Require Import nd models.
Require Import List.
Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical.
Require Import List.
Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical.
We can derive double-negation elimination from LEM
Lemma LEM2DN: LEM -> DN.
intros LEM p H.
destruct (LEM p); firstorder.
Section Models.
Context {d : DerivationType}.
Definition evalK' {M: KripkeModel} (Γ: theory) :=
fun w => forall s, (Γ s) -> @evalK M s w.
intros LEM p H.
destruct (LEM p); firstorder.
Section Models.
Context {d : DerivationType}.
Definition evalK' {M: KripkeModel} (Γ: theory) :=
fun w => forall s, (Γ s) -> @evalK M s w.
Definition isIEL (M: KripkeModel) := forall w, exists w', verif w w'.
Definition model_constraint (d : DerivationType) m :=
if d then True else isIEL m.
Definition entails {d: DerivationType} (Γ: theory) (φ: form) :=
forall (M : KripkeModel), model_constraint d M ->
((forall w,evalK' Γ w -> @evalK M φ w)).
Notation "Γ ⊨ φ" := (entails Γ φ) (at level 30).
Definition model_constraint (d : DerivationType) m :=
if d then True else isIEL m.
Definition entails {d: DerivationType} (Γ: theory) (φ: form) :=
forall (M : KripkeModel), model_constraint d M ->
((forall w,evalK' Γ w -> @evalK M φ w)).
Notation "Γ ⊨ φ" := (entails Γ φ) (at level 30).
Evaluation is monotone, that is if φ is true at world w
and we can reach world v from w, φ true at v.
Variable M : KripkeModel.
Lemma monotone_ctx (A:theory) :
forall w w', cogn w w' -> evalK' A w -> evalK' A w'.
intros. intros t H1.
apply eval_monotone with (w0 := w); auto.
End Models.
Lemma monotone_ctx (A:theory) :
forall w w', cogn w w' -> evalK' A w -> evalK' A w'.
intros. intros t H1.
apply eval_monotone with (w0 := w); auto.
End Models.
Context {d : DerivationType}.
Record mcTheory := mkmcTheory {
T: theory;
Ttheory: forall φ, (@ndT d T φ) -> T φ;
consistentT: ~(T ⊥);
prime: is_prime T;
Definition lindenBaumTheory (DN: DN) (Γ: theory) (φ: form) (H: ~(ndT Γ φ)) :mcTheory.
destruct (Lindenbaum H). destruct H1. destruct H2.
apply mkmcTheory with (T := (max Γ φ)).
+ tauto.
+ intro. apply H1. apply ndtE. apply ndtA. assumption.
+ intros a b Ha.
unfold is_primeDN in H2. specialize (H2 a b).
apply DN in H2. eauto.
Lemma lindenBaumTheorySubset (DN: DN) Γ (φ: form) (H: ~(ndT Γ φ)) : exists Δ: mcTheory ,Γ ⊆ (T Δ).
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H).
simpl T. assert ( (T (lindenBaumTheory DN H)) = (max Γ φ)). cbv. firstorder. unfold lindenBaumTheory. apply max_subset.
Definition subsetMKT (A B: mcTheory) := subset (T A) (T B).
Definition valuationMKT (A: mcTheory) (a: nat) := (T A) (Var a).
Definition subsetVerif (A B:mcTheory) :=
forall a, ((T A) (K a)) -> (T B) a.
Instance canonical: (KripkeModel).
apply mkKripkeModel with (world := mcTheory) (cogn := subsetMKT) (val := valuationMKT) (verif := subsetVerif).
all: try firstorder.
intros A B c d' E. apply Ttheory with (φ := d'). destruct B. simpl. apply ndtA. apply c. apply ndtA in E. apply ndtKpos in E.
apply Ttheory in E. exact E.
Lemma deductionGamma (Gamma: mcTheory) (phi: form): ndT (T Gamma) phi <-> (T Gamma) phi.
- intro. apply Ttheory in H. exact H.
- apply ndtA.
Hint Resolve deductionGamma : core.
Lemma world_canonical_disjunction (t: mcTheory) ψ φ :
((T t) (φ ∨ ψ)) <-> (ndT (T t) φ) \/ ndT (T t) ψ.
intros. split.
- intro.
apply prime.
apply deductionGamma.
exact H.
- intro. destruct H; eauto.
+ apply deductionGamma. apply ndtDIL. eauto.
+ apply deductionGamma. apply ndtDIR. eauto.
End Canonical.
Lemma canonicalIEL (DN: DN): isIEL (@canonical normal).
intros w.
assert (~(@ndT normal (unbox (T w)) ⊥)).
intros H % modalShiftingLemma.
destruct w. apply consistentT0.
apply @Ttheory0.
apply @ndtIE with (s := (K ⊥)).
- apply @ndtW with (T := empty).
+ apply IELKBot.
+ firstorder.
- simpl T in H. exact H.
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H).
intros x H1. simpl lindenBaumTheory.
simpl T.
apply max_subset.
apply unbox_rewrite.
exact H1.
Record mcTheory := mkmcTheory {
T: theory;
Ttheory: forall φ, (@ndT d T φ) -> T φ;
consistentT: ~(T ⊥);
prime: is_prime T;
Definition lindenBaumTheory (DN: DN) (Γ: theory) (φ: form) (H: ~(ndT Γ φ)) :mcTheory.
destruct (Lindenbaum H). destruct H1. destruct H2.
apply mkmcTheory with (T := (max Γ φ)).
+ tauto.
+ intro. apply H1. apply ndtE. apply ndtA. assumption.
+ intros a b Ha.
unfold is_primeDN in H2. specialize (H2 a b).
apply DN in H2. eauto.
Lemma lindenBaumTheorySubset (DN: DN) Γ (φ: form) (H: ~(ndT Γ φ)) : exists Δ: mcTheory ,Γ ⊆ (T Δ).
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H).
simpl T. assert ( (T (lindenBaumTheory DN H)) = (max Γ φ)). cbv. firstorder. unfold lindenBaumTheory. apply max_subset.
Definition subsetMKT (A B: mcTheory) := subset (T A) (T B).
Definition valuationMKT (A: mcTheory) (a: nat) := (T A) (Var a).
Definition subsetVerif (A B:mcTheory) :=
forall a, ((T A) (K a)) -> (T B) a.
Instance canonical: (KripkeModel).
apply mkKripkeModel with (world := mcTheory) (cogn := subsetMKT) (val := valuationMKT) (verif := subsetVerif).
all: try firstorder.
intros A B c d' E. apply Ttheory with (φ := d'). destruct B. simpl. apply ndtA. apply c. apply ndtA in E. apply ndtKpos in E.
apply Ttheory in E. exact E.
Lemma deductionGamma (Gamma: mcTheory) (phi: form): ndT (T Gamma) phi <-> (T Gamma) phi.
- intro. apply Ttheory in H. exact H.
- apply ndtA.
Hint Resolve deductionGamma : core.
Lemma world_canonical_disjunction (t: mcTheory) ψ φ :
((T t) (φ ∨ ψ)) <-> (ndT (T t) φ) \/ ndT (T t) ψ.
intros. split.
- intro.
apply prime.
apply deductionGamma.
exact H.
- intro. destruct H; eauto.
+ apply deductionGamma. apply ndtDIL. eauto.
+ apply deductionGamma. apply ndtDIR. eauto.
End Canonical.
Lemma canonicalIEL (DN: DN): isIEL (@canonical normal).
intros w.
assert (~(@ndT normal (unbox (T w)) ⊥)).
intros H % modalShiftingLemma.
destruct w. apply consistentT0.
apply @Ttheory0.
apply @ndtIE with (s := (K ⊥)).
- apply @ndtW with (T := empty).
+ apply IELKBot.
+ firstorder.
- simpl T in H. exact H.
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H).
intros x H1. simpl lindenBaumTheory.
simpl T.
apply max_subset.
apply unbox_rewrite.
exact H1.
Lemma truth_lemma {d: DerivationType} (DN: DN): forall (X: form) (t: (@world canonical)),
(evalK X t) <-> ((T t) X).
intro x.
induction x.
- split.
+ intro H0. apply DN. intro H'.
assert (H: ~ unbox (T t) ⊢T x).
* intros H. now apply H', deductionGamma, modalShiftingLemma.
* assert (exists Δ: mcTheory , (unbox (T t)) ⊆ (T Δ)
/\ ~((T Δ) x)).
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H).
- apply max_subset.
- intro. apply ndtA in H1.
apply does_not_derive in H1; auto.
destruct H1. destruct H1. apply H2. apply IHx. auto.
+ intros A. simpl evalK. intros r V. apply IHx. auto.
- split.
apply deductionGamma. apply DN. rewrite deductionGamma.
enough (exists Δ: mcTheory, (T t) ⊆ (T Δ) /\ ((T Δ) x1) /\ ~((T Δ) x2)). destruct H1 as [Δ H2].
specialize (H Δ). destruct H2. destruct H2. apply H3. apply IHx2. (*apply H0.*) firstorder eauto.
(* apply IHx1. exact H2. *)
rewrite<- deductionGamma in H0. rewrite ImpAgree in H0.
destruct (Lindenbaum H0).
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H0).
split. intros x H3. firstorder eauto.
* apply deductionGamma. apply ndtW with (x1#(T t)). apply ndtA. left. reflexivity. unfold lindenBaumTheory. cbn. apply max_subset.
* rewrite<- deductionGamma. destruct H2. auto.
+ intros. intros w H1 H2. apply IHx2. apply deductionGamma. apply ndtIE with (s := x1). apply deductionGamma. apply H1. exact H. apply deductionGamma. apply IHx1. exact H2.
- split.
+ intro H.
destruct H.
apply deductionGamma.
apply ndtCI; apply ndtA.
* apply IHx1. exact H.
* apply IHx2. exact H0.
+ intros H1. split.
* apply deductionGamma in H1. apply ndtCEL in H1. apply IHx1.
apply deductionGamma. auto.
* apply deductionGamma in H1. apply ndtCER in H1. apply IHx2.
apply deductionGamma. auto.
- intro. simpl evalK. rewrite world_canonical_disjunction. rewrite IHx1. rewrite IHx2.
repeat rewrite deductionGamma. tauto.
- split.
intro. exfalso. apply H.
+ intro. exfalso. apply (consistentT H).
- split; firstorder.
Lemma StrongCompleteness {d: DerivationType} (Γ: theory) (φ: form):
LEM -> (entails Γ φ) -> Γ ⊢T φ.
intros DN % LEM2DN H0.
apply DN.
intro H.
unfold entails in H0.
specialize (H0 canonical).
enough (exists Δ: mcTheory, ~((T Δ) ⊢T φ) /\ (Γ ⊆ (T Δ))).
destruct H1 as [Δ H2].
assert (model_constraint d canonical). {
destruct d eqn:deq.
- simpl. auto.
- apply canonicalIEL. auto.
specialize (H0 H1 Δ).
apply H2.
apply deductionGamma.
apply truth_lemma. auto.
apply H0. intros ψ P. apply truth_lemma. auto. apply deductionGamma. destruct H2. apply ndtA.
apply H3. exact P.
(* Show that such a theory exists *)
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H).
apply does_not_derive. exact H.
apply max_subset.
Lemma evalKimp {M: KripkeModel} s t w: evalK s w -> evalK (Imp s t) w -> evalK t w.
intros H0 H1.
apply H1. apply preorderCogn. auto.
Lemma evalKdistr {M: KripkeModel} s w w': evalK (K s) w -> verif w w' -> evalK s w'.
apply H.
exact H0.
Definition ctx2thy (Γ: context) := fun x => In x Γ.
Lemma ndSoundIELCtx (A: context) (s: form) {p: DerivationType} (D:@nd p A s):entails (ctx2thy A) s.
intros M Mc. induction D.
+ eauto.
+ intros. exfalso. apply (IHD) with w; auto.
+ intros w1 c1 H2 c2 H3. apply IHD; auto. intro s'. intro H4. destruct H4. subst s'. assumption. apply eval_monotone with (w := w1); auto.
+ intros w H. apply evalKimp with (s0 := s). apply IHD2; auto. apply IHD1; auto.
+ intros w H w' c H1 w'' v. specialize IHD with w. apply evalKimp with (s0 := s). apply H1. exact v.
apply evalKdistr with (w0 := w); auto. apply transvalid with (y := w'); auto.
+ intros w H w' v. apply IHD; auto. apply monotone_ctx with (w := w); try tauto; auto. apply vericont; auto.
+ intros w H1. apply IHD in H1; auto. destruct H1. auto.
+ intros w H1. apply IHD in H1; auto. destruct H1. auto.
+ intros w H1. split; auto.
+ intros w H1. left. auto.
+ intros w H1. right. auto.
+ intros w H1. destruct (IHD1 Mc w H1).
- apply (IHD2 Mc w); auto. apply preorderCogn.
- apply (IHD3 Mc w); auto. apply preorderCogn.
+ intros w H1 u c.
apply monotone_ctx with (w' := u) in H1. 2: auto.
unfold isIEL in Mc. destruct (Mc u).
specialize (IHD Mc u).
assert (evalK s x).
apply IHD; auto.
apply (H2 x). apply vericont. auto.
apply H0.
Lemma ndSoundIEL (A: theory) (s: form) {p: DerivationType} (D:@ndT p A s):entails A s.
intros. destruct D. intros M c w H1. destruct H.
specialize (ndSoundIELCtx H0) . intro H2. apply H2. auto. intros a Ha.
apply H1. apply H. apply Ha.
Lemma ndSound (Γ: theory) A {p: DerivationType}: Γ ⊢T A -> entails Γ A.
intros. apply ndSoundIEL. auto.
Inductive uno := Uno.
Definition cogUno := fun (x: uno) (y: uno) => True.
Definition unoModel: KripkeModel.
apply mkKripkeModel with (world := uno) (cogn := cogUno) (verif := cogUno) (val := fun x y => True).
firstorder eauto.
firstorder eauto.
firstorder eauto.
firstorder eauto.
Lemma hasConstraint (D: DerivationType): model_constraint D unoModel.
destruct D; firstorder eauto.
Lemma ndConsistent (D: DerivationType): ~(nil ⊢ ⊥).
specialize (ndSoundIELCtx H). intro.
enough (exists M, (exists w, ~(@evalK M ⊥ w) /\ model_constraint D M)).
destruct H1 as (M & w & (H1 & H2)). specialize (H0 M H2 w).
apply H1. apply H0. intros a Ha. destruct Ha.
exists unoModel. exists Uno. split; try apply hasConstraint.
intro. simpl evalK in H1. auto.
End Completeness.
(evalK X t) <-> ((T t) X).
intro x.
induction x.
- split.
+ intro H0. apply DN. intro H'.
assert (H: ~ unbox (T t) ⊢T x).
* intros H. now apply H', deductionGamma, modalShiftingLemma.
* assert (exists Δ: mcTheory , (unbox (T t)) ⊆ (T Δ)
/\ ~((T Δ) x)).
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H).
- apply max_subset.
- intro. apply ndtA in H1.
apply does_not_derive in H1; auto.
destruct H1. destruct H1. apply H2. apply IHx. auto.
+ intros A. simpl evalK. intros r V. apply IHx. auto.
- split.
apply deductionGamma. apply DN. rewrite deductionGamma.
enough (exists Δ: mcTheory, (T t) ⊆ (T Δ) /\ ((T Δ) x1) /\ ~((T Δ) x2)). destruct H1 as [Δ H2].
specialize (H Δ). destruct H2. destruct H2. apply H3. apply IHx2. (*apply H0.*) firstorder eauto.
(* apply IHx1. exact H2. *)
rewrite<- deductionGamma in H0. rewrite ImpAgree in H0.
destruct (Lindenbaum H0).
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H0).
split. intros x H3. firstorder eauto.
* apply deductionGamma. apply ndtW with (x1#(T t)). apply ndtA. left. reflexivity. unfold lindenBaumTheory. cbn. apply max_subset.
* rewrite<- deductionGamma. destruct H2. auto.
+ intros. intros w H1 H2. apply IHx2. apply deductionGamma. apply ndtIE with (s := x1). apply deductionGamma. apply H1. exact H. apply deductionGamma. apply IHx1. exact H2.
- split.
+ intro H.
destruct H.
apply deductionGamma.
apply ndtCI; apply ndtA.
* apply IHx1. exact H.
* apply IHx2. exact H0.
+ intros H1. split.
* apply deductionGamma in H1. apply ndtCEL in H1. apply IHx1.
apply deductionGamma. auto.
* apply deductionGamma in H1. apply ndtCER in H1. apply IHx2.
apply deductionGamma. auto.
- intro. simpl evalK. rewrite world_canonical_disjunction. rewrite IHx1. rewrite IHx2.
repeat rewrite deductionGamma. tauto.
- split.
intro. exfalso. apply H.
+ intro. exfalso. apply (consistentT H).
- split; firstorder.
Lemma StrongCompleteness {d: DerivationType} (Γ: theory) (φ: form):
LEM -> (entails Γ φ) -> Γ ⊢T φ.
intros DN % LEM2DN H0.
apply DN.
intro H.
unfold entails in H0.
specialize (H0 canonical).
enough (exists Δ: mcTheory, ~((T Δ) ⊢T φ) /\ (Γ ⊆ (T Δ))).
destruct H1 as [Δ H2].
assert (model_constraint d canonical). {
destruct d eqn:deq.
- simpl. auto.
- apply canonicalIEL. auto.
specialize (H0 H1 Δ).
apply H2.
apply deductionGamma.
apply truth_lemma. auto.
apply H0. intros ψ P. apply truth_lemma. auto. apply deductionGamma. destruct H2. apply ndtA.
apply H3. exact P.
(* Show that such a theory exists *)
exists (lindenBaumTheory DN H).
apply does_not_derive. exact H.
apply max_subset.
Lemma evalKimp {M: KripkeModel} s t w: evalK s w -> evalK (Imp s t) w -> evalK t w.
intros H0 H1.
apply H1. apply preorderCogn. auto.
Lemma evalKdistr {M: KripkeModel} s w w': evalK (K s) w -> verif w w' -> evalK s w'.
apply H.
exact H0.
Definition ctx2thy (Γ: context) := fun x => In x Γ.
Lemma ndSoundIELCtx (A: context) (s: form) {p: DerivationType} (D:@nd p A s):entails (ctx2thy A) s.
intros M Mc. induction D.
+ eauto.
+ intros. exfalso. apply (IHD) with w; auto.
+ intros w1 c1 H2 c2 H3. apply IHD; auto. intro s'. intro H4. destruct H4. subst s'. assumption. apply eval_monotone with (w := w1); auto.
+ intros w H. apply evalKimp with (s0 := s). apply IHD2; auto. apply IHD1; auto.
+ intros w H w' c H1 w'' v. specialize IHD with w. apply evalKimp with (s0 := s). apply H1. exact v.
apply evalKdistr with (w0 := w); auto. apply transvalid with (y := w'); auto.
+ intros w H w' v. apply IHD; auto. apply monotone_ctx with (w := w); try tauto; auto. apply vericont; auto.
+ intros w H1. apply IHD in H1; auto. destruct H1. auto.
+ intros w H1. apply IHD in H1; auto. destruct H1. auto.
+ intros w H1. split; auto.
+ intros w H1. left. auto.
+ intros w H1. right. auto.
+ intros w H1. destruct (IHD1 Mc w H1).
- apply (IHD2 Mc w); auto. apply preorderCogn.
- apply (IHD3 Mc w); auto. apply preorderCogn.
+ intros w H1 u c.
apply monotone_ctx with (w' := u) in H1. 2: auto.
unfold isIEL in Mc. destruct (Mc u).
specialize (IHD Mc u).
assert (evalK s x).
apply IHD; auto.
apply (H2 x). apply vericont. auto.
apply H0.
Lemma ndSoundIEL (A: theory) (s: form) {p: DerivationType} (D:@ndT p A s):entails A s.
intros. destruct D. intros M c w H1. destruct H.
specialize (ndSoundIELCtx H0) . intro H2. apply H2. auto. intros a Ha.
apply H1. apply H. apply Ha.
Lemma ndSound (Γ: theory) A {p: DerivationType}: Γ ⊢T A -> entails Γ A.
intros. apply ndSoundIEL. auto.
Inductive uno := Uno.
Definition cogUno := fun (x: uno) (y: uno) => True.
Definition unoModel: KripkeModel.
apply mkKripkeModel with (world := uno) (cogn := cogUno) (verif := cogUno) (val := fun x y => True).
firstorder eauto.
firstorder eauto.
firstorder eauto.
firstorder eauto.
Lemma hasConstraint (D: DerivationType): model_constraint D unoModel.
destruct D; firstorder eauto.
Lemma ndConsistent (D: DerivationType): ~(nil ⊢ ⊥).
specialize (ndSoundIELCtx H). intro.
enough (exists M, (exists w, ~(@evalK M ⊥ w) /\ model_constraint D M)).
destruct H1 as (M & w & (H1 & H2)). specialize (H0 M H2 w).
apply H1. apply H0. intros a Ha. destruct Ha.
exists unoModel. exists Uno. split; try apply hasConstraint.
intro. simpl evalK in H1. auto.
End Completeness.
Equivalence between completeness and LEM
Notation "Γ ⊨ A" := (entails Γ A) (at level 100).
Section CompletenessLEM.
Variable (D: DerivationType).
Definition strongCompleteness := forall Γ φ, (entails Γ φ) -> Γ ⊢T φ.
Definition falsityStable := forall Γ, ~~(ndT Γ ⊥) -> (ndT Γ ⊥).
Lemma entailmentBotDN Γ: ~~(entails Γ ⊥) -> entails Γ ⊥.
intros M mc w H1. simpl evalK.
apply wm with (Γ ⊨ ⊥). intro. destruct H0; try tauto.
specialize (H0 M mc w H1). apply H0.
Lemma st2fs: strongCompleteness -> falsityStable.
intros H T H1.
assert (~~(entails T ⊥)). {
firstorder eauto using ndSoundIEL.
firstorder eauto using entailmentBotDN.
Lemma fstab2LEM: falsityStable -> LEM.
intros fstab P.
pose (T := fun (x: form) => P \/ ~P).
enough (T ⊢T ⊥).
destruct H as (Γ & Hgam1 & Hgam2).
destruct Γ.
- exfalso. apply (@ndConsistent D). apply Hgam2.
- unfold T in Hgam1. apply Hgam1 with f. eauto.
- apply fstab. intro. apply wm with P. intro.
apply H. apply ndtA. unfold T. apply H0.
Theorem st2lem: strongCompleteness -> LEM.
intros H % st2fs. apply fstab2LEM; auto.
End CompletenessLEM.
Section CompletenessLEM.
Variable (D: DerivationType).
Definition strongCompleteness := forall Γ φ, (entails Γ φ) -> Γ ⊢T φ.
Definition falsityStable := forall Γ, ~~(ndT Γ ⊥) -> (ndT Γ ⊥).
Lemma entailmentBotDN Γ: ~~(entails Γ ⊥) -> entails Γ ⊥.
intros M mc w H1. simpl evalK.
apply wm with (Γ ⊨ ⊥). intro. destruct H0; try tauto.
specialize (H0 M mc w H1). apply H0.
Lemma st2fs: strongCompleteness -> falsityStable.
intros H T H1.
assert (~~(entails T ⊥)). {
firstorder eauto using ndSoundIEL.
firstorder eauto using entailmentBotDN.
Lemma fstab2LEM: falsityStable -> LEM.
intros fstab P.
pose (T := fun (x: form) => P \/ ~P).
enough (T ⊢T ⊥).
destruct H as (Γ & Hgam1 & Hgam2).
destruct Γ.
- exfalso. apply (@ndConsistent D). apply Hgam2.
- unfold T in Hgam1. apply Hgam1 with f. eauto.
- apply fstab. intro. apply wm with P. intro.
apply H. apply ndtA. unfold T. apply H0.
Theorem st2lem: strongCompleteness -> LEM.
intros H % st2fs. apply fstab2LEM; auto.
End CompletenessLEM.
Completeness for enumerable theories and MP
Section CompletenessEnumerableMP.
Definition MP := forall (f: nat -> bool), ~~(exists n, f n = true) -> exists n, f n = true.
Context {d: DerivationType}.
Definition enumerable (T: theory) := exists (f: nat -> option form), forall x, T x -> exists n, f n = (Some x).
Definition falsityEnumStable := forall Γ, enumerable Γ -> ~~(ndT Γ ⊥) -> (ndT Γ ⊥).
Definition strongEnumerableCompleteness :=
forall Γ φ, enumerable Γ -> (entails Γ φ) -> Γ ⊢T φ.
Lemma ste2fs: strongEnumerableCompleteness -> falsityEnumStable.
intros H T H0 H1.
assert (~~(entails T ⊥)). {
intro. apply H1. intro. apply ndSoundIEL in H3. congruence.
apply H. auto. apply entailmentBotDN. auto.
Definition ftheroy (f: nat -> bool) : nat -> option form.
intro x.
destruct (f x) eqn:fx.
+ apply (Some (decode x)).
+ apply None.
Definition ftheroy' (f: nat -> bool) : nat -> option form :=
fun n =>
Some ((decode (n)) ∧ (¬ (decode (n)))).
Lemma fenum2MP: strongEnumerableCompleteness -> MP.
intros H1 f H2.
pose (T := fun (x: form) => exists n, f n = true /\ (exists m, x = (m ∧ ¬ m) /\ (decode n = m) )).
enough (T ⊢T ⊥).
destruct H as (Γ & Hgam1 & Hgam2).
destruct Γ.
- exfalso. apply (@ndConsistent d). apply Hgam2.
- unfold T in Hgam1. specialize (Hgam1 f0). destruct Hgam1. eauto. exists x. tauto.
- apply ste2fs. auto.
+ exists (ftheroy' f).
intros x1 Hx1. unfold T in Hx1. destruct Hx1 as (nHx1 & Thx1).
destruct Thx1. destruct (decode_surj x1). destruct H0 as (m1 & Hm1 & Hm2).
exists (nHx1). unfold ftheroy'. rewrite Hm2, Hm1. reflexivity.
+ intro. apply wm with (exists n, f n = true). intro. destruct H0; try tauto. clear H2.
apply H. destruct H0 as (n1 & Hn1). apply ndtIE with ((decode n1)).
apply ndtCER with (decode n1). apply ndtA. exists n1. split; eauto.
apply ndtCEL with (¬(decode n1)). apply ndtA. exists n1. split; eauto.
End CompletenessEnumerableMP.
Definition MP := forall (f: nat -> bool), ~~(exists n, f n = true) -> exists n, f n = true.
Context {d: DerivationType}.
Definition enumerable (T: theory) := exists (f: nat -> option form), forall x, T x -> exists n, f n = (Some x).
Definition falsityEnumStable := forall Γ, enumerable Γ -> ~~(ndT Γ ⊥) -> (ndT Γ ⊥).
Definition strongEnumerableCompleteness :=
forall Γ φ, enumerable Γ -> (entails Γ φ) -> Γ ⊢T φ.
Lemma ste2fs: strongEnumerableCompleteness -> falsityEnumStable.
intros H T H0 H1.
assert (~~(entails T ⊥)). {
intro. apply H1. intro. apply ndSoundIEL in H3. congruence.
apply H. auto. apply entailmentBotDN. auto.
Definition ftheroy (f: nat -> bool) : nat -> option form.
intro x.
destruct (f x) eqn:fx.
+ apply (Some (decode x)).
+ apply None.
Definition ftheroy' (f: nat -> bool) : nat -> option form :=
fun n =>
Some ((decode (n)) ∧ (¬ (decode (n)))).
Lemma fenum2MP: strongEnumerableCompleteness -> MP.
intros H1 f H2.
pose (T := fun (x: form) => exists n, f n = true /\ (exists m, x = (m ∧ ¬ m) /\ (decode n = m) )).
enough (T ⊢T ⊥).
destruct H as (Γ & Hgam1 & Hgam2).
destruct Γ.
- exfalso. apply (@ndConsistent d). apply Hgam2.
- unfold T in Hgam1. specialize (Hgam1 f0). destruct Hgam1. eauto. exists x. tauto.
- apply ste2fs. auto.
+ exists (ftheroy' f).
intros x1 Hx1. unfold T in Hx1. destruct Hx1 as (nHx1 & Thx1).
destruct Thx1. destruct (decode_surj x1). destruct H0 as (m1 & Hm1 & Hm2).
exists (nHx1). unfold ftheroy'. rewrite Hm2, Hm1. reflexivity.
+ intro. apply wm with (exists n, f n = true). intro. destruct H0; try tauto. clear H2.
apply H. destruct H0 as (n1 & Hn1). apply ndtIE with ((decode n1)).
apply ndtCER with (decode n1). apply ndtA. exists n1. split; eauto.
apply ndtCEL with (¬(decode n1)). apply ndtA. exists n1. split; eauto.
End CompletenessEnumerableMP.