lemma feqd: eq_dec form.
intros a b. unfold dec. repeat decide equality.
Instance form_eq_dec' :
eq_dec form.
apply feqd.
Section Canonical.
| Imp : form -> form -> form
| Bot : form
| Var : nat -> form
| Box : form -> form.
(* Define Notation for negation *)
Notation "⊥" := Bot.
Notation "¬ ϕ" := (Imp ϕ Bot) (at level 100, right associativity).
Infix "⊃" := Imp (right associativity, at level 103).
Definition Or (A B: form) := (¬ A ⊃ B).
Definition And (A B: form) := ¬ ((¬ B) ⊃ A).
Definition Not s := Imp s Bot.
Definition Diamond A := Not(Box(Not(A))).
Inductive prf : list form -> form -> Prop :=
ax Γ p : List.In p Γ -> prf Γ p
| pl1 Γ {p q} : prf Γ (p ⊃ (q ⊃ p))
| pl2 Γ {p q r}: prf Γ ((p ⊃ (q ⊃ r)) ⊃ ((p ⊃ q) ⊃ (p ⊃ r)))
| pl3 {Γ} {p q} : prf Γ (((¬p) ⊃ ¬q) ⊃ (((¬p) ⊃ q) ⊃ p))
| k Γ {p q} : prf Γ ( Box(p ⊃ q) ⊃ (Box(p) ⊃ Box(q)))
| t Γ {p}: prf Γ (Box(p) ⊃ p)
(* | b Γ {p}: prf Γ (p ⊃ Box(Diamond(p))) *)
| mp Γ p q : prf Γ (p ⊃ q) -> prf Γ p -> prf Γ q
| nec Γ p : prf [] p -> prf Γ (Box(p))
Hypothesis prf_dec : forall Γ A, {prf Γ A}+{ ~ prf Γ A}.
Hint Constructors prf.
Lemma p_imp_p Γ p: prf Γ (p ⊃ p).
pose proof (@pl2 Γ p (p ⊃ p) p).
pose proof (@pl1 Γ p (p ⊃ p)).
assert (prf Γ ((p ⊃ (p ⊃ p)) ⊃ (p ⊃ p))). eapply mp. apply H. apply H0.
pose proof (@pl1 Γ p p).
eapply mp. apply H1. auto.
Lemma weakening Γ p: prf Γ p -> forall Δ, Γ <<= Δ -> prf Δ p.
intro H. induction H; eauto.
Theorem deduction_thm Γ p q: prf Γ (p ⊃ q) <-> prf (p::Γ) q.
- intro. remember (p::Γ) as Γ'. dependent induction H.
+ apply mp with p. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
+ pose proof (@pl1 Γ' p q0). apply mp with p. apply H. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
+ pose proof (@pl2 Γ' p0 q0 r). eapply mp. apply H. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
+ pose proof (@pl3 Γ' p0 q0). eapply mp. apply H. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
+ apply mp with (Box (p0 ⊃ q0)). apply k. rewrite HeqΓ'. apply ax. auto.
+ apply mp with (Box q). apply t. apply ax. subst Γ'. eauto.
+ assert (prf Γ (p ⊃ q)). apply mp with p0. auto. auto.
apply mp with (p). apply weakening with Γ. apply H1. rewrite HeqΓ'. eauto. apply ax. rewrite HeqΓ'. auto.
- intro H1. dependent induction H1; eauto. destruct H.
+ subst p0. apply p_imp_p.
+ eauto.
Lemma exfalso_qoudlibet Γ A B: prf Γ ((¬ A) ⊃ (A ⊃ B)).
apply deduction_thm.
apply deduction_thm.
pose proof (@pl1 Γ (¬ A) (¬ B)).
pose proof (@pl1 Γ A (¬ B)).
pose proof (@pl3 Γ B A).
assert (prf (A :: (A ⊃ ⊥) :: Γ) ((B ⊃ ⊥) ⊃ A ⊃ ⊥)). {
eapply mp. apply weakening with Γ; eauto. apply ax; eauto.
assert (prf (A :: (A ⊃ ⊥) :: Γ) ((B ⊃ ⊥) ⊃ A)). {
eapply mp. apply weakening with Γ; eauto. apply ax; eauto.
apply mp with ((B ⊃ ⊥) ⊃ A); auto. apply mp with (((B ⊃ ⊥) ⊃ A ⊃ ⊥)); eauto.
Lemma prf_bot_to_arb Γ A: prf Γ (⊥ ⊃ A).
firstorder eauto.
pose proof (exfalso_qoudlibet Γ ⊥ A).
apply mp with (⊥ ⊃ ⊥); auto.
apply p_imp_p.
Lemma prf_imp_char Γ s t: (prf Γ (¬ s) \/ prf Γ t) -> prf Γ (s ⊃ t).
intro H. destruct H.
- apply deduction_thm. apply mp with ⊥. apply prf_bot_to_arb. apply deduction_thm. auto.
- apply mp with t. apply pl1. auto.
Lemma hilbert_dne Γ s: prf Γ (¬ ¬ s) -> prf Γ s.
Section Models.
Class KripkeModel := mkKripkeModel {
world : Type;
valuation := nat -> Prop;
acc: world -> world -> Prop;
val: world -> valuation;
acc_refl: forall w, acc w w;
Fixpoint evalK {M: KripkeModel} (s: form) : (world) -> Prop :=
match s with
| (Box x) => (fun y => forall r, ((acc y r) -> evalK x r))
| Bot => (fun x => False)
| Var y => (fun x => val x y)
| x ⊃ y => (fun z => (evalK y z) \/ ~(evalK x z))
Definition evalK' {M: KripkeModel} (Γ: list form) :=
fun w => forall s, (In s Γ) -> @evalK M s w.
Definition entails Γ φ :=
forall (M : KripkeModel), ((forall w,evalK' Γ w -> @evalK M φ w)).
End Models.
Notation context := (list form).
Definition sf_closed (A : context) : Prop :=
forall u, u el A -> match u with
| (Imp s1 s2) => s1 el A /\ s2 el A
| Box s => s el A
| _ => True
Lemma sf_closed_app A B:
sf_closed A -> sf_closed B -> sf_closed (A ++ B).
intros u Hu.
apply in_app_iff in Hu. destruct Hu.
specialize (H u). destruct u; firstorder eauto.
specialize (H0 u). destruct u; firstorder eauto.
Lemma sf_closed_cons u s t A :
(u = Imp s t \/ u = Box s ) ->
s el A -> t el A -> sf_closed A -> sf_closed (u :: A).
intros H H0 H1 H2.
destruct H.
- subst u. intros a Ha. destruct Ha. subst a. firstorder. destruct a; firstorder.
- subst u. intros a Ha. destruct Ha; try subst a; firstorder eauto. destruct a ; firstorder.
Fixpoint scl' (s : form) : context :=
s :: match s with
| Imp u v => scl' u ++ scl' v
| Box s => scl' s
| _ => nil
Lemma scl'_in s: s el scl' s.
Proof. destruct s; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma scl'_closed s: sf_closed (scl' s).
induction s; simpl; auto.
- apply sf_closed_cons with (s:=s1) (t:=s2);
auto using scl'_in, sf_closed_app.
- intros u [A | A].
+ inversion A. auto using scl'_in, sf_closed_app.
+ destruct u; firstorder eauto.
- intros u [A|A]. inv A. auto using scl'_in, sf_closed_app. destruct u; firstorder eauto.
- intros u [A|A]. inv A. auto using scl'_in, sf_closed_app. destruct u; firstorder eauto.
Fixpoint scl (A : context) : context :=
match A with
| nil => nil
| s :: A' => scl' s ++ scl A'
Lemma scl_incl' A: A <<= scl A.
Proof. induction A as [|s A]; simpl; auto using scl'_in. Qed.
Lemma scl_incl A B: A <<= B -> A <<= scl B.
Proof. intros E. setoid_rewrite E. apply scl_incl'. Qed.
Lemma scl_closed A: sf_closed (scl A).
induction A as [|s A]; simpl. now auto.
auto using scl'_closed, sf_closed_app.
Lemma feqd: eq_dec form.
intros a b. unfold dec. repeat decide equality.
Instance form_eq_dec' :
eq_dec form.
apply feqd.
Section Canonical.
Variable A0 : context.
Variable s0 : form.
Fixpoint negateAll (l: list form) :=
match l with nil => [] | A::xr => A::(¬ A)::negateAll xr end.
Lemma negateAll_in_iff Γ A: A el (negateAll Γ) <-> (A el Γ \/ (exists F, (A = ¬F) /\ (F el Γ))).
induction Γ; firstorder eauto. simpl negateAll. subst x. subst A. firstorder.
Definition U' := (scl (s0::⊥::A0)).
Definition U'_sfc : sf_closed U' := @scl_closed _.
Record mcTheory := mkmcTheory {
T: list form;
Tsubs: (T el (power (negateAll U'))) ;
Tcons: ~(prf T ⊥);
Tmax: forall A, A el (U') -> A el T \/ (¬ A) el T;
Lemma Tdedclos {m: mcTheory}: forall A, A el (negateAll U') -> prf (T m) A -> A el (T m).
apply negateAll_in_iff in H. destruct H.
+ destruct (Tmax m H); auto.
exfalso. eapply Tcons. eauto.
+ destruct H as (A' & HA'). destruct HA'.
destruct (Tmax m H1); auto.
* subst A. decide ((A' ⊃ ⊥) el (T m)); eauto.
exfalso. eapply Tcons. eauto.
* subst A. decide ((A') el (T m)); eauto.
Definition valuationMKT (A: mcTheory) (a: nat) := (Var a) el (T A).
Fixpoint unK (l: list form) : list form := match l with
nil => nil |
(Box A::xr) => (A)::(unK xr)
| x::xr => unK xr
end .
Definition subsetVerif (A B:mcTheory) := forall x, In (Box x) (T A) -> In x (T B).
Lemma unK_in_iff Γ A: A el (unK Γ) <-> (Box A) el Γ .
Lemma todoF: False. Admitted.
Ltac todo := exfalso; exact todoF.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Operators.
Print clos_refl_trans.
Lemma U'_scl_closed_Box x: (Box x) el U' -> x el U' .
intros H % U'_sfc. tauto.
(* Follows immidieatly by using subformula-closure of U' *)
Lemma negAllKClosed x: Box x el negateAll U' -> x el negateAll U'.
intros Ha.
apply negateAll_in_iff in Ha. destruct Ha.
- apply U'_scl_closed_Box in H. apply negateAll_in_iff. tauto.
- destruct H. destruct H. congruence.
Instance canonical: (KripkeModel).
eapply mkKripkeModel with (acc := subsetVerif).
apply valuationMKT.
- intros ta. intros a Ha. apply Tdedclos. apply negAllKClosed. destruct ta. pose proof (Hx := Tsubs0). apply power_incl in Hx. apply Hx. exact Ha. apply mp with (Box a). apply t. apply ax. auto.
Definition single_extend (Ω: context) (A: form) (a: form) :=
if (@prf_dec (a::Ω) A) then ((¬ a)::Ω) else (a::Ω).
Lemma single_extend_subcontext A Ω B: Ω <<= (single_extend Ω A B).
intros a Ha. unfold single_extend. destruct (prf_dec (B :: Ω) A); eauto.
Lemma extend_two_possibilites Γ A B:
((single_extend Γ A B) === ((¬ B)::Γ) /\ prf (B::Γ) A) \/ (single_extend Γ A B) === (B::Γ) /\ ~(prf (B::Γ) A).
destruct (prf_dec (B::Γ) A) eqn:id.
- left. split; try tauto.
+ intros a Ha. unfold single_extend in Ha. rewrite id in Ha. auto.
+ unfold single_extend. rewrite id; auto.
- right. split; auto. split.
+ intros a Ha. unfold single_extend in Ha. rewrite id in Ha. auto.
+ unfold single_extend. rewrite id; auto.
Lemma hil_exfalso Γ: prf Γ Bot -> (forall A, prf Γ A).
intros H A.
Fixpoint extend (Ω: context) (A: form) (Γ: context) : context :=
match Γ with
nil => Ω
| (a::Γ') =>
single_extend (extend Ω A Γ') A a end.
Lemma a_does_not_matter Γ a b: prf (a::Γ) b -> prf ((¬ a)::Γ) b -> prf Γ b.
Lemma extend_does_not_derive Ω A Γ: ~(prf Ω A) -> ~(prf (extend Ω A Γ) A).
revert Ω.
induction Γ; eauto.
- intros. destruct (prf_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A) eqn:di.
+ simpl extend. unfold single_extend. rewrite di. intro. apply (IHΓ Ω). apply H. apply a_does_not_matter with a; auto. (* Use that a \/ ~a is derived *)
+ simpl extend. unfold single_extend. rewrite di. apply n.
Lemma extend_subset Ω Γ A: Ω <<= (extend Ω A Γ).
revert Ω.
induction Γ; eauto.
- intro. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. destruct (prf_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A); eauto.
Lemma extend_adds_all Ω Γ A B: B el Γ -> B el (extend Ω A Γ) \/ (¬ B) el (extend Ω A Γ).
intros H.
dependent induction Γ; auto.
destruct H.
+ destruct (prf_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A) eqn:di; simpl extend; unfold single_extend; rewrite di; subst a ; auto.
+ specialize (IHΓ A B H). destruct IHΓ.
* left. unfold extend. apply single_extend_subcontext. apply H0.
* right. unfold extend. apply single_extend_subcontext. apply H0.
Lemma extend_locally_dclosed Γ Ω A B: ~(prf Ω A) -> (prf (extend Ω A Γ) (B)) -> B el Γ -> B el (extend Ω A Γ).
revert Ω B. intros.
destruct (@extend_adds_all Ω Γ A B H1).
- auto.
- apply extend_does_not_derive with (Γ := Γ) in H. exfalso. apply H. apply hil_exfalso. apply mp with B. apply ax. auto. auto.
Lemma extend_does_not_derive_imp Ω Γ A B:
~(prf Ω A) -> B el Γ -> ~(prf (extend Ω A Γ) B) -> (prf (extend Ω A Γ) (B ⊃ A)).
intros H H1. revert H. revert Ω.
induction Γ.
- intros. eauto.
- intros. destruct H1.
+ subst a. simpl.
destruct (extend_two_possibilites (extend Ω A Γ) A B) as [(E1 & E2) | (E1 & E2)].
* apply weakening with (extend Ω A Γ). eauto. destruct E1; auto. apply deduction_thm. auto. apply single_extend_subcontext.
* exfalso. apply H0. simpl extend; fold extend. apply weakening with ( B :: extend Ω A Γ). apply ax. auto. destruct E1; auto.
+ assert (~(prf (extend Ω A Γ) B)). intro. apply H0. apply weakening with (extend Ω A Γ). auto. apply single_extend_subcontext.
specialize (IHΓ H1 (Ω) H H2).
simpl extend. apply weakening with (extend Ω A Γ). auto. apply single_extend_subcontext.
(* Lemma extend_locally_easy_subset Ω A Γ: (extend Ω A Γ) <<= (Ω ++ Γ).
Lemma extend_locally_subset Γ A Ω: Ω <<= Γ -> (extend Ω A Γ) <<= Γ.
intros. enough (extend Ω A Γ <<= Γ ++ Γ). intros a Ha. specialize (H0 a Ha). apply in_app_iff in H0; destruct H0; assumption.
enough (extend Ω A Γ <<= Ω ++ Γ). intros a Ha. specialize (H0 a Ha). apply in_app_iff in H0. destruct H0; eauto. apply extend_locally_easy_subset.
Qed. *)
Lemma lindenbaum_subset_helper Γ A: extend Γ A U' <<= (Γ ++ negateAll U').
revert Γ. induction U'.
- eauto.
- intros Γ f Hf.
unfold extend in Hf. fold extend in Hf. unfold single_extend at 1 in Hf.
destruct (prf_dec (a :: (extend Γ A l)) A) eqn:di.
+ destruct Hf.
* apply in_app_iff. right. simpl negateAll. firstorder.
* specialize (IHl Γ f H). apply in_app_iff in IHl; destruct IHl; firstorder. apply in_app_iff; right; simpl negateAll. firstorder.
+ destruct Hf.
* apply in_app_iff. right. simpl negateAll. firstorder.
* specialize (IHl Γ f H). apply in_app_iff in IHl; destruct IHl; firstorder. apply in_app_iff; right; simpl negateAll. firstorder.
Lemma lindenbaum_subset Γ A: Γ <<= U' -> extend Γ A U' <<= (negateAll U').
intros H. specialize (lindenbaum_subset_helper). intros H1.
intros a Ha. specialize (H1 Γ A). specialize (H1 a). specialize (H1 Ha). apply in_app_iff in H1. destruct H1.
- apply negateAll_in_iff. left. apply H. auto.
- auto.
Lemma lindenbaum_subset2 Γ A: Γ <<= (negateAll U') -> extend Γ A U' <<= (negateAll U').
intros H. specialize (lindenbaum_subset_helper). intros H1.
intros a Ha. specialize (H1 Γ A). specialize (H1 a). specialize (H1 Ha). apply in_app_iff in H1. destruct H1.
- apply H. auto.
- auto.
Definition Lindenbaum (Γ : list form) (A: form) (H: Γ <<= (negateAll U')) (H': ~(prf Γ A)) : mcTheory.
eapply mkmcTheory with (rep (extend Γ A U') (negateAll U')).
- apply rep_power.
- enough (~ prf (extend Γ A U') ⊥).
intro. apply H0. eapply weakening. eapply H1. apply rep_incl.
intro. apply extend_does_not_derive with Γ A U' in H'. apply H'. apply hil_exfalso. auto.
- intros. rewrite rep_equi. apply extend_adds_all. auto. apply lindenbaum_subset2. auto.
Lemma U'_scl_closed_imp x y: (x ⊃ y) el U' -> x el U' /\ y el U'.
intro. apply U'_sfc in H. tauto.
Lemma admissibility_K A s: prf (unK A) s -> prf A (Box s).
revert s. induction A. simpl; auto.
intros s H1.
destruct a; auto.
- apply weakening with A. apply IHA; auto. eauto.
- apply weakening with A. apply IHA; auto. eauto.
- apply weakening with A. apply IHA; auto. eauto.
- apply deduction_thm. apply mp with (Box (a ⊃ s)). apply k. apply IHA. simpl unK in H1. apply deduction_thm. auto.
Lemma negAllImoClosed x1 x2 : (x1 ⊃ x2) el negateAll U' -> x1 el (negateAll U') /\ x2 el (negateAll U').
intros H.
apply negateAll_in_iff in H. destruct H.
- apply U'_scl_closed_imp in H. repeat rewrite negateAll_in_iff. tauto.
- destruct H as (x1' & Hx1 & Hx1').
inversion Hx1; subst x1' x2.
split; eauto.
+ apply negateAll_in_iff. auto.
+ apply negateAll_in_iff. left. unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto.
Lemma truth_lemma : forall (x: form), In x (negateAll U') -> forall (t: (@world canonical)), (evalK x t) <-> x el (T t).
intros x Hx.
induction x.
- intros w. split.
+ intro.
destruct H.
* apply Tdedclos. auto. rewrite IHx2 in H. apply deduction_thm. apply ax. auto. apply negAllImoClosed in Hx. tauto.
* apply Tdedclos. auto. assert (x1 el (U')). {
apply negateAll_in_iff in Hx; destruct Hx.
* apply U'_scl_closed_imp in H0. tauto.
* destruct H0 as (F & Hf). destruct Hf. inversion H0. auto.
} destruct (Tmax w H0).
-- assert (x1 el (negateAll U')). {
apply negateAll_in_iff. tauto.
} exfalso; firstorder eauto.
-- apply deduction_thm. apply hil_exfalso. apply mp with x1. auto. auto.
+ intro H. simpl evalK.
decide (x1 el (T w)).
decide (x2 el (T w)).
all: eauto using IHx1, IHx2.
* left. apply IHx2; try apply negAllImoClosed in Hx. tauto. auto.
* exfalso. apply n. apply Tdedclos. apply negAllImoClosed in Hx. tauto. apply mp with x1; apply ax; auto.
* right. rewrite IHx1. auto. apply negAllImoClosed in Hx. tauto.
- intros. split.
+ intro H. simpl in H. tauto.
+ intro. destruct t0. simpl. apply Tcons0. apply ax. apply H.
- firstorder eauto.
- intros w. split.
decide (Box x el (T w)); auto.
intro H. exfalso.
assert (~ prf (unK (T w)) x). {
intro. apply admissibility_K in H0 . apply n. apply Tdedclos. auto.
assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, (unK (T w) <<= (T Δ)) /\ ~(x el (T Δ))).
assert ( (unK (T w) <<= negateAll U')) as HS. intros a Ha. apply unK_in_iff in Ha. enough (Box a el (negateAll U')).
apply negAllKClosed. auto. specialize (Tsubs w). intro. apply power_incl in H1. apply H1. auto.
eexists (@Lindenbaum (unK (T w)) x HS H0 ).
+ simpl. rewrite rep_equi. apply extend_subset. apply lindenbaum_subset2. auto. (* extend_subset *)
+ intro. eapply extend_does_not_derive. apply H0. apply ax. simpl T in H1. apply rep_equi in H1. eapply H1. apply lindenbaum_subset2. auto.
destruct H1 as (Δ & Hd1 & Hd2).
apply Hd2. apply IHx. apply negAllKClosed. auto. apply H. intros a Ha. apply Hd1. apply unK_in_iff. auto.
+ intro. intros w' Hw'.
apply IHx. apply negAllKClosed. auto.
apply Hw'. auto.
Show completeness next
Lemma prf_stable Γ A: ~~(prf Γ A) -> prf Γ A.
intros. destruct (@prf_dec Γ A). auto. exfalso. tauto.
intros. destruct (@prf_dec Γ A). auto. exfalso. tauto.
Show completeness for subformulas
Lemma completeness' Ω A: A el U' -> Ω <<= (negateAll U') -> entails Ω A -> prf Ω A.
intros Au U H. apply prf_stable. intro.
unfold entails in H.
specialize (H (@canonical)).
assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, ~(prf (T Δ) A) /\ (Ω <<= (T Δ))).
eexists (Lindenbaum U H0). split.
- simpl. enough (~ prf (extend Ω A U') A). intro. apply H1. eapply weakening. apply H2.
apply rep_equi. apply lindenbaum_subset2. auto.
apply extend_does_not_derive. auto.
- simpl. intros a Ha. apply rep_in. apply lindenbaum_subset2. auto. apply extend_subset. auto.
destruct H1 as [Δ H2].
specialize (H Δ). destruct H2.
assert ( {In A (T Δ)} + {~In A (T Δ)}). eauto.
destruct H3; eauto.
rewrite<- truth_lemma in n; auto. apply n. apply H. unfold evalK'. intros. apply truth_lemma. eauto. eauto.
apply negateAll_in_iff. tauto.
End Canonical.
Lemma completeness Ω A: entails Ω A -> prf Ω A.
intro. apply completeness' with Ω A. unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto. intros a Ha. apply negateAll_in_iff. left. apply scl_incl'. auto. auto.
Print Assumptions completeness.
intros Au U H. apply prf_stable. intro.
unfold entails in H.
specialize (H (@canonical)).
assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, ~(prf (T Δ) A) /\ (Ω <<= (T Δ))).
eexists (Lindenbaum U H0). split.
- simpl. enough (~ prf (extend Ω A U') A). intro. apply H1. eapply weakening. apply H2.
apply rep_equi. apply lindenbaum_subset2. auto.
apply extend_does_not_derive. auto.
- simpl. intros a Ha. apply rep_in. apply lindenbaum_subset2. auto. apply extend_subset. auto.
destruct H1 as [Δ H2].
specialize (H Δ). destruct H2.
assert ( {In A (T Δ)} + {~In A (T Δ)}). eauto.
destruct H3; eauto.
rewrite<- truth_lemma in n; auto. apply n. apply H. unfold evalK'. intros. apply truth_lemma. eauto. eauto.
apply negateAll_in_iff. tauto.
End Canonical.
Lemma completeness Ω A: entails Ω A -> prf Ω A.
intro. apply completeness' with Ω A. unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto. intros a Ha. apply negateAll_in_iff. left. apply scl_incl'. auto. auto.
Print Assumptions completeness.